function payReseller($thisdate = 0)
    global $cnn_cs;
    global $companyInfo;
    global $ri_notes;
    $nextPayDayTime = strtotime(resellerPushBackOnePeriod());
    if (!$thisdate) {
        $thisdate = $nextPayDayTime;
    $date_hold = date("Y-m-d g:i:s", $thisdate - $fdate);
    $date_delay = date("Y-m-d g:i:s", $thisdate - 60);
    $nextPayDay = date('Y-m-', $nextPayDayTime) . $companyInfo['rd_paydelay'];
    $ri_pay_info = calcResellerReal(strtotime($nextPayDay));
    $ri_pay_info['Status'] = "Paid";
    if (!$ri_pay_info['pay']) {
        return -1;
    // Create an Invoice
    $invoiceName = $companyInfo['reseller_companyname'] . " - " . date("l, F j, Y") . " - \$" . formatMoney($ri_pay_info['Balance']);
    $invoice_sql = "INSERT INTO `cs_reseller_invoice` \r\n\t(`ri_title`, `ri_reseller_id` , `ri_date` , `ri_balance` , `ri_deduction` , `ri_pay_info` , `ri_company_info`, `ri_notes` )\r\nVALUES (\r\n'{$invoiceName}', '" . $companyInfo['reseller_id'] . "', NOW( ) , '" . $ri_pay_info['Balance'] . "', '" . $ri_pay_info['TotalDeductions'] . "', '" . addslashes(serialize($ri_pay_info)) . "', '" . addslashes(serialize($companyInfo)) . "', '{$ri_notes}'\r\n);\r\n";
    $result = mysql_query($invoice_sql, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$invoice_sql}");
    $invoice_id = mysql_insert_id($cnn_cs);
    // Update Transactions
    $transaction_sql = "UPDATE cs_transactiondetails as t \r\nleft join cs_companydetails as cd on cd.userId = t.userId\r\nleft join cs_transactiondetails as td on td.td_reseller_paid = 0\r\nand t.`transactionId` = td.`transactionId` and td.transactionDate < '{$date_hold}'\r\nleft join  cs_transactiondetails as tdc ON tdc.td_reseller_deducted = 0\r\nand t.`transactionId` = tdc.`transactionId` and tdc.cancellationDate < '{$date_delay}'\r\nset td.td_reseller_paid = {$invoice_id},   tdc.td_reseller_deducted={$invoice_id}\r\n  WHERE cd.reseller_id='" . $companyInfo['reseller_id'] . "'";
    $result = mysql_query($transaction_sql, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$transaction_sql}");
    // Update Company
    $company_sql = "UPDATE `cs_resellerdetails` as rd SET \r\n`rd_next_pay_day` = '{$nextPayDay}'\r\n WHERE rd.reseller_id='" . $companyInfo['reseller_id'] . "'";
    $result = mysql_query($company_sql, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$company_sql}");
 if ($show_active == 'a') {
     $active = "AND completed_reseller_application=1 ";
 if ($show_active == 'i') {
     $active = "AND completed_reseller_application=0 ";
 $display_none = "1";
 //if($no_display==true) $display_none = "0";
 $qry_company = "select * from cs_resellerdetails where {$display_none} {$active}";
 // and rd_next_pay_day<=CURDATE()
 $gatewayid = -1;
 $company_details = mysql_query($qry_company, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
 while ($companyInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($company_details)) {
     $sql = 0;
     if (resellerPastPayPeriod()) {
         $pushedBack = resellerPushBackOnePeriod();
         $sql = "Update cs_resellerdetails set `rd_next_pay_day` = '{$pushedBack}' where reseller_id = '" . $companyInfo['reseller_id'] . "'";
         $companyInfo['rd_next_pay_day'] = $pushedBack;
     if ($sql) {
         mysql_query($sql) or dieLog(mysql_error() . " ~ {$sql}");
     $date_hold = 0;
     $ri_pay_info = calcResellerReal();
     if ($show_rollover == 's' && $ri_pay_info['Status'] != 'Rollover') {
     if ($show_rollover == 'p' && $ri_pay_info['Status'] != 'Payable') {