/** * Checks user registration to spam * * @param array $spam_check Array with values to check * @return array Array with result flags */ public static function check_spam($spam_check) { global $config, $user, $request, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $phpbb_log; require_once 'cleantalk.class.php'; $ct_checkjs_val = $request->variable(self::JS_FIELD_NAME, '', false, \phpbb\request\request_interface::COOKIE); if ($ct_checkjs_val === '') { $checkjs = NULL; } elseif (in_array($ct_checkjs_val, self::get_check_js_array())) { $checkjs = 1; } else { $checkjs = 0; } $ct = new \CleanTalkBase\Cleantalk(); $root_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../'); if (file_exists($root_dir . "/cleantalk.pem")) { $ct->ssl_on = true; $ct->ssl_path = $root_dir . "/cleantalk.pem"; } $ct->work_url = $config['cleantalk_antispam_work_url']; $ct->server_url = $config['cleantalk_antispam_server_url']; $ct->server_ttl = $config['cleantalk_antispam_server_ttl']; $ct->server_changed = $config['cleantalk_antispam_server_changed']; $user_agent = $request->server('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); $refferrer = $request->server('HTTP_REFERER'); $sender_info = json_encode(array('cms_lang' => $config['default_lang'], 'REFFERRER' => $refferrer, 'post_url' => $refferrer, 'USER_AGENT' => $user_agent)); $composer_json = json_decode(file_get_contents($phpbb_root_path . 'ext/cleantalk/antispam/composer.json')); $ct_request = new \CleanTalkBase\CleantalkRequest(); if (isset($spam_check['auth_key'])) { $ct_request->auth_key = $spam_check['auth_key']; } else { $ct_request->auth_key = $config['cleantalk_antispam_apikey']; } $ct_request->agent = 'phpbb3-' . preg_replace("/(\\d)\\.(\\w+)/", "\$1\$2", $composer_json->version); $ct_request->js_on = $checkjs; $ct_request->sender_info = $sender_info; $ct_request->sender_email = array_key_exists('sender_email', $spam_check) ? $spam_check['sender_email'] : ''; $ct_request->sender_nickname = array_key_exists('sender_nickname', $spam_check) ? $spam_check['sender_nickname'] : ''; $ct_request->sender_ip = $user->ip; $ct_request->submit_time = !empty($user->data['ct_submit_time']) ? time() - $user->data['ct_submit_time'] : null; switch ($spam_check['type']) { case 'comment': $ct_request->message = (array_key_exists('message_title', $spam_check) ? $spam_check['message_title'] : '') . " \n\n" . (array_key_exists('message_body', $spam_check) ? $spam_check['message_body'] : ''); $ct_result = $ct->isAllowMessage($ct_request); break; case 'register': $ct_request->tz = array_key_exists('timezone', $spam_check) ? $spam_check['timezone'] : ''; $ct_result = $ct->isAllowUser($ct_request); break; } $ret_val = array(); $ret_val['errno'] = 0; $ret_val['allow'] = 1; $ret_val['ct_request_id'] = $ct_result->id; if ($ct->server_change) { $config->set('cleantalk_antispam_work_url', $ct->work_url); $config->set('cleantalk_antispam_server_url', $ct->server_url); $config->set('cleantalk_antispam_server_ttl', $ct->server_ttl); $config->set('cleantalk_antispam_server_changed', time()); } // First check errstr flag. if (!empty($ct_result->errstr) && ($checkjs = 1 || !empty($ct_result->inactive) && $ct_result->inactive == 1)) { // Cleantalk error so we go default way (no action at all). $ret_val['errno'] = 1; $ct_result->allow = 1; if (!empty($ct_result->errstr)) { $ret_val['errstr'] = self::filter_response($ct_result->errstr); } else { $ret_val['errstr'] = self::filter_response($ct_result->comment); } $phpbb_log->add('admin', ANONYMOUS, '', 'LOG_CLEANTALK_ERROR', time(), array($ret_val['errstr'])); // Email to admin once per 15 min if (time() - 900 > $config['cleantalk_antispam_error_time']) { $config->set('cleantalk_antispam_error_time', time()); if (!function_exists('phpbb_mail')) { include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_messenger.' . $phpEx; } $hr_url = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), array('', ''), generate_board_url()); $err_title = $hr_url . ' - ' . $user->lang['MAIL_CLEANTALK_ERROR']; $err_message = $hr_url . ' - ' . $user->lang['MAIL_CLEANTALK_ERROR'] . " :\n" . $ret_val['errstr']; $headers = array(); $headers[] = 'Reply-To: ' . $config['board_email']; $headers[] = 'Return-Path: <' . $config['board_email'] . '>'; $headers[] = 'Sender: <' . $config['board_email'] . '>'; $headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0'; $headers[] = 'X-Mailer: phpBB3'; $headers[] = 'X-MimeOLE: phpBB3'; $headers[] = 'X-phpBB-Origin: phpbb://' . $hr_url; $headers[] = 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'; // format=flowed $headers[] = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'; // 7bit $dummy = ''; phpbb_mail($config['board_email'], $err_title, $err_message, $headers, "\n", $dummy); } return $ret_val; } else { if (!empty($ct_result->errstr) && ($checkjs = 0)) { $ct_result->allow = 0; } } if ($ct_result->allow == 0) { // Spammer. $ret_val['allow'] = 0; $ret_val['ct_result_comment'] = self::filter_response($ct_result->comment); // Check stop_queue flag. if ($spam_check['type'] == 'comment' && $ct_result->stop_queue == 0) { // Spammer and stop_queue == 0 - to manual approvement. $ret_val['stop_queue'] = 0; } else { // New user or Spammer and stop_queue == 1 - display form error message. $ret_val['stop_queue'] = 1; } } return $ret_val; }
/** * Process queue * Using lock file */ function process() { global $db, $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $user; set_config('last_queue_run', time(), true); // Delete stale lock file if (file_exists($this->cache_file . '.lock') && !file_exists($this->cache_file)) { @unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock'); return; } if (!file_exists($this->cache_file) || file_exists($this->cache_file . '.lock') && filemtime($this->cache_file) > time() - $config['queue_interval']) { return; } $fp = @fopen($this->cache_file . '.lock', 'wb'); fclose($fp); @chmod($this->cache_file . '.lock', 0777); include $this->cache_file; foreach ($this->queue_data as $object => $data_ary) { @set_time_limit(0); if (!isset($data_ary['package_size'])) { $data_ary['package_size'] = 0; } $package_size = $data_ary['package_size']; $num_items = !$package_size || sizeof($data_ary['data']) < $package_size ? sizeof($data_ary['data']) : $package_size; // If the amount of emails to be sent is way more than package_size than we need to increase it to prevent backlogs... if (sizeof($data_ary['data']) > $package_size * 2.5) { $num_items = sizeof($data_ary['data']); } switch ($object) { case 'email': // Delete the email queued objects if mailing is disabled if (!$config['email_enable']) { unset($this->queue_data['email']); continue 2; } break; case 'jabber': if (!$config['jab_enable']) { unset($this->queue_data['jabber']); continue 2; } include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_jabber.' . $phpEx; $this->jabber = new jabber($config['jab_host'], $config['jab_port'], $config['jab_username'], $config['jab_password'], $config['jab_use_ssl']); if (!$this->jabber->connect()) { messenger::error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_CONNECT']); continue 2; } if (!$this->jabber->login()) { messenger::error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_AUTH']); continue 2; } break; default: return; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_items; $i++) { // Make variables available... extract(array_shift($this->queue_data[$object]['data'])); switch ($object) { case 'email': $err_msg = ''; $to = !$to ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to; if ($config['smtp_delivery']) { $result = smtpmail($addresses, mail_encode($subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($msg), 997, "\n", true), $err_msg, $headers); } else { $result = phpbb_mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers, $this->eol, $err_msg); } if (!$result) { @unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock'); messenger::error('EMAIL', $err_msg); continue 2; } break; case 'jabber': foreach ($addresses as $address) { if ($this->jabber->send_message($address, $msg, $subject) === false) { messenger::error('JABBER', $this->jabber->get_log()); continue 3; } } break; } } // No more data for this object? Unset it if (!sizeof($this->queue_data[$object]['data'])) { unset($this->queue_data[$object]); } // Post-object processing switch ($object) { case 'jabber': // Hang about a couple of secs to ensure the messages are // handled, then disconnect $this->jabber->disconnect(); break; } } if (!sizeof($this->queue_data)) { @unlink($this->cache_file); } else { if ($fp = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'wb')) { @flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fp, "<?php\nif (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) exit;\n\$this->queue_data = unserialize(" . var_export(serialize($this->queue_data), true) . ");\n\n?>"); @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); phpbb_chmod($this->cache_file, CHMOD_READ | CHMOD_WRITE); } } @unlink($this->cache_file . '.lock'); }
/** * Process queue * Using lock file */ function process() { global $db, $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $user; $lock = new \phpbb\lock\flock($this->cache_file); $lock->acquire(); // avoid races, check file existence once $have_cache_file = file_exists($this->cache_file); if (!$have_cache_file || $config['last_queue_run'] > time() - $config['queue_interval']) { if (!$have_cache_file) { set_config('last_queue_run', time(), true); } $lock->release(); return; } set_config('last_queue_run', time(), true); include $this->cache_file; foreach ($this->queue_data as $object => $data_ary) { @set_time_limit(0); if (!isset($data_ary['package_size'])) { $data_ary['package_size'] = 0; } $package_size = $data_ary['package_size']; $num_items = !$package_size || sizeof($data_ary['data']) < $package_size ? sizeof($data_ary['data']) : $package_size; /* * This code is commented out because it causes problems on some web hosts. * The core problem is rather restrictive email sending limits. * This code is nly useful if you have no such restrictions from the * web host and the package size setting is wrong. // If the amount of emails to be sent is way more than package_size than we need to increase it to prevent backlogs... if (sizeof($data_ary['data']) > $package_size * 2.5) { $num_items = sizeof($data_ary['data']); } */ switch ($object) { case 'email': // Delete the email queued objects if mailing is disabled if (!$config['email_enable']) { unset($this->queue_data['email']); continue 2; } break; case 'jabber': if (!$config['jab_enable']) { unset($this->queue_data['jabber']); continue 2; } include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_jabber.' . $phpEx; $this->jabber = new jabber($config['jab_host'], $config['jab_port'], $config['jab_username'], htmlspecialchars_decode($config['jab_password']), $config['jab_use_ssl']); if (!$this->jabber->connect()) { $messenger = new messenger(); $messenger->error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_CONNECT']); continue 2; } if (!$this->jabber->login()) { $messenger = new messenger(); $messenger->error('JABBER', $user->lang['ERR_JAB_AUTH']); continue 2; } break; default: $lock->release(); return; } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_items; $i++) { // Make variables available... extract(array_shift($this->queue_data[$object]['data'])); switch ($object) { case 'email': $err_msg = ''; $to = !$to ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to; if ($config['smtp_delivery']) { $result = smtpmail($addresses, mail_encode($subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($msg), 997, "\n", true), $err_msg, $headers); } else { $result = phpbb_mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers, $this->eol, $err_msg); } if (!$result) { $messenger = new messenger(); $messenger->error('EMAIL', $err_msg); continue 2; } break; case 'jabber': foreach ($addresses as $address) { if ($this->jabber->send_message($address, $msg, $subject) === false) { $messenger = new messenger(); $messenger->error('JABBER', $this->jabber->get_log()); continue 3; } } break; } } // No more data for this object? Unset it if (!sizeof($this->queue_data[$object]['data'])) { unset($this->queue_data[$object]); } // Post-object processing switch ($object) { case 'jabber': // Hang about a couple of secs to ensure the messages are // handled, then disconnect $this->jabber->disconnect(); break; } } if (!sizeof($this->queue_data)) { @unlink($this->cache_file); } else { if ($fp = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'wb')) { fwrite($fp, "<?php\nif (!defined('IN_PHPBB')) exit;\n\$this->queue_data = unserialize(" . var_export(serialize($this->queue_data), true) . ");\n\n?>"); fclose($fp); phpbb_chmod($this->cache_file, CHMOD_READ | CHMOD_WRITE); } } $lock->release(); }
/** * Send out emails */ function msg_email($is_html = false) { global $config; if (empty($config['email_enable'])) { return false; } // Addresses to send to? if (empty($this->addresses) || empty($this->addresses['to']) && empty($this->addresses['cc']) && empty($this->addresses['bcc'])) { // Send was successful. ;) return true; } $contact_name = htmlspecialchars_decode($config['board_contact_name']); $board_contact = ($contact_name !== '' ? '"' . mail_encode($contact_name) . '" ' : '') . '<' . $config['board_contact'] . '>'; if (empty($this->replyto)) { $this->replyto = $board_contact; } if (empty($this->from)) { $this->from = $board_contact; } $encode_eol = $config['smtp_delivery'] ? "\r\n" : $this->eol; // Build to, cc and bcc strings $to = $cc = $bcc = ''; foreach ($this->addresses as $type => $address_ary) { if ($type == 'im') { continue; } foreach ($address_ary as $which_ary) { ${$type} .= (${$type} != '' ? ', ' : '') . ($which_ary['name'] != '' ? mail_encode($which_ary['name'], $encode_eol) . ' <' . $which_ary['email'] . '>' : $which_ary['email']); } } // Build header $headers = $this->build_header($to, $cc, $bcc, $is_html); // Send message ... $mail_to = $to == '' ? 'undisclosed-recipients:;' : $to; $err_msg = ''; if ($config['smtp_delivery']) { $result = smtpmail($this->addresses, mail_encode($this->subject), wordwrap(utf8_wordwrap($this->msg), 997, "\n", true), $err_msg, $headers); } else { $result = phpbb_mail($mail_to, $this->subject, $this->msg, $headers, $this->eol, $err_msg); } if (!$result) { $this->error('EMAIL', $err_msg); return false; } return true; }