function sql($table) { global $dbh; global $database; $data = array(); foreach ($database[$table] as $field => $type) { if (!empty($_REQUEST[$field])) { $data[$field] = $_REQUEST[$field]; } else { if (!empty($type[1])) { returnError("{$field} is required"); exit; } } } $sql = 'insert into ' . $table . ' ('; foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $sql .= '`' . $name . '`,'; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); $sql .= ') values ('; foreach ($data as $name => $value) { $sql .= ':' . $name . ','; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); $sql .= ')'; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($data); echo $sql; }
function API_checkRequiredFields($requiredFields) { // Globale Variablen einbinden global $apiResponseHeader; $error = false; $errorFields = ''; $requestParams = array(); $requestParams = $_REQUEST; // PUT-Methode abfangen if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') { $api_internal = \Slim\Slim::getInstance(); parse_str($app->request()->getBody(), $requestParams); } // Paramenter prüfen foreach ($requiredFields as $field) { if (!isset($requestParams[$field]) || strlen(trim($requestParams[$field])) <= 0) { $error = true; $errorFields .= $field . ', '; } } // Fehler ausgeben if ($error) { $api_internal = \Slim\Slim::getInstance(); // API Ausgabe erzeugen $errorMsg = returnError('E0002', 'API-Internal-CheckFields'); $apiResponseHeader['error'] = true; $apiResponseHeader['code'] = $errorMsg['code']; $apiResponseHeader['message'] = $errorMsg['message'] . ' (' . substr($errorFields, 0, -2) . ')'; API_Response(200, ''); // Ausführung anhalten $api_internal->stop(); } }
public function call() { // Check if the user is logged in to your oauth system. if (false) { returnError("You must be logged into to use the API", 401, "user_not_logged_in"); return; } // this line is required for the application to proceed $this->next->call(); }
public function write($id, $data) { if ($data == null) { return true; } $db = new database(); $db->query("INSERT INTO tbl_session\n SET session_id = :id,\n session_data = :data\n ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE session_data = :data"); $db->bind(':id', $id); $db->bind(':data', $data); try { $db->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return returnError("Database error: " . $e->getMessage()); } }
public static function getUser($db) { $userName = $_SESSION['user_name']; // Check for existing user $getUserQuery = "SELECT user_id, user_name, name, avatar FROM user WHERE user_name = :userName"; $statement = $db->prepare($getUserQuery); $statement->execute(array(":userName" => $userName)); $results = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if (!$results) { returnError("User is not in the system.", 401, 'user_not_added'); return; } $results->user_id = intval($results->user_id); return $results; }
function errorHandler($errorNum, $errorStr, $errorFile, $errorLine) { $errorMsg = "Error {$errorNum}: {$errorStr} in {$errorFile}, line {$errorLine}."; $GLOBALS['swxLastErrorMessage'] = $errorMsg; // Display the error message in the PHP error log error_log($errorMsg); $errorObj = array('error' => TRUE, 'code' => $errorNum, 'message' => $errorMsg); //if ($errorNum == E_ERROR || $errorNum == E_WARNING || $errorNum = E_USER_ERROR) // Error num check replaced by code from // This stops PHP5 strict errors from failing a call (e.g., deprecated calls, etc.) //if (($errorNum & (E_ALL & E_STRICT) ^ (E_NOTICE & E_STRICT)) || $errorNum = E_USER_ERROR) if ($errorNum != E_STRICT && $errorNum != E_NOTICE) { // On errors and warnings, stop execution and return the // error message to the client. This is a far better // alternative to failing silently. returnError($errorObj); } }
function login($email, $password, $mysqli) { if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_firstname, user_lastname, user_username, user_email, user_password, user_salt FROM users WHERE user_username = ? OR user_email = ?")) { $stmt->bind_param('ss', $email, $email); // Bind "$email" to parameter. $stmt->execute(); // Führe die vorbereitete Anfrage aus. $stmt->store_result(); // hole Variablen von result. $stmt->bind_result($user_id, $user_firstname, $user_lastname, $user_username, $user_email, $db_password, $salt); $stmt->fetch(); // hash das Passwort mit dem eindeutigen salt. $password = hash('sha512', $password . $salt); if ($stmt->num_rows == 1) { // Überprüfe, ob das Passwort in der Datenbank mit dem vom // Benutzer angegebenen übereinstimmt. if ($db_password == $password) { $user_browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // Login erfolgreich. $login_string = hash('sha512', $password . $user_browser); $SQLquery = "UPDATE users "; $SQLquery .= "SET user_login_string = ? "; $SQLquery .= "WHERE user_id = ? "; if ($insert_stmt = $mysqli->prepare($SQLquery)) { $insert_stmt->bind_param('ss', $login_string, $user_id); if (!$insert_stmt->execute()) { returnError("pL-0"); } else { return $login_string; } } } else { // Passwort ist nicht korrekt return false; } } else { //Es gibt keinen Benutzer. return false; } } }
function taskBot() { global $db; $req = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM Exports\n\t\t\tJOIN Formats ON ID_Format = ID_Format_Export\n\t\t\tWHERE Running_Export = 1"); DBQuery($req, array()); foreach ($req->fetchAll() as $d) { $statusfile = file("export/" . $d["Name_Export"] . "-status.txt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if ($statusfile[count($statusfile) - 1] == "Blender quit") { // Export finished $name = uniqid("o") . "." . $d["Extension_Format"]; $db->beginTransaction(); $req = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO Outputs(ID_Export_Output, File_Output, DateCreate_Output)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (:export, :name, NOW())"); DBQuery($req, array("export" => $d["ID_Export"], "name" => $name)); $req = $db->prepare("UPDATE Exports SET Running_Export = 0 WHERE ID_Export = :export"); DBQuery($req, array("export" => $d["ID_Export"])); if (!copy("export/" . $d["Name_Export"] . "." . $d["Extension_Format"], "output/" . $name)) { returnError("Erreur lors de la copie"); } $db->commit(); } } }
} include_once '../includes/functions.php'; include_once '../includes/db_connect.php'; $SQLQuery = " SELECT "; $SQLQuery .= " library_id, "; $SQLQuery .= " library_name, "; $SQLQuery .= " library_path, "; $SQLQuery .= " library_private, "; $SQLQuery .= " library_type "; $SQLQuery .= " FROM "; $SQLQuery .= " libraries; "; if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($SQLQuery)) { $stmt->execute(); // Führe die vorbereitete Anfrage aus. $stmt->store_result(); // hole Variablen von result. $stmt->bind_result($library_id, $library_name, $library_path, $library_private, $library_type); $arrReturn = array(); $i = 0; while ($stmt->fetch()) { $arrReturn[$i]["id"] = $library_id; $arrReturn[$i]["name"] = $library_name; $arrReturn[$i]["path"] = $library_path; $arrReturn[$i]["type"] = $library_type; $arrReturn[$i]["private"] = $library_private; $i++; } echo json_encode($arrReturn); } else { returnError($mysqli->error); }
if (!$link) { returnError(mysql_error($link)); } if (!mysql_select_db($DATABASE, $link)) { returnError(mysql_error($link)); } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $args[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value); } if (!array_key_exists('title', $args) || !$args['title']) { returnError('Must provide a primary key.'); } $query = "SELECT * FROM {$TABLE} WHERE `title`='{$args['title']}'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); if (!$result) { returnError(mysql_error($link)); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { // item exists, update foreach (array('uri', 'date', 'done') as $value) { if (array_key_exists($value, $args)) { $tmp[] = sprintf('%s=\'%s\'', $value, $args[$value]); } } $tmp = implode(',', $tmp); if ($tmp) { $query = "UPDATE {$TABLE} SET {$tmp} WHERE title='{$args['title']}'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $link); } } else { // new item, insert
// Generate a random salt $random_salt = hash('sha512', uniqid(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16), TRUE)); // Create a password with the new password hash and the salt $password = hash('sha512', $new_password . $random_salt); // Update the users password and salt in the database $SQLquery = "UPDATE users SET "; $SQLquery .= "user_password = ?, user_salt = ? "; $SQLquery .= "WHERE user_id = ?"; if ($update_stmt = $mysqli->prepare($SQLquery)) { $update_stmt->bind_param('sss', $password, $random_salt, $user_id); if (!$update_stmt->execute()) { returnError("cP-3"); } else { echo "true"; } } else { returnError("cP-3"); } } else { // Passwort ist nicht korrekt returnError("cP-2"); } } else { //Es gibt keinen Benutzer. returnError("cP-1"); } } } else { // Die korrekten POST-Variablen wurden nicht zu dieser Seite geschickt. returnError("cP-0"); }
} if (!$walls) { returnError("这里暂时没有墙。"); return; } $ret = array(); while (list($key, $value) = each($walls)) { if (intval($key) > $limit) { break; } $info = WaWall::GetWallInfo($value['wall_id']); if (!$info) { continue; } $wall = array(); $wall['wall_id'] = $info['wall_id']; $wall['wall_name'] = $info['wall_name']; $wall['wall_desc'] = $info['wall_desc']; $userInfo = WaUser::GetUserInfo($info['wall_creator']); if ($userInfo) { $wall['wall_creatorname'] = $userInfo['user_name']; } $wall['wall_type'] = $info['wall_type']; $wall['wall_usercount'] = $info['wall_usercount']; array_push($ret, $wall); } if ($ret) { echo json_encode($ret); } else { returnError('暂无。'); }
$SQLquery .= "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '0', ? , ?, now())"; if ($insert_stmt = $mysqli->prepare($SQLquery)) { $insert_stmt->bind_param('sssssssss', $project_Id, $project_Title, $project_HTML, $project_CSS, $project_JS, $project_Tags, $project_Description, $arrResult[0]["version"], $project_Owner); if (!$insert_stmt->execute()) { returnError("Das Projekt konnte nicht in der Datenbank gespeichert werden."); } else { if (isset($_POST['projectLibraries'])) { $project_newID = $mysqli->insert_id; $project_libraries = $_POST['projectLibraries']; $error = false; foreach ($project_libraries as $key => $val) { if ($library_stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO project_has_library (project_id, library_id) VALUES(?, ?)")) { $library_stmt->bind_param('ss', $project_newID, $val); if (!$library_stmt->execute()) { $error = true; } } } if (!$error) { echo "true"; } else { returnError("Es konnten nicht alle Bibliotheken mit dem Projekt verknüpft werden."); } } else { echo "true"; } } } else { returnError("Das Projekt konnte nicht in der Datenbank gespeichert werden."); } }
function executeDbQuery($db, $query, $device, $reading, $timeRange, $maxCount) { try { $stmt = $db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':device', $device, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindValue(':reading', $reading, PDO::PARAM_STR); // Check if request is initial request or update if (!isset($_POST['update'])) { $stmt->bindValue(':timeRange', $timeRange); } $stmt->bindValue(':count', $maxCount); $stmt->execute(); } catch (PDOException $pe) { returnError($pe->getMessage()); } return $stmt; }
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT user_email FROM users WHERE user_email = ?")) { $stmt->bind_param('s', $changed_value); $stmt->execute(); // Führe die vorbereitete Anfrage aus. $stmt->store_result(); if ($stmt->num_rows > 0) { //check if username is used already returnError("Username bereits vergeben"); } else { if ($updatestmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE users SET user_email = ? WHERE user_login_string = ?")) { $updatestmt->bind_param('ss', $changed_value, $client_login_string); if ($updatestmt->execute()) { echo "true"; } } else { returnError("E-Mail Adresse konnte nicht aktualisiert werden."); } } } else { returnError("Email konnte nicht geprüft werden!"); } break; case "profilepic": if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE users SET user_firstname = ? WHERE user_login_string = ?")) { $stmt->bind_param('ss', $changed_value, $client_login_string); echo "profilepic"; } else { returnError("Profilbild konnte nicht gespeichert werden!"); } break; }
// +------------------------------------------------+ $modelName = str_replace("boats/", "", $_GET['b']); // GET BASIC INFO ON CURRENT BOAT MODEL $getModel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM boatmodels WHERE boatname ='{$modelName}'"); $model = mysql_fetch_assoc($getModel); // +------------------------------------------------+ // | CHECK IF BOAT MODEL EXISTS // +------------------------------------------------+ // BOAT MODEL DOES NOT EXISTS - RETURN ERROR if (mysql_num_rows($getModel) == 0) { ?> <div class="m-content"> <div class="m-error-container"> <?php returnError("Sorry, the page you're looking for doesn't exist."); ?> <a class="animate2 border3 m-button-large" href="../boats">View Boat Models</a> </div> </div> <?php } else { // BOAT MODEL EXISTS - CONTINUE // GET CURRENT BOAT MODEL SLIDES $getSlide = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM slides WHERE slidetype = '{$modelName}' LIMIT 1"); $slide = mysql_fetch_assoc($getSlide); $slideimg = str_replace("imgs/slides/boats/", "", $slide['slideimg']); // GET CURRENT BOAT MODEL OVERVIEW $getOverview = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM boatoverview WHERE contenttype = 'text' AND boatid = '" . $model['boatid'] . "'"); $overview = mysql_fetch_assoc($getOverview);
if (empty($studentName)) { returnError($output, 'Invalid student name'); } $studentCourse = filter_var($_POST['course'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/[\\w -]+$/']]); if (empty($studentCourse)) { returnError($output, 'Invalid course'); } $studentGrade = filter_var($_POST['grade'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, ['options' => ['regexp' => '/^(?:100(?:\\.(?:0))?|[0-9]{1,2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9])?)?)$/']]); if (empty($studentGrade)) { returnError($output, 'Invalid student grade'); } // Get rows from database that match api_key $response = preparedStatement($conn, 'SELECT id, insert_own FROM user_table WHERE api_key=(?)', ['s', $apiKey], ['userId', 'insertOwn']); if (empty($response['success'])) { returnError($output, $response['error_msg']); } // If set of rows returned is empty or no insert permissions, throw access denied error if (empty($response['data'][0]['insertOwn'])) { returnError($output, 'Access Denied'); } // Else get all available grades from the database $response = preparedStatement($conn, 'INSERT INTO grade_table(grade, student_name, course_name, user_id) VALUES ((?), (?), (?), (?))', ['sssi', $studentGrade, $studentName, $studentCourse, $response['data'][0]['userId']], []); if (!empty($response['error_msg'])) { returnError($output, $response['error_msg']); } foreach ($response as $key => $value) { $output[$key] = $value; } // Output to client $output['success'] = true; print json_encode($output);
<?php require_once '../inc/bootstrap.php'; require_once 'sql.php'; if (isset($_GET['install'])) { $db = new database(); $db->query($sql); try { $db->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return returnError("Database error: " . $e->getMessage()); } echo "The database tables were successfully created. <a href='" . APP_URL . "'>Home</a>."; } else { ?> <h1>Copy this into your MySQL database. <a href="?install">Or let me try for you</a></h1> <pre><?php echo $sql; ?> </pre> <?php }
/** * server-response 拼接响应报文,返回对应的url资源 * @param $http_line * @param $http_header * @param $http_data * @return string */ function getResponse($http_line, $http_header, $http_data) { //4个部分:状态行、响应头、空行、响应数据 $response_header = ''; //1.http报文请求行:http-line list($method, $url, $protocal) = explode(' ', $http_line); //2.报文请求:http-header $param_arr = array(); $param_line_arr = explode("\r\n", $http_header); foreach ($param_line_arr as $k => $v) { //key=>value list($type, $value) = explode(':', $v); $param_arr[$type] = $value; } //http-line处理:这里只做支持:get,post $response_cookie = ''; if ($method == 'GET') { //get if (empty($url)) { //返回默认的index的信息 $response_data = returnIndex(); } else { //根据url获取资源文件 $response_data = returnResource(); } } elseif ($method == 'POST') { //post //$url默认就是com.php的处理了(实际的应该根据url去定位相应的文件,并返回运行结果) $client_ssid = isset($param_arr['Cookie']) ? $param_arr['Cookie'] : ''; $php_deal_data = dealPhp($http_data, $client_ssid); $response_data = $php_deal_data['Html']; $response_cookie = $php_deal_data['SSID']; } else { //请求数据错误 $response_data = returnError(405, 'Method Not Allowed '); } //1. response-line $return_code = '200'; $return_code_comment = 'OK'; $response_line = $protocal . ' ' . $return_code . ' ' . $return_code_comment . "\r\n"; //2.response-header $response_len = mb_strlen($response_data, 'utf-8'); $response_header_arr = array('Date' => gmdate('l, d F Y H:i:s ') . 'GMT', 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => $response_len, 'set-cookie' => $response_cookie, 'Server' => 'myserver', 'Connection' => 'Keep-Alive', 'Keep-Alive' => 'timeout=5, max=100'); if (empty($response_cookie)) { unset($response_header_arr['set-cookie']); } foreach ($response_header_arr as $key => $value) { $response_header .= "{$key}:{$value}\r\n"; } $response = $response_line . $response_header . "\r\n" . dechex($response_len) . "\r\n" . $response_data; return $response; }
<?php require './post.php'; $id = $loginUser; if (!$id) { returnError('гКох╣гб╪'); return; } $wall = $_POST['wall_id']; unlike($wall, $id);
public function action_store() { $library_id = $this->auth(); $event_tables = array('answers', 'borrows', 'open_scores', 'permissions', 'supports', 'belongs', 'transactions'); $entity_tables = array('roots', 'branches', 'users', 'authors', 'publications', 'objects', 'matches', 'files'); function parseRow($data) { $content = strpos($data, '|'); $values = explode(',', substr($data, 0, $content - 1)); $values[] = substr($data, $content + 1); return $values; } function storeData($library_id, $command, $table, $values) { $event_tables = array('answers', 'borrows', 'open_scores', 'permissions', 'supports', 'belongs', 'transactions'); $entity_tables = array('roots', 'branches', 'users', 'authors', 'publications', 'objects', 'matches', 'files'); if (count($values) > 0 && (in_array($table, $event_tables) || in_array($table, $entity_tables))) { $query = ''; $values = join(',', $values); if ($command == 'insert') { $query = "insert ignore into {$table} values {$values}"; } else { if ($command == 'update') { $query = "replace into {$table} values {$values}"; } else { if ($command == 'delete') { $query = "delete from {$table} where id in ({$values})" . (in_array($table, $event_tables) ? " and library_id = {$library_id}" : ''); } else { returnData('Invalid Db Command'); } } } DB::query($query); } } // extract records $logs = explode('|-|', Input::get('xlogs')); // data validation if (count($logs) != Input::get('count')) { returnError(Input::get('count') . ' rows was sent but ' . count($logs) . ' was received'); } // write logs to file $logFile = fopen(path('storage') . 'files/' . $library_id . '.log', 'a'); // insert data into db in groups $command = ''; $table = ''; $values = array(); foreach ($logs as $row) { // store row before parsing it fwrite($logFile, $row . "\n"); // set new value $row = parseRow($row); if ($row[0] == 'library') { $data = explode(',', str_replace('null', '""', $row[5])); DB::query("update libraries set title = {$data[0]}, description = {$data[1]}, started_at = {$data[2]}, image = {$data[3]}, version = {$data[4]} where id = {$library_id}"); continue; } if ($row[1] == 'delete') { $value = $row[2]; } else { if (in_array($row[0], $event_tables)) { $value = "({$library_id},{$row[2]},{$row[5]})"; } else { $value = "({$row[2]},{$row[5]})"; } } // store values if ($table == $row[0] && $command == $row[1] && count($values) < 50) { $values[] = $value; } else { storeData($library_id, $command, $table, $values); $command = $row[1]; $table = $row[0]; $values = array($value); } } storeData($library_id, $command, $table, $values); // copy files into directory if (count($_FILES) > 0) { foreach ($_FILES as $file) { move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], path('storage') . 'files/' . $file['name']); } } // update reghaabat synced_at $synced_at = Input::get('synced_at'); DB::query('update libraries set synced_at = ? where id = ?', array($synced_at, $library_id)); return returnData(array('synced_at' => $synced_at, 'count' => count($logs))); }
<?php /* * Copyright (c) 2006/2007 Flipperwing Ltd. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ /** * @author * @copyright (c)2006-2007 Flipperwing Ltd. */ // Set flag that this is a parent file define('_VALID_MOS', 1); require_once "../../init.php"; require_once $csModelsDir . "/JUser.php"; $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $obj = new JUser(&$database); if (!$obj->load($id)) { returnError("Could not find user with id#{$id}"); } returnData($obj);
$text = stripslashes($text); } if ($text != NULL) { setlocale(LC_ALL, $dictionary); // Set a custom error handler so we return the error message // to the client. set_error_handler("returnError"); // Get rid of double-dashes, since we ignore dashes // when splitting words. $text = preg_replace('/--+/u', ' ', $text); // Split on anything that's not a word character, quote or dash $words = preg_split($splitRegexp, $text); // Load dictionary $dictionary = pspell_new($dictionary, "", "", "UTF-8"); if ($dictionary == 0) { returnError("Unable to open dictionary " . $dictionary); } $skip = FALSE; $checked_words = array(); $misspelled = ""; foreach ($words as $word) { if ($skip) { $skip = FALSE; continue; } // Skip ignored words. if (array_key_exists($word, $ignoreWords)) { continue; } // Ignore hyphenations if (preg_match('/-$/u', $word)) {
$first_name = $_POST['first_name']; $last_name = $_POST['last_name']; $date_of_birth = $_POST['date_of_birth']; $country = $_POST['date_of_birth']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $email = $_POST['email']; //validation fo data if (!ctype_alpha($first_name)) { returnError('All first_name chars must be english letters.'); } if (!ctype_alpha($last_name)) { returnError('All last_name chars must be english letters.'); } if (!preg_match("/[0-9]{2}\\/[0-9]{2}\\/[0-9]{4}/", $date_of_birth)) { returnError('Invalid date format.'); } //M O J D E O A P L I K A C I J E }); // PUT route $app->put('/put', function () { echo 'This is a PUT route'; }); // PATCH route $app->patch('/patch', function () { echo 'This is a PATCH route'; }); // DELETE route $app->delete('/delete', function () { echo 'This is a DELETE route'; });
<?php require './get.php'; $id = $loginUser; if (!$id) { returnError('请先登录'); return; } $ret = array(); $walls = WaWall::FindWallIdsByUser($id); if ($walls) { while (list($key, $value) = each($walls)) { $wall = array(); $wall['wall_id'] = $value['wall_id']; if (isset($_GET['fulldata'])) { $info = WaWall::GetWallInfo($wall['wall_id']); $wall['wall_name'] = $info['wall_name']; $wall['wall_desc'] = $info['wall_desc']; $userInfo = WaUser::GetUserInfo($info['wall_creator']); if ($userInfo) { $wall['wall_creatorname'] = $userInfo['user_name']; } $wall['wall_type'] = $info['wall_type']; $wall['wall_usercount'] = $info['wall_usercount']; } $wall['relationship'] = 'like'; array_push($ret, $wall); } } $walls = WaWall::FindWallIdsByCreator($id); if ($walls) {
} include_once '../includes/functions.php'; include_once '../includes/db_connect.php'; $client_login_string = $_POST['key']; if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_username, user_email, user_firstname, user_lastname, user_login_string FROM users")) { $stmt->execute(); // Führe die vorbereitete Anfrage aus. $stmt->store_result(); // hole Variablen von result. $stmt->bind_result($user_id, $user_username, $user_email, $user_firstname, $user_lastname, $login_string); $arrReturn = array(); $i = 0; while ($stmt->fetch()) { if ($login_string == $client_login_string) { $arrReturn[$i]["current"] = true; } else { $arrReturn[$i]["current"] = false; } $arrReturn[$i]["id"] = $user_id; $arrReturn[$i]["firstname"] = $user_firstname; $arrReturn[$i]["lastname"] = $user_lastname; $arrReturn[$i]["email"] = $user_email; $arrReturn[$i]["pseudonym"] = $user_username; $arrReturn[$i]["image"] = ""; //TODO: Bild in die Datenbank einfügen $i++; } echo json_encode($arrReturn); } else { returnError("gAUI-1"); }
switch ($_POST['item_type']) { case 'groups': $post_class = $fm_sqlpass_groups; break; case 'servers': $post_class = $fm_module_servers; break; } if ($add_new) { if ($_POST['item_type'] == 'logging') { $edit_form = $post_class->printForm(null, $action, $_POST['item_sub_type']); } else { $edit_form = $post_class->printForm(null, $action, $type_map, $id); } } else { basicGet('fm_' . $table, $id, $prefix, $field); $results = $fmdb->last_result; if (!$fmdb->num_rows) { returnError(); } $edit_form_data[] = $results[0]; if ($_POST['item_type'] == 'logging') { $edit_form = $post_class->printForm($edit_form_data, 'edit', $_POST['item_sub_type']); } else { $edit_form = $post_class->printForm($edit_form_data, 'edit', $type_map, $view_id); } } echo $edit_form; } else { returnUnAuth(); }
/** * method for emove of user * @param string $username [description] * @param string $password [description] * @param string $token [description] */ public function removeUser($username, $password, $token) { $password = hash('sha256', $password); $username = trim($username); $query = "select * from registrants where username = '******' and password = '******' and token = '{$token}'"; $result = $this->db->fetchOne($query); if ($result) { $query = "delete from registrants where username = '******'"; $this->db->execute($query); successRemove($username); } else { returnError('Password or username or token doesn`t match'); } }
/** * Returns a formatted response to the requesting client. * @method sendResponse * @param mixed $results The results could be either an array or stdClass. Should be the data being returned to the client. * @param integer $startTime Time the app started processing the response. Used for debugging time on the server during development. */ function sendResponse($results, $startTime = null) { $app = Slim::getInstance(); $details = new stdClass(); if (!is_null($startTime)) { $elapsedTime = time() - $startTime; $details->elapsedTime = $elapsedTime; } $details->responseCode = 200; $response = array("details" => $details, "response" => $results); $resp = $app->response; $resp->setStatus(200); $resp->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); try { $resp->setBody(json_encode($response)); } catch (Exception $e) { returnError($e->getMessage()); } }
function WSDeleteUserFromGroup($params) { if (!WSHelperVerifyKey($params['secret_key'])) { return returnError(WS_ERROR_SECRET_KEY); } $userGroup = new UserGroup(); return $userGroup->delete_user_rel_group($params['user_id'], $params['group_id']); }