function cs_events($limit = 10, $events_type = false) { if (!$events_type) { $events_type = array('q_post', 'a_post', 'c_post', 'a_select', 'badge_awarded'); } // query last 3 events $posts = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT datetime,ipaddress,handle,event,params FROM ^eventlog WHERE event IN ("q_post", "a_post", "c_post") ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT #', $limit)); if (empty($posts)) { return; } $postids = ''; $i = 1; foreach ($posts as $post) { $params = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '&', $post['params']); parse_str($params, $data); $postids .= ($i != 1 ? ', ' : '') . $data['postid']; $i++; } $posts = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT ^posts.* , ^users.handle FROM ^posts, ^users WHERE (^posts.userid=^users.userid AND ^posts.postid IN (' . $postids . ')) AND ^posts.type IN ("Q", "A", "C") ORDER BY ^posts.created DESC')); $o = '<ul class="ra-activity">'; foreach ($posts as $p) { $event_name = ''; $event_icon = ''; if ($p['type'] == 'Q') { $event_name = qa_lang('cleanstrap/asked'); $event_icon = 'icon-question'; } else { if ($p['type'] == 'A') { $event_name = qa_lang('cleanstrap/answered'); $event_icon = 'icon-answer'; } else { $event_name = qa_lang('cleanstrap/commented'); $event_icon = 'icon-chat'; } } $username = is_null($p['handle']) ? qa_lang('cleanstrap/anonymous') : htmlspecialchars($p['handle']); $usernameLink = is_null($p['handle']) ? qa_lang('cleanstrap/anonymous') : '<a href="' . qa_path_html('user/' . $p['handle']) . '">' . $p['handle'] . '</a>'; $timeCode = qa_when_to_html(strtotime($p['created']), 7); $time = @$timeCode['prefix'] . @$timeCode['data'] . @$timeCode['suffix']; $o .= '<li class="event-item">'; $o .= '<div class="event-inner">'; $o .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left ' . $event_icon . '"></div>'; $o .= '<div class="event-content">'; $o .= '<p class="title"><strong class="avatar" data-handle="' . $p['handle'] . '" data-id="' . $p['userid'] . '">' . @$usernameLink . '</strong> <span class="what">' . $event_name . '</span></p>'; if ($p['type'] == 'Q') { $o .= '<a class="event-title" href="' . qa_q_path_html($p['postid'], $p['title']) . '" title="' . $p['title'] . '">' . cs_truncate($p['title'], 100) . '</a>'; } elseif ($p['type'] == 'A') { $o .= '<a class="event-title" href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#a' . $p['postid'] . '">' . cs_truncate(strip_tags($p['content']), 100) . '</a>'; } else { $o .= '<a class="event-title" href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#c' . $p['postid'] . '">' . cs_truncate(strip_tags($p['content']), 100) . '</a>'; } $o .= '<span class="time">' . $time . '</span>'; $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '</div>'; $o .= '</li>'; } $o .= '</ul>'; return $o; }
function cs_user_post_list($handle, $type, $limit) { $userid = qa_handle_to_userid($handle); require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php'; $post = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^posts INNER JOIN ^users ON ^posts.userid=^users.userid WHERE ^posts.type=$ and ^posts.userid=# ORDER BY ^posts.created DESC LIMIT #', $type, $userid, $limit)); $output = '<ul class="question-list users-post-widget post-type-' . $type . '">'; if (count($post) > 0) { foreach ($post as $p) { if ($type == 'Q') { $what = qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/asked'); } elseif ($type == 'A') { $what = qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/answered'); } elseif ('C') { $what = qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/commented'); } $handle = $p['handle']; $output .= '<li id="q-list-' . $p['postid'] . '" class="question-item">'; if ($type == 'Q') { $output .= '<div class="big-ans-count pull-left">' . $p['acount'] . '<span>' . qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/ans') . '</span></div>'; } elseif ($type == 'A') { $output .= '<div class="big-ans-count pull-left icon-answer"></div>'; } elseif ($type == 'C') { $output .= '<div class="big-ans-count pull-left icon-comment icon-comments"></div>'; } $output .= '<div class="list-right">'; $timeCode = qa_when_to_html(strtotime($p['created']), 7); $when = @$timeCode['prefix'] . @$timeCode['data'] . @$timeCode['suffix']; if ($type == 'Q') { $output .= '<h5><a href="' . qa_q_path_html($p['postid'], $p['title']) . '" title="' . $p['title'] . '">' . qa_html($p['title']) . '</a></h5>'; } elseif ($type == 'A') { $output .= '<h5><a href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#a' . $p['postid'] . '">' . cs_truncate(strip_tags($p['content']), 300) . '</a></h5>'; } else { $output .= '<h5><a href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#c' . $p['postid'] . '">' . cs_truncate(strip_tags($p['content']), 300) . '</a></h5>'; } $output .= '<div class="list-date"><span class="icon-clock">' . $when . '</span>'; $output .= '<span class="icon-thumbs-up2">' . qa_lang_sub('cleanstrap/x_votes', $p['netvotes']) . '</span></div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</li>'; } } else { if ($type == 'Q') { $what = 'questions'; } elseif ($type == 'A') { $what = 'answers'; } elseif ('C') { $what = 'comments'; } $output .= '<li class="no-post-found">' . qa_lang('cleanstrap/no_' . $what) . ' </li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; echo $output; }
function carousel_item($type, $limit, $col_item = 1) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php'; $post = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT * FROM ^postmetas, ^posts INNER JOIN ^users ON ^posts.userid=^users.userid WHERE ^posts.type=$ and ( ^postmetas.postid = ^posts.postid and ^postmetas.title = "featured_question" ) ORDER BY ^posts.created DESC LIMIT #', $type, $limit); $output = '<div class="item"><div class="row">'; $i = 1; while ($p = mysql_fetch_array($post)) { if ($type == 'Q') { $what = qa_lang('cleanstrap/asked'); } elseif ($type == 'A') { $what = qa_lang('cleanstrap/answered'); } elseif ('C') { $what = qa_lang('cleanstrap/commented'); } $handle = $p['handle']; if ($type == 'Q') { $link_header = '<a href="' . qa_q_path_html($p['postid'], $p['title']) . '" title="' . $p['title'] . '">'; } elseif ($type == 'A') { $link_header = '<a href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#a' . $p['postid'] . '">'; } else { $link_header = '<a href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#c' . $p['postid'] . '">'; } $output .= '<div class="slider-item col-sm-' . 12 / $col_item . '">'; $output .= '<div class="slider-item-inner">'; $featured_img = get_featured_thumb($p['postid']); if ($featured_img) { $output .= $link_header . '<div class="featured-image">' . $featured_img . '</div></a>'; } if ($type == 'Q') { $output .= '<div class="big-ans-count pull-left">' . $p['acount'] . '<span> ans</span></div>'; } elseif ($type == 'A') { $output .= '<div class="big-ans-count pull-left vote">' . $p['netvotes'] . '<span>' . qa_lang('cleanstrap/vote') . '</span></div>'; } $output .= '<h5>' . $link_header . cs_truncate(qa_html($p['title']), 50) . '</a></h5>'; $output .= '<div class="meta">'; $when = qa_when_to_html(strtotime($p['created']), 7); $avatar = cs_get_avatar($handle, 15, false); if ($avatar) { $output .= '<img src="' . $avatar . '" />'; } $output .= '<span class="icon-time">' . implode(' ', $when) . '</span>'; $output .= '<span class="vote-count">' . $p['netvotes'] . ' ' . qa_lang('cleanstrap/votes') . '</span></div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; if ($col_item == $i) { $output .= '</div></div><div class="item active"><div class="row">'; } $i++; } $output .= '</div></div>'; return $output; }
function cs_post_list($type, $limit, $return = false) { $posts = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT ^posts.* , ^users.* FROM ^posts, ^users WHERE ^posts.userid=^users.userid AND ^posts.type=$ ORDER BY ^posts.created DESC LIMIT #', $type, $limit)); $output = '<ul class="posts-list">'; foreach ($posts as $p) { if ($type == 'Q') { $what = qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/asked'); } elseif ($type == 'A') { $what = qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/answered'); } elseif ('C') { $what = qa_lang_html('cleanstrap/commented'); } $handle = $p['handle']; $timeCode = qa_when_to_html(strtotime($p['created']), 7); $when = @$timeCode['prefix'] . @$timeCode['data'] . @$timeCode['suffix']; $output .= '<li>'; $output .= cs_get_post_avatar($p, $p['userid'], 30, true); $output .= '<div class="post-content">'; if ($type == 'Q') { $output .= '<a class="title question" href="' . qa_q_path_html($p['postid'], $p['title']) . '" title="' . $p['title'] . '">' . qa_html($p['title']) . '</a>'; } elseif ($type == 'A') { $output .= '<a class="title" href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#a' . $p['postid'] . '">' . cs_truncate(strip_tags($p['content']), 100) . '</a>'; } else { $output .= '<a class="title" href="' . cs_post_link($p['parentid']) . '#c' . $p['postid'] . '">' . cs_truncate(strip_tags($p['content']), 100) . '</a>'; } $output .= '<div class="meta">'; //$output .= '<span><a href="' . qa_path_html('user/' . $handle) . '">' . cs_name($handle) . '</a> ' . $what . '</span>'; if ($type == 'Q') { $output .= '<span>' . qa_lang_sub('cleanstrap/x_answers', $p['acount']) . '</span>'; } $output .= '<span class="time icon-time">' . $when . '</span>'; $output .= '<span class="vote-count icon-thumbs-up2">' . qa_lang_sub('cleanstrap/x_votes', $p['netvotes']) . '</span>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; if ($return) { return $output; } echo $output; }
function output_widget($region, $place, $themeobject, $template, $request, $qa_content) { $widget_opt = @$themeobject->current_widget['param']['options']; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php'; if (@$qa_content['q_view']['raw']['type'] != 'Q') { // question might not be visible, etc... return; } $questionid = $qa_content['q_view']['raw']['postid']; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = qa_cookie_get(); $questions = qa_db_single_select(qa_db_related_qs_selectspec($userid, $questionid, (int) $widget_opt['count'])); $minscore = qa_match_to_min_score(qa_opt('match_related_qs')); foreach ($questions as $key => $question) { if ($question['score'] < $minscore) { unset($questions[$key]); } } $titlehtml = qa_lang_html(count($questions) ? 'main/related_qs_title' : 'main/no_related_qs_title'); if (@$themeobject->current_widget['param']['locations']['show_title']) { $themeobject->output('<h3 class="widget-title">' . qa_lang('cleanstrap/related_questions') . '</h3>'); } $themeobject->output('<div class="ra-rq-widget">'); $themeobject->output('<ul>'); foreach ($questions as $p) { $timeCode = qa_when_to_html($p['created'], 7); $when = @$timeCode['prefix'] . @$timeCode['data'] . @$timeCode['suffix']; $themeobject->output('<li>' . cs_get_post_avatar($p, $p['userid'], 30, true)); $themeobject->output('<div class="post-content">'); $themeobject->output('<a class="title" href="' . qa_q_path_html($p['postid'], $p['title']) . '">' . qa_html($p['title']) . '</a>'); $themeobject->output('<div class="meta">'); $themeobject->output('<span>' . qa_lang_sub('cleanstrap/x_answers', $p['acount']) . '</span>'); $themeobject->output('<span class="time icon-time">' . $when . '</span>'); $themeobject->output('<span class="vote-count icon-thumbs-up2">' . qa_lang_sub('cleanstrap/x_votes', $p['netvotes']) . '</span>'); $themeobject->output('</div>'); $themeobject->output('</div>'); $themeobject->output('</li>'); } $themeobject->output('</ul>'); $themeobject->output('</div>'); }
$htmloptions['answersview'] = false; $htmloptions['viewsview'] = false; $htmloptions['updateview'] = false; $htmloptions['contentview'] = true; $htmloptions['flagsview'] = true; $htmloptions['elementid'] = $elementid; $htmlfields = qa_any_to_q_html_fields($question, $userid, qa_cookie_get(), $usershtml, null, $htmloptions); if (isset($htmlfields['what_url'])) { // link directly to relevant content $htmlfields['url'] = $htmlfields['what_url']; } $htmlfields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html('main/hidden'); if (@$htmloptions['whenview']) { $updated = @$question[isset($question['opostid']) ? 'oupdated' : 'updated']; if (isset($updated)) { $htmlfields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($updated, @$htmloptions['fulldatedays']); } } $buttons = array(); $posttype = qa_strtolower(isset($question['obasetype']) ? $question['obasetype'] : $question['basetype']); if (!qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_hide_show', $question)) { // Possible values for popup: reshow_q_popup, reshow_a_popup, reshow_c_popup $buttons['reshow'] = array('tags' => 'name="admin_' . qa_html($qhiddenpostid[$key]) . '_reshow" onclick="return qa_admin_click(this);"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_button'), 'popup' => qa_lang_html(sprintf('question/reshow_%s_popup', $posttype))); } if (!qa_user_post_permit_error('permit_delete_hidden', $question) && !$dependcounts[$qhiddenpostid[$key]]) { // Possible values for popup: delete_q_popup, delete_a_popup, delete_c_popup $buttons['delete'] = array('tags' => 'name="admin_' . qa_html($qhiddenpostid[$key]) . '_delete" onclick="return qa_admin_click(this);"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/delete_button'), 'popup' => qa_lang_html(sprintf('question/delete_%s_popup', $posttype))); } if (count($buttons)) { $htmlfields['form'] = array('style' => 'light', 'buttons' => $buttons); }
function qa_other_to_q_html_fields($question, $userid, $cookieid, $usershtml, $dummy, $options) { if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args = func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); } require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/updates.php'; $fields = qa_post_html_fields($question, $userid, $cookieid, $usershtml, null, $options); switch ($question['obasetype'] . '-' . @$question['oupdatetype']) { case 'Q-': $langstring = 'main/asked'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: if (@$question['opersonal']) { $langstring = $question['hidden'] ? 'misc/your_q_hidden' : 'misc/your_q_reshown'; } else { $langstring = $question['hidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/reshown'; } break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CLOSED: if (@$question['opersonal']) { $langstring = isset($question['closedbyid']) ? 'misc/your_q_closed' : 'misc/your_q_reopened'; } else { $langstring = isset($question['closedbyid']) ? 'main/closed' : 'main/reopened'; } break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_TAGS: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_q_retagged' : 'main/retagged'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_q_recategorized' : 'main/recategorized'; break; case 'A-': $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_q_answered' : 'main/answered'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_SELECTED: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_a_selected' : 'main/answer_selected'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: if (@$question['opersonal']) { $langstring = $question['ohidden'] ? 'misc/your_a_hidden' : 'misc/your_a_reshown'; } else { $langstring = $question['ohidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/answer_reshown'; } break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_a_edited' : 'main/answer_edited'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_a_questioned' : 'main/asked_related_q'; break; case 'C-': $langstring = 'main/commented'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_C_FOR_Q: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_q_commented' : 'main/commented'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_C_FOR_A: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_a_commented' : 'main/commented'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_c_followed' : 'main/commented'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_TYPE: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_c_moved' : 'main/comment_moved'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: if (@$question['opersonal']) { $langstring = $question['ohidden'] ? 'misc/your_c_hidden' : 'misc/your_c_reshown'; } else { $langstring = $question['ohidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/comment_reshown'; } break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_c_edited' : 'main/comment_edited'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: default: $langstring = @$question['opersonal'] ? 'misc/your_q_edited' : 'main/edited'; break; } $fields['what'] = qa_lang_html($langstring); if (@$question['opersonal']) { $fields['what_your'] = true; } if ($question['obasetype'] != 'Q' || @$question['oupdatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS) { $fields['what_url'] = qa_q_path_html($question['postid'], $question['title'], false, $question['obasetype'], $question['opostid']); } if (@$options['contentview'] && !empty($question['ocontent'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($question['ocontent'], $question['oformat']); $fields['content'] = $viewer->get_html($question['ocontent'], $question['oformat'], array('blockwordspreg' => @$options['blockwordspreg'], 'showurllinks' => @$options['showurllinks'], 'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'])); } if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when'] = qa_when_to_html($question['otime'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (@$options['whoview']) { $isbyuser = qa_post_is_by_user(array('userid' => $question['ouserid'], 'cookieid' => @$question['ocookieid']), $userid, $cookieid); $fields['who'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $question['ouserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? @$question['oip'] : null, false, @$question['oname']); if (isset($question['opoints'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who']['points'] = $question['opoints'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($question['opoints']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($question['opoints'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($question['olevel'])) { $fields['who']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($question['olevel'])); } } unset($fields['flags']); if (@$options['flagsview'] && @$question['oflagcount']) { $fields['flags'] = $question['oflagcount'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_flag', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_flags', $question['oflagcount']); } unset($fields['avatar']); if (@$options['avatarsize'] > 0) { if (QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { $fields['avatar'] = qa_get_external_avatar_html($question['ouserid'], $options['avatarsize'], false); } else { $fields['avatar'] = qa_get_user_avatar_html($question['oflags'], $question['oemail'], $question['ohandle'], $question['oavatarblobid'], $question['oavatarwidth'], $question['oavatarheight'], $options['avatarsize']); } } return $fields; }
} } // Prepare content for theme $qa_content = qa_content_prepare(); $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('profile/user_x', $userhtml); $qa_content['error'] = @$errors['page']; if (isset($loginuserid) && $loginuserid != $useraccount['userid'] && !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { $favoritemap = qa_get_favorite_non_qs_map(); $favorite = @$favoritemap['user'][$useraccount['userid']]; $qa_content['favorite'] = qa_favorite_form(QA_ENTITY_USER, $useraccount['userid'], $favorite, qa_lang_sub($favorite ? 'main/remove_x_favorites' : 'users/add_user_x_favorites', $handle)); } $qa_content['script_rel'][] = 'qa-content/qa-user.js?' . QA_VERSION; // General information about the user, only available if we're using internal user management if (!QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) { $membertime = qa_time_to_string(qa_opt('db_time') - $useraccount['created']); $joindate = qa_when_to_html($useraccount['created'], 0); $qa_content['form_profile'] = array('tags' => 'method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"', 'style' => 'wide', 'fields' => array('avatar' => array('type' => 'image', 'style' => 'tall', 'label' => '', 'html' => qa_get_user_avatar_html($useraccount['flags'], $useraccount['email'], $useraccount['handle'], $useraccount['avatarblobid'], $useraccount['avatarwidth'], $useraccount['avatarheight'], qa_opt('avatar_profile_size')), 'id' => 'avatar'), 'removeavatar' => null, 'duration' => array('type' => 'static', 'label' => qa_lang_html('users/member_for'), 'value' => qa_html($membertime . ' (' . qa_lang_sub('main/since_x', $joindate['data']) . ')'), 'id' => 'duration'), 'level' => array('type' => 'static', 'label' => qa_lang_html('users/member_type'), 'tags' => 'name="level"', 'value' => qa_html(qa_user_level_string($useraccount['level'])), 'note' => $useraccount['flags'] & QA_USER_FLAGS_USER_BLOCKED && isset($maxlevelassign) ? qa_lang_html('users/user_blocked') : '', 'id' => 'level'))); if (empty($qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['avatar']['html'])) { unset($qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['avatar']); } // Private message link if (qa_opt('allow_private_messages') && isset($loginuserid) && $loginuserid != $userid && !($useraccount['flags'] & QA_USER_FLAGS_NO_MESSAGES) && !$userediting) { $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['level']['value'] .= strtr(qa_lang_html('profile/send_private_message'), array('^1' => '<a href="' . qa_path_html('message/' . $handle) . '">', '^2' => '</a>')); } // Levels editing or viewing (add category-specific levels) if ($userediting) { if (isset($maxlevelassign)) { $qa_content['form_profile']['fields']['level']['type'] = 'select'; $showlevels = array(QA_USER_LEVEL_BASIC); if (qa_opt('moderate_users')) { $showlevels[] = QA_USER_LEVEL_APPROVED;
function get_full_post($post, $options, $usershtml) { $fields['raw'] = $post; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $cookieid = qa_cookie_get(); $fields['netvotes_raw'] = (int) $post['netvotes']; $postid = $post['postid']; $isquestion = $post['basetype'] == 'Q'; $isanswer = $post['basetype'] == 'A'; $isbyuser = @$post['userid'] == $userid; $anchor = urlencode(qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $postid)); $elementid = isset($options['elementid']) ? $options['elementid'] : $anchor; $microformats = false; $isselected = @$options['isselected']; // content if (@$options['contentview'] && !empty($post['content'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['content'], $post['format']); $fields['content'] = $viewer->get_html($post['content'], $post['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => @$options['blockwordspreg'], 'showurllinks' => @$options['showurllinks'], 'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'])); } if ($post['hidden']) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'disabled'; } elseif ($isbyuser) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'disabled'; } elseif (@$post['uservote'] > 0) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'voted_up'; } elseif (@$post['uservote'] < 0) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'voted_down'; } else { if (strpos($options['voteview'], '-uponly-level')) { $fields['vote_state'] = 'up_only'; } else { $fields['vote_state'] = 'enabled'; } } // Created when and by whom $fields['meta_order'] = qa_lang_html('main/meta_order'); // sets ordering of meta elements which can be language-specific if (@$options['whatview']) { $fields['what'] = qa_lang_html($isquestion ? 'main/asked' : ($isanswer ? 'main/answered' : 'main/commented')); if (@$options['whatlink'] && !$isquestion) { $fields['what_url'] = qa_path_html(qa_request(), array('show' => $postid), null, null, qa_anchor($post['basetype'], $postid)); } } if (isset($post['created']) && @$options['whenview']) { $fields['when'] = qa_when_to_html($post['created'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (@$options['whoview']) { $fields['who'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, @$post['userid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? @$post['createip'] : null, $microformats); if (isset($post['points'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who']['points'] = $post['points'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($post['points']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($post['points'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($post['level'])) { $fields['who']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($post['level'])); } } $isselected = @$options['isselected']; // Updated when and by whom if (isset($post['opostid'])) { // updated meta switch ($post['obasetype'] . '-' . @$post['oupdatetype']) { case 'Q-': $langstring = 'main/asked'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['hidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/reshown'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CLOSED: $langstring = isset($post['closedbyid']) ? 'main/closed' : 'main/reopened'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_TAGS: $langstring = 'main/retagged'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY: $langstring = 'main/recategorized'; break; case 'A-': $langstring = 'main/answered'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_SELECTED: $langstring = 'main/answer_selected'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['ohidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/answer_reshown'; break; case 'A-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: $langstring = 'main/answer_edited'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS: $langstring = 'main/asked_related_q'; break; case 'C-': $langstring = 'main/commented'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_TYPE: $langstring = 'main/comment_moved'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['ohidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/comment_reshown'; break; case 'C-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: $langstring = 'main/comment_edited'; break; case 'Q-' . QA_UPDATE_CONTENT: default: $langstring = 'main/edited'; break; } $fields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html($langstring); if ($post['obasetype'] != 'Q' || @$post['oupdatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_FOLLOWS) { $fields['what_2_url'] = qa_q_path_html($post['postid'], $post['title'], false, $post['obasetype'], $post['opostid']); } if (@$options['contentview'] && !empty($post['ocontent'])) { $viewer = qa_load_viewer($post['ocontent'], $post['oformat']); $fields['content_2'] = $viewer->get_html($post['ocontent'], $post['oformat'], array('blockwordspreg' => @$options['blockwordspreg'], 'showurllinks' => @$options['showurllinks'], 'linksnewwindow' => @$options['linksnewwindow'])); } if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($post['otime'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (@$options['whoview']) { $isbyuser = qa_post_is_by_user(array('userid' => $post['ouserid'], 'cookieid' => @$post['ocookieid']), $userid, $cookieid); $fields['who_2'] = qa_who_to_html($isbyuser, $post['ouserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? @$post['oip'] : null, false); if (isset($post['opoints'])) { if (@$options['pointsview']) { $fields['who_2']['points'] = $post['opoints'] == 1 ? qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/1_point', '1', '1') : qa_lang_html_sub_split('main/x_points', qa_html(number_format($post['opoints']))); } if (isset($options['pointstitle'])) { $fields['who_2']['title'] = qa_get_points_title_html($post['opoints'], $options['pointstitle']); } } if (isset($post['olevel'])) { $fields['who_2']['level'] = qa_html(qa_user_level_string($post['olevel'])); } } } else { if (@$options['updateview'] && isset($post['updated']) && ($post['updatetype'] != QA_UPDATE_SELECTED || $isselected) && (!isset($post['created']) || $post['hidden'] && $post['updatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE || isset($post['closedbyid']) && $post['updatetype'] == QA_UPDATE_CLOSED || abs($post['updated'] - $post['created']) > 300 || $post['lastuserid'] != $post['userid'])) { switch ($post['updatetype']) { case QA_UPDATE_TYPE: case QA_UPDATE_PARENT: $langstring = 'main/moved'; break; case QA_UPDATE_CATEGORY: $langstring = 'main/recategorized'; break; case QA_UPDATE_VISIBLE: $langstring = $post['hidden'] ? 'main/hidden' : 'main/reshown'; break; case QA_UPDATE_CLOSED: $langstring = isset($post['closedbyid']) ? 'main/closed' : 'main/reopened'; break; case QA_UPDATE_TAGS: $langstring = 'main/retagged'; break; case QA_UPDATE_SELECTED: $langstring = 'main/selected'; break; default: $langstring = 'main/edited'; break; } $fields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html($langstring); if (@$options['whenview']) { $fields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($post['updated'], @$options['fulldatedays']); } if (isset($post['lastuserid']) && @$options['whoview']) { $fields['who_2'] = qa_who_to_html(isset($userid) && $post['lastuserid'] == $userid, $post['lastuserid'], $usershtml, @$options['ipview'] ? $post['lastip'] : null, false); } } } $fields['avatar'] = $this->get_post_avatar($post); return $fields; }
$htmloptions = qa_post_html_defaults('Q'); $htmloptions['voteview'] = false; $htmloptions['tagsview'] = !isset($question['opostid']); $htmloptions['answersview'] = false; $htmloptions['updateview'] = false; $htmloptions['contentview'] = true; $htmloptions['flagsview'] = true; $htmloptions['elementid'] = $elementid; $htmlfields = qa_any_to_q_html_fields($question, $userid, qa_cookie_get(), $usershtml, null, $htmloptions); if (isset($htmlfields['what_url'])) { // link directly to relevant content $htmlfields['url'] = $htmlfields['what_url']; } $htmlfields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html('main/hidden'); if (@$htmloptions['whenview']) { $htmlfields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($question[isset($question['opostid']) ? 'oupdated' : 'updated'], @$htmloptions['fulldatedays']); } $buttons = array(); if ($allowhideshow) { $buttons['reshow'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="admin_' . qa_html($qhiddenpostid[$key]) . '_reshow" onclick="return qa_admin_click(this);"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/reshow_button')); } if ($allowdeletehidden && !$dependcounts[$qhiddenpostid[$key]]) { $buttons['delete'] = array('tags' => 'NAME="admin_' . qa_html($qhiddenpostid[$key]) . '_delete" onclick="return qa_admin_click(this);"', 'label' => qa_lang_html('question/delete_button')); } if (count($buttons)) { $htmlfields['form'] = array('style' => 'light', 'buttons' => $buttons); } $qa_content['q_list']['qs'][] = $htmlfields; } } else { $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('admin/no_hidden_found');
$qa_content['q_list']['qs'] = array(); if (count($questions)) { $qa_content['q_list']['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('misc/recent_activity_from_x', qa_html($ip)); foreach ($questions as $question) { $htmloptions = qa_post_html_defaults('Q'); $htmloptions['tagsview'] = false; $htmloptions['voteview'] = false; $htmloptions['ipview'] = false; $htmloptions['answersview'] = false; $htmloptions['updateview'] = false; $htmlfields = qa_any_to_q_html_fields($question, $userid, qa_cookie_get(), $usershtml, null, $htmloptions); if (isset($htmlfields['what_url'])) { // link directly to relevant content $htmlfields['url'] = $htmlfields['what_url']; } $hasother = isset($question['opostid']); if ($question[$hasother ? 'ohidden' : 'hidden'] && !isset($question[$hasother ? 'oupdatetype' : 'updatetype'])) { $htmlfields['what_2'] = qa_lang_html('main/hidden'); if (@$htmloptions['whenview']) { $htmlfields['when_2'] = qa_when_to_html($question[$hasother ? 'oupdated' : 'updated'], @$htmloptions['fulldatedays']); } } $qa_content['q_list']['qs'][] = $htmlfields; } } else { $qa_content['q_list']['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('misc/no_activity_from_x', qa_html($ip)); } return $qa_content; /* Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output */
function process_request($request) { // get all variables preg_match($this->reqmatch, $request, $matches); $post_type = $matches[1]; $handle = $matches[2]; $start = (int) qa_get('start'); $pagesize = qa_opt('page_size_qs'); $hidecss = qa_opt($this->cssopt) === '1'; // regular page request $qa_content = qa_content_prepare(); require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-util-string.php'; // display CSS for stat summary if (!$hidecss) { $qa_content['custom'] = "<style>\n" . ".qa-useract-page-links { margin: 16px 0; color: #555753; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; }\n" . ".qa-useract-page-links > a { font-weight: bold; }\n" . ".qa-useract-stats { margin: 8px 0; text-align: center; }\n" . ".qa-useract-stat { display: inline-block; margin: 0 16px 8px; }\n" . ".qa-useract-count { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; }\n" . ".qa-useract-wrapper .qa-q-item-main { width: 658px; }\n" . ".qa-useract-wrapper .qa-a-count { height: auto; border: 1px solid #ebeaca; border-radius: 8px; -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius:8px; }\n" . ".qa-useract-wrapper .qa-a-snippet { margin-top: 2px; color: #555753; }\n" . ".qa-useract-wrapper .qa-q-item-meta { float: none; }\n" . "</style>\n\n"; } // list of questions by this user if ($post_type === 'questions') { $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('useractivity/questions_by', $handle); list($userid, $count, $sel_count) = $this->_questions_stats($handle); // get questions $columns = 'postid, categoryid, type, LEFT(type,1) AS basetype, INSTR(type,"_HIDDEN")>0 AS hidden, acount, selchildid, closedbyid, upvotes, downvotes, netvotes, hotness, flagcount, BINARY title AS title, BINARY tags AS tags, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created'; $sql_questions = 'SELECT ' . $columns . ' FROM ^posts WHERE type="Q" AND userid=# ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT #,#'; $result = qa_db_query_sub($sql_questions, $userid, $start, $pagesize); $questions = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result); $htmloptions = qa_post_html_defaults('Q'); $htmloptions['whoview'] = false; $htmloptions['avatarsize'] = 0; // html for stats $qa_content['custom'] .= '<div class="qa-useract-stats">' . ' <div class="qa-useract-stat"><span class="qa-useract-count">' . $count . '</span><br>' . ($count == 1 ? qa_lang_html('useractivity/question') : qa_lang_html('useractivity/questions')) . '</div>' . ' <div class="qa-useract-stat"><span class="qa-useract-count">' . $sel_count . '</span><br>' . ($sel_count == 1 ? qa_lang_html('useractivity/best_answer_given') : qa_lang_html('useractivity/best_answers_given')) . '</div>' . '</div>'; // create html for question list $qa_content['q_list']['qs'] = array(); foreach ($questions as $question) { $qa_content['q_list']['qs'][] = qa_any_to_q_html_fields($question, qa_get_logged_in_userid(), qa_cookie_get(), null, null, $htmloptions); } // pagination $qa_content['page_links'] = qa_html_page_links($request, $start, $pagesize, $count, qa_opt('pages_prev_next'), null); return $qa_content; } else { if ($post_type === 'answers') { $qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html_sub('useractivity/answers_by', $handle); // userid and answer count $sql_count = 'SELECT u.userid, count(a.postid) AS qs, sum(q.selchildid=a.postid) AS selected ' . 'FROM ^posts a, ^posts q, ^users u ' . 'WHERE a.parentid=q.postid AND u.userid=a.userid AND a.type="A" AND q.type="Q" AND u.handle=$'; $result = qa_db_query_sub($sql_count, $handle); $row = qa_db_read_one_assoc($result); $userid = $row['userid']; $count = $row['qs']; $sel_count = $row['selected']; // get answers $columns = 'q.postid AS qpostid, BINARY q.title AS qtitle, q.selchildid AS qselid, q.netvotes AS qvotes, a.postid AS apostid, BINARY a.content AS acontent, a.netvotes AS avotes, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.created) AS acreated, a.format'; $sql_answers = 'SELECT ' . $columns . ' FROM ^posts a, ^posts q WHERE a.parentid=q.postid AND a.type="A" AND q.type="Q" AND a.userid=# ORDER BY a.created DESC LIMIT #,#'; $result = qa_db_query_sub($sql_answers, $userid, $start, $pagesize); $answers = qa_db_read_all_assoc($result); $qa_content['custom'] .= '<div class="qa-useract-stats">' . ' <div class="qa-useract-stat"><span class="qa-useract-count">' . $count . '</span><br>' . ($count == 1 ? qa_lang_html('useractivity/answer') : qa_lang_html('useractivity/answers')) . '</div>' . ' <div class="qa-useract-stat"><span class="qa-useract-count">' . $sel_count . '</span><br>' . ($sel_count == 1 ? qa_lang_html('useractivity/best_answer_received') : qa_lang_html('useractivity/best_answers_received')) . '</div>' . '</div>'; $qa_content['custom_2'] = '<div class="qa-useract-wrapper">'; foreach ($answers as $ans) { // to avoid ugly content, convert answer to HTML then strip the tags and remove any URLs $ans['acontent'] = qa_viewer_html($ans['acontent'], $ans['format']); $ans['acontent'] = strip_tags($ans['acontent']); $ans['acontent'] = preg_replace('#\\shttp://[^\\s]+#', '', $ans['acontent']); $ans['acontent'] = qa_substr($ans['acontent'], 0, 100); if (strlen($ans['acontent']) == 100) { $ans['acontent'] .= '...'; } // question url $ans['qurl'] = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($ans['qpostid'], $ans['qtitle'])); // answer date $ans['acreated'] = qa_when_to_html($ans['acreated'], qa_opt('show_full_date_days')); // html content $qa_content['custom_2'] .= $this->_answer_tmpl($ans); } $qa_content['custom_2'] .= '</div>'; // pagination $qa_content['page_links'] = qa_html_page_links($request, $start, $pagesize, $count, qa_opt('pages_prev_next'), null); return $qa_content; } } }
function getAllForumEvents($queryRecentEvents, $eventsToShow, $limit) { /* Question2Answer Plugin: Recent Events Widget Author: */ $listAllEvents = ''; $countEvents = 0; $listAllEvents .= '<ul class="ra-events">'; while (($row = qa_db_read_one_assoc($queryRecentEvents, true)) !== null) { if (in_array($row['event'], $eventsToShow)) { // question title $qTitle = ''; // workaround: convert tab jumps to & to be able to use query function $toURL = str_replace("\t", "&", $row['params']); // echo $toURL."<br />"; // we get e.g. parentid=4523&parent=array(65)&postid=4524&answer=array(40) parse_str($toURL, $data); // parse URL to associative array $data // now we can access the following variables in array $data if they exist in toURL $linkToPost = "-"; // find out type, if Q set link directly, if A or C do query to get correct link $postid = isset($data['postid']) ? $data['postid'] : null; if ($postid !== null) { $getPostType = mysql_fetch_array(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT type,parentid FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = #", $postid)); $postType = $getPostType[0]; // type, and $getPostType[1] is parentid if ($postType == "A") { $getQtitle = mysql_fetch_array(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT title FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = # LIMIT 1", $getPostType[1])); $qTitle = isset($getQtitle[0]) ? $getQtitle[0] : ""; // get correct public URL $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($getPostType[1], $qTitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $linkToPost = $activity_url . "?show=" . $postid . "#a" . $postid; } else { if ($postType == "C") { // get question link from answer $getQlink = mysql_fetch_array(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT parentid,type FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = # LIMIT 1", $getPostType[1])); $linkToQuestion = $getQlink[0]; if ($getQlink[1] == "A") { $getQtitle = mysql_fetch_array(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT title FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = # LIMIT 1", $getQlink[0])); $qTitle = isset($getQtitle[0]) ? $getQtitle[0] : ""; // get correct public URL $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($linkToQuestion, $qTitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $linkToPost = $activity_url . "?show=" . $postid . "#c" . $postid; } else { // default: comment on question $getQtitle = mysql_fetch_array(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT title FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = # LIMIT 1", $getPostType[1])); $qTitle = isset($getQtitle[0]) ? $getQtitle[0] : ""; // get correct public URL $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($getPostType[1], $qTitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $linkToPost = $activity_url . "?show=" . $postid . "#c" . $postid; } } else { if ($postType == "Q_HIDDEN") { $qTitle = ''; } else { // question has correct postid to link // $questionTitle = (isset($data['title'])) ? $data['title'] : ""; $getQtitle = mysql_fetch_array(qa_db_query_sub("SELECT title FROM `^posts` WHERE `postid` = # LIMIT 1", $postid)); $qTitle = isset($getQtitle[0]) ? $getQtitle[0] : ""; // get correct public URL // $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($getPostType[1], $qTitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $activity_url = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($postid, $qTitle), null, qa_opt('site_url'), null, null); $linkToPost = $activity_url; } } } } elseif ($row['event'] == 'badge_awarded') { $toURL = str_replace("\t", "&", $row['params']); parse_str($toURL, $data); $badge = qa_get_badge_type_by_slug($data['badge_slug']); $badge_type = $badge['slug']; $badge_name = qa_opt('badge_' . $data['badge_slug'] . '_name'); $var = qa_opt('badge_' . $data['badge_slug'] . '_var'); $qTitle = $badge_name . ' - ' . qa_badge_desc_replace($data['badge_slug'], $var, false); $linkToPost = qa_path_html('user/' . $row['handle']); } $username = is_null($row['handle']) ? _ra_lang('Anonymous') : htmlspecialchars($row['handle']); $usernameLink = is_null($row['handle']) ? _ra_lang('Anonymous') : '<a target="_blank" class="qa-user-link" href="' . qa_opt('site_url') . 'user/' . $row['handle'] . '">' . ra_name($row['handle']) . '</a>'; // set event name and css class $eventName = ''; if ($row['event'] == "q_post") { $eventName = _ra_lang('asked'); } else { if ($row['event'] == "a_post") { $eventName = _ra_lang('answered'); } else { if ($row['event'] == "c_post") { $eventName = _ra_lang('commented'); } else { if ($row['event'] == "a_select") { $eventName = _ra_lang('selected an answer'); } else { if ($row['event'] == "badge_awarded") { $eventName = _ra_lang('earned a badge'); } } } } } // set event icon class if ($row['event'] == "q_post") { $event_icon = 'icon-question question'; } else { if ($row['event'] == "a_post") { $event_icon = 'icon-chat3 ans'; } else { if ($row['event'] == "c_post") { $event_icon = 'icon-chat2 comment'; } else { if ($row['event'] == "a_select") { $event_icon = 'icon-checkmark selected'; } else { if ($row['event'] == "badge_awarded") { $event_icon = 'icon-badge badge-icon ' . @$badge_type; } } } } } $timeCode = implode(' ', qa_when_to_html($row['unix_time'], qa_opt('show_full_date_days'))); $time = '<span class="time">' . $timeCode . '</span>'; // if question title is empty, question got possibly deleted, do not show frontend! if ($qTitle == '') { continue; } $qTitleShort = mb_substr($qTitle, 0, 22, 'utf-8'); // shorten question title to 22 chars $qTitleShort2 = strlen($qTitle) > 50 ? htmlspecialchars(mb_substr($qTitle, 0, 50, 'utf-8')) . '…' : htmlspecialchars($qTitle); // shorten question title $listAllEvents .= '<li class="event-item">'; $listAllEvents .= '<div class="event-icon pull-left ' . $event_icon . '"></div>'; $listAllEvents .= '<div class="event-inner">'; $listAllEvents .= '<div class="avatar pull-left" data-handle="' . @$row['handle'] . '" data-id="' . qa_handle_to_userid($row['handle']) . '">' . ra_get_avatar(@$row['handle'], 40) . '</div>'; $listAllEvents .= '<div class="event-content">'; $listAllEvents .= '<h4>' . $usernameLink . ' ' . $eventName . ' ' . $time . '</h4>'; if ($row['event'] == "badge_awarded") { $listAllEvents .= '<h5 class="event-title">' . $qTitleShort2 . '</h5>'; } else { $listAllEvents .= '<a class="event-title" href="' . $linkToPost . '">' . $qTitleShort2 . '</a>'; } $listAllEvents .= '</div>'; $listAllEvents .= '</div>'; $listAllEvents .= '</li>'; $countEvents++; if ($countEvents >= $limit) { break; } } } $listAllEvents .= '</ul>'; return $listAllEvents; }
/* don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser */ if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { header('Location: /'); exit; } /* layout of question page question */ if (defined('QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH')) { require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-posts.php'; $handle = qa_post_userid_to_handle($args['raw']['userid']); } else { $handle = $args['raw']['handle']; } $user_link = qa_path_html('user/' . $handle); $user_data = ra_user_data($handle); $created = implode('', qa_when_to_html($args['raw']['created'], qa_opt('show_full_date_days'))); ?> <div class="question qa-q-view <?php echo (@$args['hidden'] ? ' qa-q-view-hidden' : '') . rtrim(' ' . @$args['classes']); ?> "<?php rtrim(' ' . @$args['tags']); ?> > <?php $context->post_tags($args, 'qa-q-view'); ?> <div class="vote-float clearfix"> <div class="vote-c pull-left"> <?php
function output_widget($region, $place, $themeobject, $template, $request, $qa_content) { $AdsPos = (int) qa_opt('tw_ads_pos'); require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db-selects.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-format.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-app-q-list.php'; $categoryslugs = qa_request_parts(1); $countslugs = count($categoryslugs); $sort = 'created'; $userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid(); $questions = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_qs_selectspec($userid, 'created', 0, '', null, false, false, (int) qa_opt('tw_recent_number'))); $hotquestions = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_qs_selectspec($userid, 'hotness', 0, '', null, false, false, (int) qa_opt('tw_popular_number'))); $themeobject->output(' <ul class="tabs nav nav-tabs"> <li><a href="#tab1" class="active">' . qa_opt('tw_popular_lable') . '</a></li> <li><a href="#tab2">' . qa_opt('tw_recent_lable') . '</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="tab1"> <ul class="popular"> '); $thumb = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($hotquestions as $question) { $i++; $questionid = $question['postid']; $questionlink = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($questionid, $question['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $q_time = qa_when_to_html($question['created'], 7); $when = @$q_time['prefix'] . ' ' . @$q_time['data'] . ' ' . @$q_time['suffix']; // get question content $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $questionid); $postinfo = qa_db_read_one_assoc($result, 'postid'); if (qa_opt('tw_thumbnail_enable')) { // get thumbnail $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($postinfo['content']); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//img/@src)"); $default_thumbnail = qa_opt('tw_thumbnail'); if (empty($src) && !empty($default_thumbnail)) { $src = qa_opt('tw_thumbnail'); } $thumb = ''; if (!empty($src)) { $thumb = '<div class="tab-div-thumb"><a class="tab-link-thumbnail" href="' . $questionlink . '"><img class="tab-thumbnail" width="60" height="50" src="' . $src . '"></a></div>'; } } $themeobject->output('<li>' . $thumb); $themeobject->output('<div class="tab-div-body"><a class="tab-link" href="' . $questionlink . '"><p class="tab-link-header">' . $question['title'] . '</p></a>'); $themeobject->output('<span class="tab-time">' . $when . '</span></div></li>'); $ads_content = qa_opt('tw_ads'); if ($i == $AdsPos && !empty($ads_content)) { $themeobject->output('<div class="tab-ads">' . qa_opt('tw_ads') . '</div>'); } } $themeobject->output(' </ul> </div> <div class="tab-content" id="tab2" style="display: none;"> <ul class="recent"> '); $i = 0; foreach ($questions as $question) { $i++; $questionid = $question['postid']; $questionlink = qa_path_html(qa_q_request($questionid, $question['title']), null, qa_opt('site_url')); $q_time = qa_when_to_html($question['created'], 7); $when = @$q_time['prefix'] . ' ' . @$q_time['data'] . ' ' . @$q_time['suffix']; // get question content $result = qa_db_query_sub('SELECT content FROM ^posts WHERE postid=#', $questionid); $postinfo = qa_db_read_one_assoc($result, 'postid'); if (qa_opt('tw_thumbnail_enable')) { // get thumbnail $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($postinfo['content']); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//img/@src)"); $default_thumbnail = qa_opt('tw_thumbnail'); if (empty($src) && !empty($default_thumbnail)) { $src = qa_opt('tw_thumbnail'); } $thumb = ''; if (!empty($src)) { $thumb = '<div class="tab-div-thumb"><a class="tab-link-thumbnail" href="' . $questionlink . '"><img class="tab-thumbnail" width="60" height="50" src="' . $src . '"></a></div>'; } } $themeobject->output('<li>' . $thumb); $themeobject->output('<div class="tab-div-body"><a class="tab-link" href="' . $questionlink . '"><p class="tab-link-header">' . $question['title'] . '</p></a>'); $themeobject->output('<span class="tab-time">' . $when . '</span></div></li>'); $ads_content = qa_opt('tw_ads'); if ($i == $AdsPos && !empty($ads_content)) { $themeobject->output('<div class="tab-ads">' . qa_opt('tw_ads') . '</div>'); } } $themeobject->output(' </ul> </div> '); }
function elapsedTime($timestamp) { $html = qa_when_to_html($timestamp, qa_opt('show_full_date_days')); $time = '<span>'; if (strlen(@$html['prefix'])) { $time .= '<span>' . $html['prefix'] . '</span>'; } if (strlen(@$html['data'])) { $time .= '<span>' . $html['data'] . '</span>'; } if (strlen(@$html['suffix'])) { $time .= '<span>' . $html['suffix'] . '</span>'; } return $time . '</span>'; }