if (isset($modules_online[$name]['version'])) { $vercomp = version_compare_freepbx($modules_local[$name]['version'], $modules_online[$name]['version']); if (!EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT) { if ($vercomp < 0) { echo '<input type="radio" id="upgrade_' . prep_id($name) . '" name="moduleaction[' . prep_id($name) . ']" value="upgrade" /> ' . '<label for="upgrade_' . prep_id($name) . '">' . sprintf(_('Download and Upgrade to %s'), $modules_online[$name]['version']) . '</label> <br />'; } else { $force_msg = $vercomp == 0 ? sprintf(_('Force Download and Install %s'), $modules_online[$name]['version']) : sprintf(_('Force Download and Downgrade to %s'), $modules_online[$name]['version']); echo '<input type="radio" id="force_upgrade_' . prep_id($name) . '" name="moduleaction[' . prep_id($name) . ']" value="force_upgrade" /> ' . '<label for="force_upgrade_' . prep_id($name) . '">' . $force_msg . '</label> <br />'; } } } if (enable_option($name, 'candisable')) { echo '<input type="radio" id="disable_' . prep_id($name) . '" name="moduleaction[' . prep_id($name) . ']" value="disable" /> ' . '<label for="disable_' . prep_id($name) . '">' . _('Disable') . '</label> <br />'; } if (!EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT && enable_option($name, 'canuninstall')) { echo '<input type="radio" id="uninstall_' . prep_id($name) . '" name="moduleaction[' . prep_id($name) . ']" value="uninstall" /> ' . '<label for="uninstall_' . prep_id($name) . '">' . _('Uninstall') . '</label> <br />'; } break; } echo "\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tabbertab\" title=\"" . _("Description") . "\">\n"; if (isset($modules[$name]['publisher'])) { echo "<h5>" . sprintf(_("Publisher: %s"), $modules[$name]['publisher']) . "</h5>"; } echo "<h5>" . sprintf(_("License: %s"), isset($modules[$name]['license']) ? $modules[$name]['license'] : "GPLv2") . "</h5>"; if (isset($modules[$name]['description']) && !empty($modules[$name]['description'])) { echo "<h5>" . sprintf(_("Description for version %s"), $modules[$name]['version']) . "</h5>"; echo nl2br($loc_domain ? dgettext($loc_domain, $modules[$name]['description']) : _($modules[$name]['description'])); } else { echo _("No description is available."); }
?> <tr> <td> <strong><?php echo $release['version']; ?> </strong> </td> <td> <?php echo !empty($release['pretty_change']) ? $release['pretty_change'] : _('No Description'); ?> </td> <td> <a href="config.php?display=modules&action=confirm&online=1&moduleaction[<?php echo prep_id($module['name']); ?> ]=rollback&version=<?php echo $release['version']; ?> " class="btn">Rollback</a> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php } ?>