protected function readCoinInformation($pq_tr) { $coin_data = array(); $img_indexes = array('obverse', 'reverse'); $pq_td = $pq_tr->find('td'); $as = $pq_td->find('a'); foreach ($as as $index => $a) { $pq_a = pq($a); switch ($index) { case 0: case 1: $img_url = $this->fixImageUrl($pq_a->find('img')->attr('src')); $coin_data[$img_indexes[$index]] = $img_url; break; case 2: $coin_data['name'] = $pq_a->text(); $pq_td->find('span, a, br')->remove(); $chr = chr(194) . chr(160); $km = trim(str_replace($chr, ' ', $pq_td->text())); $km = trim(str_replace('Total:', '', $km)); $coin_data['km'] = $km; break; } } return $coin_data; }
public function run() { $content = ob_get_clean(); $formatted = phpQuery::newDocument($content); $imageNodes = pq('img'); foreach ($imageNodes as $imNode) { $imNode = pq($imNode); $imPath = $imNode->attr('src'); $thumbPath = $this->thumbsDir . '/' . basename($imPath); //$thumbPath = dirname($imPath).'/thumbs/'.basename($imPath); // Create thumbnail if not exists if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { $imgObj = Yii::app()->simpleImage->load($imPath); if (!isset($this->thumbHeight)) { $imgObj->resizeToWidth($this->thumbWidth); } else { $imgObj->resize($this->thumbWidth, $this->thumbHeight); } $imgObj->save($thumbPath); } $imNode->wrap('<a href="' . $imPath . '" rel="gallery"></a>'); $imNode->attr('src', Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $thumbPath); } echo $formatted; }
public static function hyphenate($strBuffer) { global $objPage; $arrSkipPages = \Config::get('hyphenator_skipPages'); if (is_array($arrSkipPages) && in_array($objPage->id, $arrSkipPages)) { return $strBuffer; } $o = new \Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Options(); $o->setHyphen(\Config::get('hyphenator_hyphen'))->setDefaultLocale(static::getLocaleFromLanguage($objPage->language))->setRightMin(\Config::get('hyphenator_rightMin'))->setLeftMin(\Config::get('hyphenator_leftMin'))->setWordMin(\Config::get('hyphenator_wordMin'))->setFilters(\Config::get('hyphenator_filter'))->setQuality(\Config::get('hyphenator_quality'))->setTokenizers(\Config::get('hyphenator_tokenizers')); $h = new \Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator(); $h->setOptions($o); $doc = \phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($strBuffer); foreach (pq('body')->find(\Config::get('hyphenator_tags')) as $n => $item) { $strText = pq($item)->html(); // ignore html tags, otherwise ­ will be added to links for example if ($strText != strip_tags($strText)) { continue; } $strText = str_replace('­', '', $strText); // remove manual ­ html entities before $strText = $h->hyphenate($strText); if (is_array($strText)) { $strText = current($strText); } pq($item)->html($strText); } return $doc->htmlOuter(); }
function getHorario() { if($this->horario != null) return $this->horario; parent::process(); $dotw = array('Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado'); $this->horario = array('Lunes' => array() , 'Martes' => array() , 'Miércoles' => array() , 'Jueves' => array() , 'Viernes' => array() , 'Sábado' => array()); foreach(pq('td.dia') as $day => $bloques) { foreach(pq('div', $bloques) as $tmp_bloque) { $bloque = new stdClass(); $bloque->codigo = pq('a', $tmp_bloque)->html(); list(,$tmp_tipo,, $tmp_horario) = pq($tmp_bloque)->contents()->elements; $bloque->tipo = trim(pq($tmp_tipo)->text()); list($bloque->sala, $bloque->hora) = explode(chr(194).chr(160), pq($tmp_horario)->text()); $this->horario[$dotw[$day]][] = $bloque; } } return $this->horario; }
public function get_data() { if (!class_exists('phpQuery')) { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/phpQuery.php'; } $response = wp_remote_get($this->url . '/tags'); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return false; } phpQuery::newDocument($response['body']); $version = false; $zip_url = false; foreach (pq('table.tags') as $tag) { $tag = pq($tag); if (version_compare($tag->text(), $version, '>=')) { $href = $tag->attr('href'); $commit = substr($href, strrpos($href, '/') + 1); $zip_url = $this->url . '/snapshot/' . $commit . '.zip'; $version = $tag->text(); $updated_at = $tag->parent()->prev()->text(); } } $this->new_version = $version; $this->zip_url = $zip_url; $this->updated_at = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($updated_at)); $this->description = pq('div.page_footer_text')->text(); }
public function success($response) { $pq = phpQuery::newDocument($response); foreach ($this->calls as $k => $r) { // check if method exists if (!method_exists(get_class($pq), $r['method'])) { throw new Exception("Method '{$r['method']}' not implemented in phpQuery, sorry..."); // execute method } else { $pq = call_user_func_array(array($pq, $r['method']), $r['arguments']); } } if (!isset($this->options['dataType'])) { $this->options['dataType'] = ''; } switch (strtolower($this->options['dataType'])) { case 'json': if ($pq instanceof PHPQUERYOBJECT) { $results = array(); foreach ($pq as $node) { $results[] = pq($node)->htmlOuter(); } print phpQuery::toJSON($results); } else { print phpQuery::toJSON($pq); } break; default: print $pq; } // output results }
protected function getList() { $this->data['list'] = array(); $ul = $this->q->find('#liste_echanges li'); if ($ul->count() == 0) { return; } $years = $ul->find('ul li'); foreach ($years as $year) { $pq_year = pq($year); $html = trim($pq_year->html()); $year_txt = html_entity_decode(trim(strip_tags(substr($html, 0, strpos($html, ':'))))); $item = array('year' => $year_txt, 'users' => array()); $as = $pq_year->find('a'); foreach ($as as $a) { $pq_a = pq($a); $href = $pq_a->attr('href'); $user_name = $pq_a->text(); $ret = preg_match('|membre\\.php\\?id=([0-9]+)|', $href, $matches); if ($ret == 1 && isset($matches[1])) { $item['users'][] = array('id' => $matches[1], 'name' => $user_name); } } $this->data['list'][] = $item; } }
function getNovedades() { if($this->novedades != null) return $this->novedades; parent::process(); $this->novedades = array(); foreach(pq('') as $item) { $novedad = new stdClass(); $tmp_autor = pq('em', $item); $tmp_autor_i = strpos($tmp_autor, '<a class'); $tmp_autor_f = strpos($tmp_autor, '</a>') + 4; $novedad->texto = pq($item)->children('p'); foreach(pq('a', $novedad->texto) as $href) { $href_url = pq($href)->attr('href'); if(substr($href_url, 0, 2) == 'r/') pq($href)->attr('href', $this->url . $href_url); } foreach(pq('img', $novedad->texto) as $href) { $img_src = pq($href)->attr('src'); if(substr($img_src, 0, 2) == 'r/') pq($href)->attr('src', $this->url . $img_src); } $novedad->texto = mb_convert_encoding(pq($novedad->texto)->html(), 'UTF-8'); $novedad->titulo = trim(pq(pq($item)->children('h1'))->text()); $novedad->fecha = trim(substr($tmp_autor, $tmp_autor_f)); $novedad->autor = new stdClass(); $novedad->autor->nombre = pq(substr($tmp_autor, $tmp_autor_i, $tmp_autor_f - $tmp_autor_i + 1))->html(); $novedad->autor->avatar = pq('img')->attr('src'); $this->novedades[] = $novedad; } return $this->novedades; }
public function &__get($key) { if (isset($this->data[$key])) { return $this->data[$key]; } elseif (isset($this->data['organization'][$key])) { return $this->data['organization'][$key]; } elseif (method_exists($this, '_load_' . $key)) { $func = '_load_' . $key; return $this->{$func}(); } elseif (isset($this->form_object)) { switch ($key) { case 'organization': $this->data['organization']['id'] = pq('id')->text(); $this->data['organization']['short_name'] = pq('short_name')->text(); return $this->data['organization']; case 'id': $this->data['organization']['id'] = pq('id')->text(); return $this->data['organization']['id']; case 'short_name': $this->data['organization']['short_name'] = pq('short_name')->text(); return $this->data['organization']['short_name']; default: $this->data[$key] = pq($key)->text(); return $this->data[$key]; } //end switch } //end elseif return null; }
public function getLinkContent() { require_once './ThinkPHP/Library/Vendor/Collection/phpQuery.php'; $link = op_t(I('post.url')); $content = get_content_by_url($link); $charset = preg_match("/<meta.+?charset=[^\\w]?([-\\w]+)/i", $content, $temp) ? strtolower($temp[1]) : "utf-8"; \phpQuery::$defaultCharset = $charset; \phpQuery::newDocument($content); $title = pq("meta[name='title']")->attr('content'); if (empty($title)) { $title = pq("title")->html(); } $title = iconv($charset, "UTF-8", $title); $keywords = pq("meta[name='keywords'],meta[name='Keywords']")->attr('content'); $description = pq("meta[name='description'],meta[name='Description']")->attr('content'); $url = parse_url($link); $img = pq("img")->eq(0)->attr('src'); if (is_bool(strpos($img, 'http://'))) { $img = 'http://' . $url['host'] . $img; } $title = text($title); $description = text($description); $keywords = text($keywords); $return['title'] = $title; $return['img'] = $img; $return['description'] = empty($description) ? $title : $description; $return['keywords'] = empty($keywords) ? $title : $keywords; exit(json_encode($return)); }
/** * Process emoticons inside a string * @since Version 3.10.0 * @param string|DOMDocument $string The HTML or text block to process * @param boolean $doEmoticons Boolean flag for processing or skipping emoticons * @return DOMDocument */ public static function Process($string, $doEmoticons = true) { if (!$doEmoticons) { return $string; } $emojiOne = new EmojioneClient(new EmoticonsRuleset()); $emojiOne->ascii = true; $string = $emojiOne->toImage($string); $attr = "data-sceditor-emoticon"; $timer = Debug::getTimer(); if (is_string($string)) { $string = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($string); } //phpQuery::selectDocument($doc); // Remove #tinymce and .mceContentBody tags foreach (pq('img') as $e) { if (pq($e)->attr($attr)) { $emoticon = pq($e)->attr($attr); if (strlen($emoticon) > 0) { pq($e)->replaceWith(str_replace('\\"', "", $emoticon)); } } } Debug::LogEvent(__METHOD__, $timer); return $string; }
/** * @see HtmlComponent */ public final function RenderImpl() { $tag = $this->getTag('table'); pq($tag)->append($this->renderHeader()); pq($tag)->append($this->renderData()); pq($tag)->append($this->renderFooter()); }
function getNotas() { if($this->cursos != null) return $this->cursos; parent::process(); $this->cursos = array(); $identifier = null; foreach(pq('table > *:not(thead)') as $bloques) { if ($bloques->tagName == 'tr') { if(!$identifier) { $identifier = pq('td', $bloques)->text(); } } else { $identifier = $identifier ? $identifier : ''; if (!isset($this->notas[$identifier])) $this->notas[$identifier] = array(); foreach(pq('tr', $bloques) as $tr) { $curso = new stdClass(); $curso->id = pq('td:nth-child(3)', $tr)->html(); $curso->nombre = mb_convert_encoding(pq('td:nth-child(4) > a', $tr)->html(), 'UTF-8'); $curso->url = pq('td:nth-child(4) > a', $tr)->attr('href'); $curso->cargo = UcursosScrapper::toUserType(pq('td:nth-child(1) > img', $tr)->attr('title')); $curso->institucion = new stdClass(); $curso->institucion->nombre = pq('td:nth-child(2) > img', $tr)->attr('title'); $curso->institucion->icono = pq('td:nth-child(2) > img', $tr)->attr('src'); $this->cursos[$identifier][] = $curso; } $identifier = null; } } return $this->cursos; }
private function createPost(\phpQueryObject $form) { $result = []; foreach ($form->find('input, select, checkbox, textarea') as $input) { $el = pq($input); if (($value = $el->attr('example')) || ($value = $el->attr('value'))) { $result[$el->attr('name')] = $value; continue; } $value = $el->attr('example'); switch ($input->tagName) { case 'input': $this->addInput($el, $result, $value); break; case 'select': $this->addSelect($el, $result, $value); break; case 'checkbox': $this->addCheckbox($el, $result, $value); break; case 'textarea': $this->addTextarea($el, $result, $value); break; } } return $result; }
/** * Implements the getData method */ public function getData() { //request the url $this->request(self::URL); $title = pq('h1.summary:first'); return pq('a', $title)->text(); }
function getBody() { if ($this->parts && $this->body === null) { foreach ($this->parts as $part) { $partNo = $part['partNo']; $encoding = $part['encoding']; $charset = $part['charset']; $body = imap_fetchbody($this->message->getMailbox(), $this->message->getUID(), $partNo, FT_UID); $body = BrIMAP::decode($body, $encoding); if ($charset) { $body = @iconv($charset, 'UTF-8', $body); } $body = trim($body); $body = preg_replace('~<head[^>]*?>.*?</head>~ism', '', $body); $body = preg_replace('~<meta[^>]*?>~ism', '', $body); $body = preg_replace('~<base[^>]*?>~ism', '', $body); $body = preg_replace('~<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>~ism', '', $body); if ($this->isHTML && $body) { try { $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($body); $bodyTag = $doc->find('body'); if ($bodyTag->length() > 0) { $body = trim(pq($bodyTag)->html()); } else { $body = trim($doc->html()); } phpQuery::unloadDocuments(); } catch (Exception $e) { } } $this->body .= $body; } } return $this->body; }
function search_query($kw) { $wf = new Workflows(); $url = '' . urlencode($kw) . '&orderby=&formsubmit='; $content = $wf->request($url, array(CURLOPT_ENCODING => 1)); $doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($content); $list = $doc->find('li.l'); $i = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { $link = pq($item)->children('a:first')->attr('href'); if (strpos($link, 'http') !== 0) { $link = '' . $link; } $info = pq($item)->find(' > i'); $author = pq($item)->find('a.upper:first')->text(); $view = $info->eq(0)->text(); $comment = $info->eq(1)->text(); $bullet = $info->eq(2)->text(); $save = $info->eq(3)->text(); $date = $info->eq(4)->text(); $subtitle = 'UP主:' . $author . ' 播放:' . $view . ' 评论:' . $comment . ' 弹幕:' . $bullet . ' 收藏:' . $save . ' 日期:' . $date; $wf->result($i, $link, pq($item)->find('div.t:first')->text(), $subtitle, 'icon.png', 'yes'); $i++; } if (count($wf->results()) == 0) { $wf->result('0', $url, '在bilibili.tv中搜索', $kw, 'icon.png', 'yes'); } return $wf->toxml(); }
public function finish() { phpQuery::newDocumentFileHTML($this->downloadUrl, $this->charset); $nodeCount = pq("#list2")->count(); $articleList = pq("#list2 tr"); echo "Start\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->loop; $i++) { echo '='; } echo "\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($articleList as $tr) { $i++; if ($i <= 1) { # Filter the first node which has no meaning. continue; } $className = $tr->nodeValue; # This class order and its name. $classNameCombine = explode(' ', $className); $j = 0; $this->content[$i - 1]['chapterName'] = ''; foreach ($classNameCombine as $k => $v) { # Put all class order and its name into $this->content array. $v = trim($v); if (empty($v)) { continue; } $j++; if ($j == 1) { $this->content[$i - 1]['chapterId'] = $v; } else { $this->content[$i - 1]['chapterName'] .= $v . " "; } } $child = pq("td", $tr)->html(); $trueContent = explode(' ', $child); $linkString = ''; foreach ($trueContent as $k => $v) { $v = trim($v); if (empty($v)) { continue; } if ($v == "<a") { $linkString = $v . ' ' . $trueContent[$k + 1]; break; } } $urls = explode("\"", $linkString); $this->content[$i - 1]['link'] = $urls[1]; // $name = explode("<", $urls[2]); // $name = substr($name[0], 1); // $this->content[$i-1]['name'] = $name; } var_dump($this->content); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->loop; $i++) { echo '='; } echo "\nFinished! \n"; }
function service($nik) { $default = ['wilayah_id' => '0', 'g-recaptcha-response' => '000', 'cmd' => 'Cari.', 'page' => '', 'nik_global' => $nik]; $params = $default; $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); $res = $client->request('POST', '', ['form_params' => $params]); $html = $res->getBody(); $startsAt = strpos($html, '<body onload="loadPage()">') + strlen('<body onload="loadPage()">'); $endsAt = strpos($html, '</body>', $startsAt); $result = substr($html, $startsAt, $endsAt - $startsAt); // return $html; $dom = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($result); // return $dom; $result = []; foreach (pq('div.form') as $content) { $key = snake(preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x80-\\xFF]/', '', rtrim(trim(pq($content)->find('.label')->eq(0)->html()), ':'))); $value = preg_replace('/[\\x00-\\x1F\\x80-\\xFF]/', '', rtrim(trim(pq($content)->find('.field')->eq(0)->html()), ':')); if (empty($key)) { continue; } $result[$key] = $value; } if (!empty($result)) { echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'message' => 'Success', 'data' => $result]); } else { http_response_code(400); echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'message' => 'Data tidak ditemukan']); } }
function testShowData() { $handler = new Doku_Handler(); $xhtml = new Doku_Renderer_xhtml(); $plugin = new syntax_plugin_data_entry(); $result = $plugin->handle($this->exampleEntry, 0, 10, $handler); $plugin->_showData($result, $xhtml); $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($xhtml->doc); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('div.inline.dataplugin_entry.projects', $doc)->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.type')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.type')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.volume')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.volume')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.employee')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.employee')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.customer')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.customer')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.deadline')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.deadline')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.server')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.server')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.task')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.task')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dt.tests')->length); $this->assertEquals(1, pq('dl dd.tests')->length); }
function getAllSubCategories($filename) { $categories = unserialize(file_get_contents($filename)); echo "---- run getAllSubCategories() ----\n\r"; foreach ($categories as $j => $category) { if ($category['childrens']) { foreach ($category['childrens'] as $k => $children) { echo "---- crawling childrens for {$children['name']} ----\n\r"; $doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML(fetch('' . $children['link'])); phpQuery::selectDocument($doc); foreach (pq('.shop-by-category li') as $el) { echo "---- " . pq($el)->find('a')->attr('href') . "} ----\n\r"; $childrens[] = array('name' => pq($el)->find('a')->data('name'), 'link' => pq($el)->find('a')->attr('href')); } $categories[$j]['childrens'][$k]['childrens'] = $childrens; } } } echo "---- creating deparment file ----\n\r"; $file = fopen($filename, 'w+'); echo "---- writing deparment file ----\n\r"; fputs($file, serialize($categories)); echo "---- closing deparment file ----\n\r"; fclose($file); }
function insert_to_vm_panda($id_category, $UURRLL) { global $conn; pq_page($UURRLL); $res_items = pq('ul.products-grid>li'); foreach ($res_items as $item) { try { $ii = pq($item); $hhq = $ii->html(); $productUrl = $ii->find('a.product-image')->attr('href'); $sql1 = "select count(*) as count from _products where url='{$productUrl}' limit 1"; $res = run_sql($sql1); // $res = mysql_query($sql1, $conn)or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());; $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($data[count] == 0) { $imgSmallUrl = $ii->find("img")->attr('taikoo_lazy_src'); $product_name = $ii->find('.product-name>a')->text(); $product_sql = "INSERT _products (url, ids_category, name, img_small, status)\n VALUES ('{$productUrl}', {$id_category}, '{$product_name}', '{$imgSmallUrl}', 1)"; run_sql($product_sql); } else { $sql1 = "select * from _products where url='{$productUrl}' limit 1"; $res = run_sql($sql1); $data2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $category_old_value = (string) $data2[ids_category]; $sql = " UPDATE _products SET ids_category='{$category_old_value},{$id_category}' WHERE url='{$productUrl}'"; run_sql($sql); } } catch (Exception $exc) { echo $exc->getTraceAsString(); } } return $res; }
public function getAllData() { $url = $this->getWebsiteUrl(); $parser = new Parser(); $html = $parser->getHtml($url); phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($html); $data = array(); $data['logo'] = $this->getLogo(); $data['sitename'] = ""; foreach (pq(".box") as $item) { $class_Discount_bg = pq($item)->find(".dealimgst"); $href = pq($class_Discount_bg)->find("a")->attr("href"); $href = '' . $href; $actual_price = trim(pq($item)->find(".dlpristrk")->text()); $actual_price = (int) preg_replace('~\\D~', '', $actual_price); $img_src = pq($class_Discount_bg)->find("img")->attr("src"); $price = trim(pq($item)->find(".hgtlgtorg")->text()); $price = (int) preg_replace('~\\D~', '', $price); $off_percent = $actual_price - $price; $off_percent = number_format($off_percent) . "/-"; $price = number_format($price) . "/-"; $name = trim(pq($item)->find(".deallstit>a")->text()); //$time_left = pq($item)->find(".countdown_row")->text(); $data[] = array('name' => $name, 'href' => $href, 'price' => 'Rs.' . $price, 'image' => $img_src, 'off' => 'Rs.' . $off_percent); } return $data; }
/** * Implements the getData method */ public function getData() { //request the url $this->request(self::URL); $title = pq('div#content div.newsItem h1:first'); echo pq('a', $title)->text(); }
public function testFind() { $htmlPath = BASE_PATH . '/samples/zingmp3_playlist.html'; $document = phpQuery::newDocumentFile($htmlPath); $matches = $document->find('.item-song a.fn-name'); $item = pq($matches[0]); $this->assertEquals('', $item->attr('href'), "Attribute and Value are not found"); }
public function assignPageContent(\phpQueryObject $_) { parent::assignPageContent($_); $this->_seasons = []; foreach ($_['a[href^="/title/' . $this->_id . '/episodes?season="]'] as $seasonLink) { $this->_seasons[] = (int) pq($seasonLink)->text(); } }
function moegirl_analysis($text) { $content = file_get_contents(moegirl_url($text)); $doc = phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($content); phpQuery::selectDocument($doc); $ansList = pq(".NetDicBody"); $ans = 0; }
public function qihoo() { set_time_limit(0); import('Org.JAE.QueryList'); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); $page = 7600; $isend = false; while (true) { if ($isend) { break; } ob_end_flush(); echo $page . "<br/>"; flush(); $listurl = "" . $page . "%0A&qid=1433735543"; $page++; $pagecontent = \phpQuery::newDocumentFile($listurl); $results = pq('li a')->find(); if (empty($results)) { continue; } foreach ($results as $result) { $url = pq($result)->attr('href'); $url = "" . $url; $iscollect = D('ClCollect')->findUrl($url); if ($iscollect) { continue; } $content = \phpQuery::newDocumentFile($url); $title = pq('.js-ask-title')->text(); if (empty($title)) { continue; } $answer = pq('.resolved-cnt')->text(); $data['question_title'] = $title; $data['question_detail'] = $title; $data['published_uid'] = 0; $data['game_id'] = 7; $data['anonymous'] = 1; $data['is_recommend'] = 1; $Question = D('AsQuestion'); $question_id = $Question->addQuestion($data); if ($question_id) { $answer = trim($answer, "\r\n\t"); $adata['question_id'] = $question_id; $adata['answer_content'] = $answer; $adata['anonymous'] = 1; $answer_id = D('AsAnswer')->addAnswer($adata); D('AsQuestion')->saveCollectAnswer($question_id, $answer_id); $this->sendToBaidu($question_id); } $cdata['url'] = $url; $cdata['site'] = "360"; D('ClCollect')->addCollect($cdata); } } return; }
protected function _processHtml($return_raw, &$np) { // Query document for tables with stream data. $pq = \phpQuery::newDocument($return_raw); $mounts = array(); $tables_1 = $pq->find('table:has(td.streamdata)'); if ($tables_1->length > 0) { $tables = $tables_1; $table_selector = 'td.streamdata'; } else { return false; } foreach ($tables as $table) { $streamdata = pq($table)->find($table_selector); $mount = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($streamdata as $cell) { $pq_cell = pq($cell); $cell_name = $pq_cell->prev()->html(); $cell_name_clean = preg_replace('/[^\\da-z_]/i', '', str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($cell_name))); $cell_value = trim($pq_cell->html()); if (!empty($cell_name_clean) && !empty($cell_value)) { $mount[$cell_name_clean] = $cell_value; } $i++; } $mounts[] = $mount; } if (count($mounts) == 0) { return false; } $active_mounts = array(); foreach ($mounts as $mount) { if (count($mount) >= 9) { $active_mounts[] = $mount; } } if (count($active_mounts) == 0) { return false; } // Sort in descending order of listeners. usort($active_mounts, function ($a, $b) { $a_list = (int) $a[5]; $b_list = (int) $b[5]; if ($a_list == $b_list) { return 0; } else { return $a_list > $b_list ? -1 : 1; } }); $temp_array = $active_mounts[0]; $np['current_song'] = $this->getSongFromString($temp_array['current_song'], ' - '); $np['meta']['status'] = 'online'; $np['meta']['bitrate'] = $temp_array['bitrate']; $np['meta']['format'] = $temp_array['content_type']; $np['listeners']['current'] = (int) $temp_array['current_listeners']; return true; }
public function getAnyImg($page, $selectors, $return, $dop) { $result = ''; $html = phpQuery::newDocument($page); foreach ($html->find($selectors) as $e) { $result .= pq($e)->{$return}($dop); } return $result; }