function get_parse() { global $appmsg; global $apperr; global $action; global $icsmsg; global $config_dir; global $log_dir; foreach ($_GET as $ind => $val) { decho("get_parse:: index: {$ind} and val: {$val}<br>", 1); switch ($ind) { case "action": $action = $val; break; case "message": $icsmsg = json_decode($val); $apperr .= "\n ics: " . $icsmsg; break; // ******* URL COMMANDLINE OPTIONS BELOW *** // Initial or repair load of th edatabase for LamPI // Need to specify this option on the URL: http://<my-lampi-url>/frontend_set.php?load // // ******* URL COMMANDLINE OPTIONS BELOW *** // Initial or repair load of th edatabase for LamPI // Need to specify this option on the URL: http://<my-lampi-url>/frontend_set.php?load // case "load": echo "load:: config file: " . $config_dir . "database.cfg\n"; $cfg = read_database($config_dir . "database.cfg"); // Load $cfg Object from File echo " cfg read; "; print_database($cfg); echo " now filling mysql; "; $ret = fill_database($cfg); // Fill the MySQL Database with $cfg object echo " Making backup; "; $ret = file_database($config_dir . "newdbms.cfg", $cfg); // Make backup to other file echo " Backup newdbms.cfg made"; if ($val < 1) { decho("file_database:: value must be >0"); } exit(0); break; case "print": $cfg = load_database(); print_database($cfg); exit(0); break; case "store": $cfg = load_database(); // Fill $cfg from MySQL $ret = file_database($config_dir . "newdbms.cfg", $cfg); // Make backup to other file if ($val < 1) { decho("store:: value must be >0"); } echo "Backup is complete"; exit(0); break; } // Switch ind } // Foreach return 0; }
$doinit = false; $doreset = false; $dofile = ""; // Parse the comamndline (starting) for commandparameters // 1. Parse the URL sent by client (not working, but could restart itself later version) // XXX Need to adapt get_parse to also read URL-like (should that be necessary) if (get_parse()) { // Do some Processing of commandline arguments. For init, the standard filename IS database.cfg // could also include the setting of debug on the client side if ($doinit) { $dbfile = $config_dir . "database.cfg"; if ($dofile != "") { $dbfile = $dofile; } $log->lwrite("main:: Option do_init selected, reading db file: " . $dofile, 1); $cfg = read_database($dbfile); // Load $cfg Object from File $ret = fill_database($cfg); // Fill the MySQL Database with $cfg object $ret = file_database($config_dir . "newdbms.cfg", $cfg); // Make backup to other file $ret = print_database($cfg); } if ($doreset) { $log->lwrite("main:: Option do_reset selected", 1); } $log->lwrite("Done processing command parameters at " . date("r") . "\n", 2); } else { $log->lwrite("main:: get_parse had no commandline parameters " . date("r") . "\n", 1); } // Start with loading the database into a local $config structure. This takes