function createMeasure($x, $y, $theLayer, $themeasure, $npadata, $theFeature) { global $pdf, $json, $bgdata, $targetLayer, $featureUniverse; //, $substrYear, $yearSuffix; // // //this block wordwraps // $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,45); // $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10); // $pdf->Ln(5); // $pdf->Cell(0.3);$pdf->Write(0.2,WordWrap("themeasure = ".$npadata[$themeasure.$theDate], 75)); // //value and title $pdf->SetTextColor(10, 0, 128); $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->Link($x, $y, 3.5, 0.22, '' . $theLayer . '/' . $themeasure . '/' . $theFeature); //.$substrYear.'/'.$theLayer.'/'.$themeasure.'/'.$theFeature); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BU', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.22, utf8_decode($json[$themeasure]['title']), 0, "L"); // $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $npadata[$json[$themeasure]['field']] . " " . utf8_decode($json[$themeasure]['title']), 0, "L"); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Ln(0.07000000000000001); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $targetLayer . " Value: " . prettyData($npadata[$themeasure], $themeasure), 0, "L"); //.$yearSuffix], $themeasure), 0, "L"); $pdf->Ln(0.04); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $featureUniverse . " Average: " . getCountyAverage($themeasure), 0, "L"); // $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $npadata[$json[$themeasure]['field']] . " " . utf8_decode($json[$themeasure]['title']), 0, "L"); // what it is $pdf->Ln(0.15); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->Write(0, "What is this Indicator?"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure]['description'])), 0, "L"); // // why it's important $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->Write(0, "Why is this Important?"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure]['importance'])), 0, "L"); // about the data $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->Write(0, "About the Data"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure]['tech_notes'])) . "\n\n" . utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure]['source'])), 0, "L"); }
function createMeasure($x, $y, $theLayer, $themeasure, $theID) { global $pdf, $json, $npadata, $bgdata; // value and title $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->Link($x, $y, 3.5, 0.15, '' . $theLayer . '/' . $themeasure . '/' . $theID); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, prettyData($npadata[$json[$themeasure]["field"]], $themeasure) . " " . utf8_decode($json[$themeasure][title]), 0, "L"); // what it is $pdf->Ln(0.15); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->Write(0, "What is this Indicator?"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure][description])), 0, "L"); // why it's important $pdf->Ln(0.15); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->Write(0, "Why is this Important?"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure][importance])), 0, "L"); // about the data $pdf->Ln(0.15); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->Write(0, "About the Data"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure][tech_notes])) . "\n\n" . utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$themeasure][source])), 0, "L"); }
function createMeasure($x, $y, $theLayer, $themeasure, $featuredata, $theFeature) { global $pdf, $json, $bgdata, $targetLayer, $featureUniverse, $substrYear, $yearSuffix; // // //this block wordwraps // $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,45); // $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10); // $pdf->Ln(5); // $pdf->Cell(0.3);$pdf->Write(0.2,WordWrap("themeasure = ".$featuredata[$themeasure.$theDate], 75)); // //this block wordwraps // $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,45); // $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10); // $pdf->Ln(5); // $pdf->Cell(0.3);$pdf->Write(0.2,WordWrap("theOID = ".implode(" ",$featuredata), 75)); $measureRoot = substr($themeasure, 0, -3); $thisMeasure = $measureRoot . $yearSuffix; // //value and title $pdf->SetTextColor(10, 0, 128); $pdf->SetY($y); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->Link($x, $y, 3.5, 0.22, '' . $substrYear . '/' . $theLayer . '/' . $measureRoot . '/' . $theFeature); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BU', 12); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.22, utf8_decode($json[$thisMeasure]['title']), 0, "L"); // $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $featuredata[$json[$themeasure]['field']] . " " . utf8_decode($json[$themeasure]['title']), 0, "L"); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Ln(0.07000000000000001); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); // $keys = array('red', 'green', 'blue'); // $values = array('car', 'bike', 'truck'); // $finalArray = array(); // $finalArray = array_combine($keys, $values); // $red = 'POP_14'; //TODO - fix this $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $targetLayer . " Value: " . prettyData($featuredata, $thisMeasure), 0, "L"); // $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $targetLayer." Value: ".);//prettyData($featuredata[$themeasure.$yearSuffix], $themeasure), 0, "L"); //TODO - fix this too $pdf->Ln(0.04); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $featureUniverse . " Average: " . getCountyAverage($featuredata, $thisMeasure), 0, "L"); // $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $featureUniverse." Average: ".getCountyAverage($themeasure), 0, "L"); // $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, $featuredata[$json[$themeasure]['field']] . " " . utf8_decode($json[$themeasure]['title']), 0, "L"); // // what it is $pdf->Ln(0.15); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->Write(0, "What is this Indicator?"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$thisMeasure]['description'])), 0, "L"); // // why it's important $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->Write(0, "Why is this Important?"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$thisMeasure]['importance'])), 0, "L"); // about the data $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 9); $pdf->Write(0, "About the Data"); $pdf->Ln(0.1); $pdf->SetX($x); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(3.5, 0.15, utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$thisMeasure]['tech_notes'])) . "\n\n" . utf8_decode(strip_tags($json[$thisMeasure]['source'])), 0, "L"); }