/** * The UI to translate content. * * @return tempcode The UI */ function interface_content() { $title = get_page_title('TRANSLATE_CONTENT'); if (!multi_lang()) { warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('MULTILANG_OFF')); } $max = get_param_integer('max', 100); $lang = choose_language($title); if (is_object($lang)) { return $lang; } // Fiddle around in order to find what we haven't translated. Subqueries and self joins don't work well enough across different db's if (!db_has_subqueries($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->connection_read)) { $_done_id_list = collapse_2d_complexity('id', 'text_original', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('translate', array('id', 'text_original'), array('language' => $lang, 'broken' => 0))); $done_id_list = ''; foreach (array_keys($_done_id_list) as $done_id) { if ($done_id_list != '') { $done_id_list .= ','; } $done_id_list .= strval($done_id); } $and_clause = $done_id_list == '' ? '' : 'AND id NOT IN (' . $done_id_list . ')'; $query = 'FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'translate WHERE ' . db_string_not_equal_to('language', $lang) . ' ' . $and_clause . ' AND ' . db_string_not_equal_to('text_original', '') . ' ORDER BY importance_level'; $to_translate = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT * ' . $query, $max); } else { $query = 'FROM ' . get_table_prefix() . 'translate a LEFT JOIN ' . get_table_prefix() . 'translate b ON a.id=b.id AND b.broken=0 AND ' . db_string_equal_to('b.language', $lang) . ' WHERE b.id IS NULL AND ' . db_string_not_equal_to('a.language', $lang) . ' AND ' . db_string_not_equal_to('a.text_original', ''); $to_translate = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query('SELECT a.* ' . $query . (can_arbitrary_groupby() ? ' GROUP BY a.id' : '') . ' ORDER BY a.importance_level', $max); } $total = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok_full('SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $query); if (count($to_translate) == 0) { inform_exit(do_lang_tempcode('NOTHING_TO_TRANSLATE')); } require_all_lang($lang, true); require_all_open_lang_files($lang); // Make our translation page require_code('lang2'); $lines = ''; $intertrans = $this->get_intertran_conv($lang); $actions = make_string_tempcode(' '); $last_level = NULL; $too_many = count($to_translate) == $max; $ids_to_lookup = array(); foreach ($to_translate as $it) { $ids_to_lookup[] = $it['id']; } $names = find_lang_content_names($ids_to_lookup); foreach ($to_translate as $i => $it) { if ($it['importance_level'] == 0) { continue; } // Corrupt data $id = $it['id']; $old = $it['text_original']; $current = $this->find_lang_matches($old, $lang); $priority = $last_level === $it['importance_level'] ? NULL : do_lang('PRIORITY_' . strval($it['importance_level'])); $name = $names[$id]; if (is_null($name)) { continue; } // Orphaned string if ($intertrans != '') { $actions = do_template('TRANSLATE_ACTION', array('_GUID' => 'f625cf15c9db5e5af30fc772a7f0d5ff', 'LANG_FROM' => $it['language'], 'LANG_TO' => $lang, 'NAME' => 'trans_' . strval($id), 'OLD' => $old)); } $line = do_template('TRANSLATE_LINE_CONTENT', array('_GUID' => '87a0f5298ce9532839f3206cd0e06051', 'NAME' => $name, 'ID' => strval($id), 'OLD' => $old, 'CURRENT' => $current, 'ACTIONS' => $actions, 'PRIORITY' => $priority)); $lines .= $line->evaluate(); /*XHTMLXHTML*/ $last_level = $it['importance_level']; } $url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '_content', 'lang' => $lang), '_SELF'); require_code('lang2'); return do_template('TRANSLATE_SCREEN_CONTENT_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => 'af732c5e595816db1c6f025c4b8fa6a2', 'MAX' => integer_format($max), 'TOTAL' => integer_format($total - $max), 'LANG_ORIGINAL_NAME' => get_site_default_lang(), 'LANG_NICE_ORIGINAL_NAME' => lookup_language_full_name(get_site_default_lang()), 'LANG_NICE_NAME' => lookup_language_full_name($lang), 'TOO_MANY' => $too_many, 'INTERTRANS' => $intertrans, 'LANG' => $lang, 'LINES' => $lines, 'TITLE' => $title, 'URL' => $url)); }
/** * Get the human-readable form of a language id, or a language entry from a language INI file. * * @param ID_TEXT The language id * @param ?mixed The first token [string or tempcode] (replaces {1}) (NULL: none) * @param ?mixed The second token [string or tempcode] (replaces {2}) (NULL: none) * @param ?mixed The third token (replaces {3}). May be an array of [of string], to allow any number of additional args (NULL: none) * @param ?LANGUAGE_NAME The language to use (NULL: users language) * @param boolean Whether to cause ocPortal to exit if the lookup does not succeed * @return ?mixed The human-readable content (NULL: not found). String normally. Tempcode if tempcode parameters. */ function _do_lang($codename, $token1 = NULL, $token2 = NULL, $token3 = NULL, $lang = NULL, $require_result = true) { $pos = strpos($codename, ':'); if ($pos !== false) { require_lang(substr($codename, 0, $pos)); $codename = substr($codename, $pos + 1); } global $LANGUAGE, $USER_LANG_CACHED, $RECORD_LANG_STRINGS, $XSS_DETECT, $PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED; if ($RECORD_LANG_STRINGS) { global $RECORDED_LANG_STRINGS; $RECORDED_LANG_STRINGS[$codename] = 1; } if ($lang === NULL) { $lang = $USER_LANG_CACHED === NULL ? user_lang() : $USER_LANG_CACHED; } if (!isset($LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]) && (!array_key_exists($lang, $LANGUAGE) || !array_key_exists($codename, $LANGUAGE[$lang]))) { global $PAGE_CACHE_LAZY_LOAD, $PAGE_CACHE_LANGS_REQUESTED, $LANG_REQUESTED_LANG; if ($PAGE_CACHE_LAZY_LOAD) { $PAGE_CACHE_LAZY_LOAD = false; // We can't be lazy any more, but we will keep growing our pool so hopefully CAN be lazy the next time foreach ($PAGE_CACHE_LANGS_REQUESTED as $request) { list($that_codename, $that_lang) = $request; unset($LANG_REQUESTED_LANG[$that_lang][$that_codename]); require_lang($that_codename, $that_lang, NULL, true); } $ret = _do_lang($codename, $token1, $token2, $token3, $lang, $require_result); if ($ret === NULL) { $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename] = NULL; if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { persistant_cache_set($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED); } else { @rewind($PAGE_CACHE_FILE); @ftruncate($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, 0); @fwrite($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, serialize($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED)); } } return $ret; } require_all_open_lang_files($lang); } if ($lang == 'xxx') { return 'xxx'; } // Helpful for testing language compliancy. We don't expect to see non x's if we're running this language if (!isset($LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]) && (!array_key_exists($lang, $LANGUAGE) || !array_key_exists($codename, $LANGUAGE[$lang]))) { if ($lang != fallback_lang()) { $ret = do_lang($codename, $token1, $token2, $token3, fallback_lang(), $require_result); if ($codename == 'charset') { switch (strtolower($lang)) { case 'ar': case 'bg': case 'zh-CN': case 'zh-TW': case 'hr': case 'cs': case 'da': case 'nl': case 'fi': case 'fr': case 'de': case 'el': case 'hi': case 'it': case 'ja': case 'ko': case 'pl': case 'pt': case 'ro': case 'ru': case 'es': case 'sv': $ret = 'utf-8'; break; } } elseif (substr($codename, 0, 3) == 'FC_') { $ret = ocp_mb_substr(trim(do_lang(substr($codename, 3), $token1, $token2, $token3, $lang)), 0, 1); } elseif ($codename == 'locale') { $ret = strtolower($lang) . '_' . strtoupper($lang); } else { $ret2 = strtolower($codename) != $codename ? google_translate($ret, $lang) : $ret; if ($ret2 != $ret) { $ret = $ret2; } } if ($PAGE_CACHE_FILE !== NULL) { if (!isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename]) && isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[fallback_lang()][$codename])) { $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename] = $ret; // Will have been cached into fallback_lang() from the nested do_lang call, we need to copy it into our cache bucket for this language if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { persistant_cache_set($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED); } else { @rewind($PAGE_CACHE_FILE); @ftruncate($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, 0); @fwrite($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, serialize($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED)); } } } return $ret; } else { if ($require_result) { global $USER_LANG_LOOP, $REQUIRE_LANG_LOOP; //print_r(debug_backtrace()); if ($USER_LANG_LOOP == 1) { critical_error('RELAY', 'Missing language code: ' . escape_html($codename) . '. This language code is required to produce error messages, and thus a critical error was prompted by the non-ability to show less-critical error messages. It is likely the source language files (lang/' . fallback_lang() . '/*.ini) for ocPortal on this website have been corrupted.'); } if ($REQUIRE_LANG_LOOP >= 2) { return ''; } // Probably failing to load global.ini, so just output with some text missing require_code('view_modes'); erase_cached_language(); fatal_exit(do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_LANG_ENTRY', escape_html($codename))); } else { return NULL; } } } if ($PAGE_CACHE_FILE !== NULL) { if (!isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename])) { $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename] = $LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]; if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { persistant_cache_set($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED); } else { @rewind($PAGE_CACHE_FILE); @ftruncate($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, 0); @fwrite($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, serialize($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED)); } } } // Put in parameters static $non_plural_non_vowel = array('1', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $looked_up = $LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]; if ($looked_up === NULL) { return NULL; } // Learning cache pool has told us this string definitely does not exist $out = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $looked_up); $plural_or_vowel_check = strpos($out, '|') !== false; if ($XSS_DETECT) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } if ($token1 !== NULL) { if (is_object($token1) && $token2 === NULL || $token2 !== NULL && is_object($token2)) { $bits = preg_split('#\\{\\d[^\\}]*\\}#', $out, 2, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $ret = new ocp_tempcode(); foreach ($bits as $bit) { if ($XSS_DETECT) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($bit[0]); } $at = $bit[1]; if ($at != 0) { if ($out[$at - 2] == '1') { $ret->attach($token1); } elseif ($out[$at - 2] == '2') { $ret->attach($token2); } elseif ($plural_or_vowel_check && substr($out[$at - 2], 0, 2) == '1|') { $exploded = explode('|', $out[$at - 2]); $_token = $token1->evaluate(); $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $_token); $ret->attach(in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : strtolower(substr($_token, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? $exploded[1] : $exploded[2]); } elseif ($plural_or_vowel_check && substr($out[$at - 2], 0, 2) == '2|') { $exploded = explode('|', $out[$at - 2]); $_token = $token2->evaluate(); $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $_token); $ret->attach(in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : strtolower(substr($_token, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? $exploded[1] : $exploded[2]); } } $ret->attach($bit[0]); } return $ret; } elseif ($token1 !== NULL) { $out = str_replace('{1}', $token1, $out); if ($plural_or_vowel_check) { $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $token1); $out = preg_replace('#\\{1\\|(.*)\\|(.*)\\}#U', in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : strtolower(substr($token1, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? '\\1' : '\\2', $out); } if ($XSS_DETECT && ocp_is_escaped($token1)) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } } if ($token2 !== NULL) { if ($XSS_DETECT) { $escaped = ocp_is_escaped($out); } $out = str_replace('{2}', $token2, $out); if ($plural_or_vowel_check) { $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $token1); $out = preg_replace('#\\{2\\|(.*)\\|(.*)\\}#U', in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : strtolower(substr($token2, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? '\\1' : '\\2', $out); } if ($XSS_DETECT && ocp_is_escaped($token2) && $escaped) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } if ($token3 !== NULL) { $i = 3; if (!is_array($token3)) { $token3 = array($token3); } foreach ($token3 as $token) { if ($XSS_DETECT) { $escaped = ocp_is_escaped($out); } $out = str_replace('{' . strval($i) . '}', $token, $out); if ($plural_or_vowel_check) { $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $token); $out = preg_replace('#\\{' . strval($i) . '\\|(.*)\\|(.*)\\}#U', in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : strtolower(substr($token, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? '\\1' : '\\2', $out); } if ($XSS_DETECT && ocp_is_escaped($token) && $escaped) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } $i++; } } } } return $out; }
/** * Get the human-readable form of a language id, or a language entry from a language INI file. * * @param ID_TEXT The language id * @param ?mixed The first token [string or tempcode] (replaces {1}) (NULL: none) * @param ?mixed The second token [string or tempcode] (replaces {2}) (NULL: none) * @param ?mixed The third token (replaces {3}). May be an array of [of string], to allow any number of additional args (NULL: none) * @param ?LANGUAGE_NAME The language to use (NULL: users language) * @param boolean Whether to cause ocPortal to exit if the lookup does not succeed * @return ?mixed The human-readable content (NULL: not found). String normally. Tempcode if tempcode parameters. */ function _do_lang($codename, $token1 = NULL, $token2 = NULL, $token3 = NULL, $lang = NULL, $require_result = true) { global $LANGUAGE, $USER_LANG_CACHED, $RECORD_LANG_STRINGS, $XSS_DETECT, $PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED; if ($lang === NULL) { $lang = $USER_LANG_CACHED === NULL ? user_lang() : $USER_LANG_CACHED; } if ($GLOBALS['SEMI_DEBUG_MODE']) { $pos = strpos($codename, '='); if ($pos !== false) { // Find loaded file with smallest levenstein distance to current page $best = mixed(); $best_for = NULL; global $LANGS_REQUESTED; foreach (array_keys($LANGS_REQUESTED) as $possible) { $dist = levenshtein(get_page_name(), $possible); if (is_null($best) || $best > $dist) { $best = $dist; $best_for = $possible; } } $save_path = get_file_base() . '/lang/' . fallback_lang() . '/' . $best_for . '.ini'; if (!is_file($save_path)) { $save_path = get_file_base() . '/lang_custom/' . fallback_lang() . '/' . $best_for . '.ini'; } // Tack language strings onto this file list($codename, $value) = explode('=', $codename, 2); $myfile = fopen($save_path, 'at'); fwrite($myfile, "\n" . $codename . '=' . $value); fclose($myfile); // Fake-load the string $LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename] = $value; // Go through all required files, doing a string replace if needed $included_files = get_included_files(); foreach ($included_files as $inc) { $orig_contents = file_get_contents($inc); $contents = str_replace("'" . $codename . '=' . $value . "'", "'" . $codename . "'", $orig_contents); if ($orig_contents != $contents) { $myfile = fopen($inc, 'wt'); fwrite($myfile, $contents); fclose($myfile); } } } } $there = isset($LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]); if (!$there) { $pos = strpos($codename, ':'); if ($pos !== false) { require_lang(substr($codename, 0, $pos), NULL, NULL, !$require_result); $codename = substr($codename, $pos + 1); } $there = isset($LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]); } if ($RECORD_LANG_STRINGS) { global $RECORDED_LANG_STRINGS; $RECORDED_LANG_STRINGS[$codename] = 1; } if (!$there && (!isset($LANGUAGE[$lang]) || !array_key_exists($codename, $LANGUAGE[$lang]))) { global $PAGE_CACHE_LAZY_LOAD, $PAGE_CACHE_LANGS_REQUESTED, $LANG_REQUESTED_LANG; if ($PAGE_CACHE_LAZY_LOAD) { $PAGE_CACHE_LAZY_LOAD = false; // We can't be lazy any more, but we will keep growing our pool so hopefully CAN be lazy the next time foreach ($PAGE_CACHE_LANGS_REQUESTED as $request) { list($that_codename, $that_lang) = $request; unset($LANG_REQUESTED_LANG[$that_lang][$that_codename]); require_lang($that_codename, $that_lang, NULL, true); } $ret = _do_lang($codename, $token1, $token2, $token3, $lang, $require_result); if ($ret === NULL) { $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename] = NULL; if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { persistant_cache_set($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED); } else { open_page_cache_file(); @rewind($PAGE_CACHE_FILE); @flock($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, LOCK_EX); @ftruncate($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, 0); @fwrite($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, serialize($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED)); @flock($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, LOCK_UN); } } return $ret; } require_all_open_lang_files($lang); } if ($lang == 'xxx') { return 'xxx'; } // Helpful for testing language compliancy. We don't expect to see non x's if we're running this language if (!isset($LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]) && ($require_result || !isset($LANGUAGE[$lang]) || !array_key_exists($codename, $LANGUAGE[$lang]))) { if ($lang != fallback_lang()) { $ret = do_lang($codename, $token1, $token2, $token3, fallback_lang(), $require_result); if ($PAGE_CACHE_FILE !== NULL) { if (!isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename]) && isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[fallback_lang()][$codename])) { $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename] = $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[fallback_lang()][$codename]; // Will have been cached into fallback_lang() from the nested do_lang call, we need to copy it into our cache bucket for this language if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { persistant_cache_set($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED); } else { open_page_cache_file(); @rewind($PAGE_CACHE_FILE); @flock($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, LOCK_EX); @ftruncate($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, 0); @fwrite($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, serialize($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED)); @flock($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, LOCK_UN); } } } return $ret; } else { if ($require_result) { global $USER_LANG_LOOP, $REQUIRE_LANG_LOOP; //print_r(debug_backtrace()); if ($USER_LANG_LOOP == 1) { critical_error('RELAY', 'Missing language code: ' . escape_html($codename) . '. This language code is required to produce error messages, and thus a critical error was prompted by the non-ability to show less-critical error messages. It is likely the source language files (lang/' . fallback_lang() . '/*.ini) for ocPortal on this website have been corrupted.'); } if ($REQUIRE_LANG_LOOP >= 2) { return ''; } // Probably failing to load global.ini, so just output with some text missing require_code('view_modes'); erase_cached_language(); require_code('site'); attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_LANG_ENTRY', escape_html($codename)), 'warn'); return ''; } else { return NULL; } } } if ($PAGE_CACHE_FILE !== NULL) { if (!isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename]) && (!isset($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang]) || !array_key_exists($codename, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang]))) { $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED[$lang][$codename] = $LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]; if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { persistant_cache_set($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, $PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED); } else { open_page_cache_file(); @rewind($PAGE_CACHE_FILE); @flock($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, LOCK_EX); @ftruncate($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, 0); @fwrite($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, serialize($PAGE_CACHE_LANG_LOADED)); @flock($PAGE_CACHE_FILE, LOCK_UN); } } } // Put in parameters static $non_plural_non_vowel = array('1', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{'); $looked_up = $LANGUAGE[$lang][$codename]; if ($looked_up === NULL) { return NULL; // Learning cache pool has told us this string definitely does not exist } $out = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $looked_up); $plural_or_vowel_check = strpos($out, '|') !== false; if ($XSS_DETECT) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } if ($token1 !== NULL) { if (is_object($token1) && $token2 === NULL || $token2 !== NULL && is_object($token2)) { $bits = preg_split('#\\{\\d[^\\}]*\\}#', $out, 2, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $ret = new ocp_tempcode(); foreach ($bits as $bit) { if ($XSS_DETECT) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($bit[0]); } $at = $bit[1]; if ($at != 0) { if ($out[$at - 2] == '1') { $ret->attach($token1); } elseif ($out[$at - 2] == '2') { $ret->attach($token2); } elseif ($plural_or_vowel_check && substr($out[$at - 2], 0, 2) == '1|') { $exploded = explode('|', $out[$at - 2]); $_token = $token1->evaluate(); $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $_token); $ret->attach(in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : ocp_mb_strtolower(ocp_mb_substr($_token, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? $exploded[1] : $exploded[2]); } elseif ($plural_or_vowel_check && substr($out[$at - 2], 0, 2) == '2|') { $exploded = explode('|', $out[$at - 2]); $_token = $token2->evaluate(); $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $_token); $ret->attach(in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : ocp_mb_strtolower(ocp_mb_substr($_token, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? $exploded[1] : $exploded[2]); } } $ret->attach($bit[0]); } return $ret; } elseif ($token1 !== NULL) { $out = str_replace('{1}', $token1, $out); if ($plural_or_vowel_check) { $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $token1); $out = preg_replace('#\\{1\\|(.*)\\|(.*)\\}#U', in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : ocp_mb_strtolower(ocp_mb_substr($token1, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? '\\1' : '\\2', $out); } if ($XSS_DETECT && ocp_is_escaped($token1)) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } } if ($token2 !== NULL) { if ($XSS_DETECT) { $escaped = ocp_is_escaped($out); } $out = str_replace('{2}', $token2, $out); if ($plural_or_vowel_check) { $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $token1); $out = preg_replace('#\\{2\\|(.*)\\|(.*)\\}#U', in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : ocp_mb_strtolower(ocp_mb_substr($token2, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? '\\1' : '\\2', $out); } if ($XSS_DETECT && ocp_is_escaped($token2) && $escaped) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } if ($token3 !== NULL) { $i = 3; if (!is_array($token3)) { $token3 = array($token3); } foreach ($token3 as $token) { if ($XSS_DETECT) { $escaped = ocp_is_escaped($out); } $out = str_replace('{' . strval($i) . '}', $token, $out); if ($plural_or_vowel_check) { $_token_denum = str_replace(',', '', $token); $out = preg_replace('#\\{' . strval($i) . '\\|(.*)\\|(.*)\\}#U', in_array(is_numeric($_token_denum) ? $_token_denum : ocp_mb_strtolower(ocp_mb_substr($token, 0, 1)), $non_plural_non_vowel) ? '\\1' : '\\2', $out); } if ($XSS_DETECT && ocp_is_escaped($token) && $escaped) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($out); } $i++; } } } } return $out; }