$res_tech = pm_data_get_technicians($group_id); $tech_id_arr = util_result_column_to_array($res_tech, 0); $tech_id_arr[] = '0'; //this will be the 'any' row $tech_name_arr = util_result_column_to_array($res_tech, 1); $tech_name_arr[] = 'Any'; $tech_box = html_build_select_box_from_arrays($tech_id_arr, $tech_name_arr, '_assigned_to', $_assigned_to, true, 'Unassigned'); /* Show the new pop-up boxes to select assigned to and/or status */ echo '<H2>Browse Tasks by</H2> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="6"><FORM ACTION="' . $PHP_SELF . '" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="group_id" VALUE="' . $group_id . '"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="set" VALUE="custom"> <TR><TD><b>Subproject:</b></TD><TD><b>Assigned User:</b></TD><TD><b>Status:</b></TD></TR> <TR><TD>' . pm_show_subprojects_box('group_project_id', $group_id, $group_project_id) . '</TD>' . '<TD><FONT SIZE="-1">' . $tech_box . '</TD><TD><FONT SIZE="-1">' . pm_status_box('_status', $_status, 'Any') . '</TD>' . '<TD><FONT SIZE="-1"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="SUBMIT" VALUE="Browse"></TD></TR></FORM></TABLE>'; if (db_numrows($result) < 1) { echo ' <H1>No Matching Tasks found</H1> <P> <B>Add tasks using the link above</B>'; echo db_error(); } else { //create a new $set string to be used for next/prev button if ($set == 'custom') { $set .= '&_assigned_to=' . $_assigned_to . '&_status=' . $_status; } /* Now display the tasks in a table with priority colors */ echo '
<TR> <TD> <B>Hours:</B> <BR> <INPUT TYPE="text" name="hours" size="5" VALUE="<?php echo db_result($result, 0, 'hours'); ?> "> </TD> <TD> <B>Status:</B> <BR> <?php echo pm_status_box('status_id', db_result($result, 0, 'status_id')); ?> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> <?php echo pm_show_dependent_tasks($project_task_id, $group_id, $group_project_id); ?> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> <?php