function plugin_load_configuration_captcha($pi_name)
    global $_CONF;
    $base_path = $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/' . $pi_name . '/';
    require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
    require_once $base_path . 'install_defaults.php';
    return plugin_initconfig_captcha();
* Loads the configuration records for the Online Config Manager
* @return   boolean     true = proceed with install, false = an error occured
function plugin_load_configuration_captcha()
    global $_CONF;
    require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/captcha/install_defaults.php';
    return plugin_initconfig_captcha();
function captcha_upgrade()
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_CP_CONF;
    $currentVersion = DB_getItem($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_version', "pi_name='captcha'");
    switch ($currentVersion) {
        case "2.0.0":
        case "2.0.1":
        case "2.0.2":
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version='2.1.0' WHERE pi_name='captcha' LIMIT 1");
        case "2.1.0":
        case "2.1.1":
        case "2.1.2":
            $_SQL['cp_sessions'] = "CREATE TABLE {$_TABLES['cp_sessions']} ( " . "  `session_id` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', " . "  `cptime`  INT(11) NOT NULL default 0, " . "  `validation` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', " . "  `counter`    INT(11) NOT NULL default 0, " . "  PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`) " . " );";
            foreach ($_SQL as $table => $sql) {
                COM_errorLog("Creating {$table} table", 1);
                DB_query($sql, 1);
                if (DB_error()) {
                    COM_errorLog("Error Creating {$table} table", 1);
                COM_errorLog("Success - Created {$table} table", 1);
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version='3.0.0' WHERE pi_name='captcha' LIMIT 1");
        case "3.0.0":
        case "3.0.1":
        case "3.0.2":
        case "3.1.0":
            // need to migrate the configuration to our new online configuration.
            require_once $_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
            require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/captcha/install_defaults.php';
            include $_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/captcha/captcha.php';
        case "3.2.0":
            $c = config::get_instance();
            $c->add('expire', '900', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 70, true, 'captcha');
        case '3.2.1':
        case '3.2.2':
        case '3.2.3':
            $c = config::get_instance();
            $c->add('publickey', '', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 42, true, 'captcha');
            $c->add('privatekey', '', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 44, true, 'captcha');
            $c->add('recaptcha_theme', 'white', 'select', 0, 0, 6, 46, true, 'captcha');
        case '3.2.4':
        case '3.2.5':
            $c = config::get_instance();
            $c->add('pc_publickey', '', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 48, true, 'captcha');
            $c->add('pc_privatekey', '', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 49, true, 'captcha');
        case '3.3.0':
            $c = config::get_instance();
            $c->add('ay_publickey', '', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 50, true, 'captcha');
            $c->add('ay_privatekey', '', 'text', 0, 0, 0, 51, true, 'captcha');
            $c->del('pc_publickey', 'captcha');
            $c->del('pc_privatekey', 'captcha');
            if ($_CP_CONF['gfxDriver'] == 4) {
                $c->set('gfxDriver', 6, 'captcha');
        case '3.4.0':
            // no changes needed
        // no changes needed
        case '3.4.1':
            // need to add column to table
            // ALTER TABLE `gl_cp_sessions` ADD `ip` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL ;
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['cp_sessions']} ADD `ip` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL";
            DB_query($sql, 1);
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$_TABLES['cp_sessions']} CHANGE `counter` `counter` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';";
            DB_query($sql, 1);
            DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['plugins']} SET pi_version='" . $_CP_CONF['pi_version'] . "',pi_gl_version='" . $_CP_CONF['gl_version'] . "' WHERE pi_name='captcha' LIMIT 1");
    if (DB_getItem($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_version', "pi_name='captcha'") == $_CP_CONF['pi_version']) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;