function _thumb_media_id($cover_id) { $cover = get_cover($cover_id); $driver = C('PICTURE_UPLOAD_DRIVER'); if ($driver != 'Local' && !file_exists(SITE_PATH . $cover['path'])) { // 先把图片下载到本地 $pathinfo = pathinfo(SITE_PATH . $cover['path']); mkdirs($pathinfo['dirname']); $content = wp_file_get_contents($cover['url']); $res = file_put_contents(SITE_PATH . $cover['path'], $content); if ($res) { return ''; } } $path = $cover['path']; if (!$path) { return ''; } $param['type'] = 'thumb'; $param['media'] = '@' . realpath(SITE_PATH . $path); $url = '' . get_access_token(); $res = post_data($url, $param, true); if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] != 0) { return ''; } $map['cover_id'] = $cover_id; $map['manager_id'] = $this->mid; $this->where($map)->setField('thumb_media_id', $res['media_id']); return $res['media_id']; }
/** * get_token gets an edit token * * @return string edit token */ function get_token() { $postdata = http_build_query(array('action' => 'tokens', 'format' => 'json')); $page = post_data($postdata); $token = $page->{'tokens'}->{'edittoken'}; return $token; }
function getDomainInfo() { $url = ''; $config = array('login_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'login_password' => 'pdcxaje127', 'format' => 'json', 'lang' => 'cn', 'error_on_empty' => 'no'); $post_data = post_data($url, $config); return json_decode($post_data, true); }
function move_group($id, $group_id) { is_array($id) || ($id = explode(',', $id)); $data['uid'] = $map['uid'] = array('in', $id); // $data ['group_id'] = $group_id; //TODO 前端微信用户只能有一个微信组 $res = M('auth_group_access')->where($data)->delete(); $data['group_id'] = $group_id; foreach ($id as $uid) { $data['uid'] = $uid; $res = M('auth_group_access')->add($data); // 更新用户缓存 D('Common/User')->getUserInfo($uid, true); } $group = $this->find($group_id); // 同步到微信端 if (C('USER_GROUP') && !empty($group['wechat_group_id'])) { $url = '' . get_access_token(); $map['token'] = get_token(); $follow = M('public_follow')->where($map)->field('openid, uid')->select(); foreach ($follow as $v) { if (empty($v['openid'])) { continue; } $param['openid'] = $v['openid']; $param['to_groupid'] = $group['wechat_group_id']; $param = JSON($param); $res = post_data($url, $param); } } return $group; }
/** * create_notice * * @return string */ function create_notice() { $title = "New Page (" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ")"; $text = "{{Notice d'œuvre\n|titre= \nartiste= \n}}"; // Post new content $postdata = http_build_query(array('action' => 'edit', 'format' => 'json', 'title' => $title, 'text' => $text, 'token' => get_token())); $page = post_data($postdata); return $page->{'edit'}->{'pageid'}; #return 'undefined'; }
function reply($dataArr, $keywordArr = array()) { // addWeixinLog ( $dataArr, 'PublicBindModel' ); if ($dataArr['Content'] == 'TESTCOMPONENT_MSG_TYPE_TEXT') { $this->replyText('TESTCOMPONENT_MSG_TYPE_TEXT_callback'); } elseif (strpos($dataArr['Content'], 'QUERY_AUTH_CODE') !== false) { // addWeixinLog ( $dataArr ['Content'], '222' ); $query_auth_code = str_replace('QUERY_AUTH_CODE:', '', $dataArr['Content']); $info = D('Addons://PublicBind/PublicBind')->getAuthInfo($query_auth_code); // addWeixinLog ( $info, '555' ); $param['touser'] = $dataArr['FromUserName']; $param['msgtype'] = 'text'; $param['text']['content'] = $query_auth_code . '_from_api'; $url = '' . $info['authorization_info']['authorizer_access_token']; // addWeixinLog ( $param, $url ); $res = post_data($url, $param); } else { $this->replyText($dataArr['Event'] . 'from_callback'); } }
<?php //header('Content-type: application/json'); require './../config.php'; require './../functions.php'; if ($_POST == null) { exit; } if (post_data('email') != null and post_data('password') == null) { $email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']); $total = count($DB->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE email=?", array($email))); if ($total == 1) { $result = array('valid' => 'true'); } else { $result = array('valid' => 'false'); } } else { $myusername = $_POST['email']; $mypassword = $_POST['password']; $mypassword = MD5($mypassword . '404notfound'); $count = count($DB->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE email=? and pass=?", array($myusername, $mypassword))); if ($count == 1) { session_start(); $_SESSION['myusername'] = $myusername; $_SESSION['mypassword'] = $mypassword; $result['message'] = "success"; // session_register("mypassword"); //header("location:userpanel.php"); } else { $result['message'] = "errow"; }
function upload_youkang_image($path, $type = 'image') { $url = ''; $param['type'] = $type; $param['media'] = '@' . realpath($path); $end = '\\r\\n'; $twoHyphens = '--'; $boundary = '************'; $header[] = 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=' . $boundary; $res = post_data($url, $param, true); if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] != 0) { $this->error(error_msg($res, '图片上传')); exit; } $content = $twoHyphens . $boundary; $content = $end; $content = 'Content-Disposition: form-data; ' . 'name="file1";filename="image.jpg"'; $content = $end; $content = $end; //file $twoHyphens . $boundary . $twoHyphens; $end; return $res['media_id']; }
function _get_file_media_id($file_id, $type = 'voice', $title = '', $introduction = '') { $fileInfo = M('file')->find($file_id); if ($fileInfo) { $path = '/Uploads/Download/' . $fileInfo['savepath'] . $fileInfo['savename']; if (!$path) { $this->error('获取素材失败'); exit; } $param['type'] = $type; $param['media'] = '@' . realpath(SITE_PATH . $path); if ($type == 'video') { $param['description']['title'] = $title; $param['description']['introduction'] = $introduction; } $url = '' . get_access_token(); $res = post_data($url, $param); if (!$res) { $this->error('同步失败'); } if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] != 0) { $this->error(error_msg($res, '素材上传')); exit; } } return $res['media_id']; }
function getPublicInfo($authorizer_appid) { $res['status'] = false; $component_access_token = $this->_get_component_access_token(); if ($component_access_token == false) { $res['msg'] = '获取access_token失败!'; return $res; } $key = 'getPublicInfo_' . $authorizer_appid; $data = S($key); if ($data === false) { $url = '' . $component_access_token; $param['component_appid'] = $this->component_appid; $param['authorizer_appid'] = $authorizer_appid; $data = post_data($url, $param); if (!isset($data['authorizer_info']['user_name'])) { $res['msg'] = '获取公众号信息失败!'; return $res; } S($key, $data, $data['expires_in']); } return $data; }
<?php $appKey = '123456'; $appSecret = '123456'; $mobileNumber = '13578888888'; $amount = '10'; $url = ''; $param = array('appKey' => $appKey, 'mobileNumber' => $mobileNumber, 'amount' => $amount, 'verify' => md5($appKey . $mobileNumber . $amount . $appSecret)); function post_data($url, $param) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($param)); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, ''); // curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0); // receive server response ... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $server_output; } $res = post_data($url, $param); var_dump(json_decode($res));
function _video_download($media_id, $cover_url) { $savePath = SITE_PATH . '/Uploads/Download/' . time_format(NOW_TIME, 'Y-m-d'); mkdirs($savePath); $ext = 'mp4'; if (empty($cover_url)) { // 获取图片URL $url = '' . get_access_token(); $param['media_id'] = $media_id; $info = post_data($url, $param); if (isset($info['errcode']) && $info['errcode'] != 0) { $this->error(error_msg($info, '下载视频文件素材失败')); exit; } return $info; } else { $content = wp_file_get_contents($cover_url); // 获取图片扩展名 $picExt = substr($cover_url, strrpos($cover_url, '=') + 1); // $picExt=='jpeg' if (empty($picExt)) { $picExt = $ext; } $picName = NOW_TIME . '.' . $picExt; $picPath = $savePath . '/' . $picName; $res = file_put_contents($picPath, $content); if (!$res) { $this->error('远程视频文件下载失败'); exit; } } $cover_id = 0; if ($res) { // 保存记录,添加到picture表里,获取coverid $url = U('File/uploadPicture', array('session_id' => session_id())); $_FILES['download'] = array('name' => $picName, 'type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'tmp_name' => $picPath, 'size' => $res, 'error' => 0); $File = D('File'); $file_driver = C('DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD_DRIVER'); $info = $File->upload($_FILES, C('DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD'), C('DOWNLOAD_UPLOAD_DRIVER'), C("UPLOAD_{$file_driver}_CONFIG")); $cover_id = $info['download']['id']; unlink($picPath); } return $cover_id; }
function tongbu_follow() { $map['manager_id'] = $this->mid; $map['token'] = get_token(); $list = M('auth_group')->where($map)->select(); foreach ($list as $v) { $arr[$v['id']] = $v['wechat_group_id']; } $id = I('id', 0, 'intval'); $map['id'] = array('gt', $id); $map['has_subscribe'] = 1; $map['token'] = get_token(); $follow_list = M('public_follow')->where($map)->order('id asc')->limit(5)->select(); if (!$follow_list) { echo 'update over!'; exit; } $access_token = get_access_token(); $url = '' . $access_token; foreach ($follow_list as $follow) { $param['openid'] = $follow['openid']; $param['to_groupid'] = intval($arr[$follow['group']]); $param = JSON($param); $res = post_data($url, $param); $has_subscribe = $res['errcode'] == 43004 ? 0 : 1; M('public_follow')->where('id=' . $follow['id'])->setField('has_subscribe', $has_subscribe); } $param2['id'] = $follow['id']; $url = U('tongbu_follow', $param2); $url = addons_url('tongbu_follow'); $this->success('同步用户数据中,请勿关闭', $url); // echo 'update follow_id: ' . $follow ['id'] . ', please wait!'; // echo '<script>window.location.href="' . $url . '";</script>'; }
} echo "</div>"; // if (isset($_POST['descsensor'])) { // 2. DescribeSensor echo "<h2> The Details of Sensors in SOS </h2>"; $procedure = $_POST['descsensor']; //echo $procedure."<br/>"; // sample request //$dSensorURL = "http://localhost/istsos/service_name?service=SOS&request=describeSensor&procedure=hum_bs_1&responseFormat=text/xml;subtype='sensorML/1.0.0'&version=1.0.0"; $dSensorURL = GetDescribeSenURL2($DescribeSenStr, $procedure, $RespFormat); session_start(); $dSensorURL = $_SESSION['rawURL'] . $dSensorURL; $dSensorstring = ""; //echo "URL Used / Accessed: ".$dSensorURL."</br>"; $dSoutput = post_data($dSensorURL, $dSensorstring); //print_r($dSoutput); // a. Quantity $Quantity = array('Quantity', 'definition'); $myQuantity = parse_describeSense($dSoutput, $Quantity); $myCleanQuantity = cleanQuantity($myQuantity); //print_r($myCleanQuantity); // b. co-ordinates $reference = array('Point', 'srsName', 'gml:id'); $myCoOrd = getCoOrdinates($dSoutput, $reference); //echo "</br></br>"; //print_r($myCoOrd); // c. Sensing time Interval $reference = 'interval'; $myInterval = getInterval($dSoutput, $reference); //echo "</br></br>";
function get_image_media_id($cover_id) { $cover = get_cover($cover_id); $driver = C('PICTURE_UPLOAD_DRIVER'); if ($driver != 'Local' && !file_exists(SITE_PATH . $cover['path'])) { // 先把图片下载到本地 $pathinfo = pathinfo(SITE_PATH . $cover['path']); mkdirs($pathinfo['dirname']); $content = wp_file_get_contents($cover['url']); $res = file_put_contents(SITE_PATH . $cover['path'], $content); if (!$res) { $this->error('远程图片下载失败'); } } $path = $cover['path']; if (!$path) { $this->error('获取图片素材失败'); } $param['type'] = 'image'; $param['media'] = '@' . realpath(SITE_PATH . $path); $url = '' . get_access_token(); $res = post_data($url, $param, true); if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] != 0) { $this->error(error_msg($res, '封面图上传')); } return $res['media_id']; }
/** * set_notice_data * * @param $id string * @param $field string * @param $date string * @param $value string * @param $operation string * @param $argument string * @return string */ function set_notice_data($id, $field, $date, $value, $operation, $argument) { global $app_g_API_URL; // Get page content $postdata = http_build_query(array('action' => 'query', 'prop' => 'revisions', 'rvprop' => 'content', 'pageids' => $id, 'format' => 'json')); $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($app_g_API_URL . "?" . $postdata))->{'query'}->{'pages'}->{$id}; if ($data->{'title'} == null) { // This page doesn't exist -> WrongNotice return "WrongNotice"; } else { #echo json_encode($data)."<br />"; #return; $content = $data->{'revisions'}[0]->{'*'}; if ($content == null || $content == "") { // No content -> EmptyNotice return "EmptyNotice "; } else { if ($operation == null || $operation == "") { // No operation specified -> EmptyOperation return "EmptyOperation"; } else { if ($operation != "add" && $operation != "replace" && $operation != "delete") { // Wrong operation -> WrongOperation return "WrongOperation"; } else { if ($field == null || $field == "") { // No field -> EmptyField return "EmptyField "; } else { // Split content into fields and values $start_text = eregi_replace("^([^\\|]*).*\$", "\\1", $content); $end_text = eregi_replace("^.*(}}[^}]*)\$", "\\1", $content); $content = eregi_replace("^[^\\|]*", "", $content); $content = eregi_replace("}}[^}]*\$", "", $content); $content = eregi_replace("([^\n])\\|([^\n\\|=]*)=", "\\1\n|\\2=", $content); $content = split("\n", $content); $fields = array(); foreach ($content as &$i) { $i = eregi_replace("^\\|", "", $i); $f = eregi_replace("^([^=]*)=(.*)\$", "\\1", $i); $v = eregi_replace("^([^=]*)=(.*)\$", "\\2", $i); $fields[$f] = $v; } // Do whatever action must be done if ($operation == "replace") { if ($fields[$field] == "" || $fields[$field] == null) { return "WrongField"; } else { $fields[$field] = $value; } } else { if ($operation == "add") { if ($fields[$field] != "" && $fields[$field] != null) { $fields[$field] .= ", " . $value; } else { $fields[$field] = $value; upload_file($filename); } } else { if ($operation == "delete") { if ($fields[$field] == "" || $fields[$field] == null) { return "WrongField"; } else { unset($fields[$field]); } } } } // Construct new content $content = $start_text; foreach ($fields as $key => $element) { if ($key != "" && $key != null) { $content .= "|" . $key . "=" . $element . "\n"; } } $content .= $end_text; // Post new content $postdata = http_build_query(array('action' => 'edit', 'pageid' => $id, 'format' => 'json', 'text' => $content, 'token' => get_token())); $page = post_data($postdata); return $page->{'edit'}->{'result'}; } } } } } }
<?php //header('Content-type: application/json'); require './../config.php'; require './../functions.php'; if ($_POST == null) { exit; } if (post_data('adusername') != null and post_data('adpassword') == null) { $user = htmlspecialchars($_POST['adusername']); $total = count($DB->query("SELECT * FROM ad where user=?", array($user))); if ($total == 1) { $result = array('valid' => 'true'); } else { $result = array('valid' => 'false'); } } else { $myusername = $_POST['adusername']; $mypassword = $_POST['adpassword']; $mypassword = MD5($mypassword . '404notfound'); $count = count($DB->query("SELECT * FROM ad WHERE user=? and pass=?", array($myusername, $mypassword))); if ($count == 1) { session_start(); $_SESSION['aduser'] = $myusername; $_SESSION['adpass'] = $mypassword; $result['message'] = "success"; // session_register("mypassword"); //header("location:userpanel.php"); } else { $result['message'] = "errow"; }
function cbrobot_queues() { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?> /wp-content/plugins/cbrobot/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?> /wp-content/plugins/cbrobot/js/jquery.validate.js"></script> <?php global $wpdb; $options = unserialize(get_option("cbrobot_options")); if ($_POST['cbrobot_create_queue_save']) { $error = array(); $blog_id = $_POST['cbrobot_bg_id']; $email = $_POST['cbrobot_bg_email']; $password = $_POST['cbrobot_bg_password']; $url = $_POST['cbrobot_bg_url']; $asin = $_POST['cbrobot_aa_asin']; if (!$blog_id) { echo '<div class="error"><p>***กรุณากรอก Blog Id***</p></div>'; $error[] = "E_ID"; } if (!$email) { echo '<div class="error"><p>***กรุณากรอก Email***</p></div>'; $error[] = "E_EMAIL"; } if (!$password) { echo '<div class="error"><p>***กรุณากรอก Password***</p></div>'; $error[] = "E_PASSWORD"; } if (!$url) { echo '<div class="error"><p>***กรุณากรอก URL***</p></div>'; $error[] = "E_URL"; } if (!$asin) { echo '<div class="error"><p>***กรุณากรอก Asin***</p></div>'; $error[] = "E_ASIN"; } if (count($error) == 0) { require_once "lib/content.php"; require_once "lib/xmlrpc.php"; $param = array(); /* Load XML Template Config */ $config = simplexml_load_file(ABSPATH . "/wp-content/plugins/cbrobot/template.xml"); $title = base64_decode($config->title); $content = base64_decode($config->content); $client = new IXR_Client(''); $params = array(0, $options['cbrobot_username'], $options['cbrobot_password'], $options['cbrobot_aa_affkey'], $options['cbrobot_aa_apikey'], $options['cbrobot_aa_secretkey'], $asin); if (!$client->query('demo.test', $params)) { echo '<div class="error">***' . $client->getErrorCode() . ' : ' . $client->getErrorMessage() . '***</div>'; } else { $obj_content = new Content(); $val = $client->message->params[0][Items][Item]; $title = $obj_content->getXML($val, $title, $keyword); $content = $obj_content->getXML($val, $content, $keyword); $title = Content::spin_content($title); $content = Content::spin_content($content); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpdb->prefix . "cbrobot_queues (blog_id, blog_email, blog_password, blog_url, asin, title, content, queue_time)\r\n\t\t\t VALUES ('" . trim($blog_id) . "','" . trim($email) . "','" . trim($password) . "','" . trim($url) . "','" . trim($asin) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . trim(base64_encode($title)) . "','" . trim(base64_encode($content)) . "','" . time() . "');"; if ($result = $wpdb->query($sql)) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __('Insert Queue.', 'cbrobot') . '</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error">***Not Insert Data' . $result . '***</div>'; } } } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript" > $().ready(function() { $("#cbrobot_bg_id").val('<?php echo $blog_id; ?> '); $("#cbrobot_bg_email").val('<?php echo $email; ?> '); $("#cbrobot_bg_password").val('<?php echo $password; ?> '); $("#cbrobot_bg_url").val('<?php echo $url; ?> '); $("#cbrobot_aa_asin").val('<?php echo $asin; ?> '); }); </script> <?php } } if ($_GET['postdata']) { $id = $_GET['postdata']; post_data($id); } if ($_GET['delete']) { $id = $_GET['delete']; delete_data($id); } include_once "display-queues.php"; }
<?php require_once '../../db.php'; header('Content-Type: application/json'); $fields = array('name', 'birthday', 'email', 'level'); $types = array('string', 'date', 'string', 'string'); $data = null; switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'POST': $data = post_data('learners', $fields, $types); break; case 'PUT': if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $data = put_relations_data($_REQUEST['id'], 'relations', 'learner_id', 'teacher_id'); } break; case 'DELETE': $data = delete_data('learners'); break; default: if (isset($_REQUEST['teacher_id'])) { $data = get_data_by_relate_id('teachers', 'learners', 'teacher_id', 'learner_id', $_REQUEST['teacher_id']); break; } $data = get_data('learners', array('id', 'name', 'birthday', 'email', 'level'), 'learner_id', 'teacher_id'); break; } if (is_null($data)) { http_response_code(400); die; }
'ric' => 'CNCBRR=ECI', 'CF_YIELD' => 0.0, 'CF_CLOSE' => 0.0, 'CF_LAST' => 17.5, 'country' => '中国', 'title' => '中国存款准备金率', 'right' => 5 ); */ #提交post数据 include_once 'post_data.php'; #print_r($re_list); #($title, $before, $prediction, $result, $country, $rank=1) if ('' != $re_list['GN_TXT16_4'] && '' != $re_list['SEC_ACT_1']) { echo 'jim-test'; post_data($re_list['title'], $re_list['CTBTR_1'], $re_list['SEC_ACT_1'], $re_list['GN_TXT16_4'], $re_list['country'], $re_list['right']); echo 'commit_net<br/>'; //print_r(post_data($re_list['title'], $re_list['HTS_CLOSE2'], $re_list['SEC_YLD_1'], $re_list['CF_LAST'], $re_list['country'], $re_list['right'])); } file_put_contents('ric_index.log', ($ric_index + 1) % $max); $r_url = REDIRECT_URL; if ($ric_index < MAX_DATA_COUNT || 0 == $ric_index) { sleep(10); #$url = ""; echo "<script language='javascript' \n type='text/javascript'>"; echo "window.location.href='{$r_url}'"; echo "</script>"; #header("location:http://localhost/sample_api/cnglod/redirect.php"); } else { echo '跑结束'; }
function set_remark() { $map['uid'] = I('uid', 0, 'intval'); if (empty($map['uid'])) { $this->error('用户信息出错'); } $param['remark'] = I('remark'); if (empty($param['remark'])) { $this->error('备注不能为空'); } $map['token'] = get_token(); $info = M('public_follow')->where($map)->find(); if (!$info) { $this->error('用户信息出错啦'); } $res = M('public_follow')->where($map)->save($param); if ($res !== false) { // 同步到微信端 D('Common/User')->getUserInfo($map['uid'], true); if (C('USER_REMARK')) { $url = '' . get_access_token(); $param['openid'] = $info['openid']; $result = post_data($url, $param); if ($res['errcode'] != 0) { $this->error(error_msg($res)); } } } else { $this->error('保存数据库失败'); } $this->success('设置成功'); }
function syc_user() { $map['token'] = $map2['token'] = $map5['token'] = get_token(); $map['syc_status'] = 0; $list = M('public_follow')->where($map)->field('uid,openid')->limit(100)->select(); if (empty($list)) { $this->success('用户分组信息同步中', U('syc_user_group')); exit; } foreach ($list as $vo) { $param['user_list'][] = array('openid' => $vo['openid'], 'lang' => 'zh-CN'); $openids[] = $vo['openid']; $uids[$vo['openid']] = $vo['uid']; } // 先把关注状态设置未关注 $map2['openid'] = array('in', $openids); M('public_follow')->where($map2)->setField('has_subscribe', 0); $url = '' . get_access_token(); $data = post_data($url, $param); $userDao = D('Common/User'); $config = getAddonConfig('UserCenter'); foreach ($data['user_info_list'] as $u) { if ($u['subscribe'] == 0) { continue; } $uid = intval($uids[$u['openid']]); if ($uid == 0) { // 新增加的用户 $u['experience'] = intval($config['experience']); $u['score'] = intval($config['score']); $u['reg_time'] = $u['subscribe_time']; $u['status'] = 1; $u['is_init'] = 1; $u['is_audit'] = 1; $uid = D('Common/User')->addUser($u); $map5['openid'] = $u['openid']; $uid > 0 && M('public_follow')->where($map5)->setField('uid', $uid); } else { // 更新的用户 $userDao->updateInfo($uid, $u); } $openidArr[] = $u['openid']; } M('public_follow')->where($map2)->setField('syc_status', 1); // 设置关注状态 if (!empty($openidArr)) { $map2['openid'] = array('in', $openidArr); M('public_follow')->where($map2)->setField('has_subscribe', 1); } $this->success('同步用户数据中,请勿关闭', U('syc_user?uid=' . $uid)); }
function _autoUpdateUser() { // 获取openid列表 $url = '' . get_access_token(); // 只取第一页数据 $data = wp_file_get_contents($url); $data = json_decode($data, true); if (!isset($data['count']) || $data['count'] == 0) { return false; } $map['openid'] = array('in', $data['data']['openid']); $map['token'] = $save['token'] = get_token(); $openids = M('public_follow')->where($map)->getFields('openid'); $diff = array_diff((array) $data['data']['openid'], (array) $openids); if (empty($diff)) { // 没有需要同步的用户 return false; } foreach ($diff as $oid) { $param['user_list'][] = array('openid' => $oid, 'lang' => 'zh-CN'); $openids[] = $oid; } $url = '' . get_access_token(); $data = post_data($url, $param); if (empty($data['user_info_list'])) { return false; } $userDao = D('Common/User'); $config = getAddonConfig('UserCenter'); if (isset($_GET['test'])) { dump($config); exit; } foreach ($data['user_info_list'] as $u) { if ($u['subscribe'] == 0) { continue; } $u['experience'] = intval($config['experience']); $u['score'] = intval($config['score']); $u['reg_time'] = $u['subscribe_time']; $u['status'] = 1; $u['is_init'] = 1; $u['is_audit'] = 1; $uid = D('Common/User')->addUser($u); $save['openid'] = $u['openid']; $save['uid'] = $uid; $save['syc_status'] = 2; $save['has_subscribe'] = 1; $res = M('public_follow')->add($save); } }
function addWeixinLog($data, $data_post = '', $wechat = false) { $log['cTime'] = time(); $log['cTime_format'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $log['cTime']); $log['data'] = is_array($data) ? serialize($data) : $data; $log['data_post'] = is_array($data_post) ? serialize($data_post) : $data_post; M('weixin_log')->add($log); // 通过微信客服接口直接回复调试信息 if ($wechat) { $url = '' . get_access_token(); $param['touser'] = get_openid(); $param['msgtype'] = 'text'; $param['text']['content'] = 'data: ' . $log['data'] . '<br/> data_post: ' . $log['data_post']; post_data($url, $param); } }
function _sucai_media_info() { $type = I('msg_type'); $content = I('content'); $appmsg_id = I('appmsg_id'); // $image = I ( 'image' ); if ($type == 'text') { if (empty($content)) { $this->error('文本内容不能为空'); } $res['media_id'] = $content; $res['msgtype'] = 'text'; $_POST['content'] = $content; } else { if ($type == 'appmsg') { if (empty($appmsg_id)) { $this->error('图文素材不能为空'); } $res['media_id'] = D('Home/Material')->getMediaIdByGroupId($appmsg_id); $_POST['media_id'] = $res['media_id']; $res['msgtype'] = 'mpnews'; } else { if ($type == 'voice') { $voice = I('voice_id'); if (empty($voice)) { $this->error('语音素材不能为空'); } $file = M('material_file')->find($voice); if ($file['media_id']) { $res['media_id'] = $file['media_id']; } else { $res['media_id'] = D('Common/Custom')->get_file_media_id($file['file_id'], 'voice'); } $res['msgtype'] = 'voice'; } else { if ($type == 'video') { $video = I('video_id'); if (empty($video)) { $this->error('视频素材不能为空'); } $file = M('material_file')->find($video); if ($file['media_id']) { $mediaId = $file['media_id']; } else { $mediaId = D('Common/Custom')->get_file_media_id($file['file_id'], 'video'); } $data['media_id'] = $mediaId; $data['title'] = $file['title']; $data['description'] = $file['introduction']; $url1 = "" . get_access_token(); $result = post_data($url1, $data); $res['media_id'] = $result['media_id']; $res['msgtype'] = 'mpvideo'; } } } } $_POST['msgtype'] = $res['msgtype']; return $res; }
include_once '../includes/func_gen_urls.php'; include_once '../includes/all_html.php'; // //set up variables if (isset($_POST['userurl'])) { $myCapURL = GetCapURL($_POST['userurl'], $CapString); session_start(); $_SESSION['rawURL'] = $_POST['userurl']; $_SESSION['myCapURL'] = $myCapURL; //to store URL as an session variable //1. GetCapabilities $getCstring = ''; // echo "<p><b> Select Sensors to View Observations </b></p>"; // use post_data function to post xml string and catch response $output = post_data($myCapURL, $getCstring); if ($output) { //print_r($output); // func from func_parse_cap 3. // a. offering $offering = array('ObservationOffering', 'gml:id'); $myOffering = getOffering($output, $offering); $myCurrentOffering = $myOffering[0]['ObservationOffering']; //$myCleanOff = cleanOff($myOffering); echo "<p>Offering : " . $myCurrentOffering . "</p>"; //print_r($myCleanOff); // b. eventTime $timePosition = array('beginPosition', 'endPosition'); $myBeginTime = getTime($output, $timePosition[0]); $FrmT = getTimeSeperated($myBeginTime[0]['beginPosition']); //print_r($myBeginTime);
$result = array('valid' => 'true'); } else { $result = array('valid' => 'false'); } } //exit user if (post_data('email') != NULL) { $email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']); $total = count($DB->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE email=?", array($email))); if ($total != 1) { $result = array('valid' => 'true'); } else { $result = array('valid' => 'false'); } } if (post_data('password')) { $total == 0; //检查是否有相同用户 // $sqlemail="SELECT * FROM user WHERE email='$email'"; $pass = htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']); $total = count($DB->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE email=?", array($email))); if ($total == 0) { //更新注册码状态 $time = date('y-m-d h:i:s', time()); // $status=$DB->query("select * from gift where number = ?", array($code)); $DB->query("UPDATE gift SET status =? , usetime=? WHERE number=?", array(0, $time, $code)); //密码加密处理 $pass = MD5($pass . '404notfound'); //创建随机端口 并且给定6位随机密码 $port = rand($portwidth[0], $portwidth[1]); $ranpass = rand(100000, 999999);
/** * 发布菜单到微信 */ public function send_menu() { $list = D('Menu')->init(get_token()); $send_list = $this->json_menu($list); //删除菜单 $access_token = get_access_token(); file_get_contents('' . $access_token); //发送菜单 $url = '' . $access_token; $res = post_data($url, $send_list); if ($res['errcode'] == 0) { $this->success('发送菜单成功'); } else { $this->error(error_msg($res)); } }
function get_thumb_media_id($path = '') { // $cover = get_cover ( $cover_id ); // $driver = C ( 'PICTURE_UPLOAD_DRIVER' ); // if ($driver != 'Local' && ! file_exists ( SITE_PATH . $cover ['path'] )) { // 先把图片下载到本地 // $pathinfo = pathinfo ( SITE_PATH . $cover ['path'] ); // mkdirs ( $pathinfo ['dirname'] ); // $content = wp_file_get_contents ( $cover ['url'] ); // $res = file_put_contents ( SITE_PATH . $cover ['path'], $content ); // if (! $res) { // return 0; // } // } // $path = $cover ['path']; if (!$path) { $path = '/Public/Home/images/spec_img_add.jpg'; } $param['type'] = 'thumb'; $param['media'] = '@' . realpath(SITE_PATH . $path); $url = '' . get_access_token(); $res = post_data($url, $param, true); if (isset($res['errcode']) && $res['errcode'] != 0) { return 0; } return $res['thumb_media_id']; }
<?php $handle = fopen("input.txt", "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { echo "<p>{$buffer}<p>"; if (strpos($buffer, "bkk") === false) { get_data($buffer); } else { $pos = strpos($buffer, '?'); $url = substr($buffer, 0, $pos); $post_data = substr($buffer, $pos + 1); post_data($url, $post_data); } echo "<p>-------------------- end ----------------------<p>"; } if (!feof($handle)) { echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n"; } fclose($handle); } function post_data($url, $data_string) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: text/xml', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl);