function test_retrieve_dbFamilyProfileByName($fname, $lname)
    $families = retrieve_FamilyProfileByName($fname, $lname);
    if ($families == false) {
        echo "</br>" . "No families were  found";
    } else {
        echo "</br>" . "found  records" . "</br>";
        foreach ($families as $family) {
$title = "Create a Reservation";
$helpPage = "SearchingFamilyProfile.php";
include '../header.php';
include ROOT_DIR . '/domain/Family.php';
include ROOT_DIR . '/database/dbFamilyProfile.php';
if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && validateTokenField($_POST) && (isset($_POST['firstName']) || isset($_POST['lastName']))) {
    $fn = isset($_POST['firstName']) ? sanitize($_POST['firstName']) : "";
    //if firstName isset, sanitize it, else empty string
    if ($fn == "First Name") {
        $fn = "";
    $ln = isset($_POST['lastName']) ? sanitize($_POST['lastName']) : "";
    if ($ln == "Last Name") {
        $ln = "";
    $families = retrieve_FamilyProfileByName($fn, $ln);
    //calls db receives an array of family objs
    if ($families) {
        echo "";
    } else {
        echo "<div style='margin-left:260px; margin-top:30px;'><font color='red'><b>ERROR: Family not found, however, you may <a href='./newProfile.php'>create one.</a></b></font></div>";
    //DON'T DIE!! Messes up the layout!!
    if (is_array($families)) {
        //TODO: start table with tags
        $table = "\n<table cellpadding='20' style=\"margin-left:250px;\">\n<thead>\n<tr>\n";
        $table .= "<th>Patient Name</th><th>Parent Name</th><th>Parent City</th><th>Patient Date Of Birth</th><th>Patient Notes</th>\n</tr></thead>";
        $numFamilies = 1;
        //create an array,
        foreach ($families as $family) {
            $nextScript = BASE_DIR . "/referralForm.php?id=" . $family->get_familyProfileId();
        $patientNote = "";
        // this field is optional
    if (isset($_POST['swNote']) && $_POST['swNote'] != "") {
        $profileActityNotes = $_POST['swNote'];
    } else {
        $profileActityNotes = "";
        // this field is optional
    // there were no input errors in the form, so proceed with database inserts
    if (empty($message)) {
        // the family profile id is 0, but a real one will be generated while doing the insert
        $temporaryFamilyProfile = new Family(0, "Pending", $parentFirstName, $parentLastName, $parentEmail, $phone1, $phone2, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $patientFirstName, $patientLastName, $patientRelation, date($patientDateOfBirth), $patientFormPDF, $patientNote);
        if (insert_FamilyProfile($temporaryFamilyProfile)) {
            //Get generated familyProfileID from the familyProfile object.
            $results = retrieve_FamilyProfileByName($temporaryFamilyProfile->get_parentfname(), $temporaryFamilyProfile->get_parentlname());
        $resultsFamily = $results[0];
        $temporaryFamilyProfileID = $resultsFamily->get_familyProfileId();
        //create profile activity object
        $current_activity = new ProfileActivity(0, 0, $temporaryFamilyProfileID, $sw_id, 'NULL', $dateSubmit, 'NULL', $activityType, $profileActitivityStatus, $parentFirstName, $parentLastName, $parentEmail, $phone1, $phone2, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $patientFirstName, $patientLastName, $patientRelation, $patientDateOfBirth, $patientFormPDF, $patientNote, $profileActityNotes);
        // check if insert function returns true, then insert profileactivity
        if (insert_ProfileActivity($current_activity)) {
            $taskFinished = TRUE;
            //            //if profileActivity is inserted, send the email to rmh approver
            //            $profileID = $current_activity->get_profileActivityId();
            //            NewFamilyProfile($profileID);
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && !validateTokenField($_POST)) {