public function personal() { if (IS_POST) { $data = array(); $data['nickname'] = isset($_POST['nickname']) ? trim($_POST['nickname']) : ''; $data['avatar'] = isset($_POST['avatar']) ? trim($_POST['avatar']) : ''; $data['intro'] = isset($_POST['intro']) ? trim($_POST['intro']) : ''; M('User')->save_user(array('uid' => $this->user_session['uid']), $data); $_SESSION['user']['nickname'] = $data['nickname']; json_return(0, '设置成功'); } else { if (empty($this->store_session)) { $condition_store['uid'] = $this->user_session['uid']; $store = D('Store')->where($condition_store)->order('`store_id` DESC')->find(); if ($store) { if (empty($store['logo'])) { $store['logo'] = 'default_shop_2.jpg'; } $_SESSION['store'] = $store; } else { pigcms_tips('您需要先创建一个店铺', url('store:select')); } } } $this->display(); }
public function case_load() { if (empty($_POST['page'])) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } if ($_POST['page'] == 'attachment_content') { $get_result = M('Attachment')->getListByStoreId($this->store_session['store_id']); $this->assign('get_result', $get_result); } else { if ($_POST['page'] == 'ad_content') { $this->_ad_content(); } else { if ($_POST['page'] == 'ad_edit_content') { $this->_ad_edit_content(); } else { if ($_POST['page'] == 'page_content') { $this->_page_content(); } else { if ($_POST['page'] == 'create_page_content') { $this->_create_page_content(); } else { if ($_POST['page'] == 'edit_page_content') { $this->_edit_page_content(); } } } } } } $this->display($_POST['page']); }
public function load() { $action = strtolower(trim($_POST['page'])); if (empty($action)) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } switch ($action) { case 'dashboard_content': //应用营销概况 $this->_index_content(); break; case 'present_index': $this->_present_index(); break; case 'present_create': $this->_present_create(); break; case 'present_edit': $this->_present_edit(); break; case 'product_list': $this->_product_list(); breka; default: //满减/送 //满减/送 case 'reward_index': $this->_reward_index(); case 'reward_create': $this->_reward_create(); default: break; } $this->display($_POST['page']); }
public function load() { $action = strtolower(trim($_POST['page'])); if (empty($action)) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } switch ($action) { //优惠券 case 'coupon_index': $this->_coupon_index(); break; //优惠券添加 //优惠券添加 case 'coupon_create': $this->_coupon_create(); break; case 'coupon_edit': $this->_coupon_edit(); break; case 'fetchlist': $this->_fetchlist(); break; default: break; } $this->display($_POST['page']); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $cate_id = $_GET['id']; if (!$cate_id) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } $this->cate_id = $cate_id; $this->assign('cid', $cate_id); }
public function load() { $action = strtolower(trim($_POST['page'])); $start_time = isset($_POST['start_time']) ? trim($_POST['start_time']) : ''; $stop_time = isset($_POST['stop_time']) ? trim($_POST['stop_time']) : ''; $store_id = isset($_POST['store_id']) ? trim($_POST['store_id']) : $this->store_session['store_id']; if (empty($action)) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } switch ($action) { case 'index_content': $this->_index_content(); break; case 'market_content': $this->_market_content(); break; case 'goods_content': $this->_goods_content(); break; case 'orders_content': $this->_orders_content(); break; case 'order_detail_content': $this->_order_detail_content(); break; case 'pay_order_content': $this->_pay_order_content(); break; case 'supplier_content': $this->_supplier_content(); break; case 'supplier_goods_content': $this->_supplier_goods_content(); break; case 'goods_fx_setting_content': $this->_goods_fx_setting_content(); break; case 'supplier_market_content': $this->_supplier_market_content(); break; case 'edit_goods_content': $this->_edit_goods_content(); break; case 'seller_content': $this->_seller_content(); break; case 'statistics_content': $this->_statistics_content(array('start_time' => $start_time, 'stop_time' => $stop_time, 'store_id' => $store_id)); break; case 'setting_content': $this->_setting_content(); break; } $this->display($_POST['page']); }
function shows() { $store_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); //店铺资料 $now_store = M('Store')->wap_getStore($store_id); if (empty($now_store)) { pigcms_tips('您访问的店铺不存在', 'none'); } $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'all'; $orderList = array(); include display('my_coupon'); echo ob_get_clean(); }
public function __construct() { import('source.class.checkFunc'); $checkFunc = new checkFunc(); if (!function_exists('fdsrejsie3qklwewerzdagf4ds')) { exit('error-4'); } $checkFunc->cfdwdgfds3skgfds3szsd3idsj(); parent::__construct(); if (!empty($_GET['sessid']) && !empty($_GET['token'])) { $_SESSION['sync_store'] = true; $user = M('User'); $userinfo = $user->checkUser(array('session_id' => trim($_GET['sessid']), 'token' => trim($_GET['token']))); if (!empty($userinfo)) { $_SESSION['user'] = $userinfo; } if (!empty($_GET['store_id'])) { $tmp_store = M('Store')->getStoreById($_GET['store_id'], $userinfo['uid']); if ($tmp_store) { if (empty($tmp_store['logo'])) { $tmp_store['logo'] = 'default_shop_2.jpg'; } $_SESSION['store'] = $tmp_store; } else { pigcms_tips('该店铺不存在!'); } } setcookie('session', serialize($_SESSION), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 10000000, '/'); } if (empty($_SESSION['user'])) { if (!empty($_COOKIE['session'])) { $_SESSION = unserialize($_COOKIE['session']); } else { redirect('./account.php'); } } $this->store_session = $_SESSION['store']; $this->assign('store_session', $_SESSION['store']); $this->user_session = $_SESSION['user']; $this->assign('user_session', $_SESSION['user']); $open_store_drp = option('config.open_store_drp'); if (!$this->checkFx(true) && !$open_store_drp) { $this->assign('enabled_drp', false); $this->enabled_drp = false; } else { $this->assign('enabled_drp', true); $this->enabled_drp = true; } }
function get_usercoupon_list($wap_user, $store_id) { $store_id = isset($store_id) ? $store_id : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); $page = $_POST['page'] ? $_POST['page'] : '1'; $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $time = time(); //$type = 'used'; $type_arr = array('all', 'used', 'unused'); if (!in_array($type, $type_arr)) { $type = 'all'; } $where = array(); //$where['uid'] = $wap_user['uid']; $where['store_id'] = $store_id; $where['status'] = 1; $where['type'] = 1; $where['total_amount'] = array('>', number); $where['start_time'] = array('<', $time); $where['end_time'] = array('>', $time); if ($page == 1) { $json_return['count'] = D('Coupon')->where($where)->count('id'); } //$order_by = ""; $limit = 10; $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; $order_by = ''; $coupon_list = M('Coupon')->getList($where, $order_by, $limit, $offset); $store_id_list = array(); foreach ($coupon_list as $coupon) { $store_id_list[$coupon['store_id']] = $coupon['store_id']; } $store_list = M('Store')->getStoreName($store_id_list); $json_return['list'] = $coupon_list; if (count($json_return['list']) < 10) { $json_return['noNextPage'] = true; } json_return(0, $json_return); }
public function load() { $action = strtolower(trim($_POST['page'])); if (empty($action)) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } switch ($action) { case 'reward_list': $this->_reward_list(); break; case 'product_list': $this->_product_list(); break; case 'reward_create': $this->_reward_create(); break; case 'reward_edit': $this->_reward_edit(); break; default: break; } $this->display($_POST['page']); }
*/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; if (empty($wap_user)) { redirect('./login.php?referer=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } //分享配置 start $share_conf = array('title' => option('config.site_name') . '-收货地址', 'desc' => str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), option('config.seo_description')), 'link' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'imgUrl' => option('config.site_logo'), 'type' => '', 'dataUrl' => ''); import('WechatShare'); $share = new WechatShare(); $shareData = $share->getSgin($share_conf); //分享配置 end //店铺资料 $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'all'; if ($action == 'all') { $address_list = M('User_address')->getMyAddress($wap_user['uid']); include display('my_address'); } else { if ($action == 'add') { include display('my_address_add'); } else { if ($action == 'edit') { $address_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); $now_address = M('User_address')->getAdressById('', $wap_user['uid'], $address_id); if (empty($now_address)) { pigcms_tips('您编辑的收货地址不存在', 'none'); } include display('my_address_edit'); } } } echo ob_get_clean();
public function index() { $product_model = M('Product'); $this->product = $product_model->get(array('product_id' => $this->id, 'status' => 1)); if (empty($this->product) || $this->product['status'] != 1) { pigcms_tips('未找到相应产品', 'none'); } $this->product['wx_image'] = option('config.site_url') . '/source/qrcode.php?type=good&id=' . $this->product['product_id']; $is_preview = $_GET['is_preview']; if (!is_mobile() && $this->user_session && $this->product['uid'] == $this->user_session['uid']) { $this->assign('is_preview', $is_preview); } // 猜你喜欢,抽取方法为同类型的热销产品 $condition_arr = array(); //$condition_arr['category_id'] = $this->product['category_id']; $condition_arr['status'] = 1; $condition_arr['product_id'] = array('!=', $this->product['product_id']); $condition_arr['store_id'] = $this->product['store_id']; $similar_product_list = $product_model->getSelling($condition_arr, 'sort', 'desc', 0, 6); //->where($condition_arr)->order('sort desc')->limit('0, 6')->select(); // 本店铺热卖产品,抽取方法本店铺同类型热买 //$hot_product_list = $product_model->getSelling($condition_arr, 'sales', 'desc', 0, 6); // 检查商品库存情况 $product_sku_list = array(); $property_new_list = array(); if ($this->product['has_property']) { //$product_sku_list = D('Product_sku')->field('`sku_id`, `properties`, `quantity`, `price`')->where(array('product_id' => $this->id, 'quantity'=>array('!=', '0')))->order('`sku_id` ASC')->select(); $product_sku_list = D('Product_sku')->field('`sku_id`, `properties`, `quantity`, `price`')->where(array('product_id' => $this->id))->order('`sku_id` ASC')->select(); $sku_price_arr = $sku_property_arr = array(); foreach ($product_sku_list as $value) { $sku_price_arr[] = $value['price']; $sku_property_arr[$value['properties']] = true; } $property_list = D('')->field('`pp`.`pid`,`pp`.`name`')->table(array('Product_to_property' => 'ptp', 'Product_property' => 'pp'))->where("`ptp`.`product_id`='" . $this->id . "' AND `pp`.`pid`=`ptp`.`pid`")->order('`ptp`.`pigcms_id` ASC')->select(); if (!empty($property_list)) { $property_value_list = D('')->field('`ppv`.`vid`,`ppv`.`value`,`ppv`.`pid`, `ppv`.`image`')->table(array('Product_to_property_value' => 'ptpv', 'Product_property_value' => 'ppv'))->where("`ptpv`.`product_id`='" . $this->id . "' AND `ppv`.`vid`=`ptpv`.`vid`")->order('`ptpv`.`pigcms_id` ASC')->select(); if (!empty($property_value_list)) { foreach ($property_value_list as $value) { $propertyValueList[$value['pid']][] = array('vid' => $value['vid'], 'value' => $value['value'], 'image' => getAttachmentUrl($value['image'])); } foreach ($property_list as $value) { $property_new_list[] = array('pid' => $value['pid'], 'name' => $value['name'], 'image' => getAttachmentUrl($value['image']), 'values' => $propertyValueList[$value['pid']]); } if (count($property_new_list) == 1) { foreach ($property_new_list[0]['values'] as $key => $value) { $tmpKey = $property_new_list[0]['pid'] . ':' . $value['vid']; if (empty($sku_property_arr[$tmpKey])) { unset($property_new_list[0]['values'][$key]); } } } $returnArr['sku_list'] = $product_sku_list; $returnArr['property_list'] = $property_new_list; } } } // 抽出店铺 $store = M('Store')->getStore($this->product['store_id']); if (empty($store) || $store['status'] != 1) { pigcms_tips('未找到相应的店铺或已关闭', 'none'); } $store_contact = array(); if ($this->product['supplier_id']) { $store_contact = M('Store_contact')->get($this->product['supplier_id']); } else { $store_contact = M('Store_contact')->get($this->product['store_id']); } // 设置浏览记录,只记录产品的product_id,只记录最近5条记录 $history_product_list = $_COOKIE['history_product_list']; if (empty($history_product_list)) { setcookie('history_product_list', $this->id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 86400 * 365, '/'); } else { $tmp_product_list = explode(',', $history_product_list); array_unshift($tmp_product_list, $this->id); $tmp_product_list = array_slice($tmp_product_list, 0, 6); $tmp_product_list = array_unique($tmp_product_list); $tmp_product_list = array_slice($tmp_product_list, 0, 5); $product_id_str = join(',', $tmp_product_list); setcookie('history_product_list', $product_id_str, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 86400 * 365, '/'); } // 更改浏览次数 M('Product')->analytics(array('product_id' => $this->id)); // 主营分类 $sale_category = M('Store')->getSaleCategory($this->product['store_id'], $this->product['uid']); // 检查是否已经收藏 $user_collect = array('click' => 'userCollect', 'title' => '收藏'); if (!empty($this->user_session)) { $collect = D('User_collect')->where(array('type' => 1, 'user_id' => $this->user_session['uid'], 'dataid' => $this->id))->find(); if (!empty($collect)) { $user_collect = array('click' => 'cancelCollect', 'title' => '取消收藏'); } } // 查看本产品是否参与活动 $reward = ''; if ($this->product['source_product_id'] == 0) { $reward = M('Reward')->getRewardByProduct($this->product); } // 查找产品的图片 $product_image_list = M('Product_image')->getImages($this->id); // 查找评论TAG数量 $where = array(); $where['type'] = 'PRODUCT'; $where['relation_id'] = $this->id; $comment_tag_count_list = M('Comment_tag')->getCountList($where); // 评论满意,一般,不满意数量,以及满意百分比 $comment_type_count = M('Comment')->getCountList($where); $satisfaction_pre = '100%'; if ($comment_type_count['total'] > 0) { $satisfaction_pre = round($comment_type_count['t3'] / $comment_type_count['total'] * 100) . '%'; } $comment_type_count['satisfaction_pre'] = $satisfaction_pre; // 查找系统评论TAG $product_category_tag_list = array(); $product_category = M('Product_category')->getCategory($this->product['category_id']); if (!empty($product_category['tag_str'])) { $where = array(); $where['id'] = array('in', explode(',', $product_category['tag_str'])); $product_category_tag_list = M('System_tag')->geNameList($where); } // 店铺信息下面的评论 $where = array(); $where = array(); $where['type'] = 'PRODUCT'; $where['relation_id'] = $this->id; $where['status'] = 1; $where['delete_flg'] = 0; $comment_list = M('Comment')->getSimiplyList($where); // 最新动态 $sns_list = M('Financial_record')->sns(); $this->assign('imUrl', getImUrl($_SESSION['user']['uid'], $store['store_id'])); $this->assign('product', $this->product); $this->assign('product_image_list', $product_image_list); $this->assign('similar_product_list', $similar_product_list); $this->assign('comment_type_count', $comment_type_count); $this->assign('comment_tag_count_list', $comment_tag_count_list); $this->assign('product_category_tag_list', $product_category_tag_list); $this->assign('store', $store); $this->assign('store_contact', $store_contact); $this->assign('property_list', $property_new_list); $this->assign('product_sku_list', $product_sku_list); $this->assign('sale_category', $sale_category); $this->assign('user_collect', $user_collect); $this->assign('reward', $reward); $this->assign('sns_list', $sns_list); $this->assign('comment_list', $comment_list); $this->display(); }
} } $flag1 = true; /*if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_share'])) { //分享满多少 $flag1 = true; }*/ //if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_condition'])) { // 两个条件必须满足才可分销 if (!($flag && $flag1)) { if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_buy']) && !empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_share'])) { pigcms_tips('亲,还差一步哦,在本店消费满 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'] . '元,同时分享本店 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_share'] . '次,即可申请成为本店分销商。', 'none'); } else { if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'])) { pigcms_tips('亲,还差一步哦,在本店消费满 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'] . '元,即可申请成为本店分销商。', 'none'); } else { if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_share'])) { pigcms_tips('亲,还差一步哦,分享本店 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'] . '次,即可申请成为本店分销商。', 'none'); } } } } /*} else { if (!($flag || $flag1)) { if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_buy']) && !empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_share'])) { pigcms_tips('亲,还差一步哦,在本店消费满 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'] . '元,或分享本店 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_share'] . '次,即可申请成为本店分销商。', 'none'); } else if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'])) { pigcms_tips('亲,还差一步哦,在本店消费满 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'] . '元,即可申请成为本店分销商。', 'none'); } else if (!empty($tmp_store['drp_limit_share'])) { pigcms_tips('亲,还差一步哦,分享本店 ' . $tmp_store['drp_limit_buy'] . '次,即可申请成为本店分销商。', 'none'); } } }*/
* 分销商品分享 * User: pigcms_21 * Date: 2015/7/9 * Time: 13:54 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; $product_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); $product_model = M('Product'); $user = M('User'); $product = $product_model->get(array('product_id' => $product_id, 'uid' => $_SESSION['wap_user']['uid'])); $store = M('Store')->wap_getStore($product['supplier_id']); if (empty($store)) { pigcms_tips('您访问的店铺不存在', 'none'); } if (empty($product)) { pigcms_tips('您访问的商品不存在', 'none'); } $source_product = $product_model->get(array('product_id' => $product['source_product_id']), 'cost_price'); $original_product = $product_model->get(array('product_id' => $product['original_product_id']), 'sales,drp_seller_qty,drp_profit'); $profit = $product['price'] - $source_product['cost_price']; if ($profit < 0) { $profit = 0; } $profit = !empty($profit) ? number_format($profit, 2, '.', '') : '0.00'; $sales = !empty($original_product['sales']) ? $original_product['sales'] : 0; $drp_seller_qty = !empty($original_product['drp_seller_qty']) ? $original_product['drp_seller_qty'] : 0; $drp_profit = !empty($original_product['drp_profit']) ? number_format($original_product['drp_profit'], 2, '.', '') : '0.00'; $avater = $user->getAvatarById($_SESSION['wap_user']['uid']); $username = !empty($_SESSION['wap_user']['nickname']) ? $_SESSION['wap_user']['nickname'] : '游客'; //分享配置 start /*$share_conf = array(
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $open_store = true; if (!empty($_GET['sessid'])) { $_SESSION['sync_store'] = true; $user = M('User'); $userinfo = $user->checkUser(array('session_id' => trim($_GET['sessid']))); if (!empty($userinfo)) { $_SESSION['user'] = $userinfo; } else { pigcms_tips('该用户不存在!'); } if (!empty($_GET['store_id'])) { $tmp_store = M('Store')->getStoreById($_GET['store_id'], $userinfo['uid']); if ($tmp_store) { if (empty($tmp_store['logo'])) { $tmp_store['logo'] = 'default_shop_2.jpg'; } $_SESSION['store'] = $tmp_store; } else { pigcms_tips('该店铺不存在!'); } } setcookie('session', serialize($_SESSION), $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 10000000, '/'); } if (empty($_SESSION['user'])) { if (!empty($_COOKIE['session'])) { $_SESSION = unserialize($_COOKIE['session']); } else { redirect('./account.php'); } } if (empty($_SESSION['store']['store_id'])) { //选择的店铺session过期 $open_store = false; } $store_info = M('Store')->getStoreById($_SESSION['store']['store_id'], $_SESSION['store']['uid']); if (!empty($_SESSION['store']['drp_supplier_id'])) { if (empty($store_info['drp_approve'])) { //未审核店铺不能打开 $open_store = false; } } if (empty($_SESSION['store']['drp_approve'])) { $_SESSION['store']['drp_approve'] = $store_info['drp_approve']; } $this->store_session = $_SESSION['store']; $this->assign('store_session', $_SESSION['store']); $this->user_session = $_SESSION['user']; $this->assign('user_session', $_SESSION['user']); $this->assign('open_store', $open_store); //是否能打开店铺 $this->assign('store_select', url('store:select')); //店铺打不开跳转地址 //是否启用分销 $open_store_drp = option('config.open_store_drp'); if (!$this->checkFx(true) && !$open_store_drp) { $this->assign('enabled_drp', false); $this->enabled_drp = false; } else { $this->assign('enabled_drp', true); $this->enabled_drp = true; } }
public function store() { if (IS_POST) { $store = M('Store'); $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? trim($_POST['name']) : ''; if (isset($_POST['logo'])) { $logo = getAttachment($_POST['logo']); //str_replace(array(option('config.site_url').'/upload/images/','./upload/images/'),'',trim($_POST['logo'])); } else { $logo = ''; } $intro = isset($_POST['intro']) ? trim($_POST['intro']) : ''; $linkman = isset($_POST['linkman']) ? trim($_POST['linkman']) : ''; $qq = isset($_POST['qq']) ? trim($_POST['qq']) : ''; $mobile = isset($_POST['mobile']) ? trim($_POST['mobile']) : ''; $open_service = isset($_POST['open_service']) ? intval(trim($_POST['open_service'])) : 0; $data = array(); if ($name) { $data['name'] = $name; } if ($logo) { $data['logo'] = $logo; } $data['intro'] = $intro; $data['linkman'] = $linkman; $data['qq'] = $qq; $data['tel'] = $mobile; $data['open_service'] = $open_service; if ($_SESSION['store']['name'] != $name) { $data['edit_name_count'] = $_SESSION['store']['edit_name_count'] + 1; //店铺名称修改次数 } $where = array(); $where['store_id'] = $this->store_session['store_id']; if ($store->setting($where, $data)) { $_SESSION['store']['name'] = $name; $_SESSION['store']['logo'] = $_POST['logo']; $_SESSION['store']['edit_name_count'] += 1; } json_return(0, url('store:index')); } $id = $_GET['id'] + 0; if (!empty($id)) { $store = M('Store')->getStoreById($id, $_SESSION['user']['uid']); if (empty($store)) { pigcms_tips('未找到相应的店铺', 'none'); } $_SESSION['store'] = $store; } $this->display(); }
public function info() { $weixin_bind_type = M('Weixin_bind')->get_account_type_Bydata($this->weixin_bind_info); if ($weixin_bind_type['errcode']) { pigcms_tips($weixin_bind_type['errmsg']); } else { $this->weixin_bind_info['service_type_txt'] = $weixin_bind_type['errmsg']; } $this->assign('weixin_bind', $this->weixin_bind_info); $this->display(); }
/** * 搜索产品页 */ function goods() { $id = $_GET['id']; $keyword = $_GET['keyword']; $start_price = $_GET['start_price']; $end_price = $_GET['end_price']; $page = max(1, $_GET['page']); $order = $_GET['order']; $sort = $_GET['sort']; $limit = 20; $WebUserInfo = $this->user_location; if (empty($keyword)) { pigcms_tips('请输入搜索关键词'); } if ($order == 'juli') { if (!$WebUserInfo['long']) { $order = ""; } } // 产品分类 if (!empty($id)) { // 顶级分类和子分类 $product_category_model = M('Product_category'); $category_detail = $product_category_model->getCategory($id); // 目前产品分类只支持两级 $cid = $category_detail['cat_id']; // 当访问的不是首分类时,修正为父级分类ID if ($category_detail['cat_fid'] != 0) { $cid = $category_detail['cat_fid']; } // 父类分类 $f_category = array(); $s_category = array(); // 搜索分类id $search_cat_id_arr = array(); $s_category = D('Product_category')->where(array('cat_fid' => $cid))->order('cat_sort desc, cat_id asc')->select(); if ($cid == $category_detail['cat_id']) { $f_category = $category_detail; foreach ($s_category as $tmp) { $search_cat_id_arr[] = $tmp['cat_id']; } $search_cat_id_arr[] = $cid; } else { $f_category = $product_category_model->getCategory($cid); } } else { $s_category = D('Product_category')->where(array('cat_fid' => 0))->order('cat_sort desc, cat_id asc')->select(); } // 修正排序 $order_arr = array('sort', 'sales', 'price', 'juli'); $sort_arr = array('desc', 'asc'); if (!in_array($order, $order_arr)) { $order = 'sort'; } if (!in_array($sort, $sort_arr)) { $sort = 'asc'; } if (!empty($start_price) && !empty($end_price) && $start_price > $end_price) { $tmp_price = $start_price; $start_price = $end_price; $end_price = $tmp_price; } $where_sql = "`status` = 1 AND `name` like '%" . $keyword . "%'"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`name` like '%" . $keyword . "%'"; if (!empty($start_price)) { $where_sql .= " AND `price` >= '" . $start_price . "'"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`price` >= '" . $start_price . "'"; } if (!empty($end_price)) { $where_sql .= " AND `price` <= '" . $end_price . "'"; $where_sql2[] = " p.`price` <= '" . $end_price . "'"; } if (!empty($id)) { if (empty($search_cat_id_arr)) { $where_sql .= " AND `category_id` = '" . $id . "'"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`category_id` = '" . $id . "'"; } else { $where_sql .= " AND `category_id` in (" . join(',', $search_cat_id_arr) . ")"; $where_sql2[] = " `p`.`category_id` in (" . join(',', $search_cat_id_arr) . ")"; } } // 不出现分销 $where_sql .= " AND `supplier_id` = '0'"; //$where_sql2 .= " AND p.`supplier_id` = '0'"; if ($order == 'juli') { if ($where_sql2) { $where_sql2 = implode(" and ", $where_sql2); } $count = M('Product')->getSellingBydistanceCount($where_sql2); } else { $count = D('Product')->where($where_sql)->count('product_id'); } $product_list = array(); $store_list = array(); $pages = ''; $total_pages = 0; if ($count > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); $page = min($page, $total_pages); $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit; if ($order == 'juli') { $orders = " juli "; $product_list = M('Product')->getSellingBydistance($where_sql2, $orders, $sort, $offset, $limit); } else { $product_list = M('Product')->getSelling($where_sql, $order, $sort, $offset, $limit); } // 查找店铺 $store_id_list = array(); foreach ($product_list as $product) { $store_id_list[$product['store_id']] = $product['store_id']; } $store_list = M('Store')->getStoreName($store_id_list); // 分页 import('source.class.user_page'); $user_page = new Page($count, $limit, $page); $pages = $user_page->show(); } // 默认搜索条件 $param = array(); $param['keyword'] = $keyword; if (!empty($start_price)) { $param['start_price'] = $start_price; } if (!empty($end_price)) { $param['end_price'] = $end_price; } if (!empty($id)) { $param['id'] = $id; } // 分类搜索 $param_category = $param; if (!empty($f_category)) { $param_category['id'] = $f_category['cat_id']; } //unset($param_category['id']); // 当前搜索条件 $param_search = $param; if ($order != 'sort') { $param_search['order'] = $order; $param_search['sort'] = $sort; } // 更改下次排序 $sort = $sort == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; // 热销搜索条件 $param_sales = $param; $param_sales['order'] = 'sales'; $param_sales['sort'] = $sort; // 价格搜索条件 $param_price = $param; $param_price['order'] = 'price'; $param_price['sort'] = $sort; // 距离搜索条件 $param_distance = $param; $param_distance['order'] = "juli"; $param_distance['sort'] = $sort; /////////////// $store_id_list = array(); foreach ($product_list as &$product) { $store_id_list[$product['store_id']] = $product['store_id']; } //$store_list = M('Store')->getStoreName($store_id_list); $store_contact_info = M('store_contact')->get_store_contact_info($store_id_list); ////////////// //获取树 $count = $count ? $count : 0; $this->assign('param', $param); $this->assign('params', $param); $this->assign('searchKeyword', $keyword); $this->assign('cid', $id); $this->assign('WebUserInfo', $WebUserInfo); $this->assign('f_category', $f_category); $this->assign('s_category', $s_category); $this->assign('product_list', $product_list); $this->assign('store_list', $store_list); $this->assign('pages', $pages); $this->assign('param_search', $param_search); $this->assign('param_distance', $param_distance); $this->assign('param_sales', $param_sales); $this->assign('param_price', $param_price); $this->assign('store_contact_info', $store_contact_info); $this->assign('param_category', $param_category); $this->assign('product_count', $count); $this->assign('page_arr', array('current_page' => $page, 'total_pages' => $total_pages)); $this->display(); }
if (!empty($_SESSION['wap_drp_store'])) { $where['store_id'] = array('!=', $_SESSION['wap_drp_store']['store_id']); } $where['name'] = isset($_POST['name']) ? trim($_POST['name']) : ''; $where['status'] = 1; if ($store->checkStoreExist($where)) { echo false; } else { echo true; } exit; } else { if (strtolower($_GET['a']) == 'reset_pwd') { //重置为初始密码 if (empty($_SESSION['wap_drp_store'])) { pigcms_tips('您没有权限访问,<a href="./home.php?id=' . $_COOKIE['wap_store_id'] . '">返回首页</a>', 'none'); } $user = M('User'); $store = $_SESSION['wap_drp_store']; $user_info = $user->checkUser(array('uid' => $store['uid'])); if (D('User')->where(array('uid' => $user_info['uid']))->data(array('password' => md5($user_info['phone'])))->save()) { redirect('./drp_ucenter.php'); } else { redirect('./drp_store.php?a=account'); } } else { if (IS_GET && $_GET['a'] == 'logout') { $store_id = $_SESSION['wap_drp_store']['store_id']; unset($_SESSION['wap_drp_store']); redirect('./ucenter.php?id=' . $store_id); }
} //首页推荐商品 $product_list = M('Product')->getSelling('quantity>0 AND status=1 AND is_recommend = 1', '', '', 0, 4); //D('Product')->where('quantity>0 AND status=1 AND is_recommend = 1')->limit('4')->select(); //首页推荐活动 $active_list = D('Activity_recommend')->order("is_rec desc,ucount desc")->limit(4)->select(); $activity = M('activity'); foreach ($active_list as $k => $value) { $active_list[$k]["url"] = $activity->createUrl($value, $value['model'], '1'); $active_list[$k]["image"] = getAttachmentUrl($value['image']); } } else { if (empty($config['platform_mall_index_page'])) { pigcms_tips('请管理员在管理后台【系统设置】=》【站点配置】=》【平台商城配置】选取微页面', 'none'); } //首页的微杂志 $homePage = D('Wei_page')->where(array('page_id' => $config['platform_mall_index_page']))->find(); if (empty($homePage)) { pigcms_tips('您访问的店铺没有首页', 'none'); } } $imUrl = getImUrl($_SESSION['wap_user']['uid'], $store_id); $is_have_activity = option('config.is_have_activity'); //分享配置 start $share_conf = array('title' => option('config.site_name'), 'desc' => str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ''), option('config.seo_description')), 'link' => option('config.wap_site_url'), 'imgUrl' => option('config.site_logo'), 'type' => '', 'dataUrl' => ''); import('WechatShare'); $share = new WechatShare(); $shareData = $share->getSgin($share_conf); //分享配置 end include display('index'); echo ob_get_clean();
function delete() { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->table; if (empty($this->where)) { pigcms_tips('为了保证数据库的安全,没有条件的删除不允许执行', 'none'); } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->where; $this->clear_data(); return $this->execute($sql); }
$token = htmlspecialchars($_GET['token']); $return['wecha_id'] = $_SESSION['openid']; $return['token'] = $token; $return['sex'] = $_SESSION['wap_user']['sex']; $return['issub'] = isSub($_SESSION['openid']); $return['portrait'] = $_SESSION['wap_user']['avatar']; $return['wechaname'] = $return['truename'] = $_SESSION['wap_user']['nickname']; $return['province'] = $_SESSION['wap_user']['province']; $return['city'] = $_SESSION['wap_user']['city']; $postData = array('option' => array('where' => array('wecha_id' => $return['wecha_id'], 'token' => $token), 'order' => 'id DESC', 'limit' => '1'), 'data' => $return, 'model' => 'Userinfo', 'token' => $token, 'debug' => true); $postData['sign'] = getSign($postData, $salt); $result = api_curl_post($apiUrl . 'index.php?g=Home&m=Auth&a=insert', $postData); if ($result['status'] == 0) { header('Location:' . $apiUrl . 'index.php?g=Home&m=Auth&a=oauth2&token=' . $token . '&wechat_id=' . $return['wecha_id']); } else { pigcms_tips($result['message'], 'none'); } break; } function getSign($data, $salt) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $validate[$key] = getSign($value, $salt); } else { $validate[$key] = $value; } } $validate['salt'] = $salt; sort($validate, SORT_STRING); return sha1(implode($validate));
function require_file($load_file) { if (file_exists($load_file)) { return require $load_file; } else { $file = str_replace(PIGCMS_PATH, '', $load_file); pigcms_tips(PIGCMS_PATH . $file . ' 文件不存在。', 'none'); } }
return false; } } function change_login_qrcode($qrcode_id, $wap_user) { $database_login_qrcode = D('Login_qrcode'); $condition_login_qrcode['id'] = $qrcode_id; $data_login_qrcode['uid'] = $wap_user['uid']; if ($database_login_qrcode->where($condition_login_qrcode)->data($data_login_qrcode)->save()) { return true; } else { return false; } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; $qrcode_id = $_GET['qrcode_id']; if (empty($qrcode_id)) { pigcms_tips('登录失败!请重新扫码。', $config['wap_site_url']); } if (!check_login_qrcode($qrcode_id)) { pigcms_tips('二维码已失效!请重新扫码。', $config['wap_site_url']); } if (!empty($wap_user)) { if (change_login_qrcode($qrcode_id, $wap_user)) { pigcms_tips('登录成功!电脑端正在等待跳转', $config['wap_site_url']); } else { pigcms_tips('登录失败!请重新扫码。', $config['wap_site_url']); } } else { redirect('./login.php?referer=' . urlencode('./weixin_bind.php?qrcode_id=' . $qrcode_id)); }
public function store_select() { if (empty($_GET['store_id'])) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!'); } $store = M('Store')->getStoreById($_GET['store_id'], $this->user_session['uid']); if ($store) { $_SESSION['tmp_store_id'] = $store['store_id']; if (empty($store['logo'])) { $store['logo'] = 'default_shop_2.jpg'; } $_SESSION['store'] = $store; redirect(url('store:index')); } else { pigcms_tips('该店铺不存在!'); } }
<?php //狗扑源码社区 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; $cat_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); $database_product_category = D('Product_category'); $now_cat = $database_product_category->where(array('cat_id' => $cat_id))->find(); $first_cat_list = $database_product_category->field('`cat_id`,`cat_name`')->where(array('cat_fid' => 0))->order('`cat_sort` DESC')->select(); $two_cat_list = $database_product_category->field('`cat_id`,`cat_name`')->where(array('cat_fid' => $cat_id))->order('`cat_sort` DESC')->select(); $product_list = D('Product')->field('`product_id`,`name`,`image`,`price`,`original_price`,`sales`')->where(array('category_fid' => $cat_id))->order('`product_id` DESC')->limit(10)->select(); include display('category'); echo ob_get_clean();
public function load() { parent::__construct(); $action = strtolower(trim($_GET['action'])); if (empty($action)) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } switch ($action) { case 'cartone': //购物车第一步 $this->_cartOne(); break; case 'carttwo': //购物车第二步 $this->_cartTwo(); break; case 'cartthree': //购物车第三步 $this->_cartThree(); break; } $this->assign('step', $action); $this->display($_GET['action']); }
public function comments_load() { if (empty($_POST['page'])) { pigcms_tips('非法访问!', 'none'); } if ($_POST['page'] == 'create_content') { $cat_list = M('Product_category')->getAllCategory(); $this->assign('cat_list', $cat_list); } if ($_POST['page'] == 'edit_content') { $this->_edit_content($_GET['id']); } //商品分组列表 if ($_POST['page'] == 'category_content') { $group_list = M('Product_group')->get_list($this->store_session['store_id']); $this->assign('group_list', $group_list); } //商品分组编辑 if ($_POST['page'] == 'category_edit') { $now_group = M('Product_group')->get_group($this->store_session['store_id'], $_POST['group_id']); if (!empty($now_group)) { if ($now_group['has_custom']) { $customField = M('Custom_field')->get_field($this->store_session['store_id'], 'good_cat', $now_group['group_id']); $this->assign('customField', json_encode($customField)); } $this->assign('now_group', $now_group); } else { exit('当前分组不存在!'); } } if ($_POST['page'] == 'comment_goods_content') { $this->_comment_goods_list(); } if ($_POST['page'] == 'comment_store_content') { $this->_comment_store_list(); } $this->display($_POST['page']); }
<?php /** * 订单信息 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; //setcookie('pigcms_sessionid','',$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']-10000000,'/'); $store_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); if (empty($wap_user)) { redirect('./login.php?referer=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } //店铺资料 $now_store = M('Store')->wap_getStore($store_id); if (empty($now_store)) { pigcms_tips('您访问的店铺不存在', 'none'); } setcookie('wap_store_id', $now_store['store_id'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 10000000, '/'); //当前页面的地址 $now_url = $config['wap_site_url'] . '/ucenter.php?id=' . $now_store['store_id']; //会员中心配置 $now_ucenter = D('Ucenter')->where(array('store_id' => $now_store['store_id']))->find(); if (empty($now_ucenter)) { $now_ucenter['page_title'] = $config['ucenter_page_title']; $now_ucenter['bg_pic'] = $config['site_url'] . '/upload/images/' . $config['ucenter_bg_pic']; $now_ucenter['show_level'] = $config['ucenter_show_level']; $now_ucenter['show_point'] = $config['ucenter_show_point']; } else { $now_ucenter['bg_pic'] = trim($now_ucenter['bg_pic'], '.'); } //会员中心的自定义字段 if ($now_ucenter['has_custom']) {
<?php /** * 评论 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; $product_id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : pigcms_tips('您输入的网址有误', 'none'); //获取评论并分页 ajax function get_pinlun_list($product_id) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php'; $page = $_GET['page'] + 0; $id = $_GET['id']; $type = $_GET['type']; $tab = $_GET['tab']; $has_image = $_GET['has_image']; if (empty($id)) { echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => '参数错误')); exit; } $type_arr = array('PRODUCT', 'STORE'); if (!in_array($type, $type_arr)) { echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => '参数错误')); exit; } $where = array(); $where['type'] = $type; if (!empty($has_image)) { $where['has_image'] = 1; } $where['relation_id'] = $id;