echo createDeleteIcon('deleteProposal', '../submit/deleteProposal.php', "proposalId={$itemId}", "Proposal");
<div id='formDiv' class='table'>
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-left.gif" width="8" height="7" alt="" class="left" />
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-right.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" class="right" />
	<table class="listing form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<th colspan='2'>Item Information</th>
$flag = true;
$estimateLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_ESTIMATE, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($itemInfo['fakeprojectId'], 'estimate'));
$customerLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_CUSTOMER, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($itemInfo['customerId'], 'customer'));
$supplierLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_SUPPLIER, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($itemInfo['supplierId'], 'supplier'));
$vendorLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_VENDOR, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($itemInfo['vendorId'], 'vendor'));
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Item Id', $itemInfo['fakeitemId']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Customer', $itemInfo['customerId'] . " " . $itemInfo['customerName'], $customerLink);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Project', $itemInfo['fakeprojectId'] . " " . $itemInfo['fakeprojectName'], $estimateLink);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Vendor', $itemInfo['vendorName'], $vendorLink);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Supplier', $itemInfo['supplierName'], $supplierLink);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Material', $itemInfo['materialName']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'From', $itemInfo['itemDisplayFrom']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'To', $itemInfo['itemDisplayTo']);
echo createEditIcon('editProject', '../nyros/editProject.php', "projectId={$projectId}", "Project");
echo createDeleteIcon('deleteProject', '../submit/deleteProject.php', "projectId={$projectId}", "Project");
<div id='formDiv' class='table'>
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-left.gif" width="8" height="7" alt="" class="left" />
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-right.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" class="right" />
	<table class="listing form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<th colspan='2'>Project Information</th>
$flag = true;
$customerLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_CUSTOMER, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($projectInfo['customerId'], 'customer'));
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Project Id', $projectInfo['projectId']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Project Name', $projectInfo['projectName']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Address', $customerInfo['addressLine1']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Address', $customerInfo['addressCity'] . ", " . $customerInfo['addressState'] . " " . $customerInfo['addressZip']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Customer', $projectInfo['customerId'] . " " . $projectInfo['customerName'], $customerLink);
$flag = !$flag;
/*echo createEditIcon('editSupplier','../nyros/editCustomerSuperCheck.php',"customerSuperCheckId=$customerSuperCheckId", "Supplier");*/
echo createDeleteIcon('deleteSupplier', '../submit/deleteCustomerSuperCheck.php', "customerSuperCheckId={$customerSuperCheckId}", "Supplier");
<div id='formDiv' class='table'>
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-left.gif" width="8" height="7" alt="" class="left" />
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-right.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" class="right" />
	<table class="listing form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<th colspan='2'>Customer Check Information</th>
$flag = true;
$customerLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_VENDOR, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($customerSuperCheckInfo['customerId'], 'customer'));
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Customer', $customerSuperCheckInfo['customerName'], $customerLink);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Check Number', $customerSuperCheckInfo['customerSuperCheckNumber']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Check Date', to_MDY($customerSuperCheckInfo['customerSuperCheckDate']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Check Registration', to_MDY($customerSuperCheckInfo['customerSuperCheckCreationDate']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Check Amount', "\$ " . decimalPad($customerSuperCheckInfo['customerSuperCheckAmount']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Check Note', $customerSuperCheckInfo['customerSuperCheckNote']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Credit', "\$ " . decimalPad($customerSuperCheckInfo['checkCredit']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createEditIcon('editTruck', '../nyros/editTruck.php', "truckId={$truckId}", "Truck");
echo createDeleteIcon('deleteTruck', '../submit/deleteTruck.php', "truckId={$truckId}", "Truck");
<div id='formDiv' class='table'>
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-left.gif" width="8" height="7" alt="" class="left" />
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-right.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" class="right" />
	<table class="listing form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<th colspan='2'>Driver Information</th>
$flag = true;
$brokerLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_BROKER, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($truckInfo['brokerId'], 'broker'));
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Truck Number', $truckInfo['brokerPid'] . " " . $truckInfo['truckNumber']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Broker', $truckInfo['brokerName'], $brokerLink);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Driver', $truckInfo['truckDriver']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Plates', $truckInfo['truckPlates']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Brand', $truckInfo['truckBrand']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Year/Model', $truckInfo['truckYear']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Tire Size', $truckInfo['truckTireSize']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Additional Info', $truckInfo['truckInfo']);
			<th>Amount to Pay</th>
$reportTotal = getInvoiceTotal($reportId, $conexion);
$paidTotal = getInvoicePaid($reportId, $conexion);
$balance = decimalPad($reportTotal - $paidTotal);
$invoiceInfo = getCustomerInvoiceInfo($conexion, $reportId);
$flag = true;
$credits = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customer_credit JOIN customer_super_check USING (customerSuperCheckId) WHERE\tcustomerId = '" . $invoiceInfo['customerId'] . "'", $conexion);
while ($credit = mysql_fetch_assoc($credits)) {
    $creditValue = decimalPad($credit['customerCreditAmount']);
    echo printRow(($flag ? "class='bg'" : "") . " rowId='F" . $reportId . "W" . $credit['customerSuperCheckId'] . "' ", array($credit['customerSuperCheckNumber'], $creditValue, createInputText("paymentF" . $reportId . "W" . $credit['customerSuperCheckId'], '', "size='10px'", decimalPad($creditValue > $balance ? $balance : $creditValue)), createInputText("dateF" . $reportId . "W" . $credit['customerSuperCheckId'], "", "size='10px'", to_MDY($credit['customerSuperCheckDate'])), createInputHidden("checkF" . $reportId . "W" . $credit['customerSuperCheckId'], "", "size='10px'", $credit['customerSuperCheckId']) . " " . createInputHidden("numberF" . $reportId . "W" . $credit['customerSuperCheckId'], "", "size='10px'", $credit['customerSuperCheckNumber']) . " " . printImgLink(IMG_PAY, "customerPayable", "Pay with check " . $credit['customerSuperCheckNumber'], ' width="22" height="22"')));
    $flag = !$flag;
    //createInputText($id, $name = '', $attributes = '', $startingValue ='')
echo printRow(($flag ? "class='bg'" : "") . " rowId='F" . $reportId . "W0' ", array("Cash", "N/A", createInputText("paymentF" . $reportId . "W0", '', "size='10px'", decimalPad($balance)), createInputText("dateF" . $reportId . "W0", "", "size='10px'", date('m/d/Y')), createInputHidden("checkF" . $reportId . "W0", '', "size='10px'", "0") . " " . createInputHidden("numberF" . $reportId . "W0", '', "size='10px'", "Cash") . " " . printImgLink(IMG_PAY, "customerPayable", "Pay with cash", ' width="22" height="22"')));
echo createSimpleButton('submitButton', 'Submit');
<div id='formDiv' class='table'>
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-left.gif" width="8" height="7" alt="" class="left" />
	<img src="/mfi/img/bg-th-right.gif" width="7" height="7" alt="" class="right" />
	<table class="listing form" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
			<th colspan='2'>FuelLoad Information</th>
$flag = true;
$brokerLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_BROKER, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($fuelLoadInfo['brokerId'], 'broker'));
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Fuel Load Id', $fuelLoadInfo['fuelLoadId']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Broker', $fuelLoadInfo['brokerName'], $brokerLink);
$flag = !$flag;
if ($fuelLoadInfo['truckNumber'] != null) {
    $truckLink = printImgLink(IMG_VIEW, NYRO_CLASS, TITLE_VIEW_TRUCK, createGenericNyroableAttributesSmall($fuelLoadInfo['truckId'], 'truck'));
    echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Truck', $fuelLoadInfo['brokerPid'] . "-" . $fuelLoadInfo['truckNumber'], $brokerLink);
    $flag = !$flag;
} else {
    echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Truck', $fuelLoadInfo['truckNumber']);
    $flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Date', to_MDY($fuelLoadInfo['fuelLoadDate']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Start', $fuelLoadInfo['fuelLoadStart']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Finish', $fuelLoadInfo['fuelLoadFinish']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Reistered', $fuelLoadInfo['fuelLoadRegistered']);
$flag = !$flag;
echo printTuple($flag ? '' : "class='bg'", 'Mileage', $fuelLoadInfo['fuelLoadMileage']);