function replaceMessage($message) { $message = strip_tags($message, '<b></b><i></i><u></u><a></a><img>'); $message = str_ireplace("\n", "<BR>", "{$message}"); // When you store the $message in a database you might get errors cause of the quotes $message = str_ireplace("[singleQuote]", "'", $message); $message = str_ireplace("[doubleQuote]", "\"", $message); $message = str_ireplace("[U]", "<U>", "{$message}"); $message = str_ireplace("[/U]", "</U>", "{$message}"); $message = str_ireplace("[I]", "<I>", "{$message}"); $message = str_ireplace("[/I]", "</I>", "{$message}"); $message = str_ireplace("[B]", "<B>", "{$message}"); $message = str_ireplace("[/B]", "</B>", "{$message}"); $message = replaceUrl($message); $message = replaceImg($message); return $message; }
/** * 获取指定私信列表中的私信内容 * @return void */ public function loadMessage() { $message = model('Message')->getMessageByListId(intval($_POST['list_id']), $this->mid, intval($_POST['since_id']), intval($_POST['max_id'])); // 临时解决方案 foreach ($message['data'] as &$value) { if ($value['content'] == t($value['content'])) { $value['content'] = replaceUrl($value['content']); } } $this->assign('message', $message); $this->assign('type', intval($_POST['type'])); $message['data'] = $message['data'] ? $this->fetch() : null; echo json_encode($message); }
<?php echo replaceUrl(t($body));
/** * 获取指定私信列表中的私信内容 * @return void */ public function loadMessage() { $message = model('Message')->getMessageByListId(intval($_POST['list_id']), $this->mid, intval($_POST['since_id']), intval($_POST['max_id'])); // 临时解决方案 foreach ($message['data'] as &$value) { $value['content'] = replaceUrl($value['content']); } $this->assign('message', $message); $this->assign('type', intval($_POST['type'])); // $imgUrl = array(); // foreach ($message['data'] as $value) { // if ($value['attach_type'] === 'message_image') { // foreach ($value['attach_infos'] as $k => $v) { // $imgUrl[$value['message_id']][$v['attach_id']] = array('length'=>count($value['attach_infos']), 'index'=>$k + 1, 'url'=>$v['url'], 'attach_id'=>$v['attach_id']); // } // } // } // $this->assign('imgUrl', json_encode($imgUrl)); $message['data'] = $message['data'] ? $this->fetch() : null; //dump($message); echo json_encode($message); }
public function showTalkBox() { $type = t($_GET['t']); $id = intval($_GET['id']); if (empty($id) || empty($type)) { return; } $share = array(); $limit = 10; if (in_array($type, array('at', 'com'))) { if ($type === 'at') { $map['atme_id'] = $id; $source = model('Atme')->where($map)->find(); switch (strtolower($source['table'])) { case 'feed': $ownFeed = model('Feed')->get($source['row_id']); $share['row_id'] = $ownFeed['feed_id']; $share['app'] = $ownFeed['app']; $share['table'] = 'feed'; $share['to_uid'] = $ownFeed['uid']; break; case 'comment': $ownComment = model('Comment')->getCommentInfo($source['row_id']); $share['row_id'] = $ownComment['row_id']; $share['app'] = $ownComment['app']; $share['table'] = $ownComment['table']; $share['to_uid'] = $ownComment['uid']; break; } } else { if ($type === 'com') { $ownComment = model('Comment')->getCommentInfo($id); $share['row_id'] = $ownComment['row_id']; $share['app'] = $ownComment['app']; $share['table'] = $ownComment['table']; $share['to_uid'] = $ownComment['uid']; } } $source = model('Feed')->get($share['row_id']); $source['url'] = U('public/Profile/feed', array('feed_id' => $source['feed_id'], 'uid' => $source['uid'])); if ($source['is_audit'] == 0 && $source['uid'] != $this->mid) { $source['body'] = '内容正在审核'; } $this->assign('source', $source); $this->assign('row_id', $source['feed_id']); $this->assign('app_uid', $source['uid']); $this->assign('app_row_id', $source['app_row_id']); $this->assign('app_row_table', $source['app_row_table']); $this->assign('app_name', $source['app']); $this->assign('table', 'feed'); // 转发权限判断 $canrepost = 1; $weiboSet = model('Xdata')->get('admin_Config:feed'); if (!CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_share') || !in_array('repost', $weiboSet['weibo_premission'])) { $canrepost = 0; } $this->assign('canrepost', $canrepost); $cancomment = intval(CheckPermission('core_normal', 'feed_comment')); $this->assign('cancomment', $cancomment); $cmap['app'] = $share['app']; $cmap['table'] = $share['table']; $cmap['row_id'] = $share['row_id']; $cmap['_string'] = '( (uid = ' . $this->mid . ' AND to_comment_id = 0) OR (uid = ' . $share['to_uid'] . ' AND to_comment_id = 0) OR (uid = ' . $this->mid . ' AND to_uid = ' . $share['to_uid'] . ') OR (uid = ' . $share['to_uid'] . ' AND to_uid = ' . $this->mid . ') OR (uid = ' . $this->mid . ' AND to_uid = ' . $this->mid . ') OR (uid = ' . $share['to_uid'] . ' AND to_uid = ' . $share['to_uid'] . ') )'; $talkList = model('Comment')->getCommentList($cmap, 'comment_id ASC', $limit); foreach ($talkList['data'] as &$value) { if ($value['is_audit'] == 0 && $value['uid'] != $this->mid) { $value['content'] = '内容正在审核'; } } $this->assign('talkList', $talkList); $this->assign('sourceId', $share['row_id']); $sinceId = end($talkList['data']); $sinceId = $sinceId['comment_id']; $this->assign('sinceId', $sinceId); $this->assign('toUid', $share['to_uid']); $this->assign('maxId', 0); $initNums = model('Xdata')->getConfig('weibo_nums', 'feed'); $this->assign('initNums', $initNums); } else { if ($type === 'pmsg') { $message = model('Message')->isMember($id, $this->mid, true); // 验证数据 if (empty($message)) { $this->error(L('PUBLIC_PRI_MESSAGE_NOEXIST')); } $message['member'] = model('Message')->getMessageMembers($id, 'member_uid'); $message['to'] = array(); // 添加发送用户ID foreach ($message['member'] as $v) { $this->mid != $v['member_uid'] && ($message['to'][] = $v); } // 设置信息已读(私信列表页去掉new标识) model('Message')->setMessageIsRead($id, $this->mid, 0); $message['since_id'] = model('Message')->getSinceMessageId($message['list_id'], $message['message_num']); $this->assign('message', $message); $userinfo = model('User')->getUserInfo($this->mid); $this->assign('userinfo', $userinfo); $talkList = model('Message')->getMessageByListId($id, $this->mid, $message['since_id'], 0, 10); foreach ($talkList['data'] as &$value) { $value['content'] == t($value['content']) && ($value['content'] = replaceUrl($value['content'])); } $this->assign('talkList', $talkList); $this->assign('sourceId', $id); $this->assign('sinceId', $message['since_id']); $maxId = end($talkList['data']); $maxId = $maxId['message_id']; $this->assign('maxId', $maxId); $this->assign('toUid', 0); $this->assign('max_since_id', $talkList['data'][0]['message_id']); } } $this->assign('type', $type); $this->display('talkBox'); }
/** * 处理微博附件数据 * @param array $data 频道关联数组信息 * @return array 处理后的微博数据 */ private function _formatContent($data) { // 组装微博信息 foreach ($data as &$value) { // 获取微博信息 $feedInfo = model('Feed')->get($value['feed_id']); $value = array_merge($value, $feedInfo); switch ($value['type']) { case 'postimage': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $imgAttachId = is_array($feedData['attach_id']) ? $feedData['attach_id'][0] : $feedData['attach_id']; $attach = model('Attach')->getAttachById($imgAttachId); $value['attachInfo'] = getImageUrl($attach['save_path'] . $attach['save_name'], '225'); $value['attach_id'] = $feedData['attach_id']; $value['body'] = parse_html($feedData['body']); break; case 'postvideo': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $value['body'] = replaceUrl($feedData['body']); $value['flashimg'] = $feedData['flashimg']; break; case 'postfile': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $attach = model('Attach')->getAttachByIds($feedData['attach_id']); foreach ($attach as $key => $val) { $_attach = array('attach_id' => $val['attach_id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'attach_url' => getImageUrl($val['save_path'] . $val['save_name'], '225'), 'extension' => $val['extension'], 'size' => $val['size']); $value['attachInfo'][] = $_attach; } $value['body'] = parse_html($feedData['body']); break; case 'repost': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $value['body'] = parse_html($feedData['body']); break; case 'weiba_post': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $post_url = '<a class="ico-details" target="_blank" href="' . U('weiba/Index/postDetail', array('post_id' => $value['app_row_id'])) . '"></a>'; $value['body'] = preg_replace('/\\<a href="javascript:void\\(0\\)" class="ico-details"(.*)\\>(.*)\\<\\/a\\>/', $post_url, $value['body']); break; case 'weiba_repost': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $post_id = D('feed')->where('feed_id=' . $value['app_row_id'])->getField('app_row_id'); $post_url = '<a class="ico-details" target="_blank" href="' . U('weiba/Index/postDetail', array('post_id' => $post_id)) . '"></a>'; $value['body'] = preg_replace('/\\<a href="javascript:void\\(0\\)" class="ico-details"(.*)\\>(.*)\\<\\/a\\>/', $post_url, $value['body']); break; } } return $data; }
$sqlOriginal = 'master'; // File name for backup 'master' tryConnections($dbData); // Try connection echo "Correct connection in all databases...<br>"; echo "Export DB 'master'...<br>"; backupDb($dbData, 'master'); // Export db 'master' echo "Importando DB a 'stage'...<br>"; replaceUrl($dbData, 'master', 'stage'); // Change the url echo "Replace Url'...<br>"; emptyDb($dbData, 'stage'); importDb($dbData, 'stage'); echo "Importando DB a 'dev'...<br>"; replaceUrl($dbData, 'stage', 'dev'); // Change the url echo "Replace Url'...<br>"; emptyDb($dbData, 'dev'); importDb($dbData, 'dev'); echo "Elimando archivo SQL original...<br>"; unlink($sqlOriginal . '.sql'); echo "Done!...<br>"; function tryConnections($dbData) { foreach ($dbData as $key => $data) { try { $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $data['host'] . ';port=' . $data['port'] . ';dbname=' . $data['db'], $data['user'], $data['pass']); echo "SUCCESS - DB:" . $key . "<br>"; } catch (PDOException $e) { print "ERROR!!! - DB:{$key} : " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
function returnWidgetCode() { $original = get_option("original_l"); $request_uri = getRequestUri(); $thisL = getLangFromUrl($request_uri); $url = isset($thisL) && $thisL != '' ? substr($request_uri, 3) : $request_uri; $full = get_option("is_fullname") == 'on'; $current = isset($thisL) && $thisL != '' ? $thisL : $original; $list = "<ul>"; $destEx = explode(",", get_option("destination_l")); array_unshift($destEx, $original); foreach ($destEx as $d) { if ($d != $current) { $list .= '<li class="' . $d . '"><a wg-notranslate href="' . ($d != $original ? replaceUrl($url, $d) : replaceUrl($url, '')) . '">' . ($full ? getLangNameFromCode($d, false) : strtoupper($d)) . '</a></li>'; } } $list .= "</ul>"; $moreclass = get_option("with_flags") == 'on' ? 'wg-flags ' : ''; $moreclass .= get_option("is_dropdown") == 'on' ? 'wg-drop ' : 'wg-list '; $button = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"><!--Weglot 0.34--><aside id="weglot_switcher" wg-notranslate class="' . $moreclass . 'country-selector closed" onclick="openClose(this);" ><div class="current ' . $current . '"><a href="javascript:void(0);">' . ($full ? getLangNameFromCode($current, false) : strtoupper($current)) . '</a></div>' . $list . '</aside>'; return $button; }
/** * 处理分享附件数据 * @param array $data 频道关联数组信息 * @return array 处理后的分享数据 */ private function _formatContent($data) { // 组装分享信息 foreach ($data as &$value) { // 获取分享信息 $feedInfo = model('Feed')->get($value['feed_id']); $value = array_merge($value, $feedInfo); switch ($value['type']) { case 'postimage': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $imgAttachId = is_array($feedData['attach_id']) ? $feedData['attach_id'][0] : $feedData['attach_id']; $attach = model('Attach')->getAttachById($imgAttachId); $value['attachInfo'] = getImageUrl($attach['save_path'] . $attach['save_name'], '236'); $value['attach_id'] = $feedData['attach_id']; $feedData['body'] = replaceUrl($feedData['body']); $value['body'] = parse_html($feedData['body']); break; case 'postvideo': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $value['body'] = replaceUrl($feedData['body']); if ($feedData['video_id']) { $value['flashimg'] = SITE_URL . $feedData['image_path']; $image_info = getimagesize($value['flashimg']); $value['width'] = 236; $value['height'] = $image_info[1] / ($image_info[0] / 236); } else { $value['flashimg'] = $feedData['flashimg']; } break; case 'postfile': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $attach = model('Attach')->getAttachByIds($feedData['attach_id']); foreach ($attach as $key => $val) { $_attach = array('attach_id' => $val['attach_id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'attach_url' => getImageUrl($val['save_path'] . $val['save_name'], '236'), 'extension' => $val['extension'], 'size' => $val['size']); $value['attachInfo'][] = $_attach; } $feedData['body'] = replaceUrl($feedData['body']); $value['body'] = parse_html($feedData['body']); break; case 'repost': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $value['body'] = parse_html($feedData['body']); break; case 'weiba_post': $feedData = unserialize($value['feed_data']); $post_url = '<a class="ico-details" target="_blank" href="' . U('weiba/Index/postDetail', array('post_id' => $value['app_row_id'])) . '"></a>'; $value['body'] = preg_replace('/\\<a href="javascript:void\\(0\\)" class="ico-details"(.*)\\>(.*)\\<\\/a\\>/', $post_url, $value['body']); if ($value['api_source']['pic_url']) { $url = parse_url($value['api_source']['pic_url']); $site_url = parse_url(SITE_URL); if ($url['host'] == $site_url['host']) { $value['api_source']['pic_url'] = getImageUrl($value['api_source']['pic_url'], '236'); //获取图片高度,避免瀑布流高度计算错误导致重叠 $pic_info = getimagesize($value['api_source']['pic_url']); $value['api_source']['pic_height'] = $pic_info[1]; } else { $img_info = myGetImageSize($value['api_source']['pic_url']); $width = $img_info['width']; $value['api_source']['pic_height'] = 236 / $width * $img_info['height']; } } break; } } return $data; }