 * Finds every occurance of the given needle in the haystack and returns their offsets
 * @param String $needle The string being searched for
 * @param String $haystack The string that you trying to find the needle in
 * @param Boolean $ignoreCase Whether the search should be case sensitive
 * @return object Returns an array containing the found offsets. If the needle is not contained in the haystack, an empty array is returned
function offsets($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase = TRUE)
    $ignoreCase = (bool) $ignoreCase;
    $needle = (string) $needle;
    $haystack = (string) $haystack;
    if (empty($needle)) {
        throw new \r8\Exception\Argument(0, 'needle', 'Must not be empty');
    if (!\r8\str\contains($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)) {
        return array();
    $count = $ignoreCase ? \r8\str\substr_icount($haystack, $needle) : substr_count($haystack, $needle);
    $found = array();
    $offset = 0;
    $length = strlen($needle);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $found[] = $ignoreCase ? stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset) : strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
        $offset = end($found) + $length;
    return $found;
 public function testSubstr_icount()
     $this->assertEquals(2, \r8\str\substr_icount('This Is A Test', 'is'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, \r8\str\substr_icount('This Is A Test', 'Is'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, \r8\str\substr_icount('This Is A Test', 'IS'));
     $this->assertEquals(1, \r8\str\substr_icount('This Is A Test', 'is', 3));
     $this->assertEquals(0, \r8\str\substr_icount('This Is A Test', 'is', 3, 3));