function define_pattern_caps()
     global $pp_role_defs, $wp_roles, $pp_cap_helper;
     $caps = array();
     foreach (array_keys($pp_role_defs->pattern_roles) as $role_name) {
         if (isset($wp_roles->role_objects[$role_name]->capabilities)) {
             $caps[$role_name] = array_intersect($wp_roles->role_objects[$role_name]->capabilities, array(1, '1', true));
             // if a standard WP role has been deleted, revert to default rolecaps
             if (in_array($role_name, array('subscriber', 'contributor', 'author', 'editor')) && (empty($caps[$role_name]) || !$this->is_valid_pattern_role($role_name, $caps[$role_name]))) {
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/default-rolecaps_pp.php';
                 $caps[$role_name] = PP_Default_Rolecaps::get_default_rolecaps($role_name);
     $caps = apply_filters('pp_pattern_role_caps', $caps);
     $type_obj = get_post_type_object('post');
     $type_caps = array();
     $type_caps['post'] = array_diff_key(get_object_vars($type_obj->cap), array_fill_keys(array('read_post', 'edit_post', 'delete_post'), true));
     //foreach( $type_caps['post'] as $prop => $val ) {  // force_distinct_post_caps eliminates need for this
     //  if ( ! is_scalar($val) ) // may be array if running in config mode alongside Role Scoper - TODO: confirm this no longer occurs
     //		$type_caps['post'][$prop] = $prop;
     //	if ( ( 'edit_posts' == $val ) && ( 'edit_posts' != $prop ) )
     //		unset( $type_caps['post'][$prop] );
     $exclude_caps = array_fill_keys(apply_filters('pp_exclude_arbitrary_caps', array('level_0', 'level_1', 'level_2', 'level_3', 'level_4', 'level_5', 'level_6', 'level_7', 'level_8', 'level_9', 'level_10', 'edit_dashboard', 'add_users', 'create_users', 'edit_users', 'list_users', 'promote_users', 'remove_users', 'activate_plugins', 'delete_plugins', 'edit_plugins', 'install_plugins', 'update_plugins', 'delete_themes', 'edit_theme_options', 'edit_themes', 'install_themes', 'switch_themes', 'update_themes', 'export', 'import', 'manage_links', 'manage_categories', 'manage_options', 'update_core', 'pp_manage_settings', 'pp_administer_content', 'pp_unfiltered', 'pp_create_groups', 'pp_delete_groups', 'pp_edit_groups', 'pp_manage_members')), true);
     foreach (pp_get_operations() as $op) {
         $exclude_caps["pp_set_{$op}_exceptions"] = true;
         $exclude_caps["pp_set_term_{$op}_exceptions"] = true;
     foreach (array_keys($caps) as $role_name) {
         // log caps defined for the "post" type
         $this->pattern_role_type_caps[$role_name] = array_intersect($type_caps['post'], array_keys($caps[$role_name]));
         // intersect with values of $post_type_obj->cap to account for possible customization of "post" type capabilities
         if (!$this->is_valid_pattern_role($role_name, $this->pattern_role_type_caps[$role_name])) {
             // role has no edit_posts cap stored, so use default rolecaps instead
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/default-rolecaps_pp.php';
             if ($def_caps = PP_Default_Rolecaps::get_default_rolecaps($role_name, false)) {
                 $this->pattern_role_type_caps[$role_name] = array_intersect_key($type_caps['post'], array_combine(array_keys($def_caps), array_keys($def_caps)));
         // log caps not defined for any post type or status
         if ($misc_caps = array_diff_key($caps[$role_name], $pp_cap_helper->all_type_caps, $exclude_caps)) {
             $this->pattern_role_arbitrary_caps[$role_name] = array_combine(array_keys($misc_caps), array_keys($misc_caps));
     do_action('pp_define_pattern_caps', $caps);
function _ppc_count_assigned_exceptions($agent_type, $args = array())
    global $wpdb;
    $defaults = array('query_agent_ids' => false, 'join_groups' => true);
    extract(array_merge($defaults, $args), EXTR_SKIP);
    $item_types = array_merge(pp_get_enabled_post_types(), pp_get_enabled_taxonomies(), pp_get_group_types(array('editable' => true)));
    $type_clause = "AND e.for_item_type IN ('','" . implode("','", $item_types) . "')";
    $type_clause .= " AND e.via_item_type IN ('','" . implode("','", $item_types) . "')";
    $ops_clause = "AND operation IN ('" . implode("','", pp_get_operations()) . "')";
    $count = array();
    $agent_type = pp_sanitize_key($agent_type);
    if ('user' == $agent_type && $join_groups) {
        $results = array();
        foreach (pp_get_group_types(array(), 'object') as $group_type => $gtype_obj) {
            global $wpdb;
            if (!empty($gtype_obj->schema['members'])) {
                // members_table, col_group, col_user
            } else {
                $members_table = $wpdb->pp_group_members;
                $col_member_group = 'group_id';
                $col_member_user = '******';
            $agent_clause = $query_agent_ids ? "AND gm.{$col_member_user} IN ('" . implode("','", (array) $query_agent_ids) . "')" : '';
            if ('groups_only' === $join_groups || 'pp_group' != $group_type) {
                $agent_type_clause = "( e.agent_type = '{$group_type}' AND gm.{$col_member_group} = e.agent_id )";
            } else {
                $agent_type_clause = "( e.agent_type = 'user' AND gm.user_id = e.agent_id ) OR ( e.agent_type = 'pp_group' AND gm.group_id = e.agent_id )";
            $_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT gm.{$col_member_user} as qry_agent_id, e.exception_id, e.for_item_source, e.for_item_type, e.via_item_type, e.operation, COUNT(DISTINCT i.exception_id, i.item_id) AS exc_count FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} AS i INNER JOIN {$wpdb->ppc_exceptions} AS e ON i.exception_id = e.exception_id INNER JOIN {$members_table} AS gm ON ( {$agent_type_clause} ) WHERE i.inherited_from = '0' {$ops_clause} {$type_clause} {$agent_clause} GROUP BY qry_agent_id, e.for_item_source, e.for_item_type, e.operation");
            $results = array_merge($results, $_results);
    } else {
        $agent_clause = $query_agent_ids ? "AND e.agent_id IN ('" . implode("','", (array) $query_agent_ids) . "')" : '';
        $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT e.agent_id AS qry_agent_id, e.exception_id, e.for_item_source, e.for_item_type, e.operation, e.via_item_type, COUNT(DISTINCT i.exception_id, i.item_id) AS exc_count FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} AS i INNER JOIN {$wpdb->ppc_exceptions} AS e ON i.exception_id = e.exception_id WHERE i.inherited_from = '0' AND e.agent_type = '{$agent_type}' {$ops_clause} {$type_clause} {$agent_clause} GROUP BY qry_agent_id, e.for_item_source, e.for_item_type, e.operation");
    foreach ($results as $row) {
        if (!$row->for_item_type) {
            $type_label = '';
        } else {
            if (!($type_obj = pp_get_type_object($row->for_item_source, $row->for_item_type))) {
            $type_label = $type_obj->labels->singular_name;
        if ($op_obj = pp_get_op_object($row->operation, $row->for_item_type)) {
            if ('assign' == $row->operation) {
                if ($tx_obj = get_taxonomy($row->via_item_type)) {
                    $lbl = str_replace('Term', $tx_obj->labels->singular_name, $op_obj->label);
                } else {
                    $lbl = $op_obj->label;
                //$lbl = sprintf( __('%2$s: %1$s', 'pp'), $op_lbl, $type_label );
            } elseif (isset($op_obj->abbrev)) {
                $lbl = $op_obj->abbrev;
            } else {
                $lbl = sprintf(__('%1$s %2$s', 'pp'), $op_obj->label, $type_label);
        } else {
            $lbl = $type_label;
        if (!isset($count[$row->qry_agent_id]['exceptions'][$lbl])) {
            $count[$row->qry_agent_id]['exceptions'][$lbl] = 0;
        $count[$row->qry_agent_id]['exceptions'][$lbl] += $row->exc_count;
        if (!isset($count[$row->qry_agent_id]['exc_count'])) {
            $count[$row->qry_agent_id]['exc_count'] = 0;
        $count[$row->qry_agent_id]['exc_count'] += $row->exc_count;
    return $count;
 public static function get_exceptions($args = array())
     $defaults = array('operations' => array(), 'inherited_from' => '', 'for_item_source' => false, 'via_item_source' => false, 'assign_for' => 'item', 'for_item_status' => false, 'post_types' => true, 'taxonomies' => true, 'item_id' => false, 'agent_type' => '', 'agent_id' => 0, 'query_agent_ids' => array(), 'ug_clause' => '', 'return_raw_results' => false, 'extra_cols' => array(), 'cols' => array());
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $args);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     global $wpdb;
     $except = array();
     $operations = (array) $operations;
     if ($operations) {
         $operations = array_intersect($operations, pp_get_operations());
     } else {
         $operations = pp_get_operations();
     if (!is_array($post_types)) {
         $post_types = pp_get_enabled_post_types();
     if (!is_array($taxonomies)) {
         $taxonomies = pp_get_enabled_taxonomies();
     $default_arr = array('include', 'exclude');
     if (!defined('PP_NO_ADDITIONAL_ACCESS')) {
         $default_arr[] = 'additional';
     $valid_src_types = array('post' => array('post' => array('' => array_fill_keys($default_arr, array_fill_keys($post_types, array()))), 'term' => array()), 'term' => array('term' => array()), 'pp_group' => array('pp_group' => array()));
     if ($add_source_types = apply_filters('pp_add_exception_source_types', array())) {
         // valid return array is arr[for_item_source] = arr[via_item_src][via_item_type] = array('include', 'exclude' )
         $valid_src_types = array_merge($valid_src_types, $add_source_types);
     if ($for_item_source) {
         $for_item_source = array_flip((array) $for_item_source);
         if (!($for_item_sources = array_intersect_key($for_item_source, $valid_src_types))) {
             return array();
     } else {
         $for_item_sources = $valid_src_types;
     $for_item_clauses = array();
     foreach (array_keys($for_item_sources) as $for_src_name) {
         if (isset($valid_src_types[$for_src_name])) {
             foreach ($operations as $op) {
                 $except["{$op}_{$for_src_name}"] = $valid_src_types[$for_src_name];
             $for_types = array();
             foreach (array_keys($valid_src_types[$for_src_name]) as $via_src_name) {
                 if ('post' == $via_src_name) {
                     foreach (array_keys($valid_src_types[$for_src_name][$via_src_name]) as $via_type) {
                         foreach (array_keys($valid_src_types[$for_src_name][$via_src_name][$via_type]) as $mod_type) {
                             $for_types = array_merge($for_types, array_keys($valid_src_types[$for_src_name][$via_src_name][$via_type][$mod_type]));
                 } elseif ('term' == $via_src_name) {
                     if ('term' == $for_src_name) {
                         $for_types = $taxonomies;
                     } else {
                         $for_types = $post_types;
                 } else {
                     $for_types = false;
             if (false === $for_types) {
                 $for_item_clauses[] = "e.for_item_source = '{$for_src_name}'";
             } else {
                 $for_item_clauses[] = "e.for_item_source = '{$for_src_name}' AND e.for_item_type IN ('', '" . implode("','", array_unique($for_types)) . "')";
     if ($type_clause = pp_implode('OR', $for_item_clauses)) {
         $type_clause = "AND ( {$type_clause} )";
     if ($via_item_source) {
         $type_clause .= $wpdb->prepare("AND e.via_item_source = '{$via_item_source}'", $via_item_source);
     if ($agent_type && !$ug_clause) {
         $ug_clause = $wpdb->prepare(" AND e.agent_type = %s AND e.agent_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_map('intval', (array) $agent_id)) . "')", $agent_type);
     $operation_clause = "AND e.operation IN ('" . implode("','", $operations) . "')";
     $mod_clause = defined('PP_NO_ADDITIONAL_ACCESS') ? "AND e.mod_type != 'additional'" : '';
     $assign_for_clause = $assign_for ? $wpdb->prepare("AND i.assign_for = %s", $assign_for) : '';
     $inherited_from_clause = $inherited_from !== '' ? $wpdb->prepare("AND i.inherited_from = %d", $inherited_from) : '';
     $status_clause = false !== $for_item_status ? $wpdb->prepare("AND e.for_item_status = %s", $for_item_status) : '';
     if (!$status_clause && !defined('PPS_VERSION')) {
         $status_clause = "AND e.for_item_status IN ('','post_status:private','post_status:draft')";
     // exceptions for other statuses will not be applied correctly without custom statuses extension
     if (!$cols) {
         $cols = "e.operation, e.for_item_source, e.for_item_type, e.mod_type, e.via_item_source, e.via_item_type, e.for_item_status, i.item_id, i.assign_for";
     $extra_cols_clause = $extra_cols ? ', ' . implode(",", $extra_cols) : '';
     $id_clause = false !== $item_id ? $wpdb->prepare("AND i.item_id = %d", $item_id) : '';
     $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT {$cols}{$extra_cols_clause} FROM {$wpdb->ppc_exceptions} AS e INNER JOIN {$wpdb->ppc_exception_items} AS i ON e.exception_id = i.exception_id WHERE ( 1=1 {$operation_clause} {$assign_for_clause} {$inherited_from_clause} {$mod_clause} {$type_clause} {$status_clause} {$id_clause} ) {$ug_clause}");
     if ($return_raw_results) {
         return $results;
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         // note: currently only additional access can be status-specific
         $except["{$row->operation}_{$row->for_item_source}"][$row->via_item_source][$row->via_item_type][$row->mod_type][$row->for_item_type][$row->for_item_status][] = $row->item_id;
     return $except;
function pp_get_op_object($operation, $post_type = '')
    static $operations;
    if (!isset($operations)) {
        $op_captions = apply_filters('pp_operation_captions', array('read' => (object) array('label' => __('Read'), 'noun_label' => __('Reading', 'pp'))));
        $operations = array_intersect_key($op_captions, array_fill_keys(pp_get_operations(), true));
    $op_obj = isset($operations[$operation]) ? (object) (array) $operations[$operation] : false;
    // deference op_obj from static array so type-specific filtering is not memcached
    return apply_filters('pp_operation_object', $op_obj, $operation, $post_type);