if ($worked) {
                //send email to member
                $pmproemail = new PMProEmail();
                $pmproemail->sendBillingEmail($current_user, $morder);
                //send email to admin
                $pmproemail = new PMProEmail();
                $pmproemail->sendBillingAdminEmail($current_user, $morder);
        } else {
            $worked = true;
        if ($worked) {
            //update the user meta too
            $meta_keys = array("pmpro_bfirstname", "pmpro_blastname", "pmpro_baddress1", "pmpro_baddress2", "pmpro_bcity", "pmpro_bstate", "pmpro_bzipcode", "pmpro_bphone", "pmpro_bemail", "pmpro_CardType", "pmpro_AccountNumber", "pmpro_ExpirationMonth", "pmpro_ExpirationYear");
            $meta_values = array($bfirstname, $blastname, $baddress1, $baddress2, $bcity, $bstate, $bzipcode, $bphone, $bemail, $CardType, hideCardNumber($AccountNumber), $ExpirationMonth, $ExpirationYear);
            pmpro_replaceUserMeta($current_user->ID, $meta_keys, $meta_values);
            $pmpro_msg = sprintf(__('Information updated. <a href="%s">&laquo; back to my account</a>', 'pmpro'), pmpro_url("account"));
            $pmpro_msgt = "pmpro_success";
        } else {
            $pmpro_msg = $morder->error;
            if (!$pmpro_msg) {
                $pmpro_msg = __("Error updating billing information.", 'pmpro');
            $pmpro_msgt = "pmpro_error";
} else {
    //default values from DB
    $bfirstname = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, "pmpro_bfirstname", true);
    $blastname = get_user_meta($current_user->ID, "pmpro_blastname", true);
 //in case the user just signed up
 //add discount code use
 if ($discount_code && $use_discount_code) {
     if (!empty($morder->id)) {
         $code_order_id = $morder->id;
     } else {
         $code_order_id = "";
     $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->pmpro_discount_codes_uses} (code_id, user_id, order_id, timestamp) VALUES('" . $discount_code_id . "', '" . $user_id . "', '" . intval($code_order_id) . "', '" . current_time("mysql") . "')");
 //save billing info ect, as user meta
 $meta_keys = array("pmpro_bfirstname", "pmpro_blastname", "pmpro_baddress1", "pmpro_baddress2", "pmpro_bcity", "pmpro_bstate", "pmpro_bzipcode", "pmpro_bcountry", "pmpro_bphone", "pmpro_bemail", "pmpro_CardType", "pmpro_AccountNumber", "pmpro_ExpirationMonth", "pmpro_ExpirationYear");
 $meta_values = array($bfirstname, $blastname, $baddress1, $baddress2, $bcity, $bstate, $bzipcode, $bcountry, $bphone, $bemail, $CardType, hideCardNumber($AccountNumber), $ExpirationMonth, $ExpirationYear);
 pmpro_replaceUserMeta($user_id, $meta_keys, $meta_values);
 //save first and last name fields
 if (!empty($bfirstname)) {
     $old_firstname = get_user_meta($user_id, "first_name", true);
     if (empty($old_firstname)) {
         update_user_meta($user_id, "first_name", $bfirstname);
 if (!empty($blastname)) {
     $old_lastname = get_user_meta($user_id, "last_name", true);
     if (empty($old_lastname)) {
         update_user_meta($user_id, "last_name", $blastname);
 //show the confirmation
 $ordersaved = true;