include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config.php"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "emoji.php"; $cookiefile = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cookie.txt'; $pushUsername = '******' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $pushPassword = md5($pushUsername); if (empty($pushAPIKey)) { $pushAPIKey = 'BGJbP31xBhGvXzt4fQsxtfmzMb5eYxcb'; } if (empty($notificationName)) { $notificationName = 'CometChat'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['chatroommode']) && isset($_REQUEST['displayname'])) { pushMobileNotification($_REQUEST['message'], $_REQUEST['displayname'], $_REQUEST['channel'], $_REQUEST['channel']); } else { if ($userid > 0 && isset($_REQUEST['displayname'])) { pushMobileNotification($_REQUEST['message'], $_REQUEST['displayname'], $_REQUEST['channel'], $userid); } } function pushMobileNotification($msg, $displayname, $channel, $senderid) { global $pushAPIKey; global $notificationName; global $cookiefile; $msg = checkEmoji($msg); if (CROSS_DOMAIN == 1) { $host = parse_url(BASE_URL); $hostname = $host['host'] ? $host['host'] : array_shift(explode('/', $host['path'], 2)); } else { $hostname = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } /********************************** SETUP **********************************/
$jpg = stream_get_contents($inputSocket); fclose($inputSocket); fwrite($file, $jpg); fclose($file); } if (file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/plugins/handwrite/uploads/" . $randomImage . ".jpg")) { $linkToImage = BASE_URL . "plugins/handwrite/uploads/" . $randomImage . ".jpg"; $text = '<a href="' . $linkToImage . '" target="_blank" style="display:inline-block;margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:3px;"><img src="' . $linkToImage . '" border="0" style="padding:0px;display: inline-block;border:1px solid #666;" height="90" width="134"></a>'; if (substr($_REQUEST['tid'], 0, 1) == 'c') { $_REQUEST['tid'] = substr($_REQUEST['tid'], 1); sendChatroomMessage($_REQUEST['tid'], $handwrite_language[3] . "<br/>{$text}"); } else { sendMessageTo($_REQUEST['tid'], $handwrite_language[1] . "<br/>{$text}"); sendSelfMessage($_REQUEST['tid'], $handwrite_language[2] . "<br/>{$text}"); if (isset($_REQUEST['sendername']) && $pushNotifications == 1) { pushMobileNotification($handwrite_language[2], $_REQUEST['sendername'], $_REQUEST['tid'], $_REQUEST['tid']); } } } $embed = ''; $embedcss = ''; $close = "setTimeout('window.close()',2000);"; if (!empty($_REQUEST['embed']) && $_REQUEST['embed'] == 'web') { $embed = 'web'; $embedcss = 'embed'; $close = "parent.closeCCPopup('handwrite');"; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['embed']) && $_REQUEST['embed'] == 'desktop') { $embed = 'desktop'; $embedcss = 'embed'; $close = "parentSandboxBridge.closeCCPopup('handwrite');";
function sendChatroomMessage($to = 0, $message = '', $notsilent = 1) { global $userid; global $cookiePrefix; global $chromeReorderFix; global $bannedUserIDs; global $lang; $stickersflag = 0; if ($to == 0 && empty($_POST['currentroom']) || $message == '' && $notsilent == 0 || isset($_POST['message']) && $_POST['message'] == '' || empty($userid) || in_array($userid, $bannedUserIDs)) { return; } if (isset($_POST['message']) && !empty($_POST['currentroom'])) { $to = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']); $message = $_POST['message']; } if (isset($message) && $message != '') { if (strpos($message, 'CC^CONTROL_') !== false) { $message = str_ireplace('CC^CONTROL_', '', $message); $message = sanitize($message); $controlparameters = json_decode($message, true); $chatroommode = $controlparameters['params']['chatroommode']; switch ($controlparameters['name']) { case 'avchat': $grp = $controlparameters['params']['grp']; switch ($controlparameters['method']) { case 'endcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AVCHAT_ENDCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'rejectcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AVCHAT_REJECTCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'noanswer': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AVCHAT_NOANSWER_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'canceloutgoingcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AVCHAT_CANCELCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'busycall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AVCHAT_BUSYCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; default: $message = ''; break; } break; case 'audiochat': $grp = $controlparameters['params']['grp']; switch ($controlparameters['method']) { case 'endcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AUDIOCHAT_ENDCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'rejectcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AUDIOCHAT_REJECTCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'noanswer': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AUDIOCHAT_NOANSWER_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'canceloutgoingcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AUDIOCHAT_CANCELCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; case 'busycall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_AUDIOCHAT_BUSYCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; default: $message = ''; break; } break; case 'broadcast': $grp = $controlparameters['params']['grp']; switch ($controlparameters['method']) { case 'endcall': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_PLUGIN_BROADCAST_ENDCALL_' . $grp . '_' . $chatroommode; break; default: $message = ''; break; } break; case 'stickers': $stickersflag = 1; $message = 'CC^CONTROL_' . $message; break; case 'chatroom': $delid = $controlparameters['params']['id']; switch ($controlparameters['method']) { case 'deletemessage': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_deletemessage_' . $delid; break; case 'kicked': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_kicked_' . $delid; break; case 'banned': $message = 'CC^CONTROL_banned_' . $delid; break; default: $message = ''; break; } break; default: break; } } } if ($notsilent !== 0 && $stickersflag == 0) { $message = str_ireplace('CC^CONTROL_', '', $message); $message = sanitize($message); } $styleStart = ''; $styleEnd = ''; if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'chatroomcolor']) && preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'chatroomcolor']) && $notsilent == 1 && $stickersflag == 0) { $styleStart = '<span style="color:#' . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'chatroomcolor']) . '">'; $styleEnd = '</span>'; } $timestamp = getTimeStamp(); if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $to])) { $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $to] = array(); } if (USE_COMET == 1 && COMET_CHATROOMS == 1) { if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['username'])) { $name = ''; $sql = getUserDetails($userid); if ($userid > 10000000) { $sql = getGuestDetails($userid); } $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (function_exists('processName')) { $row['username'] = processName($row['username']); } $name = $row['username']; } $_SESSION['cometchat']['username'] = $name; } else { $name = $_SESSION['cometchat']['username']; } if (!empty($name)) { $sql = "insert into cometchat_chatroommessages (userid,chatroomid,message,sent) values ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "', '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $to) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $styleStart) . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $message) . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $styleEnd) . "','" . $timestamp . "')"; $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); $insertedid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['dbh']); $channel = md5('chatroom_' . $to . KEY_A . KEY_B . KEY_C); $comet = new Comet(KEY_A, KEY_B); if (method_exists($comet, 'processChannel')) { $channel = processChannel($channel); } if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') { echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']); } $info = $comet->publish(array('channel' => $channel, 'message' => array("id" => $insertedid, "from" => $name, "fromid" => $userid, "message" => $styleStart . $message . $styleEnd, "sent" => $timestamp * 1000, "roomid" => $to))); $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $to][$insertedid] = array('id' => $insertedid, 'from' => $_SESSION['cometchat']['username'], 'fromid' => $userid, 'chatroomid' => $to, 'message' => $styleStart . $message . $styleEnd, 'sent' => $timestamp); krsort($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $to]); if ($notsilent == 1) { sendCCResponse(json_encode(array("id" => $insertedid, "m" => $styleStart . $message . $styleEnd, "sent" => $timestamp))); } } } else { $sql = "insert into cometchat_chatroommessages (userid,chatroomid,message,sent) values ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "', '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $to) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $styleStart) . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $message) . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $styleEnd) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $timestamp) . "')"; $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); $insertedid = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['dbh']); if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') { echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']); } $name = ''; $sql = getUserDetails($userid); if ($userid > 10000000) { $sql = getGuestDetails($userid); } $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); if ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (function_exists('processName')) { $row['username'] = processName($row['username']); } $name = $row['username']; } $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $to][$insertedid] = array('id' => $insertedid, 'from' => $name, 'fromid' => $userid, 'chatroomid' => $to, 'message' => $styleStart . $message . $styleEnd, 'sent' => $timestamp); krsort($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $to]); if ($notsilent == 1) { sendCCResponse(json_encode(array("id" => $insertedid, "m" => $styleStart . $message . $styleEnd, "sent" => $timestamp))); } } $parsedmessage = $message; if (strpos($message, 'BROADCAST_ENDCALL') !== false || strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccbroadcast.join') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "broadcast" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $broadcast_language; if (strpos($message, 'BROADCAST_ENDCALL') !== false) { $parsedmessage = $broadcast_language[24]; } //This broadcast has ended if (strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccbroadcast.join') !== false) { $parsedmessage = $broadcast_language[17]; } //has started a video broadcast. } elseif (strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccavchat.join') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "avchat" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $avchat_language; $parsedmessage = $avchat_language[19]; //has started a video conversation. } elseif (strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccaudiochat.join') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "audiochat" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $audiochat_language; $parsedmessage = $audiochat_language[19]; //has started a audio conversation. } elseif (strpos($message, 'CC^CONTROL_{"type":"plugins","name":"stickers","method":"sendSticker"') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "stickers" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $stickers_language; $parsedmessage = $stickers_language[2]; //has sent a sticker. } elseif (strpos($message, 'CC^CONTROL_kicked_kicked') !== false || strpos($message, 'CC^CONTROL_banned_') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "modules" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "chatrooms" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $chatrooms_language; if (strpos($message, 'CC^CONTROL_kicked_kicked') !== false) { $parsedmessage = $chatrooms_language[36]; } //You have been kicked from this chatroom. if (strpos($message, 'CC^CONTROL_banned_') !== false) { $parsedmessage = $chatrooms_language[37]; } //You have been banned from chatroom } elseif (strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccwhiteboard.accept') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "whiteboard" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $whiteboard_language; $parsedmessage = $whiteboard_language[7]; //has shared a whiteboard. } elseif (strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccwriteboard.accept') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "writeboard" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $writeboard_language; $parsedmessage = $writeboard_language[2]; //has shared a writeboard. } elseif (strpos($message, 'jqcc.ccscreenshare.accept') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "screenshare" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $screenshare_language; $parsedmessage = $screenshare_language[2]; //has shared his/her screen with you. } elseif (strpos($message, '/writable/handwrite/uploads/') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "handwrite" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $handwrite_language; $parsedmessage = $handwrite_language[1]; //has successfully sent a handwritten message } elseif (strpos($message, 'plugins/filetransfer/download.php') !== false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plugins" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "filetransfer" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lang" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $lang . ".php"; global $filetransfer_language; $parsedmessage = $filetransfer_language[9]; //has shared a file } pushMobileNotification($to, $insertedid, $parsedmessage, '1', 0, $timestamp); $sql = "update cometchat_chatrooms set lastactivity = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $timestamp) . "' where id = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $to) . "'"; $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); if ($notsilent == 0) { return $insertedid; } }
} else { if (!empty($isImage) && $isImage || !empty($isVideo) && $isVideo) { $response = sendMessage($_POST['to'], $filetransfer_language[5] . "<br/><a href=\"//" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $filename . "\" target=\"_blank\"><a class=\"imagemessage\" href=\"//" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $filename . "\" onClick=\"javascript:jqcc('div.cometchat_other > a')[0].click();return false;\" target=\"none\" imageheight=\"" . $height . "\" imagewidth=\"" . $width . "\">" . $imgtag . "</a></a>", 1); $processedMessage = $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . "has sent you a file"; parsePusher($_POST['to'], $response['id'], $processedMessage); $array_response = sendMessage($_POST['to'], $filetransfer_language[7] . "<br/><a href=\"//" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $filename . "\" target=\"_blank\"><a class=\"imagemessage\" href=\"//" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $filename . "\" onClick=\"javascript:jqcc('div.cometchat_other > a')[0].click();return false;\" target=\"none\" imageheight=\"" . $height . "\" imagewidth=\"" . $width . "\">" . $imgtag . "</a></a>", 2); $insertedId = $array_response['id']; } else { $response = sendMessage($_POST['to'], $filetransfer_language[5] . " (" . $filename . "). <a href=\"//" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $filename . "\" target=\"_blank\"><a href=\"" . BASE_URL . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $filename . "\" onClick=\"return false;\" target=\"none\" " . $filetransfer_language[6] . "</a></a>", 1); $processedMessage = $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . "has sent you a file"; parsePusher($_POST['to'], $response['id'], $processedMessage); $array_response = sendMessage($_POST['to'], $filetransfer_language[7] . " (" . $filename . ").", 2); $insertedId = $array_response['id']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sendername']) && $pushNotifications == 1) { pushMobileNotification($filetransfer_language[9], $_REQUEST['sendername'], $_POST['to'], $_POST['to']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp') { echo $insertedId; exit; } $message = $filetransfer_language[8]; } $embed = ''; $embedcss = ''; $close = "setTimeout('window.close()',2000);"; if (!empty($_GET['embed']) && $_GET['embed'] == 'web') { $embed = 'web'; $embedcss = 'embed'; $close = "parent.closeCCPopup('filetransfer');";
} else { if (!empty($isImage) && $isImage || !empty($isVideo) && $isVideo || !empty($isAudio) && $isAudio) { $response = sendMessage($_POST['to'], $filetransfer_language[5] . "<br/><a class=\"imagemessage mediamessage\" filename=\"" . $unencryptedfilename . "\" encfilename=\"" . $md5filename . "\" mediatype=\"" . $mediaType . "\" href=\"" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $md5filename . "&unencryptedfilename=" . $unencryptedfilename . "\">" . $imgtag . "</a>", 0, 'filetransfer'); $processedMessage = $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . $filetransfer_language[5]; pushMobileNotification($_POST['to'], $response['id'], $processedMessage); if (USE_COMET == 1) { $cometmessage = array(); $cometresponse = array('to' => $_POST['to'], 'message' => $filetransfer_language[5] . "<br/><a class=\"imagemessage mediamessage\" filename=\"" . $unencryptedfilename . "\" encfilename=\"" . $md5filename . "\" mediatype=\"" . $mediaType . "\" href=\"" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $md5filename . "&unencryptedfilename=" . $unencryptedfilename . "\">" . $imgtag . "</a>", 'dir' => 0, 'type' => "filetransfer"); array_push($cometmessage, $cometresponse); publishCometMessages($cometmessage, $response['id']); } $insertedId = $response['id']; } else { $response = sendMessage($_POST['to'], $filetransfer_language[5] . " (" . $filename . "). <a class=\"imagemessage\" href=\"" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $md5filename . "&unencryptedfilename=" . $unencryptedfilename . "\" target=\"_blank\" mediatype=\"" . $mediaType . "\">" . $filetransfer_language[6] . "</a>", 0, 'filetransfer'); $processedMessage = $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . $filetransfer_language[5]; pushMobileNotification($_POST['to'], $response['id'], $processedMessage); if (USE_COMET == 1) { $cometmessage = array(); $cometresponse = array('to' => $_POST['to'], 'message' => $filetransfer_language[7] . " (" . $filename . ").<a class=\"imagemessage\" href=\"" . $server_url . "plugins/filetransfer/download.php?file=" . $md5filename . "&unencryptedfilename=" . $unencryptedfilename . "\" target=\"_blank\" mediatype=\"" . $mediaType . "\">" . $filetransfer_language[6] . "</a>", 'dir' => 0, 'type' => "filetransfer"); array_push($cometmessage, $cometresponse); publishCometMessages($cometmessage, $response['id']); } $insertedId = $response['id']; } /*Uncomment to enable push notifications for CometChat Legacy Apps*/ /*if (isset($_REQUEST['sendername']) && $pushNotifications == 1) { pushMobileNotification($filetransfer_language[9], $_REQUEST['sendername'], $_POST['to'], $_POST['to']); }*/ /*Uncomment to enable push notifications for CometChat Legacy Apps*/ } if (!empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp') {
$response = broadcastMessage($broadcast); } if (!empty($_GET['callback'])) { header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); sendCCResponse($_GET['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($response) . ')'); } else { sendCCResponse(json_encode($response)); } if (empty($_REQUEST['broadcast'])) { pushMobileNotification($to, $response['id'], $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . $response['m']); } else { if (USE_COMET == '1') { publishCometMessages($broadcast, $response[0]['id']); } foreach ($response as $rkey => $rvalue) { pushMobileNotification($rvalue['from'], $rvalue['id'], $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . $rvalue['m']); } } } else { if (empty($_REQUEST['broadcast'])) { $sql = "insert into cometchat (cometchat.from,,cometchat.message,cometchat.sent,,cometchat.direction) values ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "', '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $to) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], sanitize($bannedMessage)) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], getTimeStamp()) . "',0,2)"; $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql); if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') { echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']); } if (!empty($_GET['callback'])) { header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo $_GET['callback'] . '()'; } } }
function inviteusers() { global $chatrooms_language; global $close; global $embedcss; $post_roomid = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['roomid']); $post_inviteid = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['inviteid']); $post_roomname = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['roomname']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['invite'])) { $blockedIds = getBlockedUserIDs(); foreach ($blockedIds as $bid) { if (in_array($bid, $_REQUEST['invite'])) { unset($_REQUEST['invite'][array_search($bid, $_REQUEST['invite'])]); } } foreach ($_REQUEST['invite'] as $user) { $chatroomroomname = base64_decode(rawurldecode($_POST['roomname'])); $response = sendMessage($user, "{$chatrooms_language[18]}{$chatroomroomname}. <a href=\"javascript:jqcc.cometchat.joinChatroom('{$post_roomid}','{$post_inviteid}','{$post_roomname}')\">{$chatrooms_language[19]}</a>", 1); addUsersToChatroom($post_roomid, $user); $processedMessage = $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . "has invited you to join " . $_SESSION['cometchat']['chatroom']['n']; if ($response != '') { pushMobileNotification($user, $response['id'], $processedMessage); } } } echo <<<EOD <!DOCTYPE html> <html> \t<head> \t\t<title>{$chatrooms_language[18]}</title> \t\t<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=0,width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0" /> \t\t<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> \t\t<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="../../css.php?type=module&name=chatrooms" /> \t\t<script type="text/javascript"> \t\t\tfunction closePopup(name){ \t\t\t\tvar controlparameters = {'type':'modules', 'name':'chatrooms', 'method':'closeCCPopup', 'params':{'name':'invite'}}; \t\t\t\tcontrolparameters = JSON.stringify(controlparameters); \t\t\t\tif(typeof(parent) != 'undefined' && parent != null && parent != self){ \t\t\t\t\tparent.postMessage('CC^CONTROL_'+controlparameters,'*'); \t\t\t\t} else { \t\t\t\t\twindow.close(); \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t} \t\t</script> \t</head> \t<body onload="{$close}"> \t\t<div class="cometchat_wrapper"> \t\t\t<div class="container_title {$embedcss}">{$chatrooms_language[21]}</div> \t\t\t<div class="container_body {$embedcss}"> \t\t\t\t{$chatrooms_language[16]} \t\t\t\t<div style="clear:both"></div> \t\t\t</div> \t\t</div> \t</body> </html> EOD; }
$file = fopen(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "writable" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "handwrite" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "uploads" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $randomImage . ".png", "w"); fwrite($file, $png); fclose($file); if (file_exists(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/writable/handwrite/uploads/" . $randomImage . ".png")) { $linkToImage = BASE_URL . "writable/handwrite/uploads/" . $randomImage . ".png"; } } if (isset($linkToImage)) { $text = '<a href="' . $linkToImage . '" target="_blank" style="display:inline-block;margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:3px;max-width:100%;"><img class="cc_handwrite_image" src="' . $linkToImage . '" border="0" style="padding:0px;display: inline-block;border:1px solid #666;" height="90" width="134"></a>'; if (substr($_REQUEST['tid'], 0, 1) == 'c') { $_REQUEST['tid'] = substr($_REQUEST['tid'], 1); sendChatroomMessage($_REQUEST['tid'], $handwrite_language[3] . "<br/>{$text}", 0); } else { $response = sendMessage($_REQUEST['tid'], $handwrite_language[1] . "<br/>{$text}", 0, 'handwrite'); $processedMessage = $_SESSION['cometchat']['user']['n'] . ": " . $handwrite_language[1]; pushMobileNotification($_REQUEST['tid'], $response['id'], $processedMessage); if (USE_COMET == 1) { $cometmessage = array(); $cometresponse = array('to' => $_REQUEST['tid'], 'message' => $handwrite_language[1] . "<br/>{$text}", 'dir' => 0, 'type' => "handwrite"); array_push($cometmessage, $cometresponse); publishCometMessages($cometmessage, $response['id']); } /*Uncomment to enable push notifications for CometChat Legacy Apps*/ /*if (isset($_REQUEST['sendername']) && $pushNotifications == 1) { pushMobileNotification($handwrite_language[2], $_REQUEST['sendername'], $_REQUEST['tid'], $_REQUEST['tid']); }*/ /*Uncomment to enable push notifications for CometChat Legacy Apps*/ } } $embed = ''; $embedcss = '';