  * This is the return URL for the payment provider.
  * Will be called when payment raches a final state, so control is handed over to our 
  * app again from the payment processor.
 function PostPayment()
     // we just display the $_REQUEST data for now. in fact this is the point where some processing
     // should take place: send email to the team, that prepares the items for shipping, send email(s) to customer,...
     log_debug("PostPayment", $_REQUEST);
     $this->content("<h1>Payment processed</h1>");
     $this->content("Provider returned this data:<br/><pre>" . render_var($_REQUEST) . "</pre>");
 * @internal Used to add some new/unknown strings to the translation system
function translation_add_unknown_strings($unknown_constants)
    global $CONFIG;
    if ($CONFIG['translation']['sync']['datasource']) {
        $ds = model_datasource($CONFIG['translation']['sync']['datasource']);
        $ds->ExecuteSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wdf_unknown_strings (\n\t\t\tterm VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\tlast_hit DATETIME NOT NULL,\n\t\t\thits INT DEFAULT 0,\n\t\t\tdefault_val TEXT,\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (term))");
        $now = $ds->Driver->Now();
        $sql1 = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO wdf_unknown_strings(term,last_hit,hits,default_val)VALUES(?,{$now},0,?);";
        $sql2 = "UPDATE wdf_unknown_strings SET last_hit={$now}, hits=hits+1 WHERE term=?;";
        foreach ($unknown_constants as $uc) {
            $def = cfg_getd('translation', 'default_strings', $uc, '');
            $ds->Execute($sql1, array($uc, $def));
            $ds->Execute($sql2, $uc);
    } else {
        log_debug("Unknown text constants: " . render_var(array_values($unknown_constants)));
  * Returns the last statement and the error info
  * Will combine that into a string for easy output
  * @return string SQL[newline]ErrorInfo
 public function ErrorOutput()
     return $this->_sql_used . "\n" . render_var($this->_stmt->errorInfo());
  * Saves this model to the database.
  * New datasets will be inserted, loaded ones will be updated automatically.
  * If $columns_to_update is given only those columns will be stored. This may be useful to avoid DB conflicts in multithread scenarios.
  * @param array $columns_to_update If given only these fields will be updated. If not Model tries to detect changed columns automatically.
  * @return boolean In fact always true, WdfDbException will be thrown in error case
 public function Save($columns_to_update = false)
     $args = array();
     $stmt = $this->_ds->Driver->getSaveStatement($this, $args, $columns_to_update);
     if (!$stmt) {
         return true;
     // nothing to save
     if (!$stmt->execute($args)) {
     $pkcols = $this->GetPrimaryColumns();
     if (count($pkcols) == 1) {
         $id = $pkcols[0];
         if (!isset($this->{$id})) {
             $this->{$id} = $this->_ds->LastInsertId();
     return true;
  * @param string $label Item label
  * @param mixed $controller Controller object or id
  * @param string $event Handler method
  * @param mixed $data Array or urlencoded string containing additional data to be passed
 function __initialize($label, $controller, $event = "", $data = array())
     $this->class = "";
     if ($event == '$is_link$') {
         $this->content(new Anchor($controller, $label));
     } else {
         $this->content(new Anchor(buildQuery($controller, $event, $data), $label));
     $this->controller = strtolower($controller);
     if ($event) {
         $this->event = strtolower($event);
     $this->data = md5(render_var($data));
  * @internal SysAdmin cache manager.
  * @attribute[RequestParam('search','string',false)]
  * @attribute[RequestParam('show_info','bool',false)]
  * @attribute[RequestParam('kind','string','Search key')]
 function Cache($search, $show_info, $kind)
     $this->content("<h1>Cache contents</h1>");
     $form = $this->content(new Form());
     $form->AddText('search', $search);
     $form->AddSubmit('Search key')->name = 'kind';
     $form->AddSubmit('Search content')->name = 'kind';
     $form->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cacheclear'), 'Clear the complete cache'));
     if (system_is_module_loaded('globalcache')) {
         $form->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cache', 'show_info=1'), 'Global cache info'));
     $form->content('<div><b>Predefined searches:</b><br/>');
     foreach ($this->PrefedinedCacheSearches as $s) {
         $form->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cache', "search={$s}"), "{$s}"));
     if (!isset($_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches'])) {
         $_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches'] = array();
     if (count($_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches']) > 0) {
         $form->content('<div><b>Last searches:</b><br/>');
         foreach ($_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches'] as $s) {
             list($k, $s) = explode(":", $s);
             $form->content(new Anchor(buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cache', "search={$s}" . ($k != 'key' ? '&kind=Search content' : '')), "{$k}:{$s}"));
     if ($show_info && system_is_module_loaded('globalcache')) {
         $form->content("<pre>" . globalcache_info() . "</pre>");
     if ($search) {
         if (!in_array($search, $this->PrefedinedCacheSearches)) {
             $_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches'][] = $kind == 'Search content' ? "content:{$search}" : "key:{$search}";
             $_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches'] = array_unique($_SESSION['admin_handler_last_cache_searches']);
         $tabform = $this->content(new Form());
         $tabform->action = buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cachedelmany');
         $tab = $tabform->content(new Table())->addClass('bordered');
         $tab->SetHeader('', 'key', 'action');
         $q = buildQuery('sysadmin', 'cachedel');
         foreach (cache_list_keys() as $key) {
             $found = $kind == 'Search content' ? stripos(render_var(cache_get($key, "")), $search) !== false : stripos($key, $search) !== false;
             if ($found) {
                 $cb = new CheckBox('keys[]');
                 $cb->value = $key;
                 $del = new Anchor('', 'delete');
                 $del->onclick = "\$.post('{$q}',{key:'" . addslashes($key) . "'},function(){ \$('#{$del->id}').parents('.tr').fadeOut(function(){ \$(this).remove(); }); })";
                 $tab->AddNewRow($cb, $key, $del);
         $footer = $tab->Footer()->NewCell();
         $footer->colspan = 2;
         $footer->content(new Anchor('', 'all'))->onclick = "\$('#{$tab->id} .tbody input').prop('checked',true);";
         $footer->content(new Anchor('', 'none'))->onclick = "\$('#{$tab->id} .tbody input').prop('checked',false)";
         $footer = $tab->Footer()->NewCell();
         $footer->content(new Anchor('', 'delete'))->onclick = "\$('#{$tabform->id}').submit()";