
// Control to upload file

echo '<div class="divform">';
echo '<table class="search-table">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>';
echo print_button (__('Upload a new file'), 'add_link', false, '$(\'#upload_div\').slideToggle (); return false', 'class="sub upload"');

echo '<div id="upload_div" style="display: none;" class="">';
$target_directory = 'attachment';
$action = "index.php?sec=customers&sec2=operation/leads/lead_detail&id=$id&op=files&upload=1";				
$into_form = "<input type='hidden' name='directory' value='$target_directory'><b>Description</b>&nbsp;<input type=text name=description size=20>";
print_input_file_progress($action,$into_form,'','sub upload');
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';

// List of lead attachments

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tattachment WHERE id_lead = $id ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
$files = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql);	

echo "<div style='width: 86%; float: right;'>";
echo "<div class='divresult'>";
if ($files !== false) {
	$files = print_array_pagination ($files, "index.php?sec=customers&sec2=operation/leads/lead_detail&id=$id&op=files");
	unset ($table);
global $config;
$id = (int) get_parameter('id');
$incident_creator = get_db_value("id_creator", "tincidencia", "id_incidencia", $id);
if (!give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "IW") && $config['id_user'] != $incident_creator) {
    // Doesn't have access to this page
    audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to access to ticket #" . $id);
    include "general/noaccess.php";
$title = get_db_value("titulo", "tincidencia", "id_incidencia", $id);
echo '<div id="upload_result"></div>';
echo "<div id='upload_control'>";
$table->width = '100%';
$table->data = array();
$table->data[0][0] = "<span style='font-size: 10px'>" . __("Please note that you cannot upload .php or .pl files, as well other source code formats. Please compress that files prior to upload (using zip or gz)") . "</span>";
$table->data[1][0] = print_textarea('file_description', 8, 1, '', "style='resize:none'", true, __('Description'));
if (defined('AJAX')) {
    $action = 'ajax.php?page=operation/incidents/incident_detail';
} else {
    $action = 'index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_detail';
$into_form = print_table($table, true);
$into_form .= '<div class="button" style="width: ' . $table->width . '">';
$into_form .= print_button(__('Upload'), 'upload', false, '', 'class="sub upload"', true);
$into_form .= '</div>';
$into_form .= print_input_hidden('id', $id, true);
$into_form .= print_input_hidden('upload_file', 1, true);
// Important: Set id 'form-add-file' to form. It's used from ajax control
print_input_file_progress($action, $into_form, 'id="form-add-file"', 'sub next', 'button-upload');
echo '</div>';
$table->data[1][0] = print_select($priorities, 'priority_form', 2, '', '', '', true, false, false, __('Priority'));
$table->data[1][1] = print_select($types, 'id_incident_type', '', 'javascript: show_incident_type_fields(1);', 'Select', '', true, 0, true, __('Ticket type'));
$table->data[2][0] = print_textarea('description', 9, 80, '', '', true, __('Description'));
$action = 'index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents_simple/incidents';
$into_form = print_table($table, true);
$into_form .= '<h3><a href="javascript:toggle_file_addition();">' . __('Add a file') . ' (' . __('Optional') . ')<div style="float:left;"><img id="file_moreless" src="images/sort_down.png" border=0>&nbsp;</div></a></h3>';
$into_form .= '<div id="file_addition" style="display:none"><b>' . __('File') . '</b>';
$into_form .= '___FILE___';
$into_form .= print_input_hidden('create_incident', 1, true);
$into_form .= print_input_hidden('group_id', $group_id, true);
$into_form .= print_textarea('file_description', 2, 10, '', '', true, __('Description'));
$into_form .= "</div>";
$into_form .= "<div style='text-align:right;'>";
$into_form .= print_button(__('Create'), 'create_incident', false, '', 'style="margin-top:4px;" class="action_btn sub next"', true);
$into_form .= "</div>";
echo print_input_file_progress($action, $into_form, 'id="form-add-file"', 'sub next', 'button-create_incident', true, '___FILE___');
echo "</div>";

<script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/integria_incident_search.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready (function () {

	var id_group = '<?php 
echo $group_id;
	var id_user = '******'id_user'];
echo "<tr><td class='datos'>";
$available_directory["images"] = "images";
$available_directory["images/custom_logos"] = "images/custom_logos";
$available_directory["attachment"] = "attachment";
$available_directory["attachment/downloads"] = "attachment/downloads";
// Current directory
$available_directory[$current_directory] = $current_directory;
echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/setup/filemgr&upload_file' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
print_select($available_directory, 'directory', $current_directory, '', '', '', false, false, 0, __("Base directory"), "", "margin-top:3px;");
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=submit class='sub next' style='margin-top:2px;' value='" . __("Go") . "'>";
echo "</form>";
if (is_writable($current_directory)) {
    echo "<td class='datos'><br>";
    $action = 'index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/setup/filemgr&upload_file';
    $into_form = "<input type='hidden' name='directory' value='{$current_directory}'>";
    print_input_file_progress($action, $into_form, '', 'sub next', false);
    echo "</table>";
} else {
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<h3 class='error'>" . __('Current directory is not writtable by HTTP Server') . "</h3>";
    echo '<p>';
    echo __('Please check that current directory has write rights for HTTP server');
    echo "</p>";
echo "<h1>" . __("Current directory") . " : " . $current_directory . " <a href='index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/setup/filemgr&directory={$current_directory}'><img src='images/arrow_refresh.png' border=0 title='" . __('Refresh') . "'></a></h1>";
// Upload form
// List files
$directoryHandler = "";
$result = array();
if (!($directoryHandler = @opendir($current_directory))) {
    echo "<pre>\nerror: directory \"{$current_directory}\" doesn't exist!\n</pre>\n";
print_submit_button (__('Add'), 'add_workunit_button', false, 'style="margin-top:4px;" class="sub create"');
echo "</div>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</div>";

echo "<div style='width:$width;display:none;' id='form_file' class='form_tabs'>";
$action = '';
$into_form = print_input_hidden ('id', $incident_id, true);
$into_form .= print_input_hidden ('upload_file', 1, true);
$into_form .= print_textarea ('description', 2, 10, '', '', true, __('Description'));
$into_form .= "<div style='text-align:right;'>";
$into_form .= print_button (__('Upload'), 'add_file', false, '', 'style="margin-top:4px;" class="action_btn sub upload"', true);
$into_form .= "</div>";
echo '<b>'.__('File').'</b>';
echo '<br>'.print_input_file_progress($action, $into_form, 'id="form-add-file"', 'sub next', 'button-add_file', true);
echo "</div>";

echo '<div id="loading" style="width:60%;margin-top:20;display:none;">'.__('Loading').'...</div>';

echo '<div id="details_data" class="tab_data"></div>';
echo '<div id="workunits_data" class="tab_data"></div>';
echo '<div id="files_data" class="tab_data"></div>';

// Div with the active tab name in all moment
echo "<div id='active_tab' style='display:none'>$active_tab</div>";
// Div with the incident id in all moment
echo "<div id='incident_id' style='display:none'>$incident_id</div>";
    $action = "index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_cost&id_task={$id_task}&id_project={$id_project}";
    $table->id = 'cost_form';
    $table->width = '90%';
    $table->class = 'listing';
    $table->size = array();
    $table->data = array();
    $table->data[0][0] = __('Bill ID');
    $table->data[0][1] = print_input_text('bill_id', $bill_id, '', 15, 50, true);
    $table->data[1][0] = __('Amount');
    $table->data[1][1] = print_input_text('amount', $amount, '', 10, 20, true);
    $table->data[2][0] = __('Description');
    $table->data[2][1] = print_input_text('description', $description, '', 60, 250, true);
    $table->data[3][0] = __('Attach a file');
    $table->data[3][1] = '__UPLOAD_CONTROL__';
    $into_form = print_table($table, true);
    $into_form .= '<div class="button" style="width: ' . $table->width . '">';
    if ($operation == "") {
        $into_form .= print_button(__('Add'), "crt", false, '', 'class="sub next"', true);
        $into_form .= print_input_hidden('operation', "add", true);
        $button_name = "button-crt";
    } else {
        $into_form .= print_input_hidden('id', $id_profile, true);
        $into_form .= print_input_hidden('update_profile', 1, true);
        $into_form .= print_button(__('Update'), "upd", false, '', 'class="sub upd"', true);
        $button_name = "button-upd";
    $into_form .= "</div>";
    print_input_file_progress($action, $into_form, 'id="form-add-file"', 'sub next', $button_name, false, '__UPLOAD_CONTROL__');
    echo "</div>";