function print_editor_config($editorhidebuttons = '', $return = false) { global $CFG; $str = "config.pageStyle = \"body {"; if (!empty($CFG->editorbackgroundcolor)) { $str .= " background-color: {$CFG->editorbackgroundcolor};"; } if (!empty($CFG->editorfontfamily)) { $str .= " font-family: {$CFG->editorfontfamily};"; } if (!empty($CFG->editorfontsize)) { $str .= " font-size: {$CFG->editorfontsize};"; } $str .= " }\";\n"; $str .= "config.killWordOnPaste = "; $str .= empty($CFG->editorkillword) ? "false" : "true"; $str .= ';' . "\n"; $str .= 'config.fontname = {' . "\n"; $fontlist = isset($CFG->editorfontlist) ? explode(';', $CFG->editorfontlist) : array(); $i = 1; // Counter is used to get rid of the last comma. foreach ($fontlist as $fontline) { if (!empty($fontline)) { if ($i > 1) { $str .= ',' . "\n"; } list($fontkey, $fontvalue) = split(':', $fontline); $str .= '"' . $fontkey . "\":\t'" . $fontvalue . "'"; $i++; } } $str .= '};'; if (!empty($editorhidebuttons)) { $str .= "\nconfig.hideSomeButtons(\" " . $editorhidebuttons . " \");\n"; } else { if (!empty($CFG->editorhidebuttons)) { $str .= "\nconfig.hideSomeButtons(\" " . $CFG->editorhidebuttons . " \");\n"; } } if (!empty($CFG->editorspelling) && !empty($CFG->aspellpath)) { $str .= print_speller_code($CFG->htmleditor, true); } if ($return) { return $str; } echo $str; }
/** * Prints out the HTML editor config. * * @uses $CFG */ function print_editor_config($editorhidebuttons = '') { global $CFG; // print new config echo 'var config = new HTMLArea.Config();' . "\n"; echo "config.pageStyle = \"body {"; if (!empty($CFG->editorbackgroundcolor)) { echo " background-color: {$CFG->editorbackgroundcolor};"; } if (!empty($CFG->editorfontfamily)) { echo " font-family: {$CFG->editorfontfamily};"; } if (!empty($CFG->editorfontsize)) { echo " font-size: {$CFG->editorfontsize};"; } echo " }\";\n"; echo "config.killWordOnPaste = "; echo empty($CFG->editorkillword) ? "false" : "true"; echo ';' . "\n"; echo 'config.fontname = {' . "\n"; $fontlist = isset($CFG->editorfontlist) ? explode(';', $CFG->editorfontlist) : array(); $i = 1; // Counter is used to get rid of the last comma. foreach ($fontlist as $fontline) { if (!empty($fontline)) { if ($i > 1) { echo ',' . "\n"; } list($fontkey, $fontvalue) = split(':', $fontline); echo '"' . $fontkey . "\":\t'" . $fontvalue . "'"; $i++; } } echo '};'; if (!empty($editorhidebuttons)) { echo "\nconfig.hideSomeButtons(\" " . $editorhidebuttons . " \");\n"; } else { if (!empty($CFG->editorhidebuttons)) { echo "\nconfig.hideSomeButtons(\" " . $CFG->editorhidebuttons . " \");\n"; } } if (!empty($CFG->editorspelling) && !empty($CFG->aspellpath)) { print_speller_code($usehtmleditor = true); } }