function preprocessText($text, $field)
    if ($field == 'titleBib') {
        $text = replaceArrowBrackets($text);
        $shortText = substr($text, 0, 30);
        if (strlen($text) > 30) {
            print strlen($text) . "\n";
            $shortText .= '...';
        $text = $shortText;
    return $text;
function load_data_liddel($server, $user, $password, $database, $table)
    $db = new mysqli($server, $user, $password, $database);
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        die('Konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank aufbauen: ' . mysqli_connect_error() . '(' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ')');
    $archive = new GeoDataArchive();
    $translatePlaces = array('Görlitz (Dresden)' => 'Görlitz', 'Middleburg' => 'Middelburg', 'Neustadt an der Haardt' => 'Neustadt an der Weinstraße');
    if ($result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table)) {
        $dataArray = array();
        while ($rowBooks = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $rowBooks = array_map('trim', $rowBooks);
            $thisBook = new item();
            $thisBook->id = $rowBooks['system_no'];
            //$thisBook->itemInVolume = getItemInVolume($rowBooks['nr']);
            $thisBook->bibliographicalLevel = 'copy';
            $thisBook->titleBib = htmlspecialchars($rowBooks['title']);
            $thisBook->publisher = htmlspecialchars($rowBooks['printer']);
            $thisBook->year = $rowBooks['date'];
            $thisBook->subject = $rowBooks['subject'];
            $thisBook->mediaType = 'Book';
            $thisBook->originalItem['institutionOriginal'] = 'Aberdeen, Sir Duncan Rice Library';
            $thisBook->originalItem['shelfmarkOriginal'] = $rowBooks['shelfmark'];
            $thisBook->originalItem['targetOPAC'] = 'https://aulib.abdn.ac.uk/F?func=direct&local_base=ABN01&doc_number={ID}';
            $thisBook->originalItem['searchID'] = $rowBooks['system_no'];
            $thisBook->language = explode(';', $rowBooks['language']);
            $placeName = $rowBooks['place_ger'];
            if ($placeName == '') {
                $placeName = $rowBooks['place'];
            $placeName = strtr($placeName, $translatePlaces);
            $placeNameSearch = $placeName;
            if ($placeNameSearch == 'Frankfurt' or $placeNameSearch == 'Frankfurt am Main') {
                $placeNameSearch = 'Frankfurt/M.';
                $placeName = 'Frankfurt am Main';
            } elseif ($placeNameSearch == 'Frankfurt an der Oder' or $placeNameSearch == 'Frankfurt (Oder)') {
                $placeNameSearch = 'Frankfurt/O.';
            $place = new place();
            $place->placeName = $placeName;
            $placeFromArchive = $archive->getByName($placeNameSearch);
            if ($placeFromArchive) {
                $place->geoData['lat'] = $placeFromArchive->lat;
                $place->geoData['long'] = $placeFromArchive->long;
            $thisBook->places[] = $place;
            if (preg_match('~VD[ ]?(1[67]) (.+)~', $rowBooks['vd'], $matches)) {
                $thisBook->manifestation['systemManifestation'] = 'VD' . $matches[1];
                $thisBook->manifestation['idManifestation'] = $matches[2];
            } elseif ($rowBooks['retrieve_from'] == 'GBV') {
                $thisBook->manifestation['systemManifestation'] = 'GBV';
                $thisBook->manifestation['idManifestation'] = $rowBooks['ppn'];
            if ($rowBooks['author'] != '') {
                $person = new person();
                $person->persName = $rowBooks['author'];
                if ($rowBooks['gnd']) {
                    if ($resultAuthor = $db->query('SELECT * FROM liddel_authority WHERE gnd_aut LIKE "' . $rowBooks['gnd'] . '"')) {
                        $rowPerson = $resultAuthor->fetch_assoc();
                        $person->persName = $rowPerson['name_de'];
                        if ($person->persName == '') {
                            $person->persName = $rowPerson['name_en'];
                        $person->gnd = $rowPerson['gnd_aut'];
                $thisBook->persons[] = $person;
            if ($resultDigi = $db->query('SELECT * FROM liddel_library_digi WHERE id_print LIKE ' . $rowBooks['id'])) {
                while ($rowDigi = $resultDigi->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $thisBook->digitalCopy = $rowDigi['value'];
            $dataArray[] = $thisBook;
    foreach ($dataArray as $item) {
        foreach ($item->persons as $person) {
            $person->perName = replaceArrowBrackets($person->persName);
    return $dataArray;
 function makeEntryFromGND($gnd)
     $target = 'http://d-nb.info/gnd/' . $gnd . '/about/lds';
     $response = file_get_contents($target);
     $RDF = new DOMDocument();
     $nodePrefName = $RDF->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#', 'preferredNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName');
     $prefName = getTextContent($nodePrefName);
     $nodeVarName = $RDF->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#', 'variantNameForThePlaceOrGeographicName');
     $varNameString = getTextContent($nodeVarName);
     $varNameString = replaceArrowBrackets($varNameString);
     $varNames = explode('|', $varNameString);
     $nodeGeoData = $RDF->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#', 'asWKT');
     $geoDataString = getTextContent($nodeGeoData);
     preg_match('~ ([+-][0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,10}) ([+-][0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,10}) ~', $geoDataString, $matches);
     $long = '';
     $lat = '';
     if (isset($matches[1]) and isset($matches[2])) {
         $long = $matches[1];
         $lat = $matches[2];
     $nodeSameAs = $RDF->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#', 'sameAs');
     $sameAs = getAttributeFromNodeList($nodeSameAs, 'rdf:resource');
     preg_match('~http://sws.geonames.org/([0-9]{5,10})~', $sameAs, $matches);
     $geoNames = '';
     if (isset($matches[1])) {
         $geoNames = $matches[1];
     $entry = new geoDataArchiveEntry();
     $entry->label = replaceArrowBrackets($prefName);
     $entry->lat = $lat;
     $entry->long = $long;
     $entry->gnd = $gnd;
     $entry->geoNames = $geoNames;
     $entry->altLabels = $varNames;
     return $entry;
function preprocessFields($field, $value, $item)
    if ($field == 'persName') {
        $value = removeSpecial(trim($value, '[]'));
        $value = replaceArrowBrackets($value);
    } elseif ($field == 'placeName') {
        $value = trim($value, '[]');
        $test = preg_match('~[oOsS][\\. ]?[OlL]|[oO]hne Ort|[sS]ine [lL]oco|[oO]hne Druckort|[oO]hne Angabe~', $value);
        if ($value == '' or $test == 1) {
            $value = 's. l.';
    } elseif ($field == 'year') {
        $value = normalizeYear($value);
        if ($value == '') {
            $value = getYearFromTitle($item->titleCat);
        if ($value == '') {
            $value = 9999;
            // Makes empty year fields be sorted to the end
    } elseif ($field == 'format') {
        $value = sortingFormat($value);
    } elseif ($field == 'titleWork') {
        if ($value == '') {
            $value = 'ohne Werktitel';
    } elseif ($value == '') {
        $value = 'ohne Kategorie';
    return $value;