	<div class="container">
		<h1>Simple StackExchange</h1>
		<div class="box1">
				<div class="SubTitle">
				<h2>The question topic goes here </h2>
				<div class="content" id="q" >
		<div class="box2">
		<div class="answerform">
		Your Answer
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/initializer.php';
// ask the necessary data
$_config['mysql']['NAME'] = readQuestion('Enter the database name', 'any');
$projecthost = readQuestion('Enter project host (eq. x.yourname.com)', 'any');
$projectalias = readQuestion('Enter project alias (eq. x.yourname.nl)', 'any');
// MODX admin user
$adminUser = $_config['modx']['username'];
$adminUser = !empty($adminUser) ? $adminUser : '******';
// MODX admin password
$adminPassword = $_config['modx']['password'];
$adminPassword = !empty($adminPassword) ? $adminPassword : generatePassword();
// MODX admin email
$adminEmail = $_config['modx']['email'];
//if(!isset($adminEmail) || empty($adminEmail)) {
while (empty($adminEmail)) {
    $adminEmail = readQuestion('Please enter the MODX Manager emailaddress', 'any');
// Creating project root path
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [INFO] Creating project directory...' . "\n";
mkdir($projectpath, 0755, true);
// moves PHP to project path
$out = exec('cd ' . $projectpath);
// moves environment to project path
// --------------------------
if (strtolower($_config['apacheCreateVHS']) == 'yes') {
    // create virtualhost file
    echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [INFO] Creating Apache VirtualHost file...' . "\n";
    $tplFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/vhs.apache.tpl';
    if (!empty($projectalias)) {

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/configcheck.php';
// get some defaults
$projectname = getopt("p:");
if (!isset($projectname) || empty($projectname)) {
    $projectname = readQuestion('Please enter a project folder (relative to: ' . $_config['projectsPath'] . ')', 'any');
    if (empty($projectname)) {
        die(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [INIT ERROR] Please specify a project directory... Installer aborted, try again!' . "\n");
$projectpath = $_config['projectsPath'] . rtrim($projectname, '/') . '/';
if (!isset($isNewInstall) || $isNewInstall === false) {
    // add new installs; below cannot be initialized!!
    if (!file_exists($projectpath)) {
        die(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [INIT ERROR] Project directory "' . $projectpath . '" doesn\'t exists... Installer aborted, try again!' . "\n");
    define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
    /* this can be used to disable caching in MODX absolutely */
    $modx_cache_disabled = false;
    /* include custom core config and define core path */
    include $projectpath . 'config.core.php';
    if (!defined('MODX_CORE_PATH')) {
        die(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [INIT ERROR] MODX_CORE_PATH not set after including "' . $projectpath . 'config.core.php"... Installer aborted, try again!' . "\n");
    /* include the modX class */
    if (!@(include_once MODX_CORE_PATH . "model/modx/modx.class.php")) {
        die(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' [ERROR 503] MODX core cannot be loaded... Installer aborted, try again!' . "\n");
    /** @var modX $modx An instance of the MODX class */
 * Downloads and installs packages
 * @param $packageName
 * @param array $installOptions
 * @return bool
function downloadAndInstallPackage($packageName, $installOptions = array())
    global $modx, $defaultProvider, $productVersion;
    // setting back default provider each time because it can be overwritten
    $provider = $defaultProvider;
    // check if there isset another provider setting
    if (isset($installOptions['_provider']) && !empty($installOptions['_provider'])) {
        // check if all options are set well
        $params = array_merge(array('name' => '', 'service_url' => '', 'username' => '', 'api_key' => '', 'description' => ''), $installOptions['_provider']);
        // check if it exists already
        $provider = $modx->getObject('transport.modTransportProvider', array('name' => $params['name']));
        if (empty($provider) || !is_object($provider)) {
            foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
                if (empty($value)) {
                    $newVal = readQuestion('Please enter provider setting "' . $key . '" for package "' . $packageName . '"', 'any');
                    if (empty($newVal) && $key != 'description') {
                        $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Cannot continue adding package "' . $packageName . '"! Reason: missing provider settings! SKIPPED...');
                        return false;
            // create provider
            $provider = $modx->newObject('transport.modTransportProvider', $params);
            if (!$provider->save()) {
                $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Cannot continue adding package "' . $packageName . '"! Reason: provider cannot be initialized...');
                return false;
        if ($provider->verify() !== true) {
            $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Cannot continue adding package "' . $packageName . '"! Reason: provider cannot be verified...');
            $error = $provider->verify();
            if (!empty($error) && is_string($error)) {
                $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'PROVIDER SAYS: ' . $error);
            return false;
    // continue install
    $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'Heading to install ' . $packageName . '...');
    $response = $provider->request('package', 'GET', array('supports' => $productVersion, 'query' => $packageName));
    if (!empty($response)) {
        $foundPackages = simplexml_load_string($response->response);
        foreach ($foundPackages as $foundPackage) {
            if ($foundPackage->name == $packageName) {
                /* define version */
                $sig = explode('-', $foundPackage->signature);
                $versionSignature = explode('.', $sig[1]);
                //download file
                file_put_contents($modx->getOption('core_path') . 'packages/' . $foundPackage->signature . '.transport.zip', file_get_contents($foundPackage->location));
                /* add in the package as an object so it can be upgraded */
                /** @var modTransportPackage $package */
                $package = $modx->newObject('transport.modTransportPackage');
                $package->set('signature', $foundPackage->signature);
                $package->fromArray(array('created' => date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), 'updated' => null, 'state' => 1, 'workspace' => 1, 'provider' => 1, 'source' => $foundPackage->signature . '.transport.zip', 'package_name' => $packageName, 'version_major' => $versionSignature[0], 'version_minor' => !empty($versionSignature[1]) ? $versionSignature[1] : 0, 'version_patch' => !empty($versionSignature[2]) ? $versionSignature[2] : 0));
                if (!empty($sig[2])) {
                    $r = preg_split('/([0-9]+)/', $sig[2], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
                    if (is_array($r) && !empty($r)) {
                        $package->set('release', $r[0]);
                        $package->set('release_index', isset($r[1]) ? $r[1] : '0');
                    } else {
                        $package->set('release', $sig[2]);
                $success = $package->save();
                if ($success) {
                } else {
                    $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Could not save package ' . $foundPackage->name);
        return true;
    return false;