public function upload_img() { $name = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $name = strtr($name, 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ', 'AAAAAACEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiioooooouuuuyy'); // remplacer les caracteres autres que lettres, chiffres et point par _ $name = preg_replace('/([^.a-z0-9]+)/i', '_', $name); //Your upload directory, see CI user guide $config['upload_path'] = $this->getPath_img_upload_folder(); $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|JPG|GIF|PNG'; $config['max_size'] = '1000'; $config['file_name'] = time() . '_' . md5($name); //Load the upload library $this->load->library('upload', $config); if ($this->do_upload()) { //redim_imagen('./'.$this->getPath_img_upload_folder().'/'.$config['file_name'], './'.$this->getPath_img_thumb_upload_folder().'/'.$config['file_name'], 240, 240, 1); //If you want to resize /*$config['new_image'] = $this->getPath_img_thumb_upload_folder(); $config['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config['source_image'] = $this->getPath_img_upload_folder() . $name; $config['create_thumb'] = FALSE; $config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE; $config['width'] = 193; $config['height'] = 94; $this->load->library('image_lib', $config); $this->image_lib->resize();*/ //redim_imagen($config['source_image'], "./upload/thumb_".$file_upload, 240, 240, 1); $data = $this->upload->data(); //Get info $info = new stdClass(); $info->name = $data['orig_name']; $info->size = $data['file_size']; $info->type = $data['file_type']; $info->url = $this->getPath_img_upload_folder() . $data['orig_name']; $info->thumbnail_url = $this->getPath_img_thumb_upload_folder() . $data['orig_name']; //I set this to original file since I did not create thumbs. change to thumbnail directory if you do = $upload_path_url .'/thumbs' .$name $info->delete_url = $this->getDelete_img_url() . $name; $info->delete_type = 'DELETE'; redim_imagen('./' . $info->url, './' . $info->thumbnail_url, 240, 240, 1); $query = array('id' => '', 'author' => $this->session->userdata('id'), 'fecha' => time(), 'path' => $info->url, 'thumb' => $info->thumbnail_url, 'active' => '0'); $this->db->insert('galeria', $query); activity_add($this->session->userdata('id'), '3'); //Return JSON data if (IS_AJAX) { //this is why we put this in the constants to pass only json data echo json_encode(array($info)); //this has to be the only the only data returned or you will get an error. //if you don't give this a json array it will give you a Empty file upload result error //it you set this without the if(IS_AJAX)...else... you get ERROR:TRUE (my experience anyway) } else { // so that this will still work if javascript is not enabled $file_data['upload_data'] = $this->upload->data(); echo json_encode(array($info)); } } else { // the display_errors() function wraps error messages in <p> by default and these html chars don't parse in // default view on the forum so either set them to blank, or decide how you want them to display. null is passed. $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors('', '')); echo json_encode(array($error)); } }
function send_upload() { if ($this->session->userdata('status')) { $id_user = $this->uri->segment(4); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); //remove notice for json invalidation $uploadPath = $_REQUEST['ax-file-path']; if (is_dir($uploadPath)) { //echo json_encode(array('path' => $uploadPath, 'MSG' => "Path no encontado")); //die(); } $fileName = $_REQUEST['ax-file-name']; $currByte = $_REQUEST['ax-start-byte']; $maxFileSize = $_REQUEST['ax-maxFileSize']; $html5fsize = $_REQUEST['ax-fileSize']; $isLast = $_REQUEST['isLast']; //if set generates thumbs only on images type files $thumbHeight = $_REQUEST['ax-thumbHeight']; $thumbWidth = $_REQUEST['ax-thumbWidth']; $thumbPostfix = $_REQUEST['ax-thumbPostfix']; $thumbPath = $_REQUEST['ax-thumbPath']; $thumbFormat = $_REQUEST['ax-thumbFormat']; $allowExt = empty($_REQUEST['ax-allow-ext']) ? array() : explode('|', $_REQUEST['ax-allow-ext']); $uploadPath .= !in_array(substr($uploadPath, -1), array('\\', '/')) ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''; //normalize path if (!file_exists($uploadPath) && !empty($uploadPath)) { mkdir($uploadPath, 0777, true); } if (!file_exists($thumbPath) && !empty($thumbPath)) { mkdir($thumbPath, 0777, true); } //with gd library function createThumbGD($filepath, $thumbPath, $postfix, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $format = 'jpg', $quality = 75) { if ($maxwidth <= 0 && $maxheight <= 0) { return 'No valid width and height given'; } $gd_formats = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); //web formats $file_name = pathinfo($filepath); if (empty($format)) { $format = $file_name['extension']; } if (!in_array(strtolower($file_name['extension']), $gd_formats)) { return false; } $thumb_name = $file_name['filename'] . $postfix . '.' . $format; if (empty($thumbPath)) { $thumbPath = $file_name['dirname']; } $thumbPath .= !in_array(substr($thumbPath, -1), array('\\', '/')) ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''; //normalize path // Get new dimensions list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($filepath); if ($width_orig > 0 && $height_orig > 0) { $ratioX = $maxwidth / $width_orig; $ratioY = $maxheight / $height_orig; $ratio = min($ratioX, $ratioY); $ratio = $ratio == 0 ? max($ratioX, $ratioY) : $ratio; $newW = $width_orig * $ratio; $newH = $height_orig * $ratio; // Resample $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($newW, $newH); $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($filepath)); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $width_orig, $height_orig); // Output switch (strtolower($format)) { case 'png': imagepng($thumb, $thumbPath . $thumb_name, 9); break; case 'gif': imagegif($thumb, $thumbPath . $thumb_name); break; default: imagejpeg($thumb, $thumbPath . $thumb_name, $quality); break; } imagedestroy($image); imagedestroy($thumb); } else { return false; } } //for image magick function createThumbIM($filepath, $thumbPath, $postfix, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $format) { $file_name = pathinfo($filepath); $thumb_name = $file_name['filename'] . $postfix . '.' . $format; if (empty($thumbPath)) { $thumbPath = $file_name['dirname']; } $thumbPath .= !in_array(substr($thumbPath, -1), array('\\', '/')) ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''; //normalize path $image = new Imagick($filepath); $image->thumbnailImage($maxwidth, $maxheight); $images->writeImages($thumbPath . $thumb_name); } function checkFilename($fileName, $size, $newName = '') { global $allowExt, $uploadPath, $maxFileSize; //------------------max file size check from js $maxsize_regex = preg_match("/^(?'size'[\\d]+)(?'rang'[a-z]{0,1})\$/i", $maxFileSize, $match); $maxSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; //default 4 M if ($maxsize_regex && is_numeric($match['size'])) { switch (strtoupper($match['rang'])) { case 'K': $maxSize = $match[1] * 1024; break; case 'M': $maxSize = $match[1] * 1024 * 1024; break; case 'G': $maxSize = $match[1] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; case 'T': $maxSize = $match[1] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; default: $maxSize = $match[1]; //default 4 M } } if (!empty($maxFileSize) && $size > $maxSize) { echo json_encode(array('name' => $fileName, 'size' => $size, 'status' => 'error', 'info' => 'File size not allowed.')); return false; } //-----------------End max file size check //comment if not using windows web server $windowsReserved = array('CON', 'PRN', 'AUX', 'NUL', 'COM1', 'COM2', 'COM3', 'COM4', 'COM5', 'COM6', 'COM7', 'COM8', 'COM9', 'LPT1', 'LPT2', 'LPT3', 'LPT4', 'LPT5', 'LPT6', 'LPT7', 'LPT8', 'LPT9'); $badWinChars = array_merge(array_map('chr', range(0, 31)), array("<", ">", ":", '"', "/", "\\", "|", "?", "*")); $fileName = str_replace($badWinChars, '', $fileName); $fileInfo = pathinfo($fileName); $fileExt = $fileInfo['extension']; $fileBase = $fileInfo['filename']; //check if legal windows file name if (in_array($fileName, $windowsReserved)) { echo json_encode(array('name' => $fileName, 'size' => 0, 'status' => 'error', 'info' => 'File name not allowed. Windows reserverd.')); return false; } //check if is allowed extension if (!in_array($fileExt, $allowExt) && count($allowExt)) { echo json_encode(array('name' => $fileName, 'size' => 0, 'status' => 'error', 'info' => "Extension [{$fileExt}] not allowed.")); return false; } $fullPath = $uploadPath . $fileName; $c = 0; while (file_exists($fullPath)) { $c++; $fileName = $fileBase . "({$c})." . $fileExt; $fullPath = $uploadPath . $fileName; } return $fullPath; } if (isset($_FILES['ax-files'])) { //for eahc theorically runs only 1 time, since i upload i file per time foreach ($_FILES['ax-files']['error'] as $key => $error) { if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $newName = !empty($fileName) ? $fileName : $_FILES['ax-files']['name'][$key]; $fullPath = checkFilename($newName, $_FILES['ax-files']['size'][$key]); if ($fullPath) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['ax-files']['tmp_name'][$key], $fullPath); if (!empty($thumbWidth) || !empty($thumbHeight)) { createThumbGD($fullPath, $thumbPath, $thumbPostfix, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $thumbFormat); } echo json_encode(array('name' => basename($fullPath), 'size' => filesize($fullPath), 'status' => 'uploaded', 'info' => 'File uploaded')); } } else { echo json_encode(array('name' => basename($_FILES['ax-files']['name'][$key]), 'size' => $_FILES['ax-files']['size'][$key], 'status' => 'error', 'info' => $error)); } } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['ax-file-name'])) { //check only the first peice $fullPath = $currByte != 0 ? $uploadPath . $fileName : checkFilename($fileName, $html5fsize); if ($fullPath) { $flag = $currByte == 0 ? 0 : FILE_APPEND; $receivedBytes = file_get_contents('php://input'); //strange bug on very fast connections like localhost, some times cant write on file //TODO future version save parts on different files and then make join of parts while (@file_put_contents($fullPath, $receivedBytes, $flag) === false) { usleep(50); } if ($isLast == 'true') { createThumbGD($fullPath, $thumbPath, $thumbPostfix, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $thumbFormat); } redim_imagen("./upload/" . $fullPath, "./upload/thumb_" . $fullPath, 240, 240, 1); $query = array('id' => '', 'author' => $id_user, 'fecha' => time(), 'path' => $fullPath, 'thumb' => 'thumb_' . $fullPath, 'active' => '0'); $this->db->insert('galeria', $query); activity_add($this->session->userdata('id'), '3'); echo json_encode(array('name' => basename($fullPath), 'size' => $currByte, 'status' => 'uploaded', 'info' => 'File/chunk uploaded')); } } } else { redirect('perfil'); } }