 protected function question_survey_display($data, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire = false)
     // Date.
     $datemess = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'qn-datemsg'));
     $datemess .= get_string('dateformatting', 'questionnaire');
     $datemess .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
     if (!empty($data->{'q' . $this->id})) {
         $dateentered = $data->{'q' . $this->id};
         $setdate = questionnaire_check_date($dateentered, false);
         if ($setdate == 'wrongdateformat') {
             $msg = get_string('wrongdateformat', 'questionnaire', $dateentered);
         } else {
             if ($setdate == 'wrongdaterange') {
                 $msg = get_string('wrongdaterange', 'questionnaire');
             } else {
                 $data->{'q' . $this->id} = $setdate;
     echo $datemess;
     echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'qn-date'));
     echo '<input onkeypress="return event.keyCode != 13;" type="text" size="12" name="q' . $this->id . '" maxlength="10" value="' . (isset($data->{'q' . $this->id}) ? $data->{'q' . $this->id} : '') . '" />';
     echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
 protected function question_survey_display($data, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire = false)
     // Numeric.
     $precision = $this->precise;
     $a = '';
     if (isset($data->{'q' . $this->id})) {
         $mynumber = $data->{'q' . $this->id};
         if ($mynumber != '') {
             $mynumber0 = $mynumber;
             if (!is_numeric($mynumber)) {
                 $msg = get_string('notanumber', 'questionnaire', $mynumber);
             } else {
                 if ($precision) {
                     $pos = strpos($mynumber, '.');
                     if (!$pos) {
                         if (strlen($mynumber) > $this->length) {
                             $mynumber = substr($mynumber, 0, $this->length);
                     $this->length += 1 + $precision;
                     // To allow for n numbers after decimal point.
                 $mynumber = number_format($mynumber, $precision, '.', '');
                 if ($mynumber != $mynumber0) {
                     $a->number = $mynumber0;
                     $a->precision = $precision;
                     $msg = get_string('numberfloat', 'questionnaire', $a);
         if ($mynumber != '') {
             $data->{'q' . $this->id} = $mynumber;
     echo '<input onkeypress="return event.keyCode != 13;" type="text" size="' . $this->length . '" name="q' . $this->id . '" maxlength="' . $this->length . '" value="' . (isset($data->{'q' . $this->id}) ? $data->{'q' . $this->id} : '') . '" id="' . $this->type . $this->id . '" />';
 public function view()
     global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
     // Initialise the JavaScript.
     $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.mod_questionnaire.init_attempt_form', null, false, questionnaire_get_js_module());
     echo $OUTPUT->header();
     $questionnaire = $this;
     if (!$this->cm->visible && !$this->capabilities->viewhiddenactivities) {
     if (!$this->capabilities->view) {
         echo '<br/>';
         questionnaire_notify(get_string("noteligible", "questionnaire", $this->name));
         echo '<div><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '">' . get_string("continue") . '</a></div>';
     // Print the main part of the page.
     if (!$this->is_active()) {
         echo '<div class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('notavail', 'questionnaire') . '</div>';
     } else {
         if (!$this->is_open()) {
             echo '<div class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('notopen', 'questionnaire', userdate($this->opendate)) . '</div>';
         } else {
             if ($this->is_closed()) {
                 echo '<div class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('closed', 'questionnaire', userdate($this->closedate)) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 if (!$this->user_is_eligible($USER->id)) {
                     echo '<div class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('noteligible', 'questionnaire') . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($this->user_can_take($USER->id)) {
                         $quser = $USER->id;
                         if ($this->survey->realm == 'template') {
                             print_string('templatenotviewable', 'questionnaire');
                             echo $OUTPUT->footer($this->course);
                         $msg = $this->print_survey($USER->id, $quser);
                         // If Questionnaire was submitted with all required fields completed ($msg is empty),
                         // then record the submittal.
                         $viewform = data_submitted($CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/questionnaire/complete.php");
                         if (!empty($viewform->rid)) {
                             $viewform->rid = (int) $viewform->rid;
                         if (!empty($viewform->sec)) {
                             $viewform->sec = (int) $viewform->sec;
                         if (data_submitted() && confirm_sesskey() && isset($viewform->submit) && isset($viewform->submittype) && $viewform->submittype == "Submit Survey" && empty($msg)) {
                             $this->response_delete($viewform->rid, $viewform->sec);
                             $this->rid = $this->response_insert($this->survey->id, $viewform->sec, $viewform->rid, $quser);
                             // If it was a previous save, rid is in the form...
                             if (!empty($viewform->rid) && is_numeric($viewform->rid)) {
                                 $rid = $viewform->rid;
                                 // Otherwise its in this object.
                             } else {
                                 $rid = $this->rid;
                             questionnaire_record_submission($this, $USER->id, $rid);
                             if ($this->grade != 0) {
                                 $questionnaire = new stdClass();
                                 $questionnaire->id = $this->id;
                                 $questionnaire->name = $this->name;
                                 $questionnaire->grade = $this->grade;
                                 $questionnaire->cmidnumber = $this->cm->idnumber;
                                 $questionnaire->courseid = $this->course->id;
                                 questionnaire_update_grades($questionnaire, $quser);
                             // Update completion state.
                             $completion = new completion_info($this->course);
                             if ($completion->is_enabled($this->cm) && $this->completionsubmit) {
                                 $completion->update_state($this->cm, COMPLETION_COMPLETE);
                             // Log this submitted response.
                             $context = context_module::instance($this->cm->id);
                             $anonymous = $this->respondenttype == 'anonymous';
                             $params = array('context' => $context, 'courseid' => $this->course->id, 'relateduserid' => $USER->id, 'anonymous' => $anonymous, 'other' => array('questionnaireid' => $questionnaire->id));
                             $event = \mod_questionnaire\event\attempt_submitted::create($params);
                     } else {
                         switch ($this->qtype) {
                             case QUESTIONNAIREDAILY:
                                 $msgstring = ' ' . get_string('today', 'questionnaire');
                             case QUESTIONNAIREWEEKLY:
                                 $msgstring = ' ' . get_string('thisweek', 'questionnaire');
                             case QUESTIONNAIREMONTHLY:
                                 $msgstring = ' ' . get_string('thismonth', 'questionnaire');
                                 $msgstring = '';
                         echo '<div class="notifyproblem">' . get_string("alreadyfilled", "questionnaire", $msgstring) . '</div>';
     // Finish the page.
     echo $OUTPUT->footer($this->course);
 protected function question_survey_display($data, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire = false)
     $disabled = '';
     if ($blankquestionnaire) {
         $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
     if (!empty($data) && (!isset($data->{'q' . $this->id}) || !is_array($data->{'q' . $this->id}))) {
         $data->{'q' . $this->id} = array();
     $isna = $this->precise == 1;
     $osgood = $this->precise == 3;
     // Check if rate question has one line only to display full width columns of choices.
     $nocontent = false;
     $nameddegrees = 0;
     $n = array();
     $v = array();
     $mods = array();
     $maxndlen = 0;
     foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
         $content = $choice->content;
         if (!$nocontent && $content == '') {
             $nocontent = true;
         // Check for number from 1 to 3 digits, followed by the equal sign = (to accomodate named degrees).
         if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{1,3})=(.*)\$/", $content, $ndd)) {
             $n[$nameddegrees] = format_text($ndd[2], FORMAT_HTML);
             if (strlen($n[$nameddegrees]) > $maxndlen) {
                 $maxndlen = strlen($n[$nameddegrees]);
             $v[$nameddegrees] = $ndd[1];
             $this->choices[$cid] = '';
         } else {
             $contents = questionnaire_choice_values($content);
             if ($contents->modname) {
                 $choice->content = $contents->text;
     // The 0.1% right margin is needed to avoid the horizontal scrollbar in Chrome!
     // A one-line rate question (no content) does not need to span more than 50%.
     $width = $nocontent ? "50%" : "99.9%";
     echo '<table style="width:' . $width . '">';
     echo '<tbody>';
     echo '<tr>';
     // If Osgood, adjust central columns to width of named degrees if any.
     if ($osgood) {
         if ($maxndlen < 4) {
             $width = '45%';
         } else {
             if ($maxndlen < 13) {
                 $width = '40%';
             } else {
                 $width = '30%';
         $nn = 100 - $width * 2;
         $colwidth = $nn / $this->length . '%';
         $textalign = 'right';
     } else {
         if ($nocontent) {
             $width = '0%';
             $colwidth = 100 / $this->length . '%';
             $textalign = 'right';
         } else {
             $width = '59%';
             $colwidth = 40 / $this->length . '%';
             $textalign = 'left';
     echo '<td style="width: ' . $width . '"></td>';
     if ($isna) {
         $na = get_string('notapplicable', 'questionnaire');
     } else {
         $na = '';
     if ($this->precise == 2) {
         $order = ' onclick="other_rate_uncheck(name, value)" ';
     } else {
         $order = '';
     if ($this->precise != 2) {
         $nbchoices = count($this->choices) - $nameddegrees;
     } else {
         // If "No duplicate choices", can restrict nbchoices to number of rate items specified.
         $nbchoices = $this->length;
     // Display empty td for Not yet answered column.
     if ($nbchoices > 1 && $this->precise != 2 && !$blankquestionnaire) {
         echo '<td></td>';
     for ($j = 0; $j < $this->length; $j++) {
         if (isset($n[$j])) {
             $str = $n[$j];
             $val = $v[$j];
         } else {
             $str = $j + 1;
             $val = $j + 1;
         if ($blankquestionnaire) {
             $val = '<br />(' . $val . ')';
         } else {
             $val = '';
         echo '<td style="width:' . $colwidth . '; text-align:center;" class="smalltext">' . $str . $val . '</td>';
     if ($na) {
         echo '<td style="width:' . $colwidth . '; text-align:center;" class="smalltext">' . $na . '</td>';
     echo '</tr>';
     $num = 0;
     foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
         $str = 'q' . "{$this->id}_{$cid}";
         $num += isset($data->{$str}) && $data->{$str} != -999;
     $notcomplete = false;
     if ($num != $nbchoices && $num != 0) {
         questionnaire_notify(get_string('checkallradiobuttons', 'questionnaire', $nbchoices));
         $notcomplete = true;
     $row = 0;
     foreach ($this->choices as $cid => $choice) {
         if (isset($choice->content)) {
             $str = 'q' . "{$this->id}_{$cid}";
             echo '<tr class="raterow">';
             $content = $choice->content;
             if ($osgood) {
                 list($content, $contentright) = array_merge(preg_split('/[|]/', $content), array(' '));
             echo '<td style="text-align: ' . $textalign . ';">' . format_text($content, FORMAT_HTML) . '&nbsp;</td>';
             $bg = 'c0 raterow';
             if ($nbchoices > 1 && $this->precise != 2 && !$blankquestionnaire) {
                 $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                 $completeclass = 'notanswered';
                 $title = '';
                 if ($notcomplete && isset($data->{$str}) && $data->{$str} == -999) {
                     $completeclass = 'notcompleted';
                     $title = get_string('pleasecomplete', 'questionnaire');
                 // Set value of notanswered button to -999 in order to eliminate it from form submit later on.
                 echo '<td title="' . $title . '" class="' . $completeclass . '" style="width:1%;"><input name="' . $str . '" type="radio" value="-999" ' . $checked . $order . ' /></td>';
             for ($j = 0; $j < $this->length + $isna; $j++) {
                 $checked = isset($data->{$str}) && ($j == $data->{$str} || $j == $this->length && $data->{$str} == -1) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
                 $checked = '';
                 if (isset($data->{$str}) && ($j == $data->{$str} || $j == $this->length && $data->{$str} == -1)) {
                     $checked = ' checked="checked"';
                 echo '<td style="text-align:center" class="' . $bg . '">';
                 $i = $j + 1;
                 echo html_writer::tag('span', get_string('option', 'questionnaire', $i), array('class' => 'accesshide'));
                 // If isna column then set na choice to -1 value.
                 $value = $j < $this->length ? $j : -1;
                 echo '<input name="' . $str . '" type="radio" value="' . $value . '"' . $checked . $disabled . $order . ' id="' . $str . '_' . $value . '" />' . '<label for="' . $str . '_' . $value . '" class="accesshide">Choice ' . $i . ' for row ' . $row . '</label></td>';
                 if ($bg == 'c0 raterow') {
                     $bg = 'c1 raterow';
                 } else {
                     $bg = 'c0 raterow';
             if ($osgood) {
                 echo '<td>&nbsp;' . format_text($contentright, FORMAT_HTML) . '</td>';
             echo '</tr>';
     echo '</tbody>';
     echo '</table>';
 protected function question_survey_display($data, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire = false)
     // Radio buttons
     global $idcounter;
     // To make sure all radio buttons have unique ids. // JR 20 NOV 2007.
     $otherempty = false;
     $output = '';
     // Find out which radio button is checked (if any); yields choice ID.
     if (isset($data->{'q' . $this->id})) {
         $checked = $data->{'q' . $this->id};
     } else {
         $checked = '';
     $horizontal = $this->length;
     $ischecked = false;
     // To display or hide dependent questions on Preview page.
     $onclickdepend = array();
     if ($descendantsdata) {
         $descendants = implode(',', $descendantsdata['descendants']);
         foreach ($descendantsdata['choices'] as $key => $choice) {
             $choices[$key] = implode(',', $choice);
             $onclickdepend[$key] = ' onclick="depend(\'' . $descendants . '\', \'' . $choices[$key] . '\')"';
     // End dependents.
     foreach ($this->choices as $id => $choice) {
         $other = strpos($choice->content, '!other');
         if ($horizontal) {
             $output .= ' <span style="white-space:nowrap;">';
         // To display or hide dependent questions on Preview page.
         $onclick = '';
         if ($onclickdepend) {
             if (isset($onclickdepend[$id])) {
                 $onclick = $onclickdepend[$id];
             } else {
                 // In case this dependchoice is not used by any child question.
                 $onclick = ' onclick="depend(\'' . $descendants . '\', \'\')"';
         } else {
             $onclick = ' onclick="other_check_empty(name, value)"';
         // End dependents.
         if ($other !== 0) {
             // This is a normal radio button.
             $htmlid = 'auto-rb' . sprintf('%04d', ++$idcounter);
             $output .= '<input name="q' . $this->id . '" id="' . $htmlid . '" type="radio" value="' . $id . '"' . $onclick;
             if ($id == $checked) {
                 $output .= ' checked="checked"';
                 $ischecked = true;
             $value = '';
             if ($blankquestionnaire) {
                 $output .= ' disabled="disabled"';
                 $value = ' (' . $choice->value . ') ';
             $content = $choice->content;
             $contents = questionnaire_choice_values($choice->content);
             $output .= ' /><label for="' . $htmlid . '" >' . $value . format_text($contents->text, FORMAT_HTML) . $contents->image . '</label>';
         } else {
             // Radio button with associated !other text field.
             $othertext = preg_replace(array("/^!other=/", "/^!other/"), array('', get_string('other', 'questionnaire')), $choice->content);
             $cid = 'q' . $this->id . '_' . $id;
             $otherempty = false;
             $otherid = 'q' . $this->id . '_' . $checked;
             if (substr($checked, 0, 6) == 'other_') {
                 // Fix bug CONTRIB-222.
                 $checked = substr($checked, 6);
             $htmlid = 'auto-rb' . sprintf('%04d', ++$idcounter);
             $output .= '<input name="q' . $this->id . '" id="' . $htmlid . '" type="radio" value="other_' . $id . '"' . $onclick;
             if ($id == $checked || !empty($data->{$cid})) {
                 $output .= ' checked="checked"';
                 $ischecked = true;
                 if (!$data->{$cid}) {
                     $otherempty = true;
             $output .= ' /><label for="' . $htmlid . '" >' . format_text($othertext, FORMAT_HTML) . '</label>';
             $choices['other_' . $cid] = $othertext;
             $output .= '<input type="text" size="25" name="' . $cid . '" id="' . $htmlid . '-other" onclick="other_check(name)"';
             if (isset($data->{$cid})) {
                 $output .= ' value="' . stripslashes($data->{$cid}) . '"';
             $output .= ' />';
             $output .= '<label for="' . $htmlid . '-other" class="accesshide">Text for ' . format_text($othertext, FORMAT_HTML) . '</label>&nbsp;';
         if ($horizontal) {
             // Added a zero-width space character to make MSIE happy!
             $output .= '</span>&#8203;';
         } else {
             $output .= '<br />';
     // CONTRIB-846.
     if ($this->required == 'n') {
         $id = '';
         $htmlid = 'auto-rb' . sprintf('%04d', ++$idcounter);
         if ($horizontal) {
             $output .= ' <span style="white-space:nowrap;">';
         // To display or hide dependent questions on Preview page.
         $onclick = '';
         if ($onclickdepend) {
             $onclick = ' onclick="depend(\'' . $descendants . '\', \'\')"';
         } else {
             $onclick = ' onclick="other_check_empty(name, value)"';
         // End dependents.
         $output .= '<input name="q' . $this->id . '" id="' . $htmlid . '" type="radio" value="' . $id . '"' . $onclick;
         if (!$ischecked && !$blankquestionnaire) {
             $output .= ' checked="checked"';
         $content = get_string('noanswer', 'questionnaire');
         $output .= ' /><label for="' . $htmlid . '" >' . format_text($content, FORMAT_HTML) . '</label>';
         if ($horizontal) {
             $output .= '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
         } else {
             $output .= '<br />';
     // End CONTRIB-846.
     echo $output;
     if ($otherempty) {
         questionnaire_notify(get_string('otherempty', 'questionnaire'));
        $currentsection = 1;
        $SESSION->questionnaire->currentfbsection = 1;
        redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/questionnaire/fbsettings.php?id=' . $questionnaire->cm->id . '&currentsection=' . $currentsection, '', 0);
// Print the page header.
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('feedbackeditingsections', 'questionnaire'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('feedbackeditingsections', 'questionnaire'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo '<form id="fbsections" method="post">';
$feedbacksections = $questionnaire->survey->feedbacksections + 1;
if ($errormsg != '') {
$n = 0;
$bg = 'c0';
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
echo $OUTPUT->help_icon('feedbacksectionsselect', 'questionnaire');
echo '<b>Sections:</b><br /><br />';
$formdata = new stdClass();
$descendantsdata = array();
foreach ($questionnaire->questions as $question) {
    $qtype = $question->type_id;
    $qname = $question->name;
    $qprecise = $question->precise;
    $required = $question->required;
    $qid = $question->id;
    // Questions to be included in feedback sections must be required, have a name
 function numeric_survey_display($data)
     // Numeric
     $precision = $this->precise;
     $a = '';
     if (isset($data->{'q' . $this->id})) {
         $mynumber = $data->{'q' . $this->id};
         if ($mynumber != '') {
             $mynumber0 = $mynumber;
             if (!is_numeric($mynumber)) {
                 $msg = get_string('notanumber', 'questionnaire', $mynumber);
             } else {
                 if ($precision) {
                     $pos = strpos($mynumber, '.');
                     if (!$pos) {
                         if (strlen($mynumber) > $this->length) {
                             $mynumber = substr($mynumber, 0, $this->length);
                     $this->length += 1 + $precision;
                     // to allow for n numbers after decimal point
                 $mynumber = number_format($mynumber, $precision, '.', '');
                 if ($mynumber != $mynumber0) {
                     $a->number = $mynumber0;
                     $a->precision = $precision;
                     $msg = get_string('numberfloat', 'questionnaire', $a);
         if ($mynumber != '') {
             $data->{'q' . $this->id} = $mynumber;
     echo '<input type="text" size="' . $this->length . '" name="q' . $this->id . '" maxlength="' . $this->length . '" value="' . (isset($data->{'q' . $this->id}) ? $data->{'q' . $this->id} : '') . '" />';
 function view()
     $currentcss = '';
     if (!empty($this->survey->theme)) {
         $currentcss = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/questionnaire/css/' . $this->survey->theme . '" />';
     $navigation = build_navigation('', $this->cm);
     print_header_simple($this->name, "", $navigation, '', $currentcss, true, update_module_button($this->cm->id, $this->course->id, $this->strquestionnaire), navmenu($this->course, $this->cm));
     /// print the tabs
     $questionnaire = $this;
     include 'tabs.php';
     $strprint = get_string('print', 'questionnaire');
     $strprinttooltip = get_string('printtooltip', 'questionnaire');
     $strprintblank = get_string('printblank', 'questionnaire');
     $strprintblanktooltip = get_string('printblanktooltip', 'questionnaire');
     $blankquestionnaire = true;
     if (!$this->cm->visible) {
     if (!$this->capabilities->view) {
         echo '<br/>';
         questionnaire_notify(get_string("guestsno", "questionnaire", $this->name));
         echo '<div class="returnLink"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/course/view.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '">' . get_string("continue") . '</a></div>';
     /// Print the main part of the page
     if (!$this->is_active()) {
         echo '<div class="message">' . get_string('notavail', 'questionnaire') . '</div>';
     } else {
         if (!$this->is_open()) {
             echo '<div class="message">' . get_string('notopen', 'questionnaire', userdate($this->opendate)) . '</div>';
         } else {
             if ($this->is_closed()) {
                 echo '<div class="message">' . get_string('closed', 'questionnaire', userdate($this->closedate)) . '</div>';
             } else {
                 if (!$this->user_is_eligible($USER->id)) {
                     echo '<div class="message">' . get_string('noteligible', 'questionnaire') . '</div>';
                 } else {
                     if ($this->user_can_take($USER->id)) {
                         $sid = $this->sid;
                         $quser = $USER->id;
                         if ($this->survey->realm == 'template') {
                             print_string('templatenotviewable', 'questionnaire');
                         echo '<div class="box generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide">';
                         echo '<div style="text-align:right; margin-right:5px; margin-top:-5px; margin-bottom:5px;">';
                         if (isset($this->questions) && $this->capabilities->printblank) {
                             // open print friendly as popup window to fix XML strict bug contrib-200
                             $linkname = get_string('printblank', 'questionnaire');
                             $height = '';
                             $width = '';
                             $title = get_string('printblanktooltip', 'questionnaire');
                             $options = 'menubar=1, location=0, scrollbars, resizable';
                             $image_url = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/questionnaire/images/';
                             $name = 'popup';
                             $linkname = '<img src="' . $image_url . 'print.gif" alt="Printer-friendly version" />';
                             $url = '/mod/questionnaire/print.php?qid=' . $this->id . '&amp;rid=0&amp;' . 'courseid=' . $this->course->id . '&amp;sec=1';
                             link_to_popup_window($url, $name, $linkname, $height, $width, $title, $options, false);
                         echo '</div>';
                         $msg = $this->print_survey($USER->id, $quser);
                         $viewform = data_submitted($CFG->wwwroot . "/mod/questionnaire/view.php");
                         ///     If Survey was submitted with all required fields completed ($msg is empty),
                         ///     then record the submittal.
                         if (isset($viewform->submit) && isset($viewform->submittype) && $viewform->submittype == "Submit Survey" && empty($msg)) {
                             $this->response_delete($viewform->rid, $viewform->sec);
                             $this->rid = $this->response_insert($this->survey->id, $viewform->sec, $viewform->rid, $quser, $viewform);
                             /// If it was a previous save, rid is in the form...
                             if (!empty($viewform->rid) && is_numeric($viewform->rid)) {
                                 $rid = $viewform->rid;
                                 /// Otherwise its in this object.
                             } else {
                                 $rid = $this->rid;
                             questionnaire_record_submission($this, $USER->id, $rid);
                             $questionnaire = new Object();
                             $questionnaire->id = $this->id;
                             $questionnaire->name = $this->name;
                             $questionnaire->grade = $this->grade;
                             $questionnaire->cmidnumber = $this->cm->idnumber;
                             $questionnaire->courseid = $this->course->id;
                             questionnaire_update_grades($questionnaire, $quser);
                             add_to_log($this->course->id, "questionnaire", "submit", "view.php?id={$this->cm->id}", "{$this->name}", $this->cm->id, $USER->id);
                         echo '</div>';
                         //div class="box generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide"
                     } else {
                         switch ($this->qtype) {
                             case QUESTIONNAIREDAILY:
                                 $msgstring = ' ' . get_string('today', 'questionnaire');
                             case QUESTIONNAIREWEEKLY:
                                 $msgstring = ' ' . get_string('thisweek', 'questionnaire');
                             case QUESTIONNAIREMONTHLY:
                                 $msgstring = ' ' . get_string('thismonth', 'questionnaire');
                                 $msgstring = '';
                         echo '<div class="message">' . get_string("alreadyfilled", "questionnaire", $msgstring) . '</div>';
     /// Finish the page
 protected function question_survey_display($data, $descendantsdata, $blankquestionnaire = false)
     // Check boxes.
     $otherempty = false;
     if (!empty($data)) {
         if (!isset($data->{'q' . $this->id}) || !is_array($data->{'q' . $this->id})) {
             $data->{'q' . $this->id} = array();
         // Verify that number of checked boxes (nbboxes) is within set limits (length = min; precision = max).
         if ($data->{'q' . $this->id}) {
             $otherempty = false;
             $boxes = $data->{'q' . $this->id};
             $nbboxes = count($boxes);
             foreach ($boxes as $box) {
                 $pos = strpos($box, 'other_');
                 if (is_int($pos) == true) {
                     $otherchoice = substr($box, 6);
                     $resp = 'q' . $this->id . '' . substr($box, 5);
                     if (!$data->{$resp}) {
                         $otherempty = true;
             $nbchoices = count($this->choices);
             $min = $this->length;
             $max = $this->precise;
             if ($max == 0) {
                 $max = $nbchoices;
             if ($min > $max) {
                 $min = $max;
                 // Sanity check.
             $min = min($nbchoices, $min);
             $msg = '';
             if ($nbboxes < $min || $nbboxes > $max) {
                 $msg = get_string('boxesnbreq', 'questionnaire');
                 if ($min == $max) {
                     $msg .= '&nbsp;' . get_string('boxesnbexact', 'questionnaire', $min);
                 } else {
                     if ($min && $nbboxes < $min) {
                         $msg .= get_string('boxesnbmin', 'questionnaire', $min);
                         if ($nbboxes > $max) {
                             $msg .= ' & ' . get_string('boxesnbmax', 'questionnaire', $max);
                     } else {
                         if ($nbboxes > $max) {
                             $msg .= get_string('boxesnbmax', 'questionnaire', $max);
     foreach ($this->choices as $id => $choice) {
         $other = strpos($choice->content, '!other');
         if ($other !== 0) {
             // This is a normal check box.
             $contents = questionnaire_choice_values($choice->content);
             $checked = false;
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 $checked = in_array($id, $data->{'q' . $this->id});
             echo html_writer::checkbox('q' . $this->id . '[]', $id, $checked, format_text($contents->text, FORMAT_HTML) . $contents->image);
             echo '<br />';
         } else {
             // Check box with associated !other text field.
             // In case length field has been used to enter max number of choices, set it to 20.
             $othertext = preg_replace(array("/^!other=/", "/^!other/"), array('', get_string('other', 'questionnaire')), $choice->content);
             $cid = 'q' . $this->id . '_' . $id;
             if (!empty($data) && !empty($data->{$cid})) {
                 $checked = true;
             } else {
                 $checked = false;
             $name = 'q' . $this->id . '[]';
             $value = 'other_' . $id;
             echo html_writer::checkbox($name, $value, $checked, format_text($othertext . '', FORMAT_HTML));
             $othertext = '&nbsp;<input type="text" size="25" name="' . $cid . '" onclick="other_check(name)"';
             if ($cid) {
                 $othertext .= ' value="' . (!empty($data->{$cid}) ? stripslashes($data->{$cid}) : '') . '"';
             $othertext .= ' />';
             echo $othertext . '<br />';
     if ($otherempty) {
         questionnaire_notify(get_string('otherempty', 'questionnaire'));