  * Rewakens the data from the database given the id.
  * Makes sure to load the required files with the class definitions
  * @param int $id id of data
  * @return portfolio_exporter
 public static function rewaken_object($id)
     global $DB, $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/exporter.php';
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/caller.php';
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/plugin.php';
     if (!($data = $DB->get_record('portfolio_tempdata', array('id' => $id)))) {
         // maybe it's been finished already by a pull plugin
         // so look in the logs
         if ($log = $DB->get_record('portfolio_log', array('tempdataid' => $id))) {
         throw new portfolio_exception('invalidtempid', 'portfolio');
     $exporter = unserialize(base64_decode($data->data));
     if ($exporter->instancefile) {
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/' . $exporter->instancefile;
     if (!empty($exporter->callerfile)) {
     } else {
         if (!empty($exporter->callercomponent)) {
         } else {
             // Should never get here!
     $exporter = unserialize(serialize($exporter));
     if (!$exporter->get('id')) {
         // workaround for weird case
         // where the id doesn't get saved between a new insert
         // and the subsequent call that sets this field in the serialised data
         $exporter->set('id', $id);
     return $exporter;
  * Function to set the callback options
  * @param string $class Name of the class containing the callback functions
  *      activity components should ALWAYS use their name_portfolio_caller
  *      other locations must use something unique
  * @param array $argarray This can be an array or hash of arguments to pass
  *      back to the callback functions (passed by reference)
  *      these MUST be primatives to be added as hidden form fields.
  *      and the values get cleaned to PARAM_ALPHAEXT or PARAM_FLOAT or PARAM_PATH
  * @param string $component This is the name of the component in Moodle, eg 'mod_forum'
 public function set_callback_options($class, array $argarray, $component)
     global $CFG;
     // Require the base class first before any other files.
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/portfolio/caller.php';
     // Include any potential callback files and check for errors.
     portfolio_include_callback_file($component, $class);
     // This will throw exceptions but should not actually do anything other than verify callbackargs.
     $test = new $class($argarray);
     $this->callbackcomponent = $component;
     $this->callbackclass = $class;
     $this->callbackargs = $argarray;
文件: add.php 项目: evltuma/moodle
 // be as lenient as possible while still being secure
 // so only accept certain parameter types.
 $callbackargs = array();
 foreach (array_keys(array_merge($_GET, $_POST)) as $key) {
     if (strpos($key, 'ca_') === 0) {
         if (!($value = optional_param($key, false, PARAM_ALPHAEXT))) {
             if (!($value = optional_param($key, false, PARAM_FLOAT))) {
                 $value = optional_param($key, false, PARAM_PATH);
         // strip off ca_ for niceness
         $callbackargs[substr($key, 3)] = $value;
 // Ensure that we found a file we can use, if not throw an exception.
 portfolio_include_callback_file($callbackcomponent, $callbackclass);
 $caller = new $callbackclass($callbackargs);
 $caller->set('user', $USER);
 if ($formats = explode(',', $callerformats)) {
 // this must check capabilities and either throw an exception or return false.
 if (!$caller->check_permissions()) {
     throw new portfolio_caller_exception('nopermissions', 'portfolio', $caller->get_return_url());
 portfolio_export_pagesetup($PAGE, $caller);
 // this calls require_login($course) if it can..
 // finally! set up the exporter object with the portfolio instance, and caller information elements
 $exporter = new portfolio_exporter($instance, $caller, $callbackcomponent);
 // set the export-specific variables, and save.
    echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('queuesummary', 'portfolio'));
    echo html_writer::table($table);
    $somethingprinted = true;
// Paging - get total count separately.
$logcount = $DB->count_records('portfolio_log', array('userid' => $USER->id));
if ($logcount > 0) {
    $table = new html_table();
    $table->head = array(get_string('plugin', 'portfolio'), get_string('displayarea', 'portfolio'), get_string('transfertime', 'portfolio'));
    $logs = $DB->get_records('portfolio_log', array('userid' => $USER->id), 'time DESC', '*', $page * $perpage, $perpage);
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        if (!empty($log->caller_file)) {
        } else {
            if (!empty($log->caller_component)) {
            } else {
                // Errrmahgerrrd - this should never happen. Skipping.
        $class = $log->caller_class;
        $pluginname = '';
        try {
            $plugin = portfolio_instance($log->portfolio);
            $url = $plugin->resolve_static_continue_url($log->continueurl);
            if ($url) {
                $pluginname = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $plugin->get('name') . '</a>';
            } else {
                $pluginname = $plugin->get('name');
 // be as lenient as possible while still being secure
 // so only accept certain parameter types.
 $callbackargs = array();
 foreach (array_keys(array_merge($_GET, $_POST)) as $key) {
     if (strpos($key, 'ca_') === 0) {
         if (!($value = optional_param($key, false, PARAM_ALPHAEXT))) {
             if (!($value = optional_param($key, false, PARAM_NUMBER))) {
                 $value = optional_param($key, false, PARAM_PATH);
         // strip off ca_ for niceness
         $callbackargs[substr($key, 3)] = $value;
 // Ensure that we found a file we can use, if not throw an exception.
 portfolio_include_callback_file($callbackfile, $callbackclass);
 $caller = new $callbackclass($callbackargs);
 $caller->set('user', $USER);
 if ($formats = explode(',', $callerformats)) {
 // this must check capabilities and either throw an exception or return false.
 if (!$caller->check_permissions()) {
     throw new portfolio_caller_exception('nopermissions', 'portfolio', $caller->get_return_url());
 portfolio_export_pagesetup($PAGE, $caller);
 // this calls require_login($course) if it can..
 // finally! set up the exporter object with the portfolio instance, and caller information elements
 $exporter = new portfolio_exporter($instance, $caller, $callbackfile);
 // set the export-specific variables, and save.