function breakAndMendFile($file) { $intime = time(); if ($file == '' || !is_file($file)) { return "Please specify the rdf/n3 file to restore"; exit; } breakFile($file); removeFiles($file); rebuildFile($file); }
<?php #break file fits the purpose of breaking large rdf files into smaller ones such that they can be imported without the process being killed by php ini_set('display_errors', 0); if ($_REQUEST['su3d']) { ini_set('display_errors', 1); } $file = $_REQUEST['file'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['file'] : $argv[2]; if ($file == '' || !is_file($file)) { echo "Please specify the rdf/n3 file to restore"; exit; } rebuildFile($file); function rebuildFile($file) { ### #find out in how many fractions this file was broken $parts = file_get_contents($file . '_parts'); echo "Rebuilding file from fragments" . chr(10); for ($i = 1; $i <= $parts; $i++) { $data .= file_get_contents($file . '_' . $i . 'clean'); $file2unlink = $file . '_' . $i . 'clean'; echo unlink($file2unlink); echo unlink($file . '_' . $i); } file_put_contents($file . '_clean', $data); } ?>