function generateRandomPerson() { $randomDate = new DateTime(); $start = new DateTime("1970-1-1"); $end = new DateTime("2000-12-31"); $randomSecond = rand($start->getTimestamp(), $end->getTimestamp()); $randomDate = $randomDate->setTimestamp($randomSecond); return new Student(array("firstName" => randomWord(), 'lastName' => randomWord(), "birthdate" => $randomDate)); }
define('DIR_TEMPLATE', DIR_APP_SECTION . 'view/template/'); define('INSTALL', 'true'); // Relative paths and directories define('RDIR_TEMPLATE', 'view/'); // Startup with local init require_once 'init.php'; //Check if cart is already installed if (file_exists(DIR_SYSTEM . 'config.php')) { require_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'config.php'; } if (isset($_SESSION['SALT']) && strlen($_SESSION['SALT']) == 4) { define('SALT', $_SESSION['SALT']); } //generate salt if (!defined('SALT')) { DEFINE('SALT', randomWord(4)); $_SESSION['SALT'] = SALT; } $data_exist = false; if (defined('DB_HOSTNAME') && DB_HOSTNAME) { $db = new ADB(DB_DRIVER, DB_HOSTNAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $r = $db->query("SELECT product_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "products"); $data_exist = $r->num_rows; } else { unset($session->data['finish']); } if ($data_exist && empty($session->data['finish'])) { header('Location: ../'); } if (!empty($session->data['finish']) && $session->data['finish'] == 'true') { $request->get['rt'] = 'finish';
private function _configure() { define('DB_PREFIX', $this->session->data['install_step_data']['db_prefix']); $content = "<?php\n"; $content .= "/**\n"; $content .= "\tAbanteCart, Ideal OpenSource Ecommerce Solution\n"; $content .= "\t\n"; $content .= "\tCopyright © 2011-'.date('Y').' Belavier Commerce LLC\n\n"; $content .= "\tReleased under the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)\n"; $content .= "*/\n"; $content .= "// Admin Section Configuration. You can change this value to any name. Will use ?s=name to access the admin\n"; $content .= "define('ADMIN_PATH', '" . $this->session->data['install_step_data']['admin_path'] . "');\n\n"; $content .= "// Database Configuration\n"; $content .= "define('DB_DRIVER', '" . $this->session->data['install_step_data']['db_driver'] . "');\n"; $content .= "define('DB_HOSTNAME', '" . $this->session->data['install_step_data']['db_host'] . "');\n"; $content .= "define('DB_USERNAME', '" . $this->session->data['install_step_data']['db_user'] . "');\n"; $content .= "define('DB_PASSWORD', '" . $this->session->data['install_step_data']['db_password'] . "');\n"; $content .= "define('DB_DATABASE', '" . $this->session->data['install_step_data']['db_name'] . "');\n"; $content .= "define('DB_PREFIX', '" . DB_PREFIX . "');\n"; $content .= "// Unique AbanteCart store ID\n"; $content .= "define('UNIQUE_ID', '" . md5(time()) . "');\n"; $content .= "// Salt key for oneway encryption of passwords. NOTE: Change of SALT key will cause a loss of all existing users' and customers' passwords!\n"; $content .= "define('SALT', '" . SALT . "');\n"; $content .= "// Encryption key for protecting sensitive information. NOTE: Change of this key will cause a loss of all existing encrypted information!\n"; $content .= "define('ENCRYPTION_KEY', '" . randomWord(6) . "');\n"; $file = fopen(DIR_ABANTECART . 'system/config.php', 'w'); fwrite($file, $content); fclose($file); return null; }
function phpsum($minWords = 100, $maxWords = null, $minNumParagraphs = -1, $maxNumParagraphs = null, $options = null) { if (is_array($maxWords)) { $options = $maxWords; $maxWords = null; } elseif (is_array($minNumParagraphs)) { $options = $minNumParagraphs; $minNumParagraphs = -1; } elseif (is_array($maxNumParagraphs)) { $options = $maxNumParagraphs; $maxNumParagraphs = null; } // if options array is placed last if (is_array($minWords)) { // if options array is placed first $tempOptions = $options; $options = $minWords; $minWords = $maxWords === null ? 100 : $maxWords; $maxWords = $minNumParagraphs == -1 ? null : $minNumParagraphs; $minNumParagraphs = $maxNumParagraphs === null ? -1 : $maxNumParagraphs; $maxNumParagraphs = $tempOptions === null ? null : $tempOptions; } if ($minNumParagraphs < 0) { $pTags = false; $minNumParagraphs = 1; } else { $pTags = true; } $duplicateParagraphs = isset($options['duplicateParagraphs']) ? $options['duplicateParagraphs'] == "true" ? true : false : false; $nums = isset($options['nums']) ? $options['nums'] == "true" ? true : false : false; $specialChars = isset($options['specialChars']) ? $options['specialChars'] == "true" ? true : false : false; $doubleSpace = isset($options['doubleSpace']) ? $options['doubleSpace'] == "true" ? true : false : false; $lorem = isset($options['lorem']) ? $options['lorem'] == "false" ? false : true : true; $periods = isset($options['periods']) ? $options['periods'] == "false" ? false : true : true; $caps = isset($options['caps']) ? $options['caps'] == "false" ? false : true : true; $html = isset($options['html']) ? $options['html'] == "false" ? false : true : true; $vowelSense = isset($options['vowelSense']) ? $options['vowelSense'] == "false" ? false : true : true; $minCharsInWords = isset($options['minCharsInWords']) ? $options['minCharsInWords'] : 2; $maxCharsInWords = isset($options['maxCharsInWords']) ? $options['maxCharsInWords'] : 8; $minWordsInSentences = isset($options['minWordsInSentences']) ? $options['minWordsInSentences'] : 4; $maxWordsInSentences = isset($options['maxWordsInSentences']) ? $options['maxWordsInSentences'] : 12; if (!is_int($minCharsInWords) || !is_int($maxCharsInWords) || !is_int($minWordsInSentences) || !is_int($maxWordsInSentences)) { return "Must be an integer."; } if ($minCharsInWords > $maxCharsInWords || $minWordsInSentences > $maxWordsInSentences) { return "Min cannot be larger than max."; } if ($minCharsInWords <= 0 || $maxCharsInWords <= 0 || $minNumParagraphs <= 0 || $minWordsInSentences <= 0 || $maxWordsInSentences <= 0 || $minWords <= 0) { return "Must be greater than 0."; } if ($lorem == true && $minWordsInSentences < 2 || $minWordsInSentences <= 0) { return "Sentences are too short." . ($lorem == true && $minWordsInSentences < 2 ? " Set lorem='false' or minWordsInSentences to 2 or above." : ""); } $myString = ""; if ($maxNumParagraphs !== null && is_int($maxNumParagraphs)) { $numParagraphs = mt_rand($minNumParagraphs, $maxNumParagraphs); } else { $numParagraphs = $minNumParagraphs; } for ($i = 0; $i < $numParagraphs; $i++) { if ($maxWords !== null) { $numWords = mt_rand($minWords, $maxWords); } else { $numWords = $minWords; } if ($lorem && $i == 0) { if ($lorem && $i == 0 && $numWords > 2) { $myString = "Lorem ipsum "; } elseif ($lorem && $i == 0 && $numWords > 1) { $myString = "Lorem ipsum."; } elseif ($lorem && $i == 0 && $numWords > 0) { $myString = "Lorem."; } $numWords = $numWords - 2; } $j = 0; while ($j < $numWords) { $thisSentenceLength = mt_rand($minWordsInSentences, $maxWordsInSentences); if ($i > 0 && $j == 0 && $html == false) { $thisSentence = "\r\t"; } else { $thisSentence = ""; } if ($numWords == 0) { break; } if ($i == 0 && $j == 0 && $lorem == true && $thisSentenceLength <= $minWordsInSentences + 1) { $thisSentenceLength = $maxWordsInSentences - 2; } for ($k = 0; $k < $thisSentenceLength; $k++) { $thisWordLength = mt_rand($minCharsInWords, $maxCharsInWords); $thisSentence .= randomWord($thisWordLength, $k == 0 && !($i == 0 && $j == 0 && $lorem == true) ? true : false, $vowelSense, $nums, $specialChars) . " "; $j++; if ($j == $numWords) { break; } } $myString .= htmlspecialchars(rtrim($thisSentence)) . ". " . ($doubleSpace ? " " : ""); } if ($numParagraphs > 1 && $numParagraphs - 1 !== $i) { $myString = rtrim($myString) . "</p>" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "<p>"; } if ($duplicateParagraphs) { $initialParagraph = $myString; for ($l = 0; $l < $numParagraphs - 1; $l++) { $myString = $myString . $initialParagraph; } break; } } if ($caps == false) { $myString = strtolower($myString); } if ($periods == false) { $myString = str_replace(".", "", $myString); } if ($html) { return ($pTags ? "<p>" : "") . rtrim($myString) . ($pTags ? "</p>" : ""); } else { return "\t" . str_replace(array("<p>", "</p>"), "", rtrim($myString)); } }
echo "<script src=\"\"></script>\n"; echo "<section id = \"Random\" data-role = \"page\">\n"; echo "\t<header data-role = \"header\">\n"; echo "\t\t<h1>Random</h1>\n"; echo "\t</header>\n"; echo "\t\t<div class = \"ui-btn-active\" data-role = \"navbar\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t<ul data-role = \"navbar\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<li><a href = \"index.php#NewSearch\" data-transition=\"fade\">NEW SEARCH</a></li>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<li><a href = \"index.php#TopRated\" data-transition=\"fade\">TOP RATED</a></li>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<li><a href = \"random.php\" data-transition=\"fade\">RANDOM</a></li>\n"; echo "\t\t\t</ul>\n"; echo "\t\t</div> \n"; echo "\t\t</br>\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"jargon.php\">\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"result\" value=\"" . randomWord() . "\" />"; echo "\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Randomize\"/></br>\n"; echo "</form>"; echo "\t\n"; echo " <footer data-role = \"footer\" data-position=\"fixed\">\n"; echo " \n"; echo "\t\t<div class = \"ui-btn-active\" data-role = \"navbar\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t<ul data-role = \"navbar\">\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"index.php#MainPage\" data-role=\"navbar\" data-transition=\"fade\">Back to Main Page</a></li>\n"; echo "\t\t\t</ul>\n"; echo "\t\t</div>\n"; echo " \n"; echo " </footer>\n"; echo "</section>\n"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>\n";
/*foreach($a_lexiList as $item) getJargon($item);*/ // gen ratings /*foreach($a_lexiList as $item) getRating($item);*/ /*$myLexiSearch = lexiSearch('hac'); if(gettype($myLexiSearch) == "array") foreach($myLexiSearch as $i => $item) echo '<br> possiblity ' . $i . ' ' . $a_lexiList['name'][$item]; else echo '<br> lexiSearch: ' . $a_lexiList['name'][$myLexiSearch]; */ $searchJargon = new JarSearch(); $searchJargon->search(1337); //$a_lexiList = $searchJargon->getLexiList(); echo '<br>'; print_r($searchJargon->getNames()); foreach ($searchJargon->getNames() as $i => $item) { echo '<br> $item[' . $i . ']: ' . $item; } $word = randomWord(); echo '<br>'; print_r($word); echo '<br>'; $a_top = getTopRate(); echo '<br>'; print_r($a_top); /*$a_ratJar = getRating('hack'); $a_ratJar = setRating(true, 'hack', $a_ratJar); echo '<br>'; print_r($a_ratJar);*/