public function testRenderTemplateWithLayoutUsingPHTMLConvenience() { phtml()->title = "Test"; ob_start(); phtml('for_layout', 'layout')->render(); $out = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertContains('<!DOCTYPE html>', $out); $this->assertContains('<h1>Test</h1>', $out); $this->assertContains('<title>Test</title>', $out); }
function phtml($__n, $__v = [], $__l = 'layout') { # if we have templates set, use it as view base path if (($__d = config('templates')) !== null) { $__n = "{$__d}/{$__n}"; } # extract locals (__v), require template (__n) extract($__v, EXTR_SKIP); ob_start(); require "{$__n}.phtml"; $__b = ob_get_clean(); # if we have a layout file, render it if (!empty($__l) && is_string($__l)) { $__b = phtml($__l, ['body' => $__b] + $__v, null); } return $__b; }
$app_base_url = strlen($app_base) ? "/{$app_base}" : $app_base; config('url', $app_base_url); config('templates', 'views'); require APP_DIR . 'functions.php'; if (!session('user_uid')) { if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { $users = jdb_select('.users', ['email' => trim($_POST['email'])]); if (count($users)) { $user = $users[0]; if ($user['hash'] === hash('sha256', trim($_POST['password']))) { session('user_uid', $user['_uid']); redirect($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { alerts('error', 'Wrong email or password!'); } } else { alerts('error', 'Wrong email or password!'); } } echo phtml('login', [], false); exit; } stash('user', jdb_select('.users', session('user_uid'))[0]); if (flash('info')) { alerts('info', flash('info')); } require 'routes/routes.main.php'; require 'routes/routes.users.php'; require 'routes/routes.settings.php'; require 'routes/routes.collections.php'; dispatch();
<?php map('GET', '/', function ($db) { echo phtml('index'); });
/** * * @package hackslash * @version GIT: $Id$ Rewrite Imminent * @copyright (c) 2015 rage28 ( & Xubz ( * */ function render_page($title, $inner_layout, $script_path) { print phtml('layout', ['title' => $title, 'body' => $inner_layout, 'script_path' => $script_path], false); }
if (!preg_match('/^\\S+@\\S+$/', $email)) { alerts('error', 'Email must have format:'); } if (stash('user')['email'] !== $email) { $users = jdb_select('.users', ['email' => $email]); if (count($users) > 0) { alerts('error', 'User with same email alredy exists.'); } } if ($new_password !== '') { if (stash('user')['hash'] !== hash('sha256', $password)) { alerts('error', 'Wrong password.'); } if (!preg_match('/.{6}/', $new_password)) { alerts('error', 'New password must containt minimum 6 characters.'); } } if (count(alerts('error')) === 0) { $update = ['login' => $login, 'email' => $email]; if ($new_password) { $update['hash'] = hash('sha256', $new_password); } if (jdb_update('.users', $update, stash('user')['_uid'])) { alerts('info', 'User updated.'); stash('user', jdb_select('.users', stash('user')['_uid'])[0]); } else { alerts('error', 'Something was wrong, user not updated.'); } } echo phtml('user'); });
public function testDispatchWithRequestObject() { $r = new ApplicationTestWrapper(); $r->get('/person/:name/:id', function () { return '/person'; }); $r->get('/', function () { phtml()->title = "test"; return phtml('view'); }); ob_start(); $request = new vicious\Request('/person/bob/55', 'GET'); $r->dispatch($request); $o = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals('/person', $o); ob_start(); $request = new vicious\Request('/', 'GET'); $r->dispatch($request); $o = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>test</title></head><body><h1>test</h1></body></html>', $o); }
$posts .= phtml('post', ['post' => unserialize(trim($post))], false); } print phtml('index', ['posts' => $posts]); }); # show a post map('GET', '/posts/<id>', function ($args, $db) { foreach (file($db) as $post) { $post = unserialize($post); if ($post['id'] != $args['id']) { continue; } print phtml('post', ['post' => $post]); } }); # new post form map('GET', '/submit', function () { print phtml('submit', blanks('title', 'body')); }); # create a new post map('POST', '/create', function ($db) { $post = $_POST['post']; $post['id'] = time(); file_put_contents($db, serialize($post) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); return redirect('/index'); }); # load contents of config.ini config(parse_ini_file(__DIR__ . '/config.ini')); # prep the db !file_exists($db = __DIR__ . '/posts.txt') && touch($db); # pass along our data store dispatch($db);
$collection = ['name' => $name, 'slug' => $slug, 'fields' => isset($_POST['fields']) ? $_POST['fields'] : null]; if (!$collection['fields']) { alerts('error', 'Collection must have fields.'); } else { $names = []; foreach ($collection['fields'] as $n => $field) { $field['name'] = trim($field['name']); if ($field['name'] === '') { alerts('error', 'Enter field name (' . ($n + 1) . ')'); } elseif (in_array($field['name'], $names)) { alerts('error', 'Field with same name aready exist (' . ($n + 1) . ')'); } else { $names[] = $field['name']; } if ($field['type'] === 'select' && trim($field['options']) === '') { alerts('error', 'Field with type `select` must have options (' . ($n + 1) . ')'); } $collection['fields'][$n] = ['name' => trim($field['name']), 'type' => $field['type'], 'label' => $field['label'], 'default' => $field['default_value'], 'required' => isset($field['required']) ? true : false, 'options' => $field['options']]; } } if (count(alerts('error')) === 0) { if (jdb_update('collections', $collection, $uid)) { flash('info', 'Collection updated successfuly.'); redirect(site() . 'collections/collection/' . $uid); } else { alerts('error', 'Something was wron, collection do not created.'); } } } echo phtml('collection', ['collection' => $collection]); });
if (!isset($_SESSION['hs_ch_complete'])) { $_SESSION['hs_ch_complete'] = false; } if ($_SESSION['hs_ch_complete']) { render_page('Challenge ' . $current_challenge, phtml('challenge-success', ['session' => $_SESSION, 'ext' => $_ext, 'script_path' => $script_path], false), $script_path); unset($_SESSION['hs_used_clue']); unset($_SESSION['hs_challocatedpts']); unset($_SESSION['hs_ch_complete']); } else { if ($redtime < 5) { $challenge_layout = 'challenge-red'; } else { $challenge_layout = 'challenge-normal'; } $challenge_statement = get_challenge_data_2($current_challenge); $clue = ''; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['btnChClue'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['hs_challocatedpts']) && !isset($_SESSION['hs_used_clue'])) { $_SESSION['hs_challocatedpts'] -= $current_challenge; } $clue = get_challenge_clue($current_challenge); } render_page('Challenge ' . $current_challenge, phtml($challenge_layout, ['current_challenge' => $current_challenge, 'challenge_statement' => $challenge_statement, 'clue' => $clue, 'timeleft' => $timeleft, 'script_path' => $script_path, 'ext' => $_ext], false), $script_path); } } } else { return redirect($script_path); } }); config(parse_ini_file(__DIR__ . '/config.ini')); dispatch($conn);
function view($template, $data = false, $layout = false) { /*{{{*/ config('templates', 'views'); echo phtml($template, $data, $layout); }
function page($path, array $vars = []) { return function () use($path, $vars) { return response(phtml($path, $vars)); }; }
} # invalid data try { config(require __DIR__ . '/fixtures/settings-invalid.php'); } catch (Exception $e) { assert($e instanceof InvalidArgumentException); } # ent() and url() assert(ent('john & marsha') === 'john & marsha'); assert(url('=') === '%3D'); # bare phtml() assert('<h1>dispatch</h1>' === trim(phtml(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/template', ['name' => 'dispatch'], null))); # load views config config(parse_ini_file(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/templates.ini')); # test page rendering using layout and dispatch.views assert('<h1>dispatch</h1>' === trim(phtml('template', ['name' => 'dispatch']))); # form blanks assert(['name' => '', 'email' => ''] === blanks('name', 'email')); # ip() - least priority first $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; assert(ip() === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''; assert(ip() === $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] = ''; assert(ip() === $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']); # stash tests stash('name', 'dispatch'); assert(stash('name') === 'dispatch'); stash('name', null); assert(stash('name') === null); stash('name', 'dispatch');
<?php map('GET', '/settings', function () { echo phtml('settings'); });