if (!($usr->users_opt & 1048576)) {
    $fids = implode(',', array_keys(get_all_read_perms(_uid, $usr->users_opt & 524288)));
if (isset($_GET['so']) && !strcasecmp($_GET['so'], 'asc')) {
    $SORT_ORDER = 'ASC';
} else {
    $SORT_ORDER_R = 'ASC';
$post_entry = '';
if ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 || $fids) {
    $qry_limit = $usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : 'f.id IN (' . $fids . ') AND ';
    /* we need the total for the pager & we don't trust the user to pass it via GET or POST */
    $total = q_singleval("SELECT count(*)\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_msg m\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE " . $qry_limit . " m.apr=1 AND m.poster_id=" . $uid);
    $c = uq("SELECT f.name, f.id, m.subject, m.id, m.post_stamp\n\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_msg m\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id\n\t\t\tWHERE " . $qry_limit . " m.apr=1 AND m.poster_id=" . $uid . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY m.post_stamp " . $SORT_ORDER . " LIMIT " . qry_limit($THREADS_PER_PAGE, $start));
    while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
        $post_entry .= '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td class="GenText"><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;goto=' . $r[3] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r[2] . '</a></td><td class="GenText" nowrap><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . t_thread_view . '&amp;frm_id=' . $r[1] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink">' . htmlspecialchars($r[0]) . '</a></td><td class="DateText" nowrap>' . strftime("%a, %d %B %Y %H:%M", $r[4]) . '</td></tr>';
    $pager = tmpl_create_pager($start, $THREADS_PER_PAGE, $total, '/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=showposts&amp;id=' . $uid . '&amp;' . _rsid);
if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 2) {
    $page_gen_end = gettimeofday();
    $page_gen_time = sprintf('%.5f', $page_gen_end['sec'] - $PAGE_TIME['sec'] + ($page_gen_end['usec'] - $PAGE_TIME['usec']) / 1000000);
    $page_stats = '<br /><div align="left" class="SmallText">Total time taken to generate the page: ' . $page_gen_time . ' seconds</div>';
} else {
    $page_stats = '';
echo $GLOBALS['fud_egw_hdr'];
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5"><tr><td class="ForumBackground">
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_level l ON u.level_id=l.id
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_poll p ON m.poll_id=p.id
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_poll_opt_track pot ON pot.poll_id=p.id AND pot.user_id=' . _uid . '
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
			' . $date_limit . '
			' . ($frm_id ? ' AND f.id=' . $frm_id : '') . '
			' . ($th ? ' AND t.id=' . $th : '') . '
			' . (isset($_GET['reply_count']) ? ' AND t.replies=' . (int) $_GET['reply_count'] : '') . '
			' . $unread_limit . '
			' . $perm_limit . '
			f.last_post_id, t.last_post_date, m.post_stamp
		LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $start));
    /* message drawing code */
    $message_data = '';
    $n = $prev_frm = $prev_th = '';
    while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
        if ($prev_frm != $r->forum_id) {
            $prev_frm = $r->forum_id;
            $message_data .= '<tr><th class="SelFS">Forum: <a class="thLnk" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . t_thread_view . '&amp;frm_id=' . $r->forum_id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '"><font class="lg">' . htmlspecialchars($r->name) . '</font></a></th></tr>';
            $perms = perms_from_obj($r, $usr->users_opt & 1048576);
        if ($prev_th != $r->thread_id) {
            $thl[] = $r->thread_id;
            $prev_th = $r->thread_id;
            $message_data .= '<tr><th class="SelTS">&nbsp;Topic: <a class="thLnk" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;goto=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->thr_subject . '</a></th></tr>';
        if (_uid && $r->last_view < $r->post_stamp && $r->post_stamp > $usr->last_read && !isset($mark_read[$r->thread_id])) {
$c = uq('SELECT f.id, f.name FROM phpgw_fud_forum_notify fn LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON fn.forum_id=f.id WHERE fn.user_id=' . _uid . ' ' . $lmt . ' ORDER BY f.last_post_id DESC');
$subscribed_forum_data = '';
while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
    $subscribed_forum_data .= '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td width="100%"><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . t_thread_view . '&amp;frm_id=' . $r[0] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . htmlspecialchars($r[1]) . '</a></td><td nowrap><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=subscribed&amp;frm_id=' . $r[0] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">Unsubscribe</a> | <a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . t_thread_view . '&amp;frm_id=' . $r[0] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" target="_blank">View Forum</a></td></tr>';
if (!$subscribed_forum_data) {
    $subscribed_forum_data = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td colspan=2>No subscribed forums</td></tr>';
/* Since a person can have MANY subscribed threads, we need a pager & for the pager we need a entry count */
$total = q_singleval('SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_thread_notify tn LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON tn.thread_id=t.id INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON t.root_msg_id=m.id WHERE tn.user_id=' . _uid . ' ' . $lmt);
if (!isset($_GET['start']) || !($start = (int) $_GET['start'])) {
    $start = 0;
$subscribed_thread_data = '';
$c = uq('SELECT t.id, m.subject FROM phpgw_fud_thread_notify tn INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON tn.thread_id=t.id INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON t.root_msg_id=m.id WHERE tn.user_id=' . _uid . ' ' . $lmt . ' ORDER BY t.last_post_id DESC LIMIT ' . qry_limit($THREADS_PER_PAGE, $start));
while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
    $subscribed_thread_data .= '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td width="100%"><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;th=' . $r[0] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r[1] . '</a></td><td nowrap><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=subscribed&amp;th=' . $r[0] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">Unsubscribe</a> | <a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;th=' . $r[0] . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" target="_blank">View Topic</a></td></tr>';
if (!$subscribed_thread_data) {
    $subscribed_thread_data = '<tr class="' . alt_var('search_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td colspan=2>No subscribed topics</td></tr>';
$pager = tmpl_create_pager($start, $THREADS_PER_PAGE, $total, '/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=subscribed&a=1&' . _rsid, '#fff');
if ($FUD_OPT_2 & 2) {
    $page_gen_end = gettimeofday();
    $page_gen_time = sprintf('%.5f', $page_gen_end['sec'] - $PAGE_TIME['sec'] + ($page_gen_end['usec'] - $PAGE_TIME['usec']) / 1000000);
    $page_stats = '<br /><div align="left" class="SmallText">Total time taken to generate the page: ' . $page_gen_time . ' seconds</div>';
} else {
    $page_stats = '';
echo $GLOBALS['fud_egw_hdr'];
function fetch_search_cache($qry, $start, $count, $logic, $srch_type, $order, $forum_limiter, &$total)
    if (strncmp($GLOBALS['usr']->lang, 'chinese', 7)) {
        $cs = array('!\\W!', '!\\s+!');
        $cd = array(' ', ' ');
        $qry = trim(preg_replace($cs, $cd, $qry));
        $w = array_unique(explode(' ', strtolower($qry)));
        $qr = '';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($w as $v) {
            $v = trim($v);
            if (strlen($v) <= 2) {
            } else {
                if ($i++ == 10) {
                    /* limit query length to 10 words */
            $qr .= " '" . addslashes($v) . "',";
        if (!$qr) {
        } else {
            $qr = substr($qr, 0, -1);
    } else {
        /* handling for multibyte languages */
        if (!($w = mb_word_split($qry))) {
        $qr = implode(',', $w);
        $i = count($w);
    if ($srch_type == 'all') {
        $tbl = 'index';
        $qt = '0';
    } else {
        $tbl = 'title_index';
        $qt = '1';
    $qry_lck = md5($qr);
    /* remove expired cache */
    q('DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache WHERE expiry<' . (__request_timestamp__ - $GLOBALS['SEARCH_CACHE_EXPIRY']));
    if (!($total = q_singleval("SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache WHERE query_type=" . $qt . " AND srch_query='" . $qry_lck . "'"))) {
        if (__dbtype__ == 'mysql') {
            q("INSERT IGNORE INTO phpgw_fud_search_cache (srch_query, query_type, expiry, msg_id, n_match) SELECT '" . $qry_lck . "', " . $qt . ", " . __request_timestamp__ . ", msg_id, count(*) as word_count FROM phpgw_fud_search s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_" . $tbl . " i ON i.word_id=s.id WHERE word IN(" . $qr . ") GROUP BY msg_id ORDER BY word_count DESC LIMIT 500");
            if (!($total = (int) db_affected())) {
        } else {
            q("BEGIN; DELETE FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache; INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_search_cache (srch_query, query_type, expiry, msg_id, n_match) SELECT '" . $qry_lck . "', " . $qt . ", " . __request_timestamp__ . ", msg_id, count(*) as word_count FROM phpgw_fud_search s INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_" . $tbl . " i ON i.word_id=s.id WHERE word IN(" . $qr . ") GROUP BY msg_id ORDER BY word_count DESC LIMIT 500; COMMIT;");
    if ($forum_limiter) {
        if ($forum_limiter[0] != 'c') {
            $qry_lmt = ' AND f.id=' . (int) $forum_limiter . ' ';
        } else {
            $qry_lmt = ' AND c.id=' . (int) substr($forum_limiter, 1) . ' ';
    } else {
        $qry_lmt = '';
    $qry_lck = "'" . $qry_lck . "'";
    $total = q_singleval('SELECT count(*)
		FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache sc
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON m.id=sc.msg_id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
			sc.query_type=' . $qt . ' AND sc.srch_query=' . $qry_lck . $qry_lmt . '
			' . ($logic == 'AND' ? ' AND sc.n_match>=' . $i : '') . '
			' . ($GLOBALS['usr']->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 262146) >= 262146)'));
    if (!$total) {
    return uq('SELECT u.alias, f.name AS forum_name, f.id AS forum_id,
			m.poster_id, m.id, m.thread_id, m.subject, m.poster_id, m.foff, m.length, m.post_stamp, m.file_id, m.icon
		FROM phpgw_fud_search_cache sc
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON m.id=sc.msg_id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
			sc.query_type=' . $qt . ' AND sc.srch_query=' . $qry_lck . $qry_lmt . '
			' . ($logic == 'AND' ? ' AND sc.n_match>=' . $i : '') . '
			' . ($GLOBALS['usr']->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 262146) >= 262146)') . '
		ORDER BY sc.n_match DESC, m.post_stamp ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $start));
if ($all_v = empty($_GET['all'])) {
    $desc = 'all';
} else {
    $desc = 'none';
$ttl = q_singleval("SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_pmsg WHERE duser_id=" . _uid . " AND fldr=" . $folder_id);
$count = $usr->posts_ppg ? $usr->posts_ppg : $POSTS_PER_PAGE;
$start = empty($_GET['start']) || $_GET['start'] >= $ttl ? 0 : (int) $_GET['start'];
$c = uq('SELECT p.id, p.read_stamp, p.post_stamp, p.duser_id, p.ouser_id, p.subject, p.pmsg_opt, p.fldr, p.pdest,
			u.users_opt, u.alias, u.last_visit AS time_sec,
			u2.users_opt AS users_opt2, u2.alias AS alias2, u2.last_visit AS time_sec2
		FROM phpgw_fud_pmsg p
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON p.ouser_id=u.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u2 ON p.pdest=u2.id
		WHERE duser_id=' . _uid . ' AND fldr=' . $folder_id . ' ORDER BY post_stamp DESC LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $start));
$private_msg_entry = '';
while ($obj = db_rowobj($c)) {
    switch ($obj->fldr) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
            $action = '<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=ppost&amp;' . _rsid . '&amp;reply=' . $obj->id . '" class="GenLink"><img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/default/images/msg_reply.gif" alt="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=ppost&amp;quote=' . $obj->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink"><img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/default/images/msg_quote.gif" alt="" /></a>&nbsp;<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=ppost&amp;forward=' . $obj->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink"><img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/default/images/msg_forward.gif" alt="" /></a>';
        case 3:
            $obj->users_opt = $obj->users_opt2;
            $obj->alias = $obj->alias2;
            $obj->time_sec = $obj->time_sec2;
            $obj->ouser_id = $obj->pdest;
            $action = '';
        case 5:
						u.home_page, u.bday, u.last_visit, u.icq, u.aim, u.yahoo, u.msnm, u.jabber, u.affero,
						u.name, u.email,
						m.id AS msg_id, m.subject, m.thread_id,
						f.name AS frm_name,
						c.name AS cat_name
						' . $perms . '

					FROM phpgw_fud_users u
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON m.id=u.u_last_post_id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON f.id=t.forum_id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
					' . $join . '
						' . $lmt . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' DESC LIMIT ' . qry_limit($limit, $offset));
        $res = 0;
        while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
            if (!$res) {
                header('Content-Type: text/xml');
                echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/">
<channel rdf:about="' . __ROOT__ . '">
	<title>' . $FORUM_TITLE . ' RDF feed</title>
	<link>' . __ROOT__ . '</link>
	<description>' . $FORUM_TITLE . ' RDF feed</description>
                $res = 1;
            if ($r->bday && $r->bday > 18500000) {
                $y = substr($r->bday, 0, 4);
				' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '1' : 'mm.id') . ' AS md,
				pot.id AS cant_vote,
				(CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) AS gco
				FROM phpgw_fud_poll p
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=p.forum_id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON p.forum_id=f.id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON c.id=f.cat_id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m ON m.poll_id=p.id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=p.forum_id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=p.forum_id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON u.id=m.poster_id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_poll_opt_track pot ON pot.poll_id=p.id AND pot.user_id=' . _uid . '
					' . $usr_lmt . ' ' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '1=1' : '(mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0)') . ' ORDER BY p.creation_date ' . $oby . ' LIMIT ' . qry_limit($POLLS_PER_PAGE, $start));
    while ($obj = db_rowobj($c)) {
        if (!$obj->total_votes) {
            $obj->total_votes = '0';
        $vote_lnk = '';
        if (!$obj->cant_vote && (!$obj->poll_expiry_date || $obj->poll_expiry_date < __request_timestamp__)) {
            if ($obj->md || $obj->gco & 512 && (!($obj->thread_opt & 1) || $obj->gco & 4096)) {
                if (!$obj->max_votes || $obj->total_votes < $obj->max_votes) {
                    $vote_lnk = '&nbsp;<b>::</b>&nbsp;<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;goto=' . $obj->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">Vota</a>&nbsp;<b>::</b>&nbsp;';
        $view_res_lnk = $obj->total_votes ? '<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;goto=' . $obj->id . '&amp;pl_view=' . $obj->poid . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">Vedi risultati</a>&nbsp;<b>::</b>&nbsp;' : '';
        if ($obj->owner && (!($obj->users_opt & 32768) || $usr->users_opt & 1048576) && $FUD_OPT_2 & 32) {
            $online_indicator = $obj->last_visit > __request_timestamp__ ? '<img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/online.gif" title="' . $user_login . ' è attualmente online" alt="' . $user_login . ' è attualmente online" />&nbsp;' : '<img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/offline.gif" title="' . $user_login . '  è attualmente offline" alt="' . $user_login . '  è attualmente offline" />&nbsp;';
        $start = $total - q_singleval("SELECT count(*) FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE thread_id=" . $th_id . " AND apr=1 AND id>=" . $reply_to);
        $msg_order_by = 'ASC';
    } else {
        $msg_order_by = 'DESC';
    $c = uq('SELECT m.*, t.thread_opt, t.root_msg_id, t.last_post_id, t.forum_id,
			u.id AS user_id, u.alias AS login, u.users_opt, u.last_visit AS time_sec,
			p.max_votes, p.expiry_date, p.creation_date, p.name AS poll_name,  p.total_votes
			phpgw_fud_msg m
			INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
			LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_poll p ON m.poll_id=p.id
			m.thread_id=' . $th_id . ' AND m.apr=1
		ORDER BY id ' . $msg_order_by . ' LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $start));
    $message_data = '';
    $m_count = 0;
    while ($obj = db_rowobj($c)) {
        $message_data .= tmpl_drawmsg($obj, $usr, $perms, true, $m_count, '');
        $mid = $obj->id;
    $minimsg_pager = tmpl_create_pager($start, $count, $total, "javascript: document.post_form.minimsg_pager_switch.value='%s'; document.post_form.submit();", null, false, false);
    $minimsg = '<br /><br />
<table border=0 width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 class="dashed">
<tr><td class="miniMH">Thread View</td></tr>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="ContentTable">
' . $message_data . '
                    $mnav_data = '<div align="center" class="GenText" class="manvNoRes">There are no messages matching query.</div>';
                } else {
                    $c = uq('SELECT u.alias, f.name AS forum_name, f.id AS forum_id,
					m.poster_id, m.id, m.thread_id, m.subject, m.poster_id, m.foff, m.length, m.post_stamp, m.file_id, m.icon
					FROM phpgw_fud_msg m
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_cat c ON f.cat_id=c.id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=' . (_uid ? '2147483647' : '0') . ' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mod mm ON mm.forum_id=f.id AND mm.user_id=' . _uid . '
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=' . _uid . ' AND g2.resource_id=f.id
					m.post_stamp > ' . $tm . ' AND m.apr=1 ' . $qry_lmt . '
					' . ($usr->users_opt & 1048576 ? '' : ' AND (mm.id IS NOT NULL OR ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0)') . '
					ORDER BY m.thread_id, t.forum_id, m.post_stamp DESC LIMIT ' . qry_limit($ppg, $start));
                    $oldf = $oldt = 0;
                    $mnav_data = '<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="ContentTable">';
                    while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
                        if ($oldf != $r->forum_id) {
                            $mnav_data .= '<tr><th colspan="3"> Forum: <a class="thLnk" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . t_thread_view . '&amp;frm_id=' . $r->forum_id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '"><font clas="lg">' . htmlspecialchars($r->forum_name) . '</font></a></th></tr>';
                            $oldf = $r->forum_id;
                        if ($oldt != $r->thread_id) {
                            $mnav_data .= '<tr><th class="RowStyleC">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th><th colspan="2"> Topic: <a class="thLnk" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=' . d_thread_view . '&amp;goto=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->subject . '</a></th></tr>';
                            $oldt = $r->thread_id;
                        $body = trim_body(read_msg_body($r->foff, $r->length, $r->file_id));
                        $poster_info = !empty($r->poster_id) ? '<a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id=' . $r->poster_id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->alias . '</a>' : '' . $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'];
                        $mnav_data .= '<tr><td class="RowStyleC">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class="RowStyleC">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>
    } else {
        $ord = 'id DESC';
$usr_login = !empty($_GET['usr_login']) ? trim($_GET['usr_login']) : '';
$usr_email = !empty($_GET['usr_email']) ? trim($_GET['usr_email']) : '';
if ($usr_login) {
    $qry = "alias LIKE '" . addslashes(htmlspecialchars(str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $usr_login))) . "%' AND";
} else {
    if ($usr_email) {
        $qry = "email LIKE '" . addslashes($usr_email) . "%' AND";
    } else {
        $qry = '';
$lmt = ' LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $start);
$admin_opts = $adm ? '<th>Admin Opts.</th>' : '';
$find_user_data = '';
$c = uq('SELECT home_page, users_opt, alias, join_date, posted_msg_count, id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE ' . $qry . ' id>1 ORDER BY ' . $ord . ' ' . $lmt);
while ($r = db_rowobj($c)) {
    $pm_link = $FUD_OPT_1 & 1024 && _uid ? '<a href="/egroupware/index.php?menuaction=messenger.uimessenger.compose&message_to=;' . _rsid . '&amp;message_to=' . $u->alias . '" class="GenLink"><img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/msg_pm.gif" alt="" /></a>' : '';
    $homepage_link = $r->home_page ? '<a class="GenLink" href="' . $r->home_page . '" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/homepage.gif" /></a>' : '';
    $email_link = $FUD_OPT_2 & 1073741824 && $r->users_opt & 16 ? '<a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=email&amp;toi=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink"><img src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/msg_email.gif" alt="" /></a>' : '';
    if ($adm) {
        $admi = $r->users_opt & 65536 ? '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'] . 'adm/admuser.php?act=block&usr_id=' . $r->id . '&' . _rsid . '">UnBan</a>' : '<a href="' . $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'] . 'adm/admuser.php?act=block&usr_id=' . $r->id . '&' . _rsid . '">Ban</a>';
        $admi = '<td class="SmallText" nowrap><a href="' . $GLOBALS['WWW_ROOT'] . 'adm/admuser.php?usr_id=' . $r->id . '&' . _rsid . '&act=1">Edit</a> || ' . $admi . '</td>';
    } else {
        $admi = '';
    $find_user_data .= '<tr class="' . alt_var('finduser_alt', 'RowStyleA', 'RowStyleB') . '"><td nowrap class="GenText"><a class="GenLink" href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '">' . $r->alias . '</a></td><td align="center" nowrap>' . $r->posted_msg_count . '</td><td class="DateText" nowrap>' . strftime("%a, %d %B %Y", $r->join_date) . '</td><td nowrap class="GenText"><a href="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/index.php?t=showposts&amp;id=' . $r->id . '&amp;' . _rsid . '" class="GenLink"><img alt="" src="/egroupware/fudforum/3814588639/theme/italian/images/show_posts.gif" /></a>
' . $email_link . '
		u.id AS user_id, u.alias AS login, u.avatar_loc, u.email, u.posted_msg_count, u.join_date, u.location,
		u.sig, u.custom_status, u.icq, u.jabber, u.affero, u.aim, u.msnm, u.yahoo, u.users_opt, u.last_visit AS time_sec,
		l.name AS level_name, l.level_opt, l.img AS level_img,
		p.max_votes, p.expiry_date, p.creation_date, p.name AS poll_name, p.total_votes,
		pot.id AS cant_vote
		phpgw_fud_msg m
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
		INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_level l ON u.level_id=l.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_poll p ON m.poll_id=p.id
		LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_poll_opt_track pot ON pot.poll_id=p.id AND pot.user_id=' . _uid . '
		m.thread_id=' . $_GET['th'] . ' AND m.apr=1
	ORDER BY m.id ASC LIMIT ' . qry_limit($count, $_GET['start']));
$obj2 = $message_data = '';
$usr->md = $frm->md;
$m_num = 0;
while ($obj = db_rowobj($result)) {
    $message_data .= tmpl_drawmsg($obj, $usr, $perms, false, $m_num, array($_GET['start'], $count));
    $obj2 = $obj;
if (!isset($_GET['prevloaded'])) {
    if (_uid && $obj2) {
        if ($frm->last_forum_view < $obj2->post_stamp) {