public static function login($login, $password, $session = true)
     if (empty($login)) {
         raptor_warning("Trying to login player with no login");
     if (empty($password)) {
         raptor_warning("Trying to login player with no password");
     $data = Database::GetOne("config", array("mod" => "auth"))['authType'];
     $check = Database::GetOne("players", array($data => $login, "password" => md5($password)));
     if (empty($check['login'])) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($session === true) {
             $_SESSION['id'] = $check['_id']->__toString();
         Database::Edit("players", array("_id" => $check['_id']), array("last_ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "last_date" => raptor_date()));
         return $check['_id'];
     call_user_func("onPlayerLogin", $_POST['name']);
function makeReport($name, $text, $date)
    $date = !empty($date) ? $date : raptor_date();
    Database::Insert("reports", array("author" => $name, "date" => $date, "message" => $text));
<form method="POST"><p><button name="new" type="submit" value="1" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">Создать новость</button></p></form>

if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
    $_POST['_id'] = toId($_GET['edit']);
    Database::Edit("news", array("_id" => toId($_GET['edit'])), $_POST);
    echo '<div class="alert alert-success">Новость успешно отредактирована</div>';
if (isset($_POST['new'])) {
    $id = new MongoId();
    Database::Insert("news", array("_id" => $id, "short" => '', "title" => '', "full" => '', "date" => raptor_date(), "public" => '1'));
    die("<script>location.href = '/admin/news?edit=" . $id . "';</script>");
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
    $array = Database::GetOne("news", array("_id" => toId($_GET['edit'])));
    echo "<form action='' method='POST'>\n\t\t<input class='form-control' name='title' value='" . $array['title'] . "' placeholder='Заголовок'>\n\t\t<textarea rows=15 cols=105 placeholder='Анонс (краткое описание)' name='short'>" . $array['short'] . "</textarea> <br>\n        <textarea rows=15 cols=105 placeholder='Полный текст' name='full'>" . $array['full'] . "</textarea> <br>\n        <button type='submit' class='btn btn-default'>Сохранить</button>\n        </form>\n        <hr>";

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
 public static function makereport($array)
     if (!isset($_POST['text'])) {
         $answer = json_encode(array('error' => 'Cant read text'));
     if (!isset($_SESSION['cid'])) {
         $answer = json_encode(array('error' => 'Not logged in'));
     $text = trim($_POST['text']);
     $text = htmlspecialchars($_POST['text']);
     $text = strip_tags($_POST['text']);
     Database::Insert("reports", array("author" => char()->name, "message" => $text, "date" => raptor_date()));
     $answer = json_encode(array('message' => 'Report sent'));
     return $answer;