 public function drag_order()
     if (!$this->input['video_id']) {
     $table_name = 'tuji';
     $order_name = urldecode($this->input['order_name']);
     $ids = explode(',', urldecode($this->input['video_id']));
     $order_ids = explode(',', urldecode($this->input['order_id']));
     foreach ($ids as $k => $v) {
         $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . $table_name . " SET " . $order_name . " = '" . $order_ids[$k] . "' WHERE id = '" . $v . "'";
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . $table_name . " WHERE id IN(" . $ids . ")";
     $ret = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($ret)) {
         if (!empty($row['column_id']) && !empty($row['expand_id'])) {
             publish_insert_query($row, 'update');
     $ids = explode(',', $ids);
 function batch_review_publish()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE status = 2 AND column_id !='' AND column_id != 'a:0:{}' AND expand_id = 0 AND create_time > 1364439200";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         publish_insert_query($row, 'insert');
 function batch_review_publish()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "article WHERE state = 1 AND column_id !='' AND column_id != 'a:0:{}' AND expand_id = 0";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         publish_insert_query($row, 'delete');
         echo '正在重新发布' . $row['id'] . '-----' . $row['title'] . str_repeat(' ', 4096) . "<br/>";
         publish_insert_query($row, 'insert');
         echo $row['id'] . '-----' . $row['title'] . '已放入发布队列' . str_repeat(' ', 4096) . "<br/>";
 public function show()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_play WHERE copyright_limit < " . TIMENOW . " AND copyright_limit != 0 ";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $tv_play = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $tv_play[] = $r;
     if ($tv_play) {
         foreach ($tv_play as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['column_id'] && $v['status'] == 2) {
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode WHERE tv_play_id = '" . $v['id'] . "' ";
                 $q = $this->db->query($sql);
                 $video_ids = array();
                 $ep = array();
                 while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
                     $video_ids[] = $r['video_id'];
                     $ep[] = $r;
                 if ($video_ids) {
                     $column_id_arr = array_keys(unserialize($v['column_id']));
                     $this->livmedia->insertQueueToLivmedia(implode(',', $video_ids), 'delete', implode(',', $column_id_arr));
                     $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode SET url = '' WHERE tv_play_id = '" . $v['id'] . "'";
                     foreach ($ep as $_k => $_v) {
                         publish_insert_query($_v, 'update', $column_id_arr, 1);
                     publish_insert_query($v, 'update', $column_id_arr);
  * 文稿移到垃圾箱
 public function moveToTrash()
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     $news_id = intval($this->input['news_id']);
     $info = $this->obj->get_article(' id =' . $news_id);
     $info['column_id'] = @unserialize($info['column_id']);
     $this->obj->update(array('column_id' => '', 'column_url' => ''), 'article', ' id =' . $news_id);
     //delete  pub_column
     $this->obj->delete('pub_column', ' aid = ' . $news_id);
     $op = "delete";
     publish_insert_query($info, $op);
     $this->addItem(array('return' => true));
  * 视频移到垃圾箱
 public function moveToTrash()
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     $vod_id = intval($this->input['vod_id']);
     $sql = "select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo where id = " . $vod_id;
     $info = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $info['column_id'] = @unserialize($info['column_id']);
     $update_sql = "update " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo set column_id = '' , column_url = '' where id = " . $vod_id;
     //delete  pub_column
     $delete_Sql = "delete from " . DB_PREFIX . "pub_column where aid = " . $vod_id;
     $op = "delete";
     publish_insert_query($info, $op);
     $this->addItem(array('return' => true));
  * 更新评论计数
  * @name 		update_comment_count
 function update_comment_count()
     if (empty($this->input['id'])) {
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     if ($this->input['comment_count']) {
         $comment_count = $this->input['comment_count'];
     } else {
         $comment_count = 1;
     if ($this->input['type'] == 'audit') {
         $type = '+';
     } else {
         if ($this->input['type'] == 'back') {
             $type = '-';
     $info = array();
     if ($type) {
         $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "content SET comm_num=comm_num" . $type . $comment_count . " WHERE id =" . $id;
         $sql = "SELECT id, audit, expand_id, title, column_id, publish_time,user_name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE id =" . $id;
         $info = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     if (empty($info)) {
         return FALSE;
     if (intval($info['audit']) == 2) {
         if (!empty($info['expand_id'])) {
             $op = "update";
         } else {
             $op = "insert";
     } else {
         if (!empty($info['expand_id'])) {
             $op = 'delete';
         } else {
             $op = '';
     publish_insert_query($info, $op);
     $return = array('status' => 1, 'id' => $id, 'pubstatus' => 1);
 public function insertQueueToLivmedia()
     $op = $this->input['op'];
     if (!$op || !in_array($op, array('insert', 'delete', 'update'))) {
         $this->errorOutput('no opration');
     if (!$this->input['id']) {
     if ($this->input['now_colum']) {
         $status = ", status = 2 ";
     } else {
         $status = ", status = 3 ";
     $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET column_id = '" . html_entity_decode($this->input['now_colum']) . "' {$status} WHERE id IN (" . $this->input['id'] . ")";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE id IN (" . $this->input['id'] . ")";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $column_id_arr = array();
         if ($this->input['column_id']) {
             $column_id_arr = explode(',', $this->input['column_id']);
         $r['pub_time'] = $this->input['pub_time'] ? $this->input['pub_time'] : TIMENOW;
         publish_insert_query($r, $op, $column_id_arr);
 public function yunupdate()
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     $_survey = $this->mode->get_survey('id = ' . $id, '*');
     if (!$_survey) {
     $status = $_survey['status'];
     if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE) {
         $_node_ids = '';
         if ($_survey['node_id']) {
             $_node_ids = $_survey['node_id'];
         if ($this->input['node_id']) {
             $_node_ids = $_node_ids ? $_node_ids . ',' . $this->input['node_id'] : $this->input['node_id'];
         if ($_node_ids) {
             $sql = 'SELECT id, parents FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'survey_node WHERE id IN(' . $_node_ids . ')';
             $query = $this->db->query($sql);
             $nodes = array();
             while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 $nodes['nodes'][$row['id']] = $row['parents'];
     $nodes['id'] = $id;
     $nodes['user_id'] = $_survey['user_id'];
     $nodes['org_id'] = $_survey['org_id'];
     $nodes['column_id'] = $this->input['column_id'];
     $nodes['published_column_id'] = '';
     //	$nodes['weight'] = $vote['weight'];
     if (!empty($_survey['column_id'])) {
         $status = $this->get_status_setting('update_publish', $_survey['status']);
     } else {
         if (intval($_survey['status']) == 1) {
             $status = $this->get_status_setting('update_audit', $_survey['status']);
     $_survey['column_id'] = $_survey['column_id'] ? unserialize($_survey['column_id']) : array();
     $ori_column_id = array();
     if (is_array($_survey['column_id'])) {
         $ori_column_id = array_keys($_survey['column_id']);
         $nodes['published_column_id'] = implode(',', $ori_column_id);
     $nodes['_action'] = 'manage';
     $problems = $this->input['forms'];
     if (!$problems) {
     $update_data = $this->request_param();
     $update_data['problem_num'] = count(array_filter($problems));
     $update_data['status'] = $status;
     if ($column_id = $this->input['column_id']) {
         $update_data['column_id'] = $this->mPublishColumn->get_columnname_by_ids('id,name', $column_id);
         $update_data['column_id'] = $update_data['column_id'] ? serialize($update_data['column_id']) : '';
     if ($_FILES['Filedata']['name']) {
         $files['Filedata'] = $_FILES['Filedata'];
         $picture_pic = $this->material->addMaterial($files, $id);
         if ($picture_pic['filename']) {
             $pic = array('host' => $picture_pic['host'], 'dir' => $picture_pic['dir'], 'filepath' => $picture_pic['filepath'], 'filename' => $picture_pic['filename'], 'id' => $picture_pic['id']);
             $indexpic = @serialize($pic);
         $update_data['indexpic'] = $indexpic ? $indexpic : '';
     $affected_rows = $this->mode->update($id, 'survey', $update_data);
     $survey = $update_data;
     $survey['id'] = $id;
     $survey['column_id'] = $update_data['column_id'] ? unserialize($update_data['column_id']) : '';
     $del_id = $_problem_id = array();
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'problem WHERE survey_id = ' . $id;
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $_problem_id[] = $r['id'];
     foreach ($problems as $v) {
         $problems_id[] = $v['id'];
     $del_id = array_diff($_problem_id, $problems_id);
     if ($del_id) {
         $detele_problem = implode(',', $del_id);
         $sql = " DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "problem WHERE id IN (" . $detele_problem . ")";
         $sql = " DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "options WHERE problem_id IN (" . $detele_problem . ")";
         $this->addLogs('更新', $ret, '', '删除问题' . $detele_problem);
         $affected_rows = 1;
     $affected_rows = $this->mode->process_data($problems, $id) || $affected_rows ? 1 : 0;
     $ret_sur = $this->mode->get_survey(" id = {$id}", 'column_id,status,expand_id');
     $ret_sur['column_id'] = $ret_sur['column_id'] ? unserialize($ret_sur['column_id']) : array();
     $new_column_id = array();
     if ($ret_sur['column_id'] && is_array($ret_sur['column_id'])) {
         $new_column_id = array_keys($ret_sur['column_id']);
     $update_data['id'] = $id;
     if (intval($status) == 1) {
         if (!empty($ret_sur['expand_id'])) {
             $del_column = array_diff($ori_column_id, $new_column_id);
             if (!empty($del_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($update_data, 'delete', $del_column);
             $add_column = array_diff($new_column_id, $ori_column_id);
             if (!empty($add_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($update_data, 'insert', $add_column);
             $same_column = array_intersect($ori_column_id, $new_column_id);
             if (!empty($same_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($update_data, 'update', $same_column);
                 //publish_insert_query($update_data, 'insert',$same_column,1);
         } else {
             $op = "insert";
             publish_insert_query($update_data, $op);
     } else {
         if (!empty($ret_sur['expand_id'])) {
             $op = "delete";
             publish_insert_query($update_data, $op);
     $affected_rows = $this->mode->update($id, 'survey', $update_data) || $affected_rows ? 1 : 0;
     if ($affected_rows) {
         $user_data = array('update_time' => TIMENOW, 'update_user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'update_user_name' => $this->user['user_name']);
         $ret = $this->mode->update($id, 'survey', $user_data);
     $survey['problems'] = $problems;
     if ($id) {
         if ($update_data['picture_ids']) {
             $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PREFIX . 'material SET cid = ' . $id . ' WHERE id in(' . $update_data['picture_ids'] . ')';
         $this->addLogs('更新问卷', $_survey, $survey, '更新' . $survey['title'] . $this->input['id']);
 public function updateEpisodeUrl()
     if (!$this->input['video_id']) {
     $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode SET url = '" . $this->input['url'] . "' WHERE video_id = '" . $this->input['video_id'] . "' ";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode WHERE video_id = '" . $this->input['video_id'] . "'";
     $episode = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     if ($episode) {
         publish_insert_query($episode, 'update', '', 1, 1);
     $sql = "SELECT tv.* FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_play tv LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode te ON te.tv_play_id = tv.id WHERE te.video_id = '" . $this->input['video_id'] . "'";
     $tv_play = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     if ($tv_play) {
         $column_id = unserialize($tv_play['column_id']);
         $column_id = array_keys($column_id);
         publish_insert_query($tv_play, 'update', $column_id);
 public function fast_edit()
     if (!$this->input['id']) {
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE id = '" . intval($this->input['id']) . "'";
     $arr = $this->db->query_first($sql);
     $ori_status = $arr['status'];
     $arr['column_id'] = unserialize($arr['column_id']);
     $ori_column_id = array();
     if (is_array($arr['column_id'])) {
         $ori_column_id = array_keys($arr['column_id']);
     $column_id = $this->publish_column->get_columnname_by_ids('id,name', $this->input['column_id']);
     $column_id = serialize($column_id);
     $sql = " UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo SET ";
     $data = array('title' => $this->input['title'] ? $this->input['title'] : $arr['title'], 'subtitle' => $this->input['subtitle'] ? $this->input['subtitle'] : $arr['subtitle'], 'comment' => $this->input['comment'] ? $this->input['comment'] : $arr['comment'], 'keywords' => $this->input['keywords'] ? $this->input['keywords'] : $arr['keywords'], 'author' => $this->input['author'] ? $this->input['author'] : $arr['author'], 'source' => $this->input['mark_source_id'] ? $this->input['mark_source_id'] : $arr['source'], 'vod_sort_id' => intval($this->input['mark_sort_id']) ? intval($this->input['mark_sort_id']) : $arr['vod_sort_id'], 'isfile' => 0, 'column_id' => addslashes($column_id));
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $sql .= " {$k} = '{$v}',";
     $sql = trim($sql, ',');
     $sql .= " WHERE id = '" . intval($this->input['id']) . "'";
     $original_id_arr = $this->input['original_id'];
     $start_time_arr = $this->input['start_time'];
     $duration_arr = $this->input['duration'];
     $this->request_create_physics(intval($this->input['id']), $original_id_arr, $start_time_arr, $duration_arr, 'transcode_fast_edit', $arr['status']);
     $sql_r = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "vodinfo WHERE id = '" . intval($this->input['id']) . "'";
     $ret = $this->db->query_first($sql_r);
     $ret['column_id'] = unserialize($ret['column_id']);
     $new_column_id = array();
     if (is_array($ret['column_id'])) {
         $new_column_id = array_keys($ret['column_id']);
     if ($ori_status == 2) {
         if (!empty($ret['expand_id'])) {
             $del_column = array_diff($ori_column_id, $new_column_id);
             if (!empty($del_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($ret, 'delete', $del_column);
             $add_column = array_diff($new_column_id, $ori_column_id);
             if (!empty($add_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($ret, 'insert', $add_column);
             $same_column = array_intersect($ori_column_id, $new_column_id);
             if (!empty($same_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($ret, 'update', $same_column);
         } else {
             if ($new_column_id) {
                 $op = "insert";
                 publish_insert_query($ret, $op);
     } else {
         if (!empty($ret['expand_id'])) {
             $op = "delete";
             publish_insert_query($ret, $op);
     $this->index_search($ret, 'update');
     $statistic = new statistic();
     $statistics_data = array('content_id' => intval($this->input['id']), 'contentfather_id' => '', 'type' => 'update', 'user_id' => $ret['user_id'], 'user_name' => $ret['addperson'], 'before_data' => '', 'last_data' => $this->input['title'], 'num' => 1);
 public function show()
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_play \n\t\t\t\tWHERE status = 2 \n\t\t\t\tAND publish_num_day != 0 \n\t\t\t\tAND (copyright_limit > " . TIMENOW . " OR copyright_limit = 0)";
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $tv_play = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $tv_play[] = $r;
         $tv_play_id[] = $r['id'];
     $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "publish_cron WHERE tv_play_id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $tv_play_id) . ")";
     $today = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
     $sql = "SELECT tv_play_id,publish_num FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "publish_cron WHERE create_time = " . $today;
     $q = $this->db->query($sql);
     $tv_play_ids = array();
     while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
         $tv_play_ids[] = $r['tv_play_id'];
         $publish_num[$r['tv_play_id']] = $r['publish_num'];
     if ($tv_play) {
         foreach ($tv_play as $k => $v) {
             $published_num = $publish_num[$v['id']];
             $published_num = $published_num ? $published_num : 0;
             if (in_array($v['id'], $tv_play_ids) && $published_num >= $v['publish_num_day']) {
             if ($v['column_id'] && $v['status'] == 2) {
                 $count = $v['publish_num_day'] - $published_num;
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE expand_id = 0 \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND transcode_status = 1 \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND tv_play_id = '" . $v['id'] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY index_num ASC \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0," . $count;
                 //echo $sql;
                 $q = $this->db->query($sql);
                 $video_ids = array();
                 $ep = array();
                 while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q)) {
                     $video_ids[] = $r['video_id'];
                     $ep[] = $r;
                 if ($video_ids) {
                     $video_num = $video_ids ? count($video_ids) : 0;
                     $video_num += $published_num;
                     $column_id_arr = array_keys(unserialize($v['column_id']));
                     $this->livmedia->insertQueueToLivmedia(implode(',', $video_ids), 'insert', implode(',', $column_id_arr), $v['column_id']);
                     foreach ($ep as $_k => $_v) {
                         publish_insert_query($_v, 'insert', $column_id_arr, 1);
                     publish_insert_query($v, 'update', $column_id_arr);
                     $sql = "REPLACE INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "publish_cron SET tv_play_id = " . $v['id'] . ',create_time = ' . $today . ',publish_num = ' . $video_num;
                     //echo $sql;
  * 文稿移到垃圾箱
 public function moveToTrash()
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     $vote_id = intval($this->input['vote_id']);
     $ret_sur = $this->mVote->get_vote_list(" id IN({$vote_id})");
     $info = $ret_sur[0];
     $info['column_id'] = @unserialize($info['column_id']);
     $this->mVote->update(array('id' => $vote_id, 'column_id' => '', 'column_url' => ''));
     //delete  pub_column
     // 		$this->obj->delete('pub_column', ' aid = '.$vote_id);
     $op = "delete";
     publish_insert_query($info, $op);
     $this->addItem(array('return' => true));
 public function insertQueueToLivmediaByVideoID($tv_play_id, $video_id, $op, $column_id, $now_column, $pub_time)
     /*$sql = "SELECT * FROM " .DB_PREFIX. "tv_episode WHERE tv_play_id = '" .$tv_play['id']. "' AND expand_id = 0 ";
     		$q = $this->db->query($sql);
     		$video_id_arr = array();
     		while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($q))
     			$video_id_arr[] = $r['video_id'];
     if ($video_id && $tv_play_id) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tv_episode WHERE tv_play_id = {$tv_play_id} AND video_id = {$video_id}";
         $ep_info = $this->db->query_first($sql);
         publish_insert_query($ep_info, 'insert', $column_id, 1);
         include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/livmedia.class.php';
         $livmedia = new livmedia();
         $livmedia->insertQueueToLivmedia($video_id, $op, implode(',', $column_id), $now_column, $pub_time);
 function update_block_content()
     $block = $this->input['data']['block'];
     $data = $this->input['data']['data'];
     if (!$block || !$data || !is_array($data) || !is_array($block)) {
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $content_fromids[] = $v['content_fromid'];
     if (!$content_fromids) {
     $sq = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "tuji WHERE id in (" . implode(',', $content_fromids) . ")";
     $info = $this->db->query($sq);
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($info)) {
         $pub_block = $row['block'] ? unserialize($row['block']) : array();
         foreach ($block as $k => $v) {
             if ($block[$k]['del']) {
             } else {
                 $pub_block[$k] = $block[$k];
         $pub_block = $pub_block ? serialize($pub_block) : '';
         $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "tuji SET block='{$pub_block}' WHERE id=" . $row['id'];
         $row['block'] = $pub_block;
         publish_insert_query($row, 'update');
 public function yunupdate()
     $id = intval($this->input['id']);
     if (!$id) {
     $forms = $this->input['forms'];
     if (!$forms) {
     $standard_ids = $fixed_ids = array();
     foreach ($forms as $key => $value) {
         $value['order_id'] = $key + 1;
         $is_name = $is_name ? 1 : $value['is_name'];
         if ($value['type'] == 'standard') {
             $standard[] = $value;
             $standard_ids[] = $value['id'];
         } else {
             $fixed[] = $value;
             $fixed_ids[] = $value['id'];
     if (!$is_name && !$this->input['is_login']) {
     if (!$this->settings['App_verifycode'] && intval($this->input['is_verifycode'])) {
     $_feedback = $this->mode->get_feedback('id = ' . $id, '*');
     $status = $_feedback['status'];
     if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE) {
         $_node_ids = '';
         if ($_feedback['node_id']) {
             $_node_ids = $_feedback['node_id'];
         if ($this->input['node_id']) {
             $_node_ids = $_node_ids ? $_node_ids . ',' . $this->input['node_id'] : $this->input['node_id'];
         if ($_node_ids) {
             $sql = 'SELECT id, parents FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'feedback_node WHERE id IN(' . $_node_ids . ')';
             $query = $this->db->query($sql);
             $nodes = array();
             while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
                 $nodes['nodes'][$row['id']] = $row['parents'];
     $nodes['id'] = $id;
     $nodes['user_id'] = $_feedback['user_id'];
     $nodes['org_id'] = $_feedback['org_id'];
     $nodes['column_id'] = $this->input['column_id'];
     $nodes['published_column_id'] = '';
     if (!empty($_feedback['column_id'])) {
         $status = $this->get_status_setting('update_publish', $_feedback['status']);
     } else {
         if (intval($_feedback['status']) == 1) {
             $status = $this->get_status_setting('update_audit', $_feedback['status']);
     $ori_column_id = array();
     $_feedback['column_id'] = unserialize($_feedback['column_id']);
     if (is_array($_feedback['column_id'])) {
         $ori_column_id = array_keys($_feedback['column_id']);
         $nodes['published_column_id'] = implode(',', $ori_column_id);
     $nodes['_action'] = 'manage';
     if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE && $_feedback['admin_user']) {
         $admin_user = array();
         $admin_user = explode(',', $_feedback['admin_user']);
         if (!in_array($this->user['user_name'], $admin_user)) {
     if ($this->user['group_type'] > MAX_ADMIN_TYPE && !$_feedback['admin_user']) {
     $update_data = $this->request_param();
     $vid = $id;
     if ($_FILES['indexpic']) {
         $files['Filedata'] = $_FILES['indexpic'];
         $material = $this->material->addMaterial($files, $vid);
         $indexpic = array('host' => $material['host'], 'dir' => $material['dir'], 'filepath' => $material['filepath'], 'filename' => $material['filename']);
     } elseif ($this->input['indexpic'] && $this->input['indexpic']['filename']) {
         $indexpic = $this->input['indexpic'];
     $update_data['indexpic'] = $indexpic ? serialize($indexpic) : '';
     $column_id = $this->input['column_id'];
     $update_data['column_id'] = $this->mPublishColumn->get_columnname_by_ids('id,name', $column_id);
     $update_data['column_id'] = $update_data['column_id'] ? serialize($update_data['column_id']) : '';
     $update_data = $this->mode->update($id, 'feedback', $update_data);
     $update_data['id'] = $id;
     if ($update_data['affected_rows']) {
         $affect_rows = 1;
     //表单的更新 包括表单新增 修改 删除;
     $_forms = $this->mode->get_forms($id);
     $_standard_ids = $_fixed_ids = array();
     if (is_array($_forms) && count($_forms) > 0) {
         foreach ($_forms as $v) {
             if ($v['type'] == 'standard') {
                 $_standard_ids[] = $v['id'];
             if ($v['type'] == 'fixed') {
                 $_fixed_ids[] = $v['id'];
     $st_diff = array_diff($_standard_ids, $standard_ids);
     $fx_diff = array_diff($_fixed_ids, $fixed_ids);
     if (count($st_diff) > 0) {
         $delete_stan_ids = implode(',', $st_diff);
     if (count($fx_diff) > 0) {
         $delete_fix_ids = implode(',', $fx_diff);
     $data_s['common'] = $data_f['common'] = array();
     if ($standard) {
         $data_s = $this->mode->process_standard($standard, $vid, 1);
     if ($fixed) {
         $data_f = $this->mode->process_fixed($fixed, $vid, 1);
     $common_data = array_merge($data_s['common'], $data_f['common']);
     if ($common_data) {
         $this->mode->insert_datas('common', $common_data, 1);
     if ($data_s['standard']) {
         foreach ($data_s['standard'] as $v) {
             $up_standard_data = $this->mode->update($v['id'], 'standard', $v);
             if ($up_standard_data['affected_rows']) {
                 $affect_rows = 1;
     if ($data_f['fixed']) {
         foreach ($data_f['fixed'] as $v) {
             $up_fixed_data = $this->mode->update($v['id'], 'fixed', $v);
             if ($up_fixed_data['affected_rows']) {
                 $affect_rows = 1;
     if ($data_s['new_standard']) {
         $this->mode->insert_datas('standard', $data_s['new_standard']);
         $affect_rows = 1;
     if ($data_f['new_fixed']) {
         $this->mode->insert_datas('fixed', $data_f['new_fixed']);
         $affect_rows = 1;
     if ($delete_stan_ids) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "standard WHERE id in(" . $delete_stan_ids . ")";
         $affect_rows = 1;
     if ($delete_fix_ids) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "fixed WHERE id in(" . $delete_fix_ids . ")";
         $affect_rows = 1;
     if ($affect_rows) {
         $update_user = array('update_user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'update_user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'update_time' => TIMENOW);
         if ($status) {
             $update_data['reupdate'] = $update_user['reupdate'] = 1;
         $update_user = $this->mode->update($id, 'feedback', $update_user);
         $update_data['update_user_id'] = $update_user['update_user_id'];
         $update_data['update_user_name'] = $update_user['update_user_name'];
         $update_data['update_time'] = $update_user['update_time'];
     $update_data['sort_id'] = $update_data['node_id'];
     $ret_feedback = $this->mode->get_feedback(" id = {$id}", 'column_id,status,expand_id');
     $ret_feedback['column_id'] = unserialize($ret_feedback['column_id']);
     $new_column_id = array();
     if (is_array($ret_feedback['column_id'])) {
         $new_column_id = array_keys($ret_feedback['column_id']);
     //$data['id'] = $id;
     if ($status == 1) {
         if (!empty($ret_feedback['expand_id'])) {
             $del_column = array_diff($ori_column_id, $new_column_id);
             if (!empty($del_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($update_data, 'delete', $del_column);
             $add_column = array_diff($new_column_id, $ori_column_id);
             if (!empty($add_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($update_data, 'insert', $add_column);
             $same_column = array_intersect($ori_column_id, $new_column_id);
             if (!empty($same_column)) {
                 publish_insert_query($update_data, 'update', $same_column);
                 //publish_insert_query($update_data, 'insert',$same_column,1);
         } else {
             $op = "insert";
             publish_insert_query($update_data, $op);
     } else {
         if (!empty($ret_feedback['expand_id'])) {
             $op = "delete";
             publish_insert_query($update_data, $op);
     if ($id) {
         $update_data['forms'] = $forms;
         $this->addLogs('更新反馈表单', $_feedback, $update_data, '更新' . $update_data['title'] . $id);
 public function delete_pic()
     if (!$this->input['id']) {
     $this->input['id'] = trim($this->input['id']);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "pics WHERE id IN (" . $this->input['id'] . ")";
     $r = $this->db->query($sql);
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($r)) {
         $data[$row['id']] = array('title' => $row['old_name'], 'delete_people' => trim(urldecode($this->user['user_name'])), 'cid' => $row['id']);
         $data[$row['id']]['content']['pics'] = $row;
     if (!empty($data)) {
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             $this->recycle->add_recycle($value['title'], $value['delete_people'], $value['cid'], $value['content']);
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "pics WHERE id IN(" . urldecode($this->input['id']) . ")";
     $ret = $this->db->query($sql);
     $is_cover = 0;
     $count = 0;
     while ($row = $this->db->fetch_array($ret)) {
         if ($row['tuji_id']) {
             $tuji_id = $row['tuji_id'];
         if ($row['is_cover']) {
             $is_cover = 1;
         if ($row['expand_id']) {
             publish_insert_query($row, 'delete', '', 1, 'old_name');
         if ($row['id']) {
     $sql = " DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "pics WHERE id IN (" . urldecode($this->input['id']) . ")";
     $cover_url = '';
     if ($is_cover && $tuji_id) {
         $cover_url = 'cover_url = \'\',';
     if ($tuji_id) {
         $total_pic = 'total_pic = total_pic -' . $count;
         $sql = " UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "tuji SET {$cover_url}{$total_pic} WHERE id = '" . $tuji_id . "'";
 function create()
     if (!$this->input['title']) {
     if (!$this->input['content'] && !$this->input['outlink']) {
     if (urldecode($this->input['outlink']) && urldecode($this->input['outlink']) != '请填写超链接!') {
         $content = '';
     } else {
         $check_info = hg_check_content(html_entity_decode($this->input['content']));
         $content = addslashes($this->input['content']);
     if (!(strpos(urldecode($this->input['indexpic']), 'http://') === false)) {
         $this->input['indexpic'] = $this->indexpic_img_local(urldecode($this->input['indexpic']));
     //是否开启评论  优先使用iscomment设置
     if (isset($this->input['iscomment'])) {
         $this->input['other_settings']['closecomm'] = !intval($this->input['iscomment']);
     $info = array('title' => $this->input['title'], 'page_title' => $this->input['pagetitles'], 'tcolor' => $this->input['tcolor'], 'isbold' => intval($this->input['isbold']), 'isitalic' => intval($this->input['isitalic']), 'istop' => $this->input['istop'] == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'iscomment' => !$this->input['other_settings']['closecomm'], 'istpl' => $this->input['istpl'] == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'subtitle' => $this->input['subtitle'], 'keywords' => str_replace(' ', ',', trim($this->input['keywords'])), 'brief' => $this->input['brief'], 'author' => $this->input['author'], 'source' => $this->input['source'], 'indexpic' => intval($this->input['indexpic']), 'outlink' => $this->input['outlink'], 'sort_id' => intval($this->input['sort_id']), 'column_id' => $this->input['column_id'], 'org_id' => $this->input['org_id'] ? intval($this->input['org_id']) : intval($this->user['org_id']), 'user_id' => $this->input['user_id'] ? intval($this->input['user_id']) : intval($this->user['user_id']), 'user_name' => $this->input['user_name'] ? $this->input['user_name'] : $this->user['user_name'], 'create_time' => $this->input['create_time'] ? $this->input['create_time'] : TIMENOW, 'update_time' => $this->input['update_time'] ? $this->input['update_time'] : TIMENOW, 'pub_time' => strtotime($this->input['pub_time']), 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'weight' => intval($this->input['weight']), 'water_id' => $this->input['water_config_id'], 'water_name' => $this->input['water_config_name'], 'is_img' => $check_info['is_img'], 'is_video' => $check_info['is_video'], 'is_tuji' => $check_info['is_tuji'], 'is_vote' => $check_info['is_vote'], 'appid' => intval($this->user['appid']), 'appname' => trim($this->user['display_name']), 'state' => isset($this->input['state']) ? intval($this->input['state']) : $this->settings['default_state'], 'pub_time' => strtotime($this->input['publish_time']), 'app' => $this->input['app_uniqueid'] ? $this->input['app_uniqueid'] : APP_UNIQUEID, 'module' => $this->input['module_uniqueid'] ? $this->input['module_uniqueid'] : MOD_UNIQUEID, 'para' => $this->input['para'], 'ori_url' => $this->input['ori_url']);
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/publishconfig.class.php';
     $this->publish_column = new publishconfig();
     $column_id = $info['column_id'] = $this->publish_column->get_columnname_by_ids('id,name', $info['column_id']);
     $info['column_id'] = serialize($info['column_id']);
     $info['id'] = $article_id = $this->obj->insert_data($info, "article");
     $this->obj->update(array('order_id' => $article_id), "article", "id={$article_id}");
     $infoCon = array('articleid' => $article_id, 'content' => $content);
     $this->obj->insert_data($infoCon, "article_contentbody");
     $this->input['indexpic'] && $this->obj->update(array('cid' => $article_id), 'material', ' material_id=' . $this->input['indexpic']);
     if ($this->input['needlocalimg']) {
         $url = is_array($this->input['needlocalimg']) ? implode(',', $this->input['needlocalimg']) : $this->input['needlocalimg'];
         $material = $this->mater->localMaterial($url);
         if (is_array($material) && count($material) > 0) {
             foreach ($material as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v && !$v['error']) {
                     $tem_data = array('cid' => $info['id'], 'material_id' => $v['id'], 'name' => $v['name'], 'type' => $v['type'], 'mark' => $v['mark'], 'filesize' => $v['filesize'], 'create_time' => $v['create_time'], 'ip' => $v['ip'], 'remote_url' => $v['remote_url'], 'host' => $v['host'], 'dir' => $v['dir'], 'filepath' => $v['filepath'], 'filename' => $v['filename']);
                     $tem_data['pic'] = array('host' => $v['host'], 'dir' => $v['dir'], 'filepath' => $v['filepath'], 'filename' => $v['filename']);
                     $tem_data['pic'] = serialize($tem_data['pic']);
                     $this->obj->insert_data($tem_data, 'material');
     if ($this->input['img']) {
         if (is_array($this->input['img']) && count($this->input['img']) > 0) {
             $material_id = array();
             foreach ($this->input['img'] as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v) {
                     $tmp_data = array('cid' => $info['id'], 'material_id' => $v['id'], 'name' => $v['name'], 'type' => $v['type'], 'mark' => $v['mark'] ? $v['mark'] : 'img', 'filesize' => $v['filesize'], 'create_time' => $v['create_time'], 'host' => $v['host'], 'dir' => $v['dir'], 'filepath' => $v['filepath'], 'filename' => $v['filename']);
                     $tmp_data['pic'] = array('host' => $v['host'], 'dir' => $v['dir'], 'filepath' => $v['filepath'], 'filename' => $v['filename']);
                     $tmp_data['pic'] = serialize($tmp_data['pic']);
                     $material_id[] = $v['id'];
                     $this->obj->insert_data($tmp_data, 'material');
             $material_id = implode(',', $material_id);
             if ($material_id) {
     if ($this->input['material_ids']) {
         $material = $this->mater->get_material_by_ids($this->input['material_ids']);
         foreach ((array) $material as $k => $v) {
             if ($v) {
                 $tmp_data = array('cid' => $info['id'], 'material_id' => $v['id'], 'name' => $v['name'], 'type' => $v['type'], 'mark' => $v['mark'] ? $v['mark'] : 'img', 'filesize' => $v['filesize'], 'create_time' => $v['create_time'], 'host' => $v['host'], 'dir' => $v['dir'], 'filepath' => $v['filepath'], 'filename' => $v['filename']);
                 $tmp_data['pic'] = array('host' => $v['host'], 'dir' => $v['dir'], 'filepath' => $v['filepath'], 'filename' => $v['filename']);
                 $tmp_data['pic'] = serialize($tmp_data['pic']);
                 $material_id[] = $v['id'];
                 $this->obj->insert_data($tmp_data, 'material');
     if (intval($info['state']) == 1 && !empty($column_id)) {
         $op = 'insert';
         publish_insert_query($info, $op);
     if ($this->input['need_indexpic'] && $info['indexpic']) {
         $info['indexpic_url'] = $this->obj->getIndexpic($info['indexpic']);