function reports_csv() { $this->load->helper('csv'); $query = $this->db->get('reports'); $filename = date('Y-m-d_Hi') . '_reports.csv'; query_to_csv($query, TRUE, $filename); }
public function export() { // chargement du helper CSV $this->load->helper('csv'); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT pseudo FROM joueur"); query_to_csv($query, TRUE, 'mon_fichier_' . time() . '.csv'); }
function download_csv() { $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->helper('csv'); $trows = $this->db->count_all('tblsubscribers'); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT name, email FROM tblsubscribers "); query_to_csv($query, TRUE, realpath(APPPATH . '../../csv') . '/subscribers_' . date('dMy') . '.csv'); }
public function index($vars = '', $csv = false) { //Get customers for dropdown $this->data['customers'] = $this->get_customers(); //Get the orders $this->data['orders'] = $this->stores_model->get_orders($this->data['data']->master_id, false, !is_array($vars) ? $vars : false, $vars != '' && $vars > 1 ? $vars : NULL, $csv); if ($csv == true) { echo query_to_csv($this->data['orders'], TRUE, uniqid() . '.csv'); return false; } //Lets create a list of parent_ids so we can identify which orders have been edited $parent_ids = array(); foreach ($this->data['orders'] as $key => $order) { if ($order['parent_id'] > 0) { $parent_ids[] = $order['parent_id']; } } $this->data['parent_ids'] = $parent_ids; //Load the view $this->view($this->master, $this->prefix); }
function create_csv() { $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM <tablename>'); $num = $query->num_fields(); $var = array(); $i = 1; $fname = ""; while ($i <= $num) { $test = $i; $value = $this->input->post($test); if ($value != '') { $fname = $fname . " " . $value; array_push($var, $value); } $i++; } $fname = trim($fname); $fname = str_replace(' ', ',', $fname); $this->db->select($fname); $quer = $this->db->get('<tablename>'); query_to_csv($quer, TRUE, 'Products_' . date('dMy') . '.csv'); }
function reports_csv() { $this->load->helper('csv'); if (!$this->ion_auth->is_admin()) { $where_group = $this->filter_query_permissions(); if (!empty($where_group)) { $this->db->where('agency_responsible', $where_group[0]); } } $query = $this->db->get('reports'); $filename = date('Y-m-d_Hi') . '_reports.csv'; query_to_csv($query, TRUE, $filename); }
public function exportcsv() { $result = $this->m_registrations->exportcsv(); // echo $this->session->userdata('lastQuery2'); exit(); if (query_to_csv($result, TRUE, 'Student-List-' . date('Y-m-d', time()) . '.csv')) { redirect('students/registrations/index'); } }
function export_stitching() { $this->data['result'] = $this->Ads_analytics_model->getAllStichingReports(0, 0, true); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($this->data['result']); exit; if ($this->uri->segment(3) == 'pdf') { $content = $this->load->view('templates/stitching_pdf_content', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($content, 'In Stream Stitching Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(3) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Creative', 'Duration', 'UserCount', 'DateTime'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { //$dataRpt[$num]['id'] = $p->id; $dataRpt[$num]['Commercial'] = isset($p->ad_title) ? $p->ad_title : $p->Commercial; $dataRpt[$num]['Duration'] = $p->Duration; $dataRpt[$num]['UserCount'] = $p->UserCount; $dataRpt[$num]['StartTime'] = $p->StartTime; $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } }
<?php session_start(); include "config/db.php"; include "config/timelog.php"; include_once 'config/worklog.php'; if (strcmp(md5('1'), $_GET['usergroup']) == 0 && isset($_GET['startlogdate']) && isset($_GET['endlogdate']) && isset($_GET['userlog'])) { $startdate = explode('-', $_GET['startlogdate']); $enddate = explode('-', $_GET['endlogdate']); $userlog = $_GET['userlog']; $result = ''; $query = "SELECT user_name as User, log_time AS \"Log No\", user_login AS \"Login Time\", user_logout AS \"Logout Time\", TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(log_time),'%Hhr %imin') AS \"Total Time\", DATE_FORMAT(log_date,'%M %d %Y') AS \"Log Date\" FROM tbl_logs WHERE user_name='" . $userlog . "' AND DATE(log_date) BETWEEN '" . $startdate[2] . "-" . $startdate[1] . "-" . $startdate[0] . "' AND '" . $enddate[2] . "-" . $enddate[1] . "-" . $enddate[0] . "'"; //$dataresult = mysql_query($query); query_to_csv($query, "export.csv", true); /* $header = "User\tLog No\tLogin Time\tLogout Time\tTotal Time\tLog Date"; while( $row = mysql_fetch_row( $dataresult ) ) { $line = ''; foreach( $row as $value ) { if ( ( !isset( $value ) ) || ( $value == "" ) ) { $value = "\t"; } else { $value = str_replace( '"' , '""' , $value ); $value = '"' . $value . '"' . "\t"; } $line .= $value;
function export() { $type = $this->uri->segment(3); $cid = $this->uri->segment(4); $this->data['result'] = $this->webtv_model->epgList($cid, $this->uid); switch ($type) { case 'pdf': $content = $this->load->view('templates/epg_pdf', $this->data, true); create_pdf($content, 'EPG Report'); break; case 'csv': $heading = array('Sl.No.', 'Playlist Id', 'Title', 'Content Id', 'Start Time', 'End Time', 'Status'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $i++; $dataRpt[$num]['title'] = $i; $dataRpt[$num]['content_provider'] = $p->playlist_id; $dataRpt[$num]['platform'] = $p->title; $dataRpt[$num]['browser'] = $p->content_id; $dataRpt[$num]['location'] = $this->dateFormat($p->start_date); $dataRpt[$num]['date'] = $this->dateFormat($p->end_date); $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->status; $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading, ''); break; case 'xml': echo 'xml'; break; } }
public function saveCSVthdbh() { $this->db->from('th_dbh'); $query = $this->db->get(); query_to_csv($query, TRUE, 'extras.csv'); }
public function directCall($item = "", $param = "") { $dbArr = array(); $output = array("rows" => ""); switch ($item) { case "transact": /*foreach( $_GET as $r => $val){ $data .= $r . ": " . $val . " "; } $start = ($_GET['page'] - 1) * $_GET['pageSize']; $data = "SELECT (select count(*) FROM ogmr) as total,PROGRESS_RECID,job_no,booklet_no,ogmr_no,requisitioner,trans_date,addressee,description,dept,remarks,file_attach,upload_no,loguser,logdate,logupdate FROM {$this->tblName} where {$_GET['field']} like '% {$_GET['value']} %' order by ogmr_no LIMIT {$start},{$_GET['pageSize']}"; if (!write_file('e:\postData3.txt', $data)) echo 'Unable to write the file'; else echo 'File written!';*/ $operatorArr = array("eq" => " = '", "neq" => " != '", "endswith" => " LIKE '%", "startswith" => " LIKE '", "contains" => " LIKE '%", "doesnotcontain" => " NOT LIKE '%", "gte" => " >= '", "gt" => " > '", "lte" => " <= '", "lt" => " < '"); $blankThis = array("eq", "neq", "endswith"); if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; //$fieldVal[$res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]]] = $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%"); } } /*echo $fieldVal; return true; var_dump($this->ogmr_model->getAll((isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : array())));*/ foreach ($this->ogmr_model->getAll(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } $r['exists'] = $r['file_attach'] != "" && file_exists("c:/wamp/www/assets/pdf/documents/" . $r['file_attach']) ? "✓" : ""; array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export": /*foreach ($this->ogmr_model->getAll_export() as $r): $r['exists'] = ($r['file_attach'] != "" && file_exists("c:/wamp/www/assets/pdf/documents/" . $r['file_attach']) ? "✓" : ""); array_push($dbArr, $r); endforeach;*/ //------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = query_to_csv($this->ogmr_model->getAll_export(), true, "ogmr_registers.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ogmr_registers.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "query": foreach ($this->tempdb_ogmr_model->getAllPlus() as $r) { $r['exists'] = $r['file_attach'] != "" && file_exists("c:/wamp/www/assets/pdf/documents/" . $r['file_attach']) ? "✓" : ""; array_push($dbArr, $r); } //var_dump($this->tempdb_ogmr_model->getAllPlus()); break; case "booklet": foreach ($this->ogmr_model->get_all_filtered_booklet() as $r) { //getAllBooklet array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "job": // foreach ($this->job_tbl_model->get_all_dd() as $r): // array_push($dbArr, $r); // endforeach; $dbArr = $this->job_tbl_model->get_all_dd(); break; case "jobNo": foreach ($this->job_tbl_model->getAllJob() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; default: break; } $output['rows'] = $dbArr; $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($output)); }
/** * this function return and download data from database by query * * @param Array() $queryData codeigniter query return * @param Bool $headers data table headlines will be table flied names * @param String $filename download file name * @throws Some_Exception_Class If something interesting cannot happen * @return NO returns */ public function toCSV($queryData, $headers = TRUE, $filename = 'data.csv') { query_to_csv($queryData, $headers, $filename); }
public function directCall($item = "", $param = "") { $rowArr = array(); $dbArr = array(); $output = array("rows" => ""); $operatorArr = array("eq" => " = '", "neq" => " != '", "endswith" => " LIKE '%", "startswith" => " LIKE '", "contains" => " LIKE '%", "doesnotcontain" => " NOT LIKE '%", "gte" => " >= '", "gt" => " > '", "lte" => " <= '", "lt" => " < '"); $blankThis = array("eq", "neq", "endswith"); switch ($item) { case "tpo": $this->read("tpo_hdr", "get_all"); break; case "spool": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; // if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) // foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val): // $res = explode(";",$val); // $fieldVal = ((isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "") ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; // endforeach; // // $result_array = $this->spool_model->get_all((isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "")); // foreach ($result_array as $r): // if (isset($r['total']) && ($r['total'] == 0)) // break; // // foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2): // if (is_object($v2)){ // $date_array = (array) $v2; // $date_time = $date_array['date']; // $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); // $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; // } // endforeach; // // array_push($dbArr, $r); // endforeach; $this->read("spool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "joints": if (isset($_GET['spool_no'])) { $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no = '{$_GET['spool_no']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->joints_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } } break; case "random": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->random_pipes_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "material": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->mat_takeoff_perspool_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "item": array_push($dbArr, array("item_code" => "", "description" => "")); foreach ($this->material_file_model->get_all_dd() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "area": array_push($dbArr, array("area_no" => "<ALL>", "area_desc" => "")); foreach ($this->area_model->get_all_dd() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "areaTbl": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->area_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "subarea": $fieldVal = "area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->sub_area_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "fwbs": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ref_fwbs_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "discTbl": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ref_discipline_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "refJnt": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ref_jointtype_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "roc": $fieldVal = "discipline_code = '{$_GET['discipline_code']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ref_roctype_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "rocTbl": $fieldVal = "roc_type = '{$_GET['roc_type']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ref_roc_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "work": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ref_workability_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "updWeek": $dbArr = $this->ref_workability_model->call_sp($item); break; case "spool_no_only": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; array_push($dbArr, array("spool_no" => "")); foreach ($this->spool_model->get_all_spool($fieldVal) as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "area_query": //$isoWhere = "iso.stat = 'A' "; if ($_GET['area_no'] != "" && $_GET['area_no'] != "'<ALL>'") { $isoWhere = "AND area_no in ({$_GET['area_no']})"; } //$isoWhere = "AND area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}'"; //$isoWhere = "spool.plant_no = '{$_POST['plant_no']}' AND spool.area_no = '{$_POST['area_no']}' AND spool.drawing_no = '{$_POST['drawing_no']}' AND spool.sheet_no = '{$_POST['sheet_no']}' AND spool.rev_no = '{$_POST['rev_no']}'"; if ($_GET['rsOption'] > 0) { $spoolWhere = "AND spool.workable_dt " . ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1 ? "!= NULL" : "= NULL"); } $fieldVal = ""; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal .= " AND " . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } // echo $fieldVal; //echo $this->iso_model->area_query((isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""),(isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : ""),(isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "")); //return true; foreach ($this->iso_model->area_query(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "", isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : "", isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export": if ($_GET['area_no'] != "" && $_GET['area_no'] != "'<ALL>'") { $isoWhere = "AND area_no in ({$_GET['area_no']})"; } //$isoWhere = "AND area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}'"; //$isoWhere = "spool.plant_no = '{$_POST['plant_no']}' AND spool.area_no = '{$_POST['area_no']}' AND spool.drawing_no = '{$_POST['drawing_no']}' AND spool.sheet_no = '{$_POST['sheet_no']}' AND spool.rev_no = '{$_POST['rev_no']}'"; if ($_GET['rsOption'] > 0) { $spoolWhere = "AND spool.workable_dt " . ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1 ? "!= NULL" : "= NULL"); } $fieldVal = ""; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal .= " AND " . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } /*foreach ($this->ogmr_model->getAll_export() as $r): $r['exists'] = ($r['file_attach'] != "" && file_exists("c:/wamp/www/assets/pdf/documents/" . $r['file_attach']) ? "✓" : ""); array_push($dbArr, $r); endforeach;*/ foreach ($this->iso_model->area_query_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "", isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : "", isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "area_query.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="area_query.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "insTo": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->inst_takeoff_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export_insTo": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } foreach ($this->inst_takeoff_model->get_all_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "insto.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="insto.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "elecTo": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->elec_takeoff_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export_elecTo": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } foreach ($this->elec_takeoff_model->get_all_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "elecTo.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="elecTo.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "pc_ELECT-TYPE": $dbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_by_prog("ELECT-TYPE"); break; case "disc": $dbArr = $this->ref_discipline_model->get_all_dd(); break; case "rocDD": $dbArr = $this->ref_roctype_model->get_all_dd(); break; case "isoMech": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->iso_mech_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "equipMech": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->equip_mech_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); // echo $result_array; // return true; foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export_equipMech": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } foreach ($this->equip_mech_model->get_all_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "equipMech.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="equipMech.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "isoStruc": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->iso_struc_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "pieceStruc": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->piece_struc_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export_pieceStruc": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } foreach ($this->piece_struc_model->get_all_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "pieceStruc.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pieceStruc.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "psTo": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } $result_array = $this->ps_mto_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""); foreach ($result_array as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export_pipTo": if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } foreach ($this->ps_mto_model->get_all_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "pipTo.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pipTo.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "verifyHydro": echo intval($this->testpack_hdr_model->verify_hydro()) == 1 ? "true" : "false"; return true; break; case "callSP": $dbArr = $this->pip_mto_data_model->call_sp(); break; case "callSP_weld": $dbArr = $this->pip_weld_data_model->call_sp(); break; case "callSP_str": $dbArr = $this->str_pm_data_model->call_sp(); break; case "callSP_ps": $dbArr = $this->ps_mto_model->call_sp(); break; case "psMto": case "psFogMto": case "psPcdMto": case "psGlobalMto": case "psFabMto": $data = $_GET['rows']; $json = str_replace('\\', '', $data); $newdata = json_decode($json); $sql = ""; foreach ($newdata->rows as $key => $value) { $sql .= "insert into ##ttfile("; for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { //1: for table field, 2: for table value if ($i == 1) { $sql .= ") values("; } $keyCounter = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $sql .= $i == 0 ? $key2 : "'" . $value2 . "'"; if ($keyCounter < sizeof((array) $value) - 1) { $sql .= ", "; } $keyCounter++; } } $sql .= ");"; } // echo $sql; // return true; $dbArr = $this->ps_mto_model->call_sp($sql, $item); break; case "verifyPipe": echo intval($this->ps_mto_model->verify_pipe()) == 1 ? "true" : "false"; return true; break; case "update": switch ($param) { case 'mto2': if ($this->ttConstn_model->get_count() == 0 || $this->ttTestpack_model->get_count() == 0) { $dbArr = array("return_value" => "2"); } break; case 'weld1': case 'weld2': case 'ps1': case 'wends': case 'whseSpl': case 'fabSpl': case 'pmWm': if ($this->ttConstn_model->get_count() == 0) { $dbArr = array("return_value" => "2"); } break; default: break; } if (sizeOf($dbArr) == 0) { switch ($param) { case 'whseMtoJmif': case 'whseSplMtoJmif': $dbArr = $this->mat_takeoff_perspool_model->call_sp($param); break; case 'strlMto': $dbArr = $this->piece_struc_model->call_sp($param); break; default: $dbArr = $this->pip_mto_data_model->call_sp($param); break; } } break; case "export_ttspl": $csv = query_to_csv($this->tt_ttspl_model->get_all_query(), true, "invalid_engg_spl_asof_" + mdate("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="invalid_engg_spl_asof_' . mdate("%Y-%m-%d") . '.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; default: if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal = (isset($fieldVal) && trim($fieldVal) != "" ? $fieldVal . " AND " : "") . $res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; //$fieldVal[$res[0] . $operatorArr[$res[2]]] = $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $blankThis) ? "" : "%"); } } /*echo $fieldVal; return true; var_dump($this->ogmr_model->getAll((isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : array())));*/ foreach ($this->iso_model->get_all(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "") as $r) { if (isset($r['total']) && $r['total'] == 0) { break; } foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; } $output['rows'] = $dbArr; $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($output)); // if ($param == 'pwEngg'){ // $csv = query_to_csv($this->tt_ttspl_model->get_all_query(), true, "invalid_engg_spl_asof_2013-11-14.csv"); // header('Content-Type: application/csv'); // header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="invalid_engg_spl_asof_2013-11-14.csv"'); // $csv = urldecode($csv); // // echo $csv; // return true; // } }
/** * Export books to csv file */ public function exportcsv() { $result = $this->m_books->exportcsv(); if (query_to_csv($result, TRUE, 'Book-' . date('Y-m-d', time()) . '.csv')) { redirect('books/books/index/'); } }
public function directCall($item = "", $param = "") { $dbArr = array(); switch ($item) { case "iso_engg_pip": // -- prior_setup lookup -- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $priorDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("PRIOR_SETUP"); $p_char1 = array(); $p_char2 = array(); $p_char1 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char1']); // -- $p_char2 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char2']); // -- area_loc lookup-- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $arealocDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("AREA_LOC"); $area_loc = array(explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char1']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char2']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char3']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char4'])); $areaArr = array(); $newValue = array(); //$new_p_char1 = array(); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); foreach ($p_char1 as $key => $value) { array_push($newValue, substr($value, 0, 2)); } // -- end of foreach -- // if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $p_char1) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $newValue) == 1) { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //var_dump($area); $fieldVal = "priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $replace_aname = str_replace("'", '\\"', $_GET['aname']); //echo $replace_aname; $fieldVal = "priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$replace_aname}'"; $this->read("iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } else { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $p_char1)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\\\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //echo $area; $fieldVal = "priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['aname']}'"; $this->read("iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } } break; case "export_whse_query_iso": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_iso_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "mod_export_iso_twhseMatIso", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Whse Piping Query(ISO-Wise)"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse Piping Query(ISO-Wise).csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "thwseRef_iso": // -- prior_setup lookup -- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $priorDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("PRIOR_SETUP"); $p_char1 = array(); $p_char2 = array(); $p_char1 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char1']); // -- $p_char2 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char2']); // -- area_loc lookup-- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $arealocDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("AREA_LOC"); $area_loc = array(explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char1']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char2']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char3']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char4'])); $areaArr = array(); $newValue = array(); //$new_p_char1 = array(); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_iso_model'); foreach ($p_char1 as $key => $value) { array_push($newValue, substr($value, 0, 2)); } // -- end of foreach -- // if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $p_char1) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $newValue) == 1) { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //var_dump($area); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $replace_aname = str_replace("'", '\\"', $_GET['aname']); //echo $replace_aname; $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$replace_aname}'"; $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } else { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $p_char1)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\\\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //echo $area; $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['aname']}'"; $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } } break; case "export_whse_query_pswise": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_ps_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "mod_export_psmto_twhseMatPs", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Whse Piping Query(PS-Wise)"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse Piping Query(PS-Wise).csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_thwseRef_mat_ps": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "mod_export_psmto_twhseMatSpl", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Whse Piping Query(SPL-Wise)"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse Piping Query(SPL-Wise).csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "thwseRef_spl": // -- prior_setup lookup -- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $priorDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("PRIOR_SETUP"); $p_char1 = array(); $p_char2 = array(); $p_char1 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char1']); // -- $p_char2 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char2']); // -- area_loc lookup-- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $arealocDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("AREA_LOC"); $area_loc = array(explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char1']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char2']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char3']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char4'])); $areaArr = array(); $newValue = array(); //$new_p_char1 = array(); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_spl_model'); foreach ($p_char1 as $key => $value) { array_push($newValue, substr($value, 0, 2)); } // -- end of foreach -- // if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $p_char1) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $newValue) == 1) { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //var_dump($area); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $replace_aname = str_replace("'", '\\"', $_GET['aname']); //echo $replace_aname; $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$replace_aname}'"; $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } else { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $p_char1)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\\\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //echo $area; $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['aname']}'"; $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } } break; case "thwseRef_ps": // -- prior_setup lookup -- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $priorDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("PRIOR_SETUP"); $p_char1 = array(); $p_char2 = array(); $p_char1 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char1']); // -- $p_char2 = explode(",", $priorDbArr[0]['p_char2']); // -- area_loc lookup-- // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $arealocDbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("AREA_LOC"); $area_loc = array(explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char1']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char2']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char3']), explode(',', $arealocDbArr[0]['p_char4'])); $areaArr = array(); $newValue = array(); //$new_p_char1 = array(); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_ps_model'); foreach ($p_char1 as $key => $value) { array_push($newValue, substr($value, 0, 2)); } // -- end of foreach -- // if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $p_char1) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $newValue) == 1) { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //var_dump($area); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $replace_aname = str_replace("'", '\\"', $_GET['aname']); //echo $replace_aname; $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$replace_aname}'"; $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } else { if ($_GET['tbAdvance'] == 1) { $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $p_char1)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("\\'", "\\\"", implode(',', $areaArr))); //echo $area; $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['aname']}'"; $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "modified_getAll", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } } } break; case "area_loc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $dbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("AREA_LOC"); $area_loc = array(explode(',', $dbArr[0]['p_char1']), explode(',', $dbArr[0]['p_char2']), explode(',', $dbArr[0]['p_char3']), explode(',', $dbArr[0]['p_char4'])); $a = 0; $v_pno = array(); while ($a <= 3) { $b = 0; while ($b <= sizeof($area_loc[$a]) - 1) { $v_pno = explode("_", $area_loc[$a][$b]); if ($v_pno[1] == $_GET['pno']) { if (!in_array(array("pseq" => $a, "aname" => "ALL", "pno" => $v_pno[1], "aseq" => 0, "total" => sizeof($area_loc[$a])), $dbArr)) { array_push($dbArr, array("pseq" => $a, "aname" => "ALL", "pno" => $v_pno[1], "aseq" => 0, "total" => sizeof($area_loc[$a]))); } array_push($dbArr, array("pseq" => $a, "aname" => $v_pno[0], "pno" => $v_pno[1], "aseq" => $b, "total" => sizeof($area_loc[$a]))); } $b++; } $a++; } array_splice($dbArr, 0, -13); break; case "prior_setup": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $dbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_PROG_CODE("PRIOR_SETUP"); $pno = array(); $pname = array(); $cntr = 0; $a = 0; $newDbArr = array(); $pno = explode(",", $dbArr[0]['p_char1']); $pname = explode(",", $dbArr[0]['p_char2']); $a = 0; while ($a <= sizeof($pno) - 1) { array_push($dbArr, array("p_char1" => $pno[$a], "total" => sizeof($pno), "pseq" => $a + 1, "p_char2" => $pname[$a])); $a++; } array_splice($dbArr, 0, -4); //$dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "export_pipTwhseStr": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_str_mat_model'); $this->read("twhse_str_mat", "export_modified", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Structural MTO/JMIF"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Structural MTO/JMIF.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "pipTwhseStr": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_str_mat_model'); $this->read("twhse_str_mat", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_pipTwhse": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_pip_mat_model'); $this->read("twhse_pip_mat", "export_modified", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Piping MTO/JMIF"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Piping MTO/JMIF.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "pipTwhse": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_pip_mat_model'); $this->read("twhse_pip_mat", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "jmif_printRpt": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/treqiss_hdr_model'); $dbArr = $this->treqiss_hdr_model->get_jmifInfo($_GET['listOfSelected']); //$this->read("treqiss_hdr", "get_jmifInfo", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "jmif_print_rep": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' and finalized = '{$_GET['finalized']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/treqiss_hdr_model'); $this->read("treqiss_hdr", "get_all_mod", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_Splwise": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))); $aname = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $pno = $_GET['pno']; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piping_spl_wise_model'); $this->piping_spl_wise_model->proc_export($cArealoc); $this->read("piping_spl_wise", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Whse Piping Query(SPL-Wise)"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse Piping Query(SPL-Wise).csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_PSwise": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))); $aname = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $pno = $_GET['pno']; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piping_ps_wise_model'); $this->piping_ps_wise_model->proc_export_psWise($cArealoc); $this->read("piping_ps_wise", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Whse Piping Query(PS-Wise)"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse Piping Query(PS-Wise).csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_Isowise": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))); $aname = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $pno = $_GET['pno']; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piping_iso_wise_model'); $this->piping_iso_wise_model->proc_export($cArealoc); $this->read("piping_iso_wise", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Whse Piping Query(ISO-Wise)"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse Piping Query(ISO-Wise).csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "ttisoStruc": //$fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_iso_struc_model'); $this->read("tt_iso_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "d_isoRef": $cDrawingNo = $_GET['drawing_no'] . "-" . $_GET['sheet_no'] . "-" . $_GET['rev_no']; $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$cDrawingNo}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/dms_iso_model'); $this->read("dms_iso", "getall_mod", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tosd_dtl_Ref": $fieldVal = ""; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tosd_dtl_model'); $this->read("tosd_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tosd_dtl_Ref2": $fieldVal = "osd_no = '{$_GET['osd_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tosd_dtl_model'); $this->read("tosd_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } if ($newDbArr[$key]['ins_claim'] == 0) { $newDbArr[$key]['ins_claim'] = "NO"; } else { $newDbArr[$key]['ins_claim'] = "YES"; } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "tosd_hdr_Ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tosd_hdr_model'); $this->read("tosd_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "spool": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->read("spool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "joints": if (isset($_GET['spool_no'])) { $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no = '{$_GET['spool_no']}'"; $this->read("joints", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } break; case "random": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->read("random_pipes", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "material": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "mat_takeoff_perspoolRef": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no <> 'EM'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "mat_takeoff_perspoolRef2": $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/material_file_model'); // $this->read("material_file", "getAll",$fieldVal2, $dbArr2); // $dbArr2['description']; $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no = 'EM'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/material_file_model'); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } $dbArr2 = array(); $fieldVal2 = "item_code = '{$value['item_code']}' "; $this->read("material_file", "getall", $fieldVal2, $dbArr2); $newDbArr[$key]['description'] = $dbArr2[0]['description']; } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "mat_takeoff_perspoolRef3": $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/material_file_model'); // $this->read("material_file", "getAll",$fieldVal2, $dbArr2); // $dbArr2['description']; $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no = '{$_GET['spool_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/material_file_model'); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } $dbArr2 = array(); $fieldVal2 = "item_code = '{$value['item_code']}' "; $this->read("material_file", "getall", $fieldVal2, $dbArr2); $newDbArr[$key]['description'] = $dbArr2[0]['description']; if ($newDbArr[$key]['ref_rec_qty'] > $newDbArr[$key]['qty']) { $newDbArr[$key]['BALANCE_EXCESS'] = "EXCESS"; } else { if ($newDbArr[$key]['qty'] - $newDbArr[$key]['ref_rec_qty']) { $newDbArr[$key]['BALANCE_EXCESS'] = "BALANCE"; } else { $newDbArr[$key]['BALANCE_EXCESS'] = "COMPLETED"; } } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "jwrr_info": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tjwrr_hdr_model'); $this->read("tjwrr_hdr", "get_all2", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "testpackRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/testpack_hdr_model'); $this->read("testpack_hdr", "get_all2", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "jmif_no_date_Ref": $fieldVal = "disc_code = 'STRL' and jmif_date >= '{$_GET['start']}' and jmif_date <= '{$_GET['end']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/treqiss_hdr_model'); $this->read("treqiss_hdr", "get_all_mod", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "mat_takeoff_perspoolRef_Ttiso": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no = '{$_GET['spool_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "spoolRef": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and spool_no <> 'EM'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/spool_model'); $this->read("spool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "ttisoSpool": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))) . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ttisoSpool_model'); $this->ttisoSpool_model->call_sp_query_ttisoSpool((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno); $this->read("ttisoSpool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // $cntr = 0; // $newDbArr = array(); // foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { // $cntr = 0; // foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { // $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; // ++$cntr; // } // // if ($newDbArr[$key]['sw_diainch'] <> 0 && $newDbArr[$key]['tot_diainch'] >= $newDbArr[$key]['sw_diainch'] ) // $newDbArr[$key]['fab_stat'] = "YES"; // // else // $newDbArr[$key]['fab_stat'] = "NO"; // // } // // $dbArr = $newDbArr; // // $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); // // $this->read("iso", "get_all2", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // // echo "Advance: " . (int)$_GET['tbAdvance'] . "<br />"; // // echo "RSWork: " . (int)$_GET['rswork'] . "<br />"; // // echo "Aname: " . $aname . "<br />"; // // echo "cArealoc: " . $cArealoc . "<br />"; // // echo "pno: " . $pno . "<br />"; // // return true; break; case "tfabSplwise": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))) . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_tfabSplwise_model'); $this->tt_tfabSplwise_model->call_sp_query_tfabSplwise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno); $this->read("tt_tfabSplwise", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_ttisoSpool": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))) . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ttisoSpool_model'); $this->ttisoSpool_model->call_sp_query_ttisoSpool((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno); $this->read("ttisoSpool", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // $cntr = 0; // $newDbArr = array(); // foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { // $cntr = 0; // if($key > 0){ // if ($value['spool_id'] == "" || !isset($value['spool_id'])) // continue; // } // // foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { // if($key > 0){ // // } // $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; // ++$cntr; // } // if ($cntr == (sizeof($value) - 1)){ // if ($newDbArr[$key]['sw_diainch'] <> 0 && $newDbArr[$key]['tot_diainch'] >= $newDbArr[$key]['sw_diainch'] ) // $newDbArr[$key]['fab_stat'] = "YES"; // // else // $newDbArr[$key]['fab_stat'] = "NO"; // }else { // $newDbArr[$key][$cntr] = 'fab_stat'; // //$newDbArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; // } // } // // $dbArr = $newDbArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Fabshop Progress Workability.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fabshop Progress Workability.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; break; case "export_tfabSplwise": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))) . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_tfabSplwise_model'); $this->tt_tfabSplwise_model->call_sp_query_tfabSplwise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno); $this->read("tt_tfabSplwise", "export_TfabSplwise", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Fabshop Progress Workability.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fabshop Progress Workability.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; break; case "pipeLstRef": $fieldVal = "drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ps_mto_hdr_model'); $this->read("ps_mto_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_tpntg_mat_spl": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tpntg_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tpntg_mat_spl", "export_tpntg_mat_spl", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $cntr = 0; $pntg_stat = ''; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { if ($key > 0) { if ($value['topcoat_s_area'] == "" || !isset($value['topcoat_s_area'])) { continue; } if ($value['pntg_topcoat_qty'] == "" || !isset($value['pntg_topcoat_qty'])) { continue; } } $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == 37) { continue; } $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { if ($key > 0) { if ($_GET['ladvance'] == "true") { if ($newDbArr[$key]['topcoat_s_area'] != 0 && $newDbArr[$key]['pntg_topcoat_qty'] >= $newDbArr[$key]['topcoat_s_area']) { $pntg_stat = "SPOOL PAINT COMPLETED"; } else { if ($newDbArr[$key]['pntg_topcoat_qty'] < $newDbArr[$key]['topcoat_s_area']) { $pntg_stat = "SPOOL PAINT NOT COMPLETED"; } } } else { if ($_GET['rswork'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "topcoat_s_area <> 0 AND pntg_topcoat_qty >= topcoat_s_area"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tpntg_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tpntg_mat_spl", "export_tpntg_mat_spl", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $pntg_stat = "SPOOL PAINT COMPLETED"; } else { $fieldVal = "pntg_topcoat_qty < topcoat_s_area"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tfab_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tfab_mat_spl", "export_tpntg_mat_spl", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $pntg_stat = "SPOOL PAINT NOT COMPLETED"; } } $newDbArr[$key]['plant_no'] = $pntg_stat; } else { $newDbArr[$key][0] = 'pntg_stat'; } } } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; // -- .. // var_dump($newDbArr); // return true; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newDbArr, "Painting Progress Workability SPL.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Painting Progress Workability SPL.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "tpntg_mat_spl": if ($_GET['rsComplete'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "topcoat_s_area <> 0 AND pntg_topcoat_qty >= topcoat_s_area"; } else { $fieldVal = "pntg_topcoat_qty < topcoat_s_area"; } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tpntg_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tpntg_mat_spl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } if ($newDbArr[$key]['topcoat_s_area'] != "0" && $newDbArr[$key]['pntg_topcoat_qty'] >= $newDbArr[$key]['topcoat_s_area']) { $newDbArr[$key]['pntg_stat'] = "YES"; } else { $newDbArr[$key]['pntg_stat'] = "NO"; } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "tfab_mat_spl_ref": if ($_GET['rsComplete'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "tot_jnt_dia <> 0 AND tot_jnt_fw_dia >= tot_jnt_dia"; } else { $fieldVal = "tot_jnt_fw_dia < tot_jnt_dia"; } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tfab_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tfab_mat_spl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_tfab_mat_spl_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tfab_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tfab_mat_spl", "export_tfab_mat_spl", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); $fab_stat = ''; foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { // if ($value['PROGRESS_RECID'] == "" || !isset($value['PROGRESS_RECID'])) // continue; // if ($value['pntg_topcoat_qty'] == "" || !isset($value['pntg_topcoat_qty'])) // continue; } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == 36) { continue; } $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { if ($key > 0) { if ($_GET['ladvance'] == "true") { if ($newDbArr[$key]['tot_jnt_dia'] != 0 && $newDbArr[$key]['tot_jnt_fw_dia'] >= $newDbArr[$key]['tot_jnt_dia']) { $fab_stat = "SPOOL FABRICATED COMPLETED"; } else { if ($newDbArr[$key]['tot_jnt_fw_dia'] < $newDbArr[$key]['tot_jnt_dia']) { $fab_stat = "SPOOL FABRICATED NOT-COMPLETED"; } } } else { if ($_GET['rswork'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "tot_jnt_dia <> 0 AND tot_jnt_fw_dia >= tot_jnt_dia"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tfab_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tfab_mat_spl", "export_tfab_mat_spl", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $fab_stat = "SPOOL FABRICATED COMPLETED"; } else { $fieldVal = "tot_jnt_fw_dia < tot_jnt_dia"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tfab_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("tfab_mat_spl", "export_tfab_mat_spl", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $fab_stat = "SPOOL FABRICATED NOT-COMPLETED"; } } $newDbArr[$key]['plant_no'] = $fab_stat; } else { $newDbArr[$key][0] = 'fab_stat'; } } } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newDbArr, "FABSHOP Progress Update.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FABSHOP Progress Update.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "jointLstRef": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/joints_model'); $this->read("joints", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "materialRef": $fieldVal = ""; $this->read("material_file", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "material_dtlRef": $fieldVal = "stock_no = '{$_GET['stock_no']}'"; $this->read("material_file_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "item": array_push($dbArr, array("item_code" => "", "description" => "")); foreach ($this->material_file_dtl_model->get_all_dd() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "item2": array_push($dbArr, array("item_code" => "", "description" => "")); foreach ($this->material_file_dtl_model->getAll_dd_mod() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "matFileItem": //array_push($dbArr, array("item_code"=>"","description"=>"")); foreach ($this->material_file_model->get_all_dd() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "matUtil_dd": // array_push($dbArr, array("flg_status"=>1)); foreach ($this->rmat_util_model->get_all_dd() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "area": array_push($dbArr, array("area_no" => "<ALL>", "area_desc" => "")); foreach ($this->area_model->get_all_dd() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "areaTbl": $this->read("area", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "subarea": $fieldVal = "area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}'"; $this->read("sub_area", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "fwbs": $this->read("ref_fwbs", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "discTbl": $this->read("ref_discipline", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "refJnt": $this->read("ref_jointtype", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tran_acvty_ref": $fieldVal = "user_id = '{$_GET['user_id']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tran_acvty_ctr_model'); $this->read("tran_acvty_ctr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "ruser_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ruser_model'); $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $newDbArr = array(); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } $newDbArr[$key]['user_id'] = strtoupper($newDbArr[$key]['user_id']); } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "roc": $fieldVal = "discipline_code = '{$_GET['discipline_code']}'"; $this->read("ref_roctype", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "rocTbl": $fieldVal = "roc_type = '{$_GET['roc_type']}'"; $this->read("ref_roc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "work": $this->read("ref_workability", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "updWeek": $dbArr = $this->ref_workability_model->call_sp($item); break; case "spool_no_only": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; array_push($dbArr, array("spool_no" => "")); foreach ($this->spool_model->get_all_spool($fieldVal) as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "area_query": //$isoWhere = "iso.stat = 'A' "; if ($_GET['area_no'] != "" && $_GET['area_no'] != "'<ALL>'") { $isoWhere = "AND area_no in ({$_GET['area_no']})"; } //$isoWhere = "AND area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}'"; //$isoWhere = "spool.plant_no = '{$_POST['plant_no']}' AND spool.area_no = '{$_POST['area_no']}' AND spool.drawing_no = '{$_POST['drawing_no']}' AND spool.sheet_no = '{$_POST['sheet_no']}' AND spool.rev_no = '{$_POST['rev_no']}'"; if ($_GET['rsOption'] > 0) { $spoolWhere = "AND spool.workable_dt " . ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1 ? "!= NULL" : "= NULL"); } $fieldVal = ""; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal .= " AND " . $res[0] . $this->operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $this->blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } // echo $fieldVal; //echo $this->iso_model->area_query((isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : ""),(isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : ""),(isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "")); //return true; foreach ($this->iso_model->area_query(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "", isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : "", isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "export": if ($_GET['area_no'] != "" && $_GET['area_no'] != "'<ALL>'") { $isoWhere = "AND area_no in ({$_GET['area_no']})"; } if ($_GET['rsOption'] > 0) { $spoolWhere = "AND spool.workable_dt " . ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1 ? "!= NULL" : "= NULL"); } $fieldVal = ""; if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) { foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) { $res = explode(";", $val); $fieldVal .= " AND " . $res[0] . $this->operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $this->blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'"; } } foreach ($this->iso_model->area_query_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "", isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : "", isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "") as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "area_query.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="area_query.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "insTo": $this->read("inst_takeoff", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "isoTTiso": if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "t2.iso_workable_pct = 100 AND t2.fab_end_dt is not null"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_ttiso", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "t2.workable_pct = 100 AND t2.iso_workable_pct <> 100 AND t2.fab_end_dt is not null"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_ttiso", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } break; case "p_iso_struc": if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "t2.workable_pct = 100 and t2.assembly_dt is null"; } elseif ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1) { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct = 100 and t2.assembly_dt is null and t2.workable_pct = 100"; } else { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct <> 100 and t2.workable_pct = 100 and t2.assembly_dt is null"; } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); $this->read("iso_struc", "get_all_iso_struc", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "p_piece_struc": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piece_struc_model'); $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "p_iso_struc2": if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "t2.workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and t2.assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; } elseif ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1) { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct = 100 and t2.workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and t2.assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; } else { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct <> 100 and t2.workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and t2.assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); $this->read("iso_struc", "get_all_iso_struc", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "p_piece_struc": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piece_struc_model'); $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "p_piece_struc2": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piece_struc_model'); $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_p_iso_struc": if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "t2.workable_pct = 100 and t2.assembly_dt is null"; } elseif ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1) { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct = 100 and t2.assembly_dt is null and t2.workable_pct = 100"; } else { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct <> 100 and t2.workable_pct = 100 and t2.assembly_dt is null"; } $this->read("iso_struc", "export_iso_piece_struc", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "WhseRecWorkFront_struct.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="WhseRecWorkFront_struct.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_p_iso_struc2": if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "t2.workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and t2.assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; } elseif ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1) { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct = 100 and t2.workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and t2.assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; } else { $fieldVal = "t.workable_pct <> 100 and t2.workable_pct = 100 and issued_dt is not null and t2.assembly_dt is null and erection_dt is null"; } $this->read("iso_struc", "export_iso_piece_struc", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "FogWorkFront_Struc.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FogWorkFront_Struc.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "isoTTiso2": if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 0) { $fieldVal = "t2.iso_workable_pct = 100 "; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_ttiso", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "t2.workable_pct = 100 AND t2.iso_workable_pct <> 100"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_ttiso", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } break; case "piping_iso": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all3", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "spoolTTiso": $fieldVal = "area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and workable_pct = 100 and fab_end_dt is null and spool_no <> 'EM'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/spool_model'); $this->read("spool", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_insTo": $this->read("inst_takeoff", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "insto.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="insto.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_isoPieceStruc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); $this->read("iso_struc", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "Progress Update STR.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Progress Update STR.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_twhse_matspl": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "insto.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="insto.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "elecTo": $this->read("elec_takeoff", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_elecTo": $this->read("elec_takeoff", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "elecTo.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="elecTo.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "pc_ELECT-TYPE": $dbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_by_prog("ELECT-TYPE"); break; case "dd_RETURN_TYPE": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); foreach ($this->sys_prog_model->get_by_prog("RETURN_TYPE") as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); array_push($dbArr, array("p_char1" => $r['p_char2'])); array_push($dbArr, array("p_char1" => $r['p_char3'])); } break; case "defaultDisc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $dbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_by_DEFAULT_DISC("DEFAULT_DISC"); break; case "testpack_dd": array_push($dbArr, array("testpack_no" => "<ALL>", "sub_system" => "")); foreach ($this->testpack_hdr_model->get_all_dd2() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "disc": $dbArr = $this->ref_discipline_model->get_all_dd(); break; case "treqissDisc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/treqiss_dtl_model'); $dbArr = $this->treqiss_dtl_model->get_all_dd(); break; case "rocDD": $dbArr = $this->ref_roctype_model->get_all_dd(); break; case "isoMech": $this->read("iso_mech", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "equipMech": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->read("equip_mech", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_equipMech": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}'"; $this->read("equip_mech", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "equipMech.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="equipMech.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "isoStruc": $this->read("iso_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "pieceStruc": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_pieceStruc": $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "pieceStruc.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pieceStruc.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_isoDwg": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['plant_no'] == "" || !isset($value['plant_no'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'priority_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority_code') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 11) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][$cntr] = 'priority'; $newArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; } } } } // var_dump($newArr); // return true; $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "ISO.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ISO.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_spl": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/spool_model'); $this->read("spool", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['priority_code'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_code']) || $value['priority_timing'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_timing'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'priority_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority_code') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 11) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority_timing'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][10] = 'priority_code'; $newArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; } } } } $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "spool.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="spool.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_qmsqwpisow": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . $_GET['aname'] . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ttupl_model'); $this->ttupl_model->export_sp_query_spl_wise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], (int) $_GET['cbper1'], (int) $_GET['cbper2'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno); $this->read("ttupl", "export_ttupl", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_twhse_mat_ps2": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_ps_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == 'priority') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if ($value['priority'] != "") { $resultPt = $value['priority']; } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority') { continue; } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if ($value['priority'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } } } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "Pip_Query_PSwise.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Pip_Query_PSwise.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_joints": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/joints_model'); $this->read("joints", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['priority_code'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_code']) || $value['priority_timing'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_timing'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'priority_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'area_loc') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 11) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority_code'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['priority_timing'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][13] = 'remarks'; $newArr[$key][12] = 'priority_code'; } } } } $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "joints.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="joints.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_twhse_mat_iso": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_iso_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == 'priority') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if ($value['priority'] != "") { $resultPt = $value['priority']; } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority') { continue; } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if ($value['priority'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } } } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "Pip_Query_ISOwise.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Pip_Query_ISOwise.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_mat_takeoff_perspool": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['priority_code'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_code']) || $value['priority_timing'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_timing'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'priority_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority_code') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 13) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority_timing'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][14] = 'area_loc'; $newArr[$key][15] = 'priority_timing'; $newArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; } } } } $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "matTakeoffPerSpool.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="matTakeoffPerSpool.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_mat_takeoff_perspool2": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); $this->read("mat_takeoff_perspool", "get_allexport3", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['priority_code'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_code']) || $value['priority_timing'] == "" || !isset($value['priority_timing'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'priority_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority_code') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 13) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority_timing'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][14] = 'area_loc'; $newArr[$key][15] = 'priority_timing'; $newArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; } } } } $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "matTakeoffPerSpool.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="matTakeoffPerSpool.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_ps_mto_hdr": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ps_mto_hdr_model'); $this->read("ps_mto_hdr", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['p_no'] == "" || !isset($value['p_no']) || $value['p_timing'] == "" || !isset($value['p_timing'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'p_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['p_no'])) { if ($value['p_no'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['p_no'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'p_no') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 11) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_desc'] . "_" . substr($value['p_no'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['p_no'])) { if ($value['p_no'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['p_no'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_desc'] . "_" . substr($value['p_no'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['p_no'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['p_timing'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][10] = 'p_no'; $newArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; } } } } $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "Pipe_Support.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Pipe_Support.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_twhse_mat_spl2": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "get_all_export2", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); $resultPt = ''; $priorResult = ''; $newArr = array(); $cntr = 0; //lans1 foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; if ($key > 0) { if ($value['plant_no'] == "" || !isset($value['plant_no'])) { continue; } } foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key > 0) { if ($key2 == 'priority_timing') { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { $resultPt = 'TA'; } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "") { $resultPt = substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2); } else { $resultPt = ""; } } else { $resultPt = ""; } } } elseif ($key2 == 'priority_code') { continue; } } else { if ($key2 == 11) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; if ($cntr == sizeof($value) - 1) { //determine CSV column if ($key > 0) { if (array_search($value2, $prior_setup) == 1) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[1]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { if (isset($value['priority_code'])) { if ($value['priority_code'] != "" && array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2) != 0) { if (array_search($value['area_loc'] . "_" . substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $area_loc[array_search(substr($value['priority_code'], 0, 2), $prior_setup2)]) != 0) { $priorResult = ''; } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } else { $priorResult = 'by-pass the category of Priority and Construction Unit'; } } $newArr[$key]['priority'] = $resultPt; $newArr[$key]['remarks'] = $priorResult; } else { $newArr[$key][$cntr] = 'priority'; $newArr[$key][$cntr + 1] = 'remarks'; } } } } $dbArr = $newArr; // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($newArr, "Whse_Query_SplWise.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Whse_Query_SplWise.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_qmsqpwsplw": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . $_GET['aname'] . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ttupl_model'); $this->ttupl_model->export_sp_query_spl_wise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], (int) $_GET['cbper1'], (int) $_GET['cbper2'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno, (int) $_GET['detail']); if ($_GET['detail'] == 0) { $this->read("ttupl", "export_splwise_wOdetail", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); } else { $this->read("ttupl", "export_splwise_wDetail", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "MATL Workability SPL Wise.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MATL Workability SPL Wise.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "psTo": $this->read("ps_mto", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_psTo": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ps_mto_model'); $this->read("ps_mto", "all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "pipTo.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pipTo.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_pipTo": $this->read("ps_mto", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "pipTo.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pipTo.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_matExcess": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_excess_model'); $this->read("mat_excess", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "MatExcess.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MatExcess.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_treqissDtl_stock": $this->treqiss_dtl_model->export_with_inner((int) $_GET['rsOption'], (int) $_GET['disc_code']); $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "export_procJwrr", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { if ($key2 == 40) { continue; } } $newArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "jmif.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="jmif.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "verifyHydro": echo intval($this->testpack_hdr_model->verify_hydro()) == 1 ? "true" : "false"; return true; break; case "callSP": $dbArr = $this->pip_mto_data_model->call_sp(); break; case "callSP_weld": $dbArr = $this->pip_weld_data_model->call_sp(); break; case "callSP_str": $dbArr = $this->str_pm_data_model->call_sp(); break; case "callSP_ps": $dbArr = $this->ps_mto_model->call_sp(); break; case "psMto": case "psFogMto": case "psPcdMto": case "psGlobalMto": case "psFabMto": $data = $_GET['rows']; $json = str_replace('\\', '', $data); $newdata = json_decode($json); $sql = ""; foreach ($newdata->rows as $key => $value) { $sql .= "insert into ##ttfile("; for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { //1: for table field, 2: for table value if ($i == 1) { $sql .= ") values("; } $keyCounter = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $sql .= $i == 0 ? $key2 : "'" . $value2 . "'"; if ($keyCounter < sizeof((array) $value) - 1) { $sql .= ", "; } $keyCounter++; } } $sql .= ");"; } // echo $sql; // return true; $dbArr = $this->ps_mto_model->call_sp($sql, $item); break; case "verifyPipe": echo intval($this->ps_mto_model->verify_pipe()) == 1 ? "true" : "false"; return true; break; case "update": switch ($param) { case 'mto2': if ($this->ttConstn_model->get_count() == 0 || $this->ttTestpack_model->get_count() == 0) { $dbArr = array("return_value" => "2"); } break; case 'weld1': case 'weld2': case 'ps1': case 'wends': case 'whseSpl': case 'fabSpl': case 'pmWm': if ($this->ttConstn_model->get_count() == 0) { $dbArr = array("return_value" => "2"); } break; default: break; } if (sizeOf($dbArr) == 0) { switch ($param) { case 'whseMtoJmif': case 'whseSplMtoJmif': $dbArr = $this->mat_takeoff_perspool_model->call_sp($param); break; case 'strlMto': $dbArr = $this->piece_struc_model->call_sp($param); break; case 'mtoWeld': $dbArr = $this->pip_mto_data_model->call_sp($param); break; default: $dbArr = $this->pip_mto_data_model->call_sp($param); break; } } break; case "export_ttspl": $csv = query_to_csv($this->tt_ttspl_model->get_all_query(), true, "invalid_engg_spl_asof_" + mdate("%Y-%m-%d") + ".csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="invalid_engg_spl_asof_' . mdate("%Y-%m-%d") . '.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "tpo": $this->read("tpo_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tpoDtl": $fieldVal = "po_no = '{$_GET['po_no']}'"; $this->read("tpo_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "rcontrol": $dbArr = $this->rcontrol_model->get_by_field(array("trancode" => $_GET['trancode'], "disc_code" => isset($_GET['disc_code']) ? $_GET['disc_code'] : "")); break; case "verifyUSER": $dbArr = $this->ruser_model->verifyUser(array("user_id" => $_GET['user_id'])); break; case "supplier": $this->read("rsupplier", "get_for_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "supplierRef": $this->read("rsupplier", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tdlmr": $this->read("tdlmr_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tdlmrDtl": $fieldVal = "dlmr_no = '{$_GET['dlmr_no']}'"; $this->read("tdlmr_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tjwrr": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}'"; $this->read("tjwrr_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tjwrrDtl": $fieldVal = "jwrr_no = '{$_GET['jwrr_no']}'"; $this->read("tjwrr_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tjwrrDtl_stock": $fieldVal = "stock_no = '{$_GET['stock_no']}'"; $this->read("tjwrr_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "treqissDtl_stock": $fieldVal = "stock_no = '{$_GET['stock_no']}'"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "treqissDtl_stock2": if ($_GET['chkOption'] == 0) { if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 2) { $fieldVal = "t.disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' AND t2.sub_date_client IS NOT NULL"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_with_inner", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } elseif ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1) { $fieldVal = "t.disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' AND t2.sub_date_fog IS NOT NULL"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_with_inner", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "t.disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}'"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_with_inner", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } else { if ($_GET['rsOption'] == 2) { $fieldVal = "t.disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' AND t2.sub_date_client IS NOT NULL AND t.iss_qty <> t.req_qty"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_with_inner", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } elseif ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1) { $fieldVal = "t.disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' AND t2.sub_date_fog IS NOT NULL AND t.iss_qty <> t.req_qty"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_with_inner", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } else { $fieldVal = "t.disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']} AND t.iss_qty <> t.req_qty'"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_with_inner", $fieldVal, $dbArr); } } break; case "treqissDisc": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['desc_code']}'"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "treqissDtl_stock3": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and spool_no = '{$_GET['spool_no']}' and stock_no = '{$_GET['stock_no']}' and item_code = '{$_GET['item_code']}' and commodity_code = '{$_GET['commodity_code']}' and size = '{$_GET['size']}' "; // echo $fieldVal ; // return true; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_mod3", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "treqissDtl_stock4": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and stock_no = '{$_GET['stock_no']}' and item_code = '{$_GET['item_code']}' and commodity_code = '{$_GET['commodity_code']}'"; // echo $fieldVal ; // return true; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all_mod3", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tjwrr_upd": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' AND (finalized = {$_GET['finalized']}" . ($_GET['finalized'] == 0 ? " OR finalized is null" : "") . ")"; $this->read("tjwrr_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tjmif": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}'"; $this->read("tttemps", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // $dbArr = $this->tttemps_model->call_sp(); break; case "issconf": $this->read("Ttemp_conf", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_jwrr": /*foreach ($this->ogmr_model->getAll_export() as $r): $r['exists'] = ($r['file_attach'] != "" && file_exists("c:/wamp/www/assets/pdf/documents/" . $r['file_attach']) ? "✓" : ""); array_push($dbArr, $r); endforeach;*/ //------ Create and download csv ---- foreach ($this->tjwrr_dtl_model->getAll_export() as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "jwrr_hdr_dtl.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="jwrr_hdr_dtl.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "ttMTO": $fieldVal = "loguser = '******'loguser']}' AND disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}'"; $this->read("ttmto", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "ttMTO1": $fieldVal = "loguser = '******'loguser']}' AND disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}'"; $this->read("ttmto1", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "treq": $fieldVal = "disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}' and whse_prep = {$_GET['whse_prep']}"; $this->read("treqiss_hdr", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "treqDtl": $fieldVal = "jmif_no = '{$_GET['jmif_no']}'"; // AND disc_code = '{$_GET['disc_code']}'"; $this->read("treqiss_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "callSP_treq": $dbArr = $this->treqiss_hdr_model->call_sp(); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_prio": $dbArr = $this->iso_model->call_sp(); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_upl_isoPiece": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); $dbArr = $this->iso_struc_model->call_sp_isoPiece($_POST['fileNames']); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_upl_inst": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/inst_takeoff_model'); $dbArr = $this->inst_takeoff_model->call_upl_inst($_POST['fileNames']); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_upl_ele": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/inst_takeoff_model'); $dbArr = $this->inst_takeoff_model->call_upl_inst($_POST['fileNames']); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "call_upl_isoEquip": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_mech_model'); $dbArr = $this->iso_mech_model->call_sp_isoEquip($_POST['fileNames']); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_upl_pntg": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tpntg_mat_spl_model'); $dbArr = $this->tpntg_mat_spl_model->call_upl_tpntg(); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_upl_tfab": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tfab_mat_spl_model'); $dbArr = $this->tfab_mat_spl_model->call_upl_tfab(); if ($dbArr == 1) { $this->remove_upload(); } return true; break; case "callSP_upl_req": $dbArr = $this->ttiso_model->call_sp_upl(); // if ($dbArr == 1) // $this->remove_upload(); return true; break; case "whseGW": $this->read("material_file", "gen_work", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "whseGW_dtl": $this->read("ttiso", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_work": //------ Create and download csv ---- foreach ($this->ttiso_model->getAll_export() as $r) { foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) { if (is_object($v2)) { $date_array = (array) $v2; $date_time = $date_array['date']; $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time); $r[$r2] = $date_only[0]; } } array_push($dbArr, $r); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "workability.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="workability.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "verifyRUD": echo $this->ruser_disc_model->is_entry_unique(array("user_id" => $_POST['log_user'], "disc_code" => $_POST['disc_code'], "flg_status" => 1)); return true; break; case "p6": $this->read("projwbs", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "verifyLISO": var_dump($this->material_file_dtl_model->getAll(array("commodity_code" => $_POST['commodity_code'], "size" => $_POST['size']))); return true; break; case "spool_type": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/spool_type_model'); // -- $this->read("spool_type", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "priority_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("priority_code" => "<ALL>", "priority_no" => "")); foreach ($this->iso_model->get_all_dd2() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "spltype_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/spool_type_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("spltype_code" => "<ALL>", "spltype_desc" => "")); foreach ($this->spool_type_model->get_all_dd3() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_areaRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("area_no" => "<ALL>")); foreach ($this->iso_model->get_dd_area() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_category": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_takeoff_perspool_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("category" => "<ALL>", "plant_no" => "")); foreach ($this->mat_takeoff_perspool_model->get_dd_category() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_drawing": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/treqiss_dtl_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("drawing_no" => "<ALL>", "stock_no" => "")); foreach ($this->treqiss_dtl_model->get_dd_drawing() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_iso_drawingno": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("drawing_no" => "<ALL>", "plant_no" => "")); foreach ($this->iso_model->get_dd_Drawingno() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_priorNo": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piece_struc_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("prior_no" => "<ALL>", "drawing_no" => "")); foreach ($this->piece_struc_model->get_dd_priorNo() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_areaRef2": $fieldVal = "area_no"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_groupBy", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "dd_drawingRef2": $fieldVal = "drawing_no"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all_groupBy", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "dd_priorNo2": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("piece_struc", "get_dd_priorNo", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "dd_plant_no": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piece_struc_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("plant_no" => "<ALL>", "drawing_no" => "")); foreach ($this->piece_struc_model->get_dd_piecePlantno() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_pieceStruct_areaNo": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/piece_struc_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("area_no" => "<ALL>", "drawing_no" => "")); foreach ($this->piece_struc_model->get_dd_pieceAreaNo() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_subPriorityCode": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("priority_code" => "<ALL>", "priority_no" => "")); foreach ($this->iso_model->get_dd_subStringPriorityCode() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; break; case "dd_arealocRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("area_loc" => "<ALL>")); foreach ($this->iso_model->get_dd_arealoc() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "dd_plantNo": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("plant_no" => "<ALL>", "area_no" => "")); foreach ($this->iso_model->get_dd_plantno() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "priorityNo_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/spool_type_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("spltype_code" => "<ALL>", "spltype_desc" => "")); foreach ($this->spool_type_model->get_all_dd2() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "subsystemNo_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sub_system_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("system_no" => "<ALL>", "sub_system" => "<ALL>")); foreach ($this->sub_system_model->get_all_dd2() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "areano_ref": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_struc_model'); array_push($dbArr, array("area_no" => "<ALL>", "area_desc" => "")); foreach ($this->iso_struc_model->get_all_dd2() as $r) { array_push($dbArr, $r); } break; case "reason": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/reason_model'); $this->read("reason", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "action": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/action_model'); $this->read("action", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "reasonDesc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/reason_model'); $this->read("reason", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } $newDbArr[$key]['reason_desc'] = $newDbArr[$key]['reason_code'] . "-" . $newDbArr[$key]['reason_desc']; } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "actionDesc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/action_model'); $this->read("action", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } $newDbArr[$key]['action_desc'] = $newDbArr[$key]['action_code'] . "-" . $newDbArr[$key]['action_desc']; } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "matUtil": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/rmat_util_model'); $this->read("rmat_util", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "rdisc": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/rdiscipline_model'); $this->read("rdiscipline", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "discRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/rdiscipline_model'); $this->read("rdiscipline", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tmrsRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tmrs_hdr_model'); $this->read("tmrs_hdr", "get_all_mod", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "tmrsDtlRef": $fieldVal = "mrs_no = '{$_GET['mrs_no']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tmrs_dtl_model'); $this->read("tmrs_dtl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "export_tmrsRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tmrs_hdr_model'); $this->read("tmrs_hdr", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "tmrs_hdr.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tmrs_hdr.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "rcontrolRef": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/rcontrol_model'); $this->read("rcontrol", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "matExcess": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mat_excess_model'); $this->read("mat_excess", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "twhse_mat_spl": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $areaArr = array(); foreach ($area_loc[0] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); if ($_GET['area_loc'] == 'ALL') { $fieldVal = "area_loc in ('{$area}') and priority = '{$_GET['priority']}'"; } else { $fieldVal = "area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}' and priority = '{$_GET['priority']}'"; } // if($_GET['area_no'] = "'<ALL>'") // $fieldVal = "area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_spl_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_spl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "isoDwgRef": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); 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// } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "t.priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and t.area_loc in ('{$area}') and t2.percent_workable = 100 "; } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority_timing <> '{$prior_setup[1]}' and priority_code LIKE '{$_GET['pno']}%' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } else { // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority_timing <> '{$prior_setup[1]}' and priority_code LIKE '{$_GET['pno']}%' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "isoDwg_qmsqpipqua": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } else { // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority_timing = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority_timing <> '{$prior_setup[1]}' and priority_code LIKE '{$_GET['pno']}%' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } else { // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority_timing <> '{$prior_setup[1]}' and priority_code LIKE '{$_GET['pno']}%' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/iso_model'); $this->read("iso", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "isoDwgRef2": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } // $cArealoc = "'". str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))))."'"; if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } // $cArealoc = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); } } $cArealoc = "'" . str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))) . "'"; $aname = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))) . "'"; $pno = "'" . $_GET['pno'] . "'"; // echo "pno ".$pno; // echo "<br>aname ".$aname; // echo "<br>carealoc ".$cArealoc; // return true; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ttupl_model'); $this->ttupl_model->call_sp_query_spl_wise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], (int) $_GET['cbper1'], (int) $_GET['cbper2'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno, (int) $_GET['detail']); $this->read("ttupl", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "proc_ps_mto_hdr": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } } $cArealoc = str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))); $aname = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $pno = $_GET['pno']; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_pipPswise_model'); $this->tt_pipPswise_model->call_procQuery_pipPswise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], (int) $_GET['cbper1'], (int) $_GET['cbper2'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno, (int) $_GET['detail']); $this->read("tt_pipPswise", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "QCMRIR": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/sys_prog_model'); $dbArr = $this->sys_prog_model->get_by_DEFAULT_DISC("DEFAULT_DISC"); break; break; case "ps_mto_Ref": $fieldVal = "drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and ps_code = '{$_GET['ps_code']}' and ps_type = '{$_GET['ps_type']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/ps_mto_model'); $this->read("ps_mto", "get_all2", $fieldVal, $dbArr); $cntr = 0; $newDbArr = array(); foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) { $cntr = 0; foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) { $newDbArr[$key][$key2] = $value2; ++$cntr; } $newDbArr[$key]['ref_rec_result'] = $newDbArr[$key]['wt_fab'] - $newDbArr[$key]['ref_rec_qty']; if ($newDbArr[$key]['ref_rec_qty'] > $newDbArr[$key]['wt_fab']) { $newDbArr[$key]['BALANCE_EXCESS'] = "EXCESS"; } else { if ($newDbArr[$key]['wt_fab'] - $newDbArr[$key]['ref_rec_qty'] != 0) { $newDbArr[$key]['BALANCE_EXCESS'] = "BALANCE"; } else { $newDbArr[$key]['BALANCE_EXCESS'] = "COMPLETED"; } } } $dbArr = $newDbArr; break; case "export_qmsrsmrpp": $startDate = $_GET['startD']; $endDate = $_GET['endD']; $priorno = str_replace(",", "*!*", $_GET['prior_no']); $areano = str_replace(",", "*!*", $_GET['area_no']); $drawingno = str_replace(",", "*!*", $_GET['drawing_no']); $jmifno = str_replace(",", "*!*", $_GET['jmif']); if ($priorno == 'undefined') { $priorno = 'NULL'; } if ($areano == 'undefined') { $areano = "NULL"; } if ($drawingno == 'undefined') { $drawingno = "NULL"; } if ($jmifno == 'undefined') { $jmifno = "NULL"; } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_export_qmsrsmrpp_dsr_model'); $this->tt_export_qmsrsmrpp_dsr_model->call_sp_query_export_structDR($startDate, $endDate, $priorno, $areano, $drawingno, $jmifno, $_GET['rsOption']); $this->read("tt_export_qmsrsmrpp_dsr", "export_structDR", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "qmsrsmrpp_dsr.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="qmsrsmrpp_dsr.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "export_qmsqpwpsw": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) == 1) { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } } } $cArealoc = str_replace("','", "*!*", str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr))))); $aname = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $pno = $_GET['pno']; if ($_GET['detail'] == 0) { $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_pipPswise_model'); $this->tt_pipPswise_model->call_procQuery_pipPswise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], (int) $_GET['cbper1'], (int) $_GET['cbper2'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno, (int) $_GET['detail']); $this->read("tt_pipPswise", "export_pswise_wOdetail", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); } else { $this->load->model('webapps/qms/tt_pipPswise_model'); $this->tt_pipPswise_model->call_procQuery_pipPswise((int) $_GET['tbAdvance'], (int) $_GET['rswork'], (int) $_GET['cbper1'], (int) $_GET['cbper2'], $aname, $cArealoc, $pno, (int) $_GET['detail']); $this->read("tt_pipPswise", "export_pswise_wDetail", $fieldVal, $dbArr, "export"); } // ------ Create and download csv ---- $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "MATL Workability PS Wise.csv"); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MATL Workability PS Wise.csv"'); $csv = urldecode($csv); echo $csv; return true; break; case "twhse_mat_iso": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) == 1) { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}') "; } else { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority <> '{$prior_setup2[1]}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } else { // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority <> '{$prior_setup2[1]}' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_iso_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_iso", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "twhse_mat_ps": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) == 1) { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}') "; } else { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority <> '{$prior_setup2[1]}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } else { // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority <> '{$prior_setup2[1]}' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } } // if($_GET['area_no'] = "'<ALL>'") // $fieldVal = "area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'"; $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_ps_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "twhse_mat_spl2": $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1", "TA", "P2", "P3"); $areaArr = array(); if (in_array($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) >= 0) { if (array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2) == 1) { if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc in ('{$area}') "; } else { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority = '{$_GET['pno']}' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } else { foreach ($area_loc[array_search($_GET['pno'], $prior_setup2)] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } if ($_GET['aname'] == 'ALL') { foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { $value = explode("_", $value); array_push($areaArr, $value[0]); } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes(implode(",", $areaArr)))); $fieldVal = "priority <> '{$prior_setup2[1]}' and area_loc in ('{$area}')"; } else { // foreach ($area_loc[1] as $key => $value) { // $value = explode("_", $value); // array_push($areaArr,$value[0]); // } $area = str_replace(",", "','", str_replace("'", "\"", addslashes($_GET['aname']))); $fieldVal = "priority <> '{$prior_setup2[1]}' and area_loc = '{$area}'"; } } } $this->load->model('webapps/qms/twhse_mat_ps_model'); $this->read("twhse_mat_ps", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; case "verifyButt": $this->load->model('webapps/qms/mod_access_model'); return $this->mod_access_model->verifyGroupAccess(); break; case 'priorSetup': //PRIOR_SETUP $prior_setup = array("P1", "TA-2013", "P2", "P3"); $prior_setup2 = array("P1R", "TURN AROUND-2013", "P2R", "P3R"); $a = 0; while ($a <= sizeof($prior_setup) - 1) { array_push($dbArr, array("pno" => $prior_setup[$a], "total" => sizeof($prior_setup), "pseq" => $a + 1, "pname" => $prior_setup2[$a])); $a++; } break; case 'sp_arealoc': //AREA_LOC $area_loc = array(array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_P1", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_P1", "MHFO UNIT-011_P1", "SGP UNIT-062_P1", "JETTY UNIT-240_P1", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_P1", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P1", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_P1", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_P1", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P1", "SGP UNIT-061_P1", "SWS-093_P1"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (LP)_TA", "CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_TA", "FLARE MITG'N-894_TA", "FLARE SYSTEM-220_TA", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_TA", "MHFO UNIT-011_TA", "NHT UNIT-021 & 022_TA", "TANKAGE UNIT-232_TA", "SGP UNIT-062_TA", "SULPHUR UNIT-092_TA", "AMINE REGEN UNIT-091_TA", "SGP UNIT-061_TA", "SWS-093_TA", "CW UNIT-163_TA"), array("FLARE SYSTEM-220_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-GREEN_P2", "ICP UNIT-110-BROWN_P2", "CW UNIT-163_P2", "MDU UNIT-066_P2", "RAIN WATER-130_P2", "INSTRU AIR-200_P2"), array("CHD UNIT-032 (HP)_P3", "ARU-913_P3", "HRU-031_P3", "SRU-923_P3", "FLARE MITG'N-894_P3", "NPF-562_P3")); $a = 0; $v_pno = array(); while ($a <= 3) { $b = 0; while ($b <= sizeof($area_loc[$a]) - 1) { $v_pno = explode("_", $area_loc[$a][$b]); if ($v_pno[1] == $_GET['pno']) { if (!in_array(array("pseq" => $a, "aname" => "ALL", "pno" => $v_pno[1], "aseq" => 0, "total" => sizeof($area_loc[$a])), $dbArr)) { array_push($dbArr, array("pseq" => $a, "aname" => "ALL", "pno" => $v_pno[1], "aseq" => 0, "total" => sizeof($area_loc[$a]))); } array_push($dbArr, array("pseq" => $a, "aname" => $v_pno[0], "pno" => $v_pno[1], "aseq" => $b, "total" => sizeof($area_loc[$a]))); } $b++; } $a++; } break; default: $this->read("iso", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr); break; } $this->result['rows'] = $dbArr; $this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode($this->result)); }
public function extractCSV() { // $this->load->database(); // $query = $this->db->get('user'); $this->load->model('user'); $users = $this->user->getAllUsersAsObject(); $this->load->helper('csv'); query_to_csv($users, TRUE, 'AllUserInYourWebSite.csv'); //redirect('usercontroller/listuser'); }
/** * Export staffs to csv file */ public function exportcsv() { $result = $this->m_staffs->exportcsv(); if (query_to_csv($result, TRUE, 'STAFF-' . date('Y-m-d', time()) . '.csv')) { redirect('staffs/staffs/index/'); } }
function export() { $search = $this->session->userdata('search_form'); //echo $this->uri->segment(4);die; //-- sorting input --// $sort_i = $this->uri->segment(5); $sort_by = $this->uri->segment(6); $type = $this->uri->segment(8); if ($this->uri->segment(9) == 'country') { $country = $this->uri->segment(10); } else { $id = $this->uri->segment(10); } $sort = $this->sort_input($sort_i, $sort_by); //-----// //-- result --// $this->data['result'] = $this->Analytics_model->getReport(array('code' => $country, 'id' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'search' => $search), $sort, $sort_by); //echo '<pre>';print_r($this->data['result']);die; if ($type == 'content') { if ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'pdf') { $content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($content, 'Content Base Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Name', 'Content Provider', 'Platform', 'Browser', 'Location', 'Date', 'Total Hits', 'Total time watched'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $dataRpt[$num]['title'] = $p->title; $dataRpt[$num]['content_provider'] = $p->content_provider; $dataRpt[$num]['platform'] = $p->platform; $dataRpt[$num]['browser'] = $p->browser; $dataRpt[$num]['location'] = $p->country; $dataRpt[$num]['date'] = $p->created; $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->total_hits; $dataRpt[$num]['watched time'] = time_from_seconds($p->total_watched_time); $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } } if ($type == 'usercontent') { if ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'pdf') { $content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_usercontent', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($content, 'User Content Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Name', 'Content Provider', 'Platform', 'Browser', 'Location', 'Date', 'Total Hits', 'Total time watched'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); //print_r($this->data['result']);die; $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $dataRpt[$num]['title'] = $p->title; $dataRpt[$num]['content_provider'] = $p->content_provider; $dataRpt[$num]['platform'] = $p->platform; $dataRpt[$num]['browser'] = $p->browser; $dataRpt[$num]['location'] = $p->country; $dataRpt[$num]['date'] = $p->created; $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->total_hits; $dataRpt[$num]['watched time'] = time_from_seconds($p->total_watched_time); $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } } if ($type == 'user') { if ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'pdf') { $user = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_user', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($user, 'User Based Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Name', 'Total Hits', 'Total time watched', 'Browser', 'IP', 'Date'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $dataRpt[$num]['name'] = $p->name != '' ? $p->name : 'guest'; $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->total_hits; $dataRpt[$num]['watched time'] = time_from_seconds($p->total_watched_time); $dataRpt[$num]['browser'] = $p->browser; $dataRpt[$num]['ip'] = $p->ip; $dataRpt[$num]['date'] = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", strtotime($p->created)); $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } } if ($type == 'useragent') { if ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'pdf') { $content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_device', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($content, 'Device Base Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Platform', 'Browser', 'Total Hits', 'Total time watched'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $dataRpt[$num]['platform'] = $p->platform; $dataRpt[$num]['browser'] = $p->browser; $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->total_hits; $dataRpt[$num]['watched time'] = time_from_seconds($p->total_watched_time); $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } } if ($type == 'region') { if ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'pdf') { $geomap = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_geomap', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($geomap, 'Region Based Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Country', 'Region', 'Total Hits', 'Total time watched'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $dataRpt[$num]['country'] = $p->country; $dataRpt[$num]['state'] = $p->state; $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->total_hits; $dataRpt[$num]['watched time'] = time_from_seconds($p->total_watched_time); $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } } if ($type == 'country') { $this->data['c'] = 1; if ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'pdf') { $geomap = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_geomap', $this->data, true); //-- create pdf --// create_pdf($geomap, 'Country Based Report'); } elseif ($this->uri->segment(4) == 'csv') { $heading = array('Location', 'Country', 'Total Hits', 'Total time watched'); //$content = $this->load->view('templates/pdf_content',$this->data,true); $dataRpt = array(); $num = 0; foreach ($this->data['result'] as $p) { $dataRpt[$num]['Location'] = $p->city != '' ? $p->city : 'Unknown'; $dataRpt[$num]['country'] = $p->country; $dataRpt[$num]['hits'] = $p->total_hits; $dataRpt[$num]['watched time'] = time_from_seconds($p->total_watched_time); $num++; } query_to_csv($dataRpt, $heading); //echo query_to_csv($content); //exit; } } }
//$not_exist=false; if (!empty($jid)) { $first_last = extract_first_and_last($mysql_link, $jid); if (!$first_last) { $not_exist = true; } if (!isset($not_exist)) { $job_first_segment = $first_last[1]; $job_last_segment = $first_last[2]; $jid = $first_last[0]; $jid_escape = mysql_real_escape_string($jid, $mysql_link); // Using the function $sql = "SELECT segments.segment as segment, segment_translations.translation as translation\n\tFROM segment_translations JOIN segments ON = segment_translations.id_segment\n\tWHERE segment_translations.id_job = '{$jid_escape}' and \n BETWEEN {$job_first_segment} and {$job_last_segment}\n AND segment_translations.status = 'TRANSLATED'\n\tORDER BY;"; // $db_conn should be a valid db handle // output as an attachment query_to_csv($mysql_link, $sql, "job_{$jid}.csv", true); // output to file system //query_to_csv($mysql_link, $sql, "test_$jid.csv", false); } } ?> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body {font-family: Calibri, Arial, sans-serif;} .error {color:red; font-weight="bold"} </style> </head>