function editall() { global $db; $t_id = be("arr", "ids"); $ids = explode(",", $t_id); foreach ($ids as $id) { $t_flag = be("post", "t_flag" . $id); $t_sort = be("post", "disp_order" . $id); if (isN($t_sort)) { $t_sort = $db->getOne("SELECT MAX(disp_order) FROM {pre}vod_topic_items") + 1; } if (!isNum($t_sort)) { echo "信息填写不完整!"; exit; } $db->Update("{pre}vod_topic_items", array("flag", "disp_order"), array($t_flag, $t_sort), "id=" . $id); } updateCacheFile(); $topic_id = getBody(getReferer(), 'topic_id=', '&'); if (isN($topic_id)) { $topic_id = getBodys(getReferer(), 'topic_id='); } if (!isN($topic_id)) { replaceTopRecommend($topic_id); } echo "修改完毕"; }
function bdtopic() { global $db, $action, $flag, $show, $id, $name, $ajaxcontent, $tid, $ttype, $thit, $ttopic, $dbtype; $bd = " "; $name = ''; $keyword = be("all", "keyword"); if ($dbtype == 1) { $bd = " and t_bdtype=1 "; $name = '悦单'; } if ($dbtype == 2) { $bd = " and t_bdtype=2 "; $name = '悦榜'; } if (!isN($keyword)) { $bd = $bd . " and t_name like '%" . $keyword . "%' "; } if ($show == 1) { $str = "<input type='text' name='bd_keyword' id='bd_keyword' value='" . $keyword . "' size='30' ><input type='button' value='查询' onclick=\"setdayBDkewyowrd('bd','" . $id . "','vod','" . $dbtype . "',document.getElementById('bd_keyword').value);\"></br><select style='width:155px' id=\"ajaxcontent\" name=\"ajaxcontent\"><option value=\"0\">请选择" . $name . "</option>" . makeSelectWhere("{pre}" . $flag . "_topic", "t_id", "t_name", "t_name,t_sort", "", " | ", "", " where t_id > 4 " . $bd . " ") . "</select><input type=\"button\" value=\"确定\" onclick=\"ajaxsubmit('" . $id . "','" . $action . "','" . $flag . "');\" > <input type=\"button\" value=\"取消\" onclick=\"closew();\" >"; echo $str; } else { if ($show == 2) { // $db->query ("{pre}".$flag ,array($ttopic),array($ajaxcontent),$tid."=".$id); $tab = "{pre}vod_topic_items"; $colarr = array("topic_id", "vod_id"); if (isNum($id) && isNum($ajaxcontent)) { $valarr = array($ajaxcontent, $id); $db->Add($tab, $colarr, $valarr); } replaceTopRecommend($ajaxcontent); echo "bd" . $id . "\$<script language=\"javascript\">alert('添加成功');</script>"; } } }