function polls_replace_choices($poll, $new_choices) { polls_delete_choices($poll); polls_add_choices($poll, $new_choices); }
$poll_guid = get_input('poll_guid'); if ($poll_guid) { $poll = get_entity($poll_guid); if ($number_of_choices) { $count = 0; $new_choices = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_choices; $i++) { $text = get_input('choice_text_' . $i, ''); if ($text) { $new_choices[] = $text; $count++; } } } // add choices to the poll polls_add_choices($poll, $new_choices); } } // manage vote sub-action if ($vote_flag) { //get the poll entity $poll = get_entity($guid); if (elgg_instanceof($poll, 'object', 'poll')) { // Make sure the response isn't blank if (empty($response)) { register_error(elgg_echo("polls:novote")); forward($poll->getUrl()); // Otherwise, save the poll vote } else { $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); // check to see if this user has already voted