function get_title()
     if (empty($this->title)) {
         return __('(No title)');
     return phpc_html_escape($this->title);
function category_form()
    global $phpc_script, $vars, $phpcdb, $phpcid;
    $form = new Form($phpc_script, __('Category Form'));
    $form->add_part(new FormFreeQuestion('name', __('Name'), false, 32, true));
    if (isset($vars['cid'])) {
        $form->add_hidden('cid', $vars['cid']);
        $cid = $vars['cid'];
    } else {
        $cid = $phpcid;
    $form->add_hidden('action', 'category_submit');
    $form->add_hidden('phpcid', $phpcid);
    $form->add_part(new FormColorPicker('text-color', __('Text Color')));
    $form->add_part(new FormColorPicker('bg-color', __('Background Color')));
    $group_question = new FormDropDownQuestion('gid', __('Visible to groups'));
    $group_question->add_option('', __('None'));
    foreach ($phpcdb->get_groups($cid) as $group) {
        $group_question->add_option($group['gid'], $group['name']);
    $form->add_part(new FormSubmitButton(__("Submit Category")));
    if (isset($vars['catid'])) {
        $form->add_hidden('catid', $vars['catid']);
        $category = $phpcdb->get_category($vars['catid']);
        $defaults = array('name' => phpc_html_escape($category['name']), 'text-color' => phpc_html_escape(str_replace('#', '', $category['text_color'])), 'bg-color' => phpc_html_escape(str_replace('#', '', $category['bg_color'])), 'gid' => phpc_html_escape($category['gid']));
    } else {
        $defaults = array('text-color' => '000000', 'bg-color' => 'FFFFFF');
    return $form->get_form($defaults);
function login_form()
    global $vars, $phpc_script;
    $submit_data = tag('td', attributes('colspan="2"'), create_hidden('action', 'login'), create_submit(__('Log in')));
    if (!empty($vars['lasturl'])) {
        $lasturl = phpc_html_escape(rawurlencode($vars['lasturl']));
        $submit_data->prepend(create_hidden('lasturl', $lasturl));
    return tag('form', attributes("action=\"{$phpc_script}\"", 'method="post"'), tag('table', tag('caption', __('Log in')), tag('thead', tag('tr', tag('th', attributes('colspan="2"'), __('You must have cookies enabled to login.')))), tag('tfoot', tag('tr', $submit_data)), tag('tbody', tag('tr', tag('th', __('Username')), tag('td', create_text('username'))), tag('tr', tag('th', __('Password')), tag('td', create_password('password'))))));
function search_results()
    global $vars, $phpcdb, $phpcid, $sort_options, $order_options;
    $searchstring = $vars['searchstring'];
    if (!empty($vars['search-from-date']) && strlen($vars['search-from-date']) > 0) {
        $start = get_timestamp('search-from');
    } else {
        $start = false;
    if (!empty($vars['search-to-date']) && strlen($vars['search-to-date']) > 0) {
        $end = get_timestamp('search-to', 23, 59, 59);
    } else {
        $end = false;
    // make sure sort is valid
    $sort = phpc_html_escape($vars['sort']);
    if (array_search($sort, array_keys($sort_options)) === false) {
        soft_error(__('Invalid sort option') . ": {$sort}");
    // make sure order is valid
    $order = phpc_html_escape($vars['order']);
    if (array_search($order, array_keys($order_options)) === false) {
        soft_error(__('Invalid order option') . ": {$order}");
    $keywords = explode(" ", $searchstring);
    $results = $phpcdb->search($phpcid, $keywords, $start, $end, $sort, $order);
    $tags = array();
    foreach ($results as $event) {
        if (!$event->can_read()) {
        $name = $event->get_author();
        $subject = $event->get_subject();
        $desc = $event->get_desc();
        $date = $event->get_date_string();
        $time = $event->get_time_string();
        $eid = $event->get_eid();
        $tags[] = tag('tr', tag('td', tag('strong', create_event_link($subject, 'display_event', $eid))), tag('td', "{$date} {$time}"), tag('td', $desc));
    if (sizeof($tags) == 0) {
        $html = tag('div', tag('strong', __('No events matched your search criteria.')));
    } else {
        $html = tag('table', attributes('class="phpc-main"'), tag('caption', __('Search Results')), tag('thead', tag('tr', tag('th', __('Subject')), tag('th', __('Date Time')), tag('th', __('Description')))));
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
    return $html;
function category_list()
    global $phpc_script, $phpcid, $phpc_cal, $vars;
    $categories = $phpc_cal->get_categories();
    $tbody = tag('tbody');
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $name = empty($category['name']) ? __('No Name') : $category['name'];
        $catid = $category['catid'];
        $group = empty($category['group_name']) ? __('None') : $category['group_name'];
        $tbody->add(tag('tr', tag('th', $name), tag('td', phpc_html_escape($category['text_color'])), tag('td', phpc_html_escape($category['bg_color'])), tag('td', phpc_html_escape($group)), tag('td', create_action_link(__('Edit'), 'category_form', array('catid' => $catid)), " ", create_action_link(__('Delete'), 'category_delete', array('catid' => $catid)))));
    $create_link = create_action_link(__('Create category'), 'category_form', array('cid' => $phpcid));
    $table = tag('table', attributes("class=\"phpc-container\""), tag('caption', __('Calendar Categories')), tag('thead', tag('tr', tag('th', __('Name')), tag('th', __('Text Color')), tag('th', __('Background Color')), tag('th', __('Visible to User Group')), tag('th', __('Actions')))), $tbody, tag('tfoot', tag('tr', tag('td', attributes('colspan="5"'), $create_link))));
    return tag('div', attributes('id="phpc-categories"'), $table);
function group_form()
    global $phpc_script, $vars, $phpcdb, $phpcid;
    $form = new Form($phpc_script, __('Group Form'));
    $form->add_part(new FormFreeQuestion('name', __('Name'), false, 32, true));
    $form->add_hidden('cid', $phpcid);
    $form->add_hidden('action', 'group_submit');
    $form->add_part(new FormSubmitButton(__("Submit Group")));
    if (isset($vars['gid'])) {
        $form->add_hidden('gid', $vars['gid']);
        $group = $phpcdb->get_group($vars['gid']);
        $defaults = array('name' => phpc_html_escape($group['name']));
    } else {
        $defaults = array();
    return $form->get_form($defaults);
 function db_error($str, $query = "")
     $string = $str . "<pre>" . phpc_html_escape($this->dbh->error) . "</pre>";
     if ($query != "") {
         $string .= "<pre>" . __('SQL query') . ": " . phpc_html_escape($query) . "</pre>";
     throw new Exception($string);
function parse_desc($text)
    // Don't allow tags and make the description HTML-safe
    $text = phpc_html_escape($text);
    $text = nl2br($text);
    // linkify urls
    $text = autolink($text, 0);
    // linkify emails
    $text = autolink_email($text);
    return $text;
function display_phpc()
    global $phpc_messages, $phpc_redirect, $phpc_script, $phpc_prefix;
    $navbar = false;
    try {
        $content = do_action();
        $navbar = navbar();
        if (sizeof($phpc_messages) > 0) {
            $messages = tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-message"'));
            foreach ($phpc_messages as $message) {
            // If we're redirecting, the messages might not get
            //   seen, so don't clear them
            if (empty($phpc_redirect)) {
                $_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}messages"] = NULL;
        } else {
            $messages = '';
        return tag('', $navbar, $messages, $content, footer());
    } catch (PermissionException $e) {
        $results = tag('');
        // TODO: make navbar show if there is an error in do_action()
        if ($navbar !== false) {
        $msg = __('You do not have permission to do that: ') . $e->getMessage();
        $results->add(tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-message ui-state-error"'), $msg));
        if (is_user()) {
            return $results;
        } else {
            return message_redirect($msg, "{$phpc_script}?action=login");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $results = tag('');
        if ($navbar !== false) {
        $results->add(tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-main"'), tag('h2', __('Error')), tag('p', $e->getMessage()), tag('h3', __('Backtrace')), tag('pre', phpc_html_escape($e->getTraceAsString()))));
        return $results;
 function get_category()
     if (empty($this->category)) {
         return $this->category;
     return phpc_html_escape($this->category);
 * If you want different scripts with different default calendars, you can
 * copy this script and modify $default_calendar_id to contain the CID of
 * the calendar you want to be the default
$default_calendar_id = 1;
 * $phpc_root_path gives the location of the base calendar install.
 * if you move this file to a new location, modify $phpc_root_path to point
 * to the location where the support files for the callendar are located.
$phpc_includes_path = dirname(__FILE__);
$phpc_root_path = dirname($phpc_includes_path);
$phpc_config_file = "{$phpc_root_path}/config.php";
$phpc_locale_path = "{$phpc_root_path}/locale";
require_once "{$phpc_includes_path}/util.php";
$phpc_script = phpc_html_escape($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$phpc_server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
if (!empty($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]) && $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != 80) {
    $phpc_server .= ":{$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]}";
// Protcol ex. http or https
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on') {
    $phpc_proto = "https";
} else {
    $phpc_proto = "http";
$phpc_home_url = "{$phpc_proto}://{$phpc_server}{$phpc_script}";
$phpc_url = $phpc_home_url . (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '' : '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
// Remove this line if you must
ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&amp;');
// Buffer the output until the script ends. Remove this if you must, but it may
    if (isset($_COOKIE["{$phpc_prefix}lang"])) {
        $anonymous['language'] = $_COOKIE["{$phpc_prefix}lang"];
    $phpc_user = new PhpcUser($anonymous);
$phpc_user_lang = $phpc_user->get_language();
$phpc_user_tz = $phpc_user->get_timezone();
// setup translation stuff
if (!empty($vars['lang'])) {
    $phpc_lang = $vars['lang'];
} elseif (!empty($phpc_user_lang)) {
    $phpc_lang = $phpc_user_lang;
} elseif (!empty($phpc_cal->language)) {
    $phpc_lang = $phpc_cal->language;
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
    $phpc_lang = substr(phpc_html_escape($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']), 0, 2);
} else {
    $phpc_lang = 'en';
if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $phpc_lang, $matches)) {
    $phpc_lang = 'en';
$phpc_gettext = new Gettext_PHP($phpc_locale_path, 'messages', $phpc_lang);
// Must be included after translation is setup
require_once "{$phpc_includes_path}/globals.php";
if (!empty($vars['clearmsg'])) {
    $_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}messages"] = NULL;
$phpc_messages = array();
if (!empty($_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}messages"])) {
    foreach ($_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}messages"] as $message) {