function portfolio_list($atts, $content = null)
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        extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
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                    $html .= "</div>";
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                    $html .= "<div class='filter_outer'>";
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                        $args = array('parent' => 0);
                        $portfolio_categories = get_terms('portfolio_category', $args);
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                        $term_id = '';
                        if (isset($top_category->term_id)) {
                            $term_id = $top_category->term_id;
                        $args = array('parent' => $term_id);
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                    $thumb_size_class = 'portfolio_full_image';
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                            $thumb_size = 'full';
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                            $html .= "</span>";
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                                $html .= "{$term->name}";
                                if (count($terms) != $k) {
                                    $html .= ', ';
                            $html .= '</span></div></div>';
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                                $html .= "<span class='portfolio_like qbutton small white'>";
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                                if (function_exists('qode_like_portfolio_list')) {
                                    $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                                $html .= "</span>";
                            $html .= "</span>";
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                                $html .= ', ';
                        $html .= '</span>';
                        $html .= '</div>';
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                $i = 1;
                while ($i <= $columns) {
                    if ($columns != 1) {
                        $html .= "<div class='filler'></div>\n";
            } else {
                _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
            $html .= "</div>";
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                    $args = array('parent' => 0);
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                            $html .= ', ';
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                            $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                        $html .= "</span>";
                    $html .= "</span>";
                    $html .= "</span></span></span></span>";
                    $html .= "</div>";
                    $html .= "</article>";
            } else {
                _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
            $html .= "</div>";
        return $html;
    function portfolio_list($atts, $content = null)
        global $wp_query;
        global $portfolio_project_id;
        global $qode_options_proya;
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                        $html .= "portfolio_category_{$term->term_id} ";
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                                $html .= "{$term->name}";
                                if (count($terms) != $k) {
                                    $html .= ', ';
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                                    $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                                $html .= "</span>";
                            $html .= "</span>";
                            $html .= "</span>";
                        $html .= "</span></span></span>";
                        $html .= "</div>";
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                                                $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list('icon');
                                            if ($view_button !== "no") {
                                                $html .= '<a class="preview" title="Go to Project" href="' . $portfolio_link . '" data-type="portfolio_list" target="' . $target . '" ></a>';
                                            $html .= '</div>';
                                            // icons_holder
                                    $html .= '</div>';
                                    // text_holder_inner
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                                $html .= '</div>';
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                        // close item_holder
                    $html .= "</article>";
            } else {
                _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
            $html .= "</div>";
        return $html;
    function portfolio_list($atts, $content = null)
        global $wp_query;
        global $portfolio_project_id;
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            $html .= "<div class='filter_holder'><ul><li class='filter' data-filter='all'><span>" . __('All', 'qode') . "</span></li>";
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                $args = array('parent' => 0);
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            } else {
                $top_category = get_term_by('slug', $category, 'portfolio_category');
                $term_id = '';
                if (isset($top_category->term_id)) {
                    $term_id = $top_category->term_id;
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                $args = array('child_of' => $portfolio_category->term_id);
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        if (have_posts()) {
            while (have_posts()) {
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                    $html .= "{$term->slug} ";
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                //original size
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                $slug_list_ = "pretty_photo_gallery";
                $html .= "'>";
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                $html .= "<span class='image'>";
                $html .= get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), 'full');
                $html .= "</span>";
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                    $html .= '<h5><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h5>';
                    $html .= '<h6>';
                    $k = 1;
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        $html .= "{$term->name}";
                        if (count($terms) != $k) {
                            $html .= ', ';
                    $html .= '</h6>';
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                $html .= "<a class='preview' href='" . get_permalink() . "'><span></span></a>";
                if ($type == "hover_text") {
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                    $portfolio_project_id = get_the_ID();
                    if (function_exists('qode_like_portfolio_list')) {
                        $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                    $html .= "</span>";
                $html .= "</span>";
                $html .= "</span>";
                $html .= "</span>";
                $html .= "</div>";
                if ($type != "hover_text") {
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                    $html .= '<h5><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></h5>';
                    $html .= '<h6>';
                    $k = 1;
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        $html .= "{$term->name}";
                        if (count($terms) != $k) {
                            $html .= ', ';
                    $html .= '</h6>';
                    $html .= "<div class='portfolio_like'>";
                    $portfolio_project_id = get_the_ID();
                    if (function_exists('qode_like_portfolio_list')) {
                        $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                    $html .= "</div>";
                    $html .= "</div>";
                $html .= "</article>\n";
            $i = 1;
            while ($i <= $columns) {
                if ($columns != 1) {
                    $html .= "<div class='filler'></div>\n";
        } else {
            _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
        $html .= "</div>";
        if (get_next_posts_link()) {
            if ($show_load_more == "yes" || $show_load_more == "") {
                $html .= '<div class="portfolio_paging"><span rel="' . $wp_query->max_num_pages . '" class="load_more">' . get_next_posts_link(__('Load More', 'qode')) . '</span></div>';
        $html .= "</div>";
        return $html;
 function portfolio_slider($atts, $content = null)
     global $qode_options;
     $portfolio_qode_like = "on";
     if (isset($qode_options['portfolio_qode_like'])) {
         $portfolio_qode_like = $qode_options['portfolio_qode_like'];
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     extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
     $headings_array = array('h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
     //get correct heading value. If provided heading isn't valid get the default one
     $title_tag = in_array($title_tag, $headings_array) ? $title_tag : $args['title_tag'];
     $portfolio_list_hide_category = false;
     if (isset($qode_options['portfolio_list_hide_category']) && $qode_options['portfolio_list_hide_category'] == "yes") {
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         $q = array('post_type' => 'portfolio_page', 'portfolio_category' => $category, 'orderby' => $order_by, 'order' => $order, 'posts_per_page' => $number);
     $project_ids = null;
     if ($selected_projects != "") {
         $project_ids = explode(",", $selected_projects);
         $q['post__in'] = $project_ids;
     if (have_posts()) {
         $postCount = 0;
         while (have_posts()) {
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             $terms = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'portfolio_category');
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                 case 'square':
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                 case 'full':
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                     $thumb_size = 'portfolio-default';
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                 $large_image = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'qode_portfolio-lightbox-link', true);
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                 $large_image = $featured_image_array[0];
             $custom_portfolio_link = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'qode_portfolio-external-link', true);
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             $html .= "</span>";
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             if ($disable_link != "yes") {
                 $html .= "<a class='portfolio_link_class' href='" . $portfolio_link . "' target='" . $target . "'></a>";
             $html .= '<div class="portfolio_shader"></div>';
             $html .= '<div class="text_holder">';
             if (!$portfolio_list_hide_category) {
                 $html .= '<span class="project_category">';
                 $html .= '<span>' . __('In ', 'qode') . '</span>';
                 $k = 1;
                 foreach ($terms as $term) {
                     $html .= "{$term->name}";
                     if (count($terms) != $k) {
                         $html .= '/ ';
                 $html .= '</span>';
             $html .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="portfolio_title">' . get_the_title() . '</' . $title_tag . '>';
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                 if (function_exists('qode_like_portfolio_list')) {
                     $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list(get_the_ID());
             $html .= "</div></div>";
             $html .= "</div>";
             /* close div.image_holder */
             $html .= "</li>";
     } else {
         $html .= __('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
     $html .= "</ul>";
     if ($enable_navigation) {
         $html .= '<ul class="caroufredsel-direction-nav"><li><a id="caroufredsel-prev" class="caroufredsel-prev" href="#"><span class="arrow_carrot-left"></span></a></li><li><a class="caroufredsel-next" id="caroufredsel-next" href="#"><span class="arrow_carrot-right"></span></a></li></ul>';
     $html .= "</div></div>";
     return $html;
    function portfolio_list($atts, $content = null)
        global $wp_query;
        global $portfolio_project_id;
        global $qode_options_river;
        $portfolio_qode_like = "on";
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            $portfolio_qode_like = $qode_options_river['portfolio_qode_like'];
        $args = array("type" => "standard", "columns" => "3", "order_by" => "menu_order", "order" => "ASC", "number" => "-1", "filter" => "no", "lightbox" => "yes", "category" => "", "selected_projects" => "", "show_load_more" => "yes", "title_tag" => "h4");
        extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
        $headings_array = array('h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
        //get correct heading value. If provided heading isn't valid get the default one
        $title_tag = in_array($title_tag, $headings_array) ? $title_tag : $args['title_tag'];
        $html = "";
        $html .= "<div class='projects_holder_outer v{$columns}'>";
        if ($filter == "yes") {
            $html .= "<div class='filter_outer'><div class='filter_holder'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class='filter' data-filter='all'><span>" . __('All', 'qode') . "</span></li>";
            if ($category == "") {
                $args = array('parent' => 0);
                $portfolio_categories = get_terms('portfolio_category', $args);
            } else {
                $top_category = get_term_by('slug', $category, 'portfolio_category');
                $term_id = '';
                if (isset($top_category->term_id)) {
                    $term_id = $top_category->term_id;
                $args = array('parent' => $term_id);
                $portfolio_categories = get_terms('portfolio_category', $args);
            foreach ($portfolio_categories as $portfolio_category) {
                $html .= "<li class='filter' data-filter='{$portfolio_category->slug}'><span>{$portfolio_category->name}</span>";
                $args = array('child_of' => $portfolio_category->term_id);
                $html .= '</li>';
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        } else {
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        if ($selected_projects != "") {
            $project_ids = explode(",", $selected_projects);
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        if (have_posts()) {
            while (have_posts()) {
                $terms = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'portfolio_category');
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                foreach ($terms as $term) {
                    $html .= "{$term->slug} ";
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                        $html .= "{$term->name}";
                        if (count($terms) != $k) {
                            $html .= ', ';
                    $html .= '</h6>';
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                    $html .= "";
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                            $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                        $html .= "</span>";
                $html .= "</span></span></span>";
                $html .= "</span>";
                $html .= "</span>";
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                    $html .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="portfolio_title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></' . $title_tag . '>';
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                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        $html .= "{$term->name}";
                        if (count($terms) != $k) {
                            $html .= ', ';
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                            $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                        $html .= "</div>";
                    $html .= "</div>";
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            $i = 1;
            while ($i <= $columns) {
                if ($columns != 1) {
                    $html .= "<div class='filler'></div>\n";
        } else {
            _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
        $html .= "</div>";
        if (get_next_posts_link()) {
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    function portfolio_list($atts, $content = null)
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                    $html .= "<li class='filter_title'><span>" . __('Sort Portfolio:', 'edgt_cpt') . "</span></li>";
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                                array_push($subcats, 'portfolio_category_' . $portfolio_category_child->term_id);
                                $subcatresults = implode(' ', $subcats);
                        } else {
                            $subcatresults = 'portfolio_category_' . $portfolio_category_child->term_id;
                        $html .= "<li class='parent_menu filter' data-filter='{$subcatresults}'><span>{$portfolio_category->name}</span>";
                    $html .= "<ul class='child'>";
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                        $html .= "<li class='filter' data-filter='portfolio_category_{$portfolio_category_child->term_id}'><span>{$portfolio_category_child->name}</span></li>";
                    $html .= "</ul></li>";
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                    $thumb_size_class = 'portfolio_default_image';
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                            $thumb_size = 'portfolio-default';
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                                $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list(get_the_ID());
                        $html .= "</div></div>";
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                                $html .= '<span>' . get_field('artist_name') . '</span></span>';
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                                $html .= '<span>' . __('In ', 'qode') . '</span>';
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                                    $html .= "{$term->name}";
                                    if (count($terms) != $k) {
                                        $html .= ' / ';
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                                    if (function_exists('qode_like_portfolio_list')) {
                                        $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list(get_the_ID());
                                $html .= "</div></div>";
                    $html .= "</div>";
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                            $html .= '<span>' . __('In ', 'qode') . '</span>';
                            $k = 1;
                            foreach ($terms as $term) {
                                $html .= "{$term->name}";
                                if (count($terms) != $k) {
                                    $html .= ', ';
                            $html .= '</span>';
                        $html .= '</div>';
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                $i = 1;
                while ($i <= $columns) {
                    if ($columns != 1) {
                        $html .= "<div class='filler'></div>n";
            } else {
                _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
            $html .= "</div>";
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                    $html .= "<li class='filter_title'><span>" . __('Sort Portfolio:', 'qode') . "</span></li>";
                $html .= "<li class='filter' data-filter='*'><span>" . __('All', 'qode') . "</span></li>";
                if ($category == "") {
                    $args = array('parent' => 0, 'orderby' => $filter_order_by);
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                    $term_id = '';
                    if (isset($top_category->term_id)) {
                        $term_id = $top_category->term_id;
                    $args = array('parent' => $term_id, 'orderby' => $filter_order_by);
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                    $args = array('child_of' => $portfolio_category->term_id);
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                $html .= "</div>";
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                    $html .= "'>";
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                            $html .= "{$term->name}";
                            if (count($terms) != $k) {
                                $html .= ' / ';
                        $html .= '</span>';
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                            $html .= "{$term->name}";
                            if (count($terms) != $k) {
                                $html .= ' / ';
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                                $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list(get_the_ID());
                        $html .= "</div></div>";
                    $html .= "</div>";
                    //close div.image_holder
                    $html .= "</article>";
            } else {
                _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
            $html .= "</div>";
        return $html;
 function portfolio_slider($atts, $content = null)
     global $portfolio_project_id;
     global $qode_options_theme13;
     $portfolio_qode_like = "on";
     if (isset($qode_options_theme13['portfolio_qode_like'])) {
         $portfolio_qode_like = $qode_options_theme13['portfolio_qode_like'];
     $args = array("order_by" => "menu_order", "order" => "ASC", "number" => "-1", "category" => "", "selected_projects" => "", "lightbox" => "", "title_tag" => "h5");
     extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
     $headings_array = array('h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
     //get correct heading value. If provided heading isn't valid get the default one
     $title_tag = in_array($title_tag, $headings_array) ? $title_tag : $args['title_tag'];
     $html = "";
     $html .= "<div class='portfolio_slider_holder clearfix'><div class='portfolio_slider'><ul class='portfolio_slides'>";
     if ($category == "") {
         $q = array('post_type' => 'portfolio_page', 'orderby' => $order_by, 'order' => $order, 'posts_per_page' => $number);
     } else {
         $q = array('post_type' => 'portfolio_page', 'portfolio_category' => $category, 'orderby' => $order_by, 'order' => $order, 'posts_per_page' => $number);
     $project_ids = null;
     if ($selected_projects != "") {
         $project_ids = explode(",", $selected_projects);
         $q['post__in'] = $project_ids;
     if (have_posts()) {
         $postCount = 0;
         while (have_posts()) {
             $title = get_the_title();
             $terms = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'portfolio_category');
             $featured_image_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'medium');
             $large_image = $featured_image_array[0];
             $html .= "<li>";
             $html .= "<div class='image_holder'>";
             $html .= "<span class='image'><span class='image_pixel_hover'></span><a href='" . get_permalink() . "'>";
             $html .= "<img src='" . $large_image . "' alt='" . $title . "'>";
             $html .= "</a></span>";
             $html .= "<div class='hover_feature_holder'>";
             $html .= '<span class="hover_feature_holder_icons"><span class="hover_feature_holder_icons_inner">';
             if ($lightbox == "yes") {
                 $html .= "<a class='lightbox' title='" . $title . "' href='" . $large_image . "' data-rel='prettyPhoto[portfolio_slider]'><i class='fa fa-search fa-2x'></i></a>";
             $html .= "<a class='preview' href='" . get_permalink() . "'><i class='fa fa-link fa-2x'></i></a>";
             if ($portfolio_qode_like == "on") {
                 $html .= "<span class='portfolio_like'>";
                 $portfolio_project_id = get_the_ID();
                 if (function_exists('qode_like_portfolio_list')) {
                     $html .= qode_like_portfolio_list();
                 $html .= "</span>";
             $html .= "</span></span>";
             $html .= '<div class="hover_feature_holder_outer"><div class="hover_feature_holder_inner">';
             $html .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="portfolio_title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></' . $title_tag . '>';
             $html .= '<span class="separator"></span>';
             $html .= '<span class="project_category">';
             $k = 1;
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 $html .= "{$term->name}";
                 if (count($terms) != $k) {
                     $html .= ', ';
             $html .= '</span></div></div>';
             $html .= "</div>";
             $html .= "</div>";
             $html .= "</li>";
     } else {
         $html .= __('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'qode');
     $html .= "</ul></div></div>";
     return $html;