public function getFirstResult($search, $filename) { //print "".replace_space($search); $getdata_source = getdata("" . replace_space($search), $curl); $getdata = explode('<th style="width: auto">', $getdata_source); $getdata = explode('[END] Page', $getdata[1]); $getdata = explode('<a href="', $getdata[0]); $achou = false; if (count($getdata) > 1) { $pecah = $getdata[1]; //foreach($getdata as $pecah){ $data = explode('</a>', $pecah); $data = explode('<td>', $data[0]); $data = array_unique(explode('</th>', $data[0])); //$gay = $data[0]; foreach ($data as $gay) { $gay = explode('">', $gay); if (!strpos($gay[0], "add.aspx")) { if (isset($gay[1])) { $string = $gay[0] . ":" . $gay[1] . ":" . str_replace(".php", "", str_replace("_", ".", $filename)); //echo "<center><a href='?lyrics=".encode_url($string, 'encode')."'>$gay[1]</a><br /></center>"; //print encode_url($string, 'encode'); $achou = true; $this->get_result(encode_url($string, 'encode')); } } } //} } if (!$achou) { echo "0"; } }
public function get_result($request) { $request = encode_url($request, "decode"); $getname = explode(':', $request); $url = replace_space("" . $getname[0]); $getlyrics = getdata("{$url}", $curl); $getlyrics = explode('alt="" title="', $getlyrics); $getlyrics = explode('" />', $getlyrics[1]); $getlyrics = explode('<div id="adlyric">', $getlyrics[1]); echo "<center><br><font size=60><b>{$getname['1']}</b></font><br><br>{$getlyrics['0']}</center>"; }
public function get_result($request) { $request = encode_url($request, "decode"); $getname = explode(':', $request); $url = replace_space("" . $getname[0]); $getlyrics = getdata("{$url}", $curl); $getlyrics = explode('display:block;float:left;padding-top:5px;', $getlyrics); $getlyrics = explode('/print.php?id=TWpnNE1qVTE', $getlyrics[1]); $getlyrics = explode('</fb:like>', $getlyrics[0]); $getlyrics = explode('<script type="text/javascript">', $getlyrics[1]); echo "<center><br><font size=60><b>{$getname['1']}</b></font><br><br>{$getlyrics['0']}</center>"; }
</td>'; echo '<td><input type="submit"></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>' . $eol; } function replace_space($str) { return str_replace(" ", "+", $str); } // BUILD THE PAGE show_header(); //show the form show_form(); $guild_name = replace_space($_GET[guild_name]); $guild_server = replace_space($_GET[guild_server]); if ($guild_name != "" && $guild_server != "") { $lang = $_GET[lang]; $region = $_GET[region]; echo '<h2>' . $guild_name . ' on ' . $guild_server . ' - Region: ' . $region . ', Lang: ' . $lang . '</h2>'; if ($region == "us") { $armory_server = ''; } elseif ($region == "eu") { $armory_server = ''; } $armory_url = $armory_server . 'guild-info.xml?r=' . $guild_server . '&gn=' . $guild_name; class guild_data { public function get_xml($lang, $url) { $ch = curl_init();
echo $nmeta['Author'][0]; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="tags-list"> <ul> <?php if (!empty($tags)) { ?> <?php foreach ($tags as $tag) { ?> <li><a href="/tag/<?php echo replace_space($tag->name, "-"); ?> /"><?php echo $tag->name; ?> </a> <span class="divider">|</span></li> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div>