function getcomments($m) { global $xmlrpcerruser; $err = ""; $ra = array(); // get the first param if (XMLRPC_EPI_ENABLED == '1') { $msgID = xmlrpc_decode($m->getParam(0)); } else { $msgID = php_xmlrpc_decode($m->getParam(0)); } $dbh = dba_open("/tmp/comments.db", "r", "db2"); if ($dbh) { $countID = "{$msgID}_count"; if (dba_exists($countID, $dbh)) { $count = dba_fetch($countID, $dbh); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $name = dba_fetch("{$msgID}_name_{$i}", $dbh); $comment = dba_fetch("{$msgID}_comment_{$i}", $dbh); // push a new struct onto the return array $ra[] = array("name" => $name, "comment" => $comment); } } } // if we generated an error, create an error return response if ($err) { return new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpcerruser, $err); } else { // otherwise, we create the right response // with the state name return new xmlrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode($ra)); } }
public function syncStoreAtOdoo($store_data) { $response = 0; $auto_warehouse_generation = Mage::getStoreConfig('magerpsync/mobmultishop/auto_warehouse_generation'); $auto_pricelist_generation = Mage::getStoreConfig('magerpsync/mobmultishop/auto_pricelist_generation'); $store_data['auto_warehouse'] = $auto_warehouse_generation; $store_data['auto_pricelist'] = $auto_pricelist_generation; $store_array = php_xmlrpc_encode($store_data); $helper = Mage::helper('magerpsync/connection'); $context = $helper->getOdooContext(); $client = $helper->getClientConnect(); $userId = Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->getUserId(); $msg = new xmlrpcmsg('execute'); $msg->addParam(new xmlrpcval($helper::$odoo_db, "string")); $msg->addParam(new xmlrpcval($userId, "int")); $msg->addParam(new xmlrpcval($helper::$odoo_pwd, "string")); $msg->addParam(new xmlrpcval("", "string")); $msg->addParam(new xmlrpcval("sync_store_view", "string")); $msg->addParam($store_array); $msg->addParam(new xmlrpcval($context, "struct")); $resp = $client->send($msg); if ($resp->faultCode()) { $error = "Sync Error, Store " . $store_data['name'] . " >>" . $resp->faultString(); Mage::log($error, null, 'odoo_connector.log'); } else { $response = 1; $odoo_id = $resp->value()->me["int"]; $store = Mage::getModel("mobmultishop/mobmultishop"); $store->setOdooStoreId($odoo_id); $store->setMageStoreId($store_data['store_id']); $store->setCreatedBy($helper::$mage_user); $store->save(); } return $response; }
function call($method_name, &$args) { $xmlrpc_args = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { $xmlrpc_args[] = php_xmlrpc_encode($arg); } $xmlrpc_return = $this->client->send(new xmlrpcmsg($method_name, $xmlrpc_args), 300); return $xmlrpc_return->value(); }
/** * addArg adds an argument to the args array to pass to the function * * @param variable args - Either a single argument or an array of arguments */ function addArg() { $func_args = func_get_args(); $func_args = $func_args[0]; if (is_array($func_args)) { foreach ($func_args as $arg) { $this->_args[] = php_xmlrpc_encode($arg); } } else { $this->_args[] = php_xmlrpc_encode($func_args); } }
function exec($method, $params = NULL) { $message = new xmlrpcmsg($method); if ($params && is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $value) { $message->addParam(php_xmlrpc_encode($value)); } } $result = $this->db->send($message, 15); if ($result->faultCode()) { throw new Exception($result->faultString()); } return $result->value(); }
function getTagId($tag) { global $client, $key; $call = new xmlrpcmsg("DataService.query", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode("ContactGroup"), php_xmlrpc_encode(5000), php_xmlrpc_encode(0), php_xmlrpc_encode(array('Id' => '%')), php_xmlrpc_encode(array('Id', 'GroupName')), php_xmlrpc_encode('GroupName'), php_xmlrpc_encode(true))); ###Send the call### $result = $client->send($call); $tagArray = $result->val; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tagArray); ++$i) { if ($tagArray[$i]["GroupName"] == $tag) { $tagId = $tagArray[$i]["Id"]; } } return $tagId; }
/** * <MethodDescription> * * @param string <description> * * @return mixed <description> */ function dispatch($msg = NULL) { # ensure correct invocation if (is_null($msg) || !is_a($msg, 'xmlrpcmsg')) { return $this->throw_exception('functions_parameters_type must not be ' . 'phpvals.'); } # get decoded parameters $len = $msg->getNumParams(); $argument_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $argument_array[] = php_xmlrpc_decode($msg->getParam($i)); } # return result return new xmlrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode($this->invoke($msg->method(), $argument_array))); }
function addCamp($CID, $CMP) { ###Set up global variables### global $client, $key; ###Set up the call to add to the campaign### $call = new xmlrpcmsg("ContactService.addToCampaign", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode($CID), php_xmlrpc_encode($CMP))); ###Send the call### $result = $client->send($call); if (!$result->faultCode()) { print "Contact added to Campaign " . $CMP; print "<BR>"; } else { print $result->faultCode() . "<BR>"; print $result->faultString() . "<BR>"; } }
function sendXmlRpc($sMessage, $aParam) { $r_client = new xmlrpc_client(ADDR_XMLRPC_ENTERPOINT, ADDR_XMLRPC_SERVER, 80); foreach ($aParam as $k => $v) { $aParam[$k] = php_xmlrpc_encode($v); } $r_message = new xmlrpcmsg($sMessage, $aParam); //$c->setDebug(1); $response =& $r_client->send($r_message); if ($response->faultCode()) { return $response; return 'xmlrpc-error: ' . $file . ' [' . $r->faultCode() . '] ' . $r->faultString(); } $value = $response->value(); return php_xmlrpc_decode($value); }
function addCard($CC) { global $client, $key; ###Set up the call to add the card### $call = new xmlrpcmsg("DataService.add", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode("CreditCard"), php_xmlrpc_encode($CC))); ###Send the call### $result = $client->send($call); if (!$result->faultCode()) { $cardID = $result->value(); print "Credit Card added - ID: " . $cardID; print "<BR>"; } else { print $result->faultCode() . "<BR>"; print $result->faultString() . "<BR>"; } return $cardID; }
function addOrderItem($oID, $pID, $Type, $Price, $qty, $desc, $notes) { global $client, $key; ### Set up the call to add an item ### $call = new xmlrpcmsg("InvoiceService.addOrderItem", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode($oID), php_xmlrpc_encode($pID), php_xmlrpc_encode($Type), php_xmlrpc_encode($Price), php_xmlrpc_encode($qty), php_xmlrpc_encode($desc), php_xmlrpc_encode($notes))); ###Send the call### $result = $client->send($call); if (!$result->faultCode()) { $itemID = $result->value(); print "Order Item added: " . $desc; print "<BR>"; return $itemID; } else { print $result->faultCode() . "<BR>"; print $result->faultString() . "<BR>"; } }
function buildOrder($cID, $desc, $oDate, $leadAff, $saleAff) { global $client, $key; ###Set up the call to add an order to a contact### $call = new xmlrpcmsg("InvoiceService.createBlankOrder", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode($cID), php_xmlrpc_encode($desc), php_xmlrpc_encode($oDate, array('auto_dates')), php_xmlrpc_encode($leadAff), php_xmlrpc_encode($saleAff))); ###Send the call### $result = $client->send($call); if (!$result->faultCode()) { $ordID = $result->value(); print "Blank order built - ID: " . $ordID; print "<BR>"; return $ordID; } else { print $result->faultCode() . "<BR>"; print $result->faultString() . "<BR>"; } }
/** * Takes a client object, a remote method name, and a variable numbers of * php values, and calls the method with the supplied parameters. The * parameters are native php values and the result is an xmlrpcresp object. * * Notes: * The function encodes the received parameters using php_xmlrpc_encode: * the limitations of automatic encoding apply to this function too); * * the type of the value returned by the function can be changed setting * beforehand the 'return_type' member of the client object to 'phpvals' - * see the manual for more details about this capability). * * * @author Toth Istvan * * @param xmlrpc_client client object, properly set up to connect to server * @param string remote function name * @param mixed $parameter1 * @param mixed $parameter2 * @param mixed $parameter3 ... * @return xmlrpcresp or false on error */ function xmlrpccall_simple() { if (func_num_args() < 2) { // Incorrect return false; } else { $varargs = func_get_args(); $client = array_shift($varargs); $remote_function_name = array_shift($varargs); if (!is_a($client, 'xmlrpc_client') || !is_string($remote_function_name)) { return false; } $xmlrpcval_array = array(); foreach ($varargs as $parameter) { $xmlrpcval_array[] = php_xmlrpc_encode($parameter); } return $client->send(new xmlrpcmsg($remote_function_name, $xmlrpcval_array)); } }
public function sendWithoutAddingKey($method, $args, $retry = false) { $encoded_arguments = array(); foreach ($args as $argument) { $encoded_arguments[] = php_xmlrpc_encode($argument, array('auto_dates')); } $call = new xmlrpcmsg($method, $encoded_arguments); $attempts = 0; $start = time(); $req = null; do { if ($attempts > 0) { if (class_exists('CakeLog') && $attempts > 1) { $lastAttemptFaultCode = $req->faultCode(); $lastAttemptFaultString = $req->faultString(); } sleep(5); } $attempts++; $req = $this->client->send($call, $this->timeout, 'https'); } while ($retry && ($req->faultCode() == $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['invalid_return'] || $req->faultCode() == $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['curl_fail'] || strpos($req->faultString(), 'com.infusionsoft.throttle.ThrottlingException: Maximum number of threads throttled') !== false) && $attempts < 3); $this->totalHttpCalls += $attempts; if (!$req->faultCode()) { $result = php_xmlrpc_decode($req->value()); } else { $result = array(); } if (is_object($this->Logger)) { $this->Logger->log(array('time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'duration' => time() - $start, 'method' => $method, 'args' => $args, 'attempts' => $attempts, 'result' => $req->faultCode() ? 'Failed' : count($result) . ' Records Returned', 'error_message' => $req->faultCode() ? $req->faultString() : null)); } if ($req->faultCode()) { $exception = new Infusionsoft_Exception($req->faultString() . "\nAttempted: {$attempts} time(s).", $method, $args); $this->addException($exception); throw $exception; return FALSE; } if ($attempts > 2) { CakeLog::write('notice', "Infusionsoft call required {$attempts} calls to receive a successful response. Method: {$method} FaultCode: {$lastAttemptFaultCode} FaultString: {$lastAttemptFaultString}"); } return $result; }
function addCamp($CID, $FUS) { ###Set up global variables### global $client, $key; ################################################################################ ### Note: at the time that the API was written "Campaigns" were actually ### ### Follow up sequences. This is why the action to add a user to a Follow up ### ### sequence is called "addToCampaign". ### ### ### ################################################################################ ###Set up the call to add to the Follow up sequence### $call = new xmlrpcmsg("ContactService.addToCampaign", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode($CID), php_xmlrpc_encode($FUS))); ###Send the call### $result = $client->send($call); if (!$result->faultCode()) { print "Contact added to Follow up sequence " . $CMP; print "<BR>"; } else { print $result->faultCode() . "<BR>"; print $result->faultString() . "<BR>"; } }
protected static function executeWebServiceRequest($eschool, $func, $params = array()) { global $CFG; $result = false; $server = array(); $params = php_xmlrpc_encode($params); $wwwroot = $eschool->getAppUrl(); if ($server[$wwwroot] = $eschool->getWebServicesToken()) { $xmlrpc_client = new xmlrpc_client("{$wwwroot}/webservice/xmlrpc/server.php?wstoken={$server[$wwwroot]}"); $xmlrpc_msg = new xmlrpcmsg($func, array($params)); $xmlrpc_resp = $xmlrpc_client->send($xmlrpc_msg); if ($xmlrpc_resp == false) { $CFG->current_app->gcError('GcrWebService call failed: ' . $func); } if (!$xmlrpc_resp->faultCode()) { $result = php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpc_resp->value()); } if (!empty($xmlrpc_resp->errstr)) { $CFG->current_app->gcError('GcrWebService call error: ' . $xmlrpc_resp->errstr); } } return $result; }
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'] = array(); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array('currentapp' => 'xmlrpc', 'noheader' => False, 'noappheader' => False, 'nonavbar' => False); include '../'; phpgw::import_class('phpgwapi.xmlrpc_client'); if ($_POST['stateno'] != '') { $username = '******'; $password = '******'; $phpgw_domain = 'default'; $stateno = phpgw::get_var('stateno', 'int', 'POST', 0); $c = new xmlrpc_client("{$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url']}/xmlrpc.php?domain={$phpgw_domain}", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 80); $c->setCredentials($username, $password); $f = new xmlrpcmsg('xmlrpc.examples.findstate', array(php_xmlrpc_encode($stateno))); // print "<pre>" . htmlentities($f->serialize('UTF-8')) . "</pre>\n"; // $c->setDebug(1); $r =& $c->send($f); // $cookies = $r->cookies(); if (!$r->faultCode()) { $v = $r->value(); print "</pre><br/>State number " . $stateno . " is " . htmlspecialchars($v->scalarval()) . "<br/>"; // print "<HR>I got this value back<BR><PRE>" . // htmlentities($r->serialize()). "</PRE><HR>\n"; } else { print "An error occurred: "; print "Code: " . htmlspecialchars($r->faultCode()) . " Reason: '" . htmlspecialchars($r->faultString()) . "'</pre><br/>"; } } else { $stateno = "";
/** * Takes native php types and encodes them into xmlrpc PHP object format. * It will not re-encode xmlrpcval objects. * * Feature creep -- could support more types via optional type argument * (string => datetime support has been added, ??? => base64 not yet) * * If given a proper options parameter, php object instances will be encoded * into 'special' xmlrpc values, that can later be decoded into php objects * by calling php_xmlrpc_decode() with a corresponding option * * @author Dan Libby ( * * @param mixed $php_val the value to be converted into an xmlrpcval object * @param array $options can include 'encode_php_objs', 'auto_dates', 'null_extension' or 'extension_api' * @return xmlrpcval */ function php_xmlrpc_encode($php_val, $options = array()) { $type = gettype($php_val); switch ($type) { case 'string': if (in_array('auto_dates', $options) && preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/', $php_val)) { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']); } break; case 'integer': $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']); break; case 'double': $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']); break; // <G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // Add support for encoding/decoding of booleans, since they are supported in PHP // <G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // Add support for encoding/decoding of booleans, since they are supported in PHP case 'boolean': $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']); break; // </G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // </G_Giunta_2001-02-29> case 'array': // PHP arrays can be encoded to either xmlrpc structs or arrays, // depending on wheter they are hashes or plain 0..n integer indexed // A shorter one-liner would be // $tmp = array_diff(array_keys($php_val), range(0, count($php_val)-1)); // but execution time skyrockets! $j = 0; $arr = array(); $ko = false; foreach ($php_val as $key => $val) { $arr[$key] = php_xmlrpc_encode($val, $options); if (!$ko && $key !== $j) { $ko = true; } $j++; } if ($ko) { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcArray']); } break; case 'object': if (is_a($php_val, 'xmlrpcval')) { $xmlrpc_val = $php_val; } else { if (is_a($php_val, 'DateTime')) { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($php_val->format('Ymd\\TH:i:s'), $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']); } else { $arr = array(); reset($php_val); while (list($k, $v) = each($php_val)) { $arr[$k] = php_xmlrpc_encode($v, $options); } $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval($arr, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcStruct']); if (in_array('encode_php_objs', $options)) { // let's save original class name into xmlrpcval: // might be useful later on... $xmlrpc_val->_php_class = get_class($php_val); } } } break; case 'NULL': if (in_array('extension_api', $options)) { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval('', $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']); } else { if (in_array('null_extension', $options)) { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval('', $GLOBALS['xmlrpcNull']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval(); } } break; case 'resource': if (in_array('extension_api', $options)) { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval((int) $php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']); } else { $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval(); } // catch "user function", "unknown type" // catch "user function", "unknown type" default: // giancarlo pinerolo <*****@*****.**> // it has to return // an empty object in case, not a boolean. $xmlrpc_val = new xmlrpcval(); break; } return $xmlrpc_val; }
/** * Takes native php types and encodes them into xmlrpc PHP object format. * It will not re-encode xmlrpcval objects. * Feature creep -- could support more types via optional type argument * (string => datetime support has been added, ??? => base64 not yet) * * @author Dan Libby ( * * @param mixed $php_val the value to be converted into an xmlrpcval object * @param array $options can include 'encode_php_objs' and 'auto_dates' * @return xmlrpcval */ function &php_xmlrpc_encode($php_val, $options = '') { $type = gettype($php_val); $xmlrpc_val =& new xmlrpcval(); switch ($type) { case 'array': // PHP arrays can be encoded to either xmlrpc structs or arrays, // depending on wheter they are hashes or plain 0..n integer indexed // A shorter one-liner would be // $tmp = array_diff(array_keys($php_val), range(0, count($php_val)-1)); // but execution time skyrockets! $j = 0; $arr = array(); $ko = false; foreach ($php_val as $key => $val) { $arr[$key] =& php_xmlrpc_encode($val, $options); if (!$ko && $key !== $j) { $ko = true; } $j++; } if ($ko) { $xmlrpc_val->addStruct($arr); } else { $xmlrpc_val->addArray($arr); } break; case 'object': if (is_a($php_val, 'xmlrpcval')) { $xmlrpc_val = $php_val; } else { $arr = array(); while (list($k, $v) = each($php_val)) { $arr[$k] = php_xmlrpc_encode($v, $options); } $xmlrpc_val->addStruct($arr); if (@in_array('encode_php_objs', $options)) { // let's save original class name into xmlrpcval: // might be useful later on... $xmlrpc_val->_php_class = get_class($php_val); } } break; case 'integer': $xmlrpc_val->addScalar($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcInt']); break; case 'double': $xmlrpc_val->addScalar($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDouble']); break; case 'string': if (@in_array('auto_dates', $options) && ereg("^[0-9]{8}\\T{1}[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\$", $php_val)) { $xmlrpc_val->addScalar($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime']); } else { $xmlrpc_val->addScalar($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcString']); } break; // <G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // Add support for encoding/decoding of booleans, since they are supported in PHP // <G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // Add support for encoding/decoding of booleans, since they are supported in PHP case 'boolean': $xmlrpc_val->addScalar($php_val, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBoolean']); break; // </G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // catch "resource", "NULL", "user function", "unknown type" //case 'unknown type': // </G_Giunta_2001-02-29> // catch "resource", "NULL", "user function", "unknown type" //case 'unknown type': default: // giancarlo pinerolo <*****@*****.**> // it has to return // an empty object in case (which is already // at this point), not a boolean. break; } return $xmlrpc_val; }
public function getProductArray($product_id) { $type = 'product'; $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id); $ean = $product->getEan(); $website_ids = $product->getWebsiteIds(); $product_scope = Mage::getStoreConfig('catalog/price/scope'); $website_ids = php_xmlrpc_encode($website_ids); $keys = array('simple', 'grouped', 'configurable', 'virtual', 'bundle', 'downloadable'); $product_type = $product->getTypeID(); if (!in_array($product_type, $keys)) { $product_type = ""; } if (!in_array($product_type, array('simple', 'configurable'))) { $type = 'service'; } $status = true; $status = urlencode($product->getStatus()); if ($status == '2') { $status = false; } $sku = urlencode($product->getSku()); $xmlrpc_array = array('type' => new xmlrpcval($type, "string"), 'default_code' => new xmlrpcval($sku, "string"), 'mage_id' => new xmlrpcval($product_id, "int"), 'sale_ok' => new xmlrpcval($status, "boolean")); $xmlrpc_array['wk_websites_id'] = $website_ids; if ($product_scope) { $price_list = array(); $stores = Mage::getModel('core/store_api')->items(); foreach ($stores as $store_data) { $store_id = $store_data['store_id']; $website_id = $store_data['website']['website_id']; $product_price = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($store_id)->load($product_id)->getPrice(); $price_list[$website_id] = $product_price; } $price_list = php_xmlrpc_encode($price_list); $xmlrpc_array['wk_price_list'] = $price_list; } $parentIds = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getParentIdsByChild($product_id); if (!$parentIds) { $set_id = $product->getAttributeSetId(); $name = urlencode($product->getName()); $description = urlencode($product->getDescription()); $short_description = urlencode($product->getShortDescription()); $odoo_category_array = $this->getProductCategoryArray($product->getCategoryIds()); $odoo_set_id = Mage::getModel('magerpsync/attributeset')->getOdooAttributeSetId($set_id); $xmlrpc_array['name'] = new xmlrpcval($name, "string"); $xmlrpc_array['attribute_set_id'] = new xmlrpcval($odoo_set_id, "int"); $xmlrpc_array['description'] = new xmlrpcval($description, "string"); $xmlrpc_array['description_sale'] = new xmlrpcval($short_description, "string"); $xmlrpc_array['list_price'] = new xmlrpcval($product->getPrice(), "string"); $xmlrpc_array['prod_type'] = new xmlrpcval($product_type, "string"); $xmlrpc_array['category_ids'] = new xmlrpcval($odoo_category_array, "array"); $xmlrpc_array['weight_net'] = new xmlrpcval($product->getWeight(), "double"); } if ($product->getImage() != 'no_selection') { try { $image_path = 'media/catalog/product' . $product->getImage(); $image = file_get_contents($image_path); } catch (Exception $e) { $image = false; } if ($image) { $pro_image = base64_encode($image); $xmlrpc_array['image'] = new xmlrpcval($pro_image, "string"); $xmlrpc_array['image_variant'] = new xmlrpcval($pro_image, "string"); } } if ($ean) { $check_ean = Mage::getModel('magerpsync/commonsocket')->validate_ean13($ean); if ($check_ean) { $xmlrpc_array['ean13'] = new xmlrpcval($ean, "string"); } } return $xmlrpc_array; }
<html> <head><title>xmlrpc</title></head> <body> <h1>Getstatename demo</h1> <h2>Send a U.S. state number to the server and get back the state name</h2> <h3>The code demonstrates usage of the php_xmlrpc_encode function</h3> <?php include ""; // Play nice to PHP 5 installations with REGISTER_LONG_ARRAYS off if (!isset($HTTP_POST_VARS) && isset($_POST)) { $HTTP_POST_VARS = $_POST; } if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["stateno"]) && $HTTP_POST_VARS["stateno"] != "") { $stateno = (int) $HTTP_POST_VARS["stateno"]; $f = new xmlrpcmsg('examples.getStateName', array(php_xmlrpc_encode($stateno))); print "<pre>Sending the following request:\n\n" . htmlentities($f->serialize()) . "\n\nDebug info of server data follows...\n\n"; $c = new xmlrpc_client("/server.php", "", 80); $c->setDebug(1); $r =& $c->send($f); if (!$r->faultCode()) { $v = $r->value(); print "</pre><br/>State number " . $stateno . " is " . htmlspecialchars($v->scalarval()) . "<br/>"; // print "<HR>I got this value back<BR><PRE>" . // htmlentities($r->serialize()). "</PRE><HR>\n"; } else { print "An error occurred: "; print "Code: " . htmlspecialchars($r->faultCode()) . " Reason: '" . htmlspecialchars($r->faultString()) . "'</pre><br/>"; } } else { $stateno = ""; }
$FailureStyle = 'style="color:red; font-weight:bold"'; echo '<table> <tr><th>' . _('Account Section') . '</th> <th>' . _('Result') . '</th> <th>' . _('Comments') . '</th> </tr>'; $successes = 0; $failures = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer = fgets($fp, 4096); $FieldValues = explode(',', $buffer); if ($FieldValues[0] != '') { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($FieldValues); $i++) { $AccountSectionDetails[$FieldNames[$i]] = $FieldValues[$i]; } $accountsection = php_xmlrpc_encode($AccountSectionDetails); $user = new xmlrpcval($webERPUser); $password = new xmlrpcval($weberppassword); $msg = new xmlrpcmsg("weberp.xmlrpc_InsertGLAccountSection", array($accountsection, $user, $password)); $client = new xmlrpc_client($ServerURL); $client->setDebug($DebugLevel); $response = $client->send($msg); $answer = php_xmlrpc_decode($response->value()); if ($answer[0] == 0) { echo '<tr ' . $SuccessStyle . '><td>' . $AccountSectionDetails['sectionname'] . '</td><td>' . 'Success' . '</td></tr>'; $successes++; } else { echo '<tr ' . $FailureStyle . '><td>' . $AccountSectionDetails['sectionname'] . '</td><td>' . 'Failure' . '</td><td>'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($answer); $i++) { echo 'Error no ' . $answer[$i] . ' - ' . $ErrorDescription[$answer[$i]] . '<br />'; }
function i_whichToolkit($m) { global $xmlrpcName, $xmlrpcVersion, $SERVER_SOFTWARE; $ret = array("toolkitDocsUrl" => "", "toolkitName" => $xmlrpcName, "toolkitVersion" => $xmlrpcVersion, "toolkitOperatingSystem" => isset($SERVER_SOFTWARE) ? $SERVER_SOFTWARE : $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); return new xmlrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode($ret)); }
include '../../xmlrpc/lib/'; include '../../api/api_errorcodes.php'; $Title = 'API documentation'; echo '<html xmlns=""><head><title>' . $Title . '</title>'; echo '<link REL="shortcut icon" HREF="' . $RootPath . '/favicon.ico">'; echo '<link REL="icon" HREF="' . $RootPath . '/favicon.ico">'; echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'; //echo '<link href="'.$RootPath. '/../../css/'. $_SESSION['Theme'] .'/default.css" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css">'; echo '</head>'; echo '<body>'; $ServerString = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $RootPath; $FirstBitOfURL = mb_substr($ServerString, 0, mb_strpos($ServerString, '/doc/Manual')); $ServerURL = "http://" . $FirstBitOfURL . "/api/api_xml-rpc.php"; $DebugLevel = 0; //Set to 0,1, or 2 with 2 being the highest level of debug info $msg = new xmlrpcmsg("system.listMethods", array()); $client = new xmlrpc_client($ServerURL); $client->setDebug($DebugLevel); $response = $client->send($msg); $answer = php_xmlrpc_decode($response->value()); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($answer); $i++) { echo '<br /><table border="1" width="80%"><tr><th colspan="3"><h4>' . _('Method name') . _(' - ') . '<b>' . $answer[$i] . '</b></h4></th></tr>'; $method = php_xmlrpc_encode($answer[$i]); $msg = new xmlrpcmsg("system.methodHelp", array($method)); $client = new xmlrpc_client($ServerURL); $client->setDebug($DebugLevel); $response = $client->send($msg); $signature = php_xmlrpc_decode($response->value()); echo $signature . '<br />'; } echo '</body>';
/** * Execute a method invoked by the client, checking parameters used * @param mixed $m either an xmlrpcmsg obj or a method name * @param array $params array with method parameters as php types (if m is method name only) * @param array $paramtypes array with xmlrpc types of method parameters (if m is method name only) * @return xmlrpcresp * @access private */ function execute($m, $params = null, $paramtypes = null) { if (is_object($m)) { $methName = $m->method(); } else { $methName = $m; } $sysCall = $this->allow_system_funcs && strpos($methName, "system.") === 0; $dmap = $sysCall ? $GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_dmap'] : $this->dmap; if (!isset($dmap[$methName]['function'])) { // No such method return new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['unknown_method'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['unknown_method']); } // Check signature if (isset($dmap[$methName]['signature'])) { $sig = $dmap[$methName]['signature']; if (is_object($m)) { list($ok, $errstr) = $this->verifySignature($m, $sig); } else { list($ok, $errstr) = $this->verifySignature($paramtypes, $sig); } if (!$ok) { // Didn't match. return new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['incorrect_params'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['incorrect_params'] . ": {$errstr}"); } } $func = $dmap[$methName]['function']; // let the 'class::function' syntax be accepted in dispatch maps if (is_string($func) && strpos($func, '::')) { $func = explode('::', $func); } // verify that function to be invoked is in fact callable if (!is_callable($func)) { error_log("XML-RPC: xmlrpc_server::execute: function {$func} registered as method handler is not callable"); return new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['server_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['server_error'] . ": no function matches method"); } // If debug level is 3, we should catch all errors generated during // processing of user function, and log them as part of response if ($this->debug > 2) { $GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler'] = set_error_handler('_xmlrpcs_errorHandler'); } if (is_object($m)) { if ($sysCall) { $r = call_user_func($func, $this, $m); } else { $r = call_user_func($func, $m); } if (!is_a($r, 'xmlrpcresp')) { error_log("XML-RPC: xmlrpc_server::execute: function {$func} registered as method handler does not return an xmlrpcresp object"); if (is_a($r, 'xmlrpcval')) { $r = new xmlrpcresp($r); } else { $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['server_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['server_error'] . ": function does not return xmlrpcresp object"); } } } else { // call a 'plain php' function if ($sysCall) { array_unshift($params, $this); $r = call_user_func_array($func, $params); } else { // 3rd API convention for method-handling functions: EPI-style if ($this->functions_parameters_type == 'epivals') { $r = call_user_func_array($func, array($methName, $params, $this->user_data)); // mimic EPI behaviour: if we get an array that looks like an error, make it // an eror response if (is_array($r) && array_key_exists('faultCode', $r) && array_key_exists('faultString', $r)) { $r = new xmlrpcresp(0, (int) $r['faultCode'], (string) $r['faultString']); } else { // functions using EPI api should NOT return resp objects, // so make sure we encode the return type correctly $r = new xmlrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode($r, array('extension_api'))); } } else { $r = call_user_func_array($func, $params); } } // the return type can be either an xmlrpcresp object or a plain php value... if (!is_a($r, 'xmlrpcresp')) { // what should we assume here about automatic encoding of datetimes // and php classes instances??? $r = new xmlrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode($r, array('auto_dates'))); } } if ($this->debug > 2) { // note: restore the error handler we found before calling the // user func, even if it has been changed inside the func itself if ($GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler']) { set_error_handler($GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler']); } else { restore_error_handler(); } } return $r; }
/** * Note: syntax differs from overridden method, by adding an ID param * @access private */ function execute($m, $params = null, $paramtypes = null, $msgID = null) { if (is_object($m)) { // watch out: if $m is an xmlrpcmsg obj, this will raise a warning: no id memeber... $methName = $m->method(); $msgID = $m->id; } else { $methName = $m; } $sysCall = $this->allow_system_funcs && ereg("^system\\.", $methName); $dmap = $sysCall ? $GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_dmap'] : $this->dmap; if (!isset($dmap[$methName]['function'])) { // No such method return new jsonrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['unknown_method'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['unknown_method']); } // Check signature if (isset($dmap[$methName]['signature'])) { $sig = $dmap[$methName]['signature']; if (is_object($m)) { list($ok, $errstr) = $this->verifySignature($m, $sig); } else { list($ok, $errstr) = $this->verifySignature($paramtypes, $sig); } if (!$ok) { // Didn't match. return new jsonrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['incorrect_params'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['incorrect_params'] . ": {$errstr}"); } } $func = $dmap[$methName]['function']; // let the 'class::function' syntax be accepted in dispatch maps if (is_string($func) && strpos($func, '::')) { $func = explode('::', $func); } // verify that function to be invoked is in fact callable if (!is_callable($func)) { error_log("XML-RPC: jsonrpc_server::execute: function {$func} registered as method handler is not callable"); return new jsonrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['server_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['server_error'] . ": no function matches method"); } // If debug level is 3, we should catch all errors generated during // processing of user function, and log them as part of response if ($this->debug > 2) { $GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler'] = set_error_handler('_xmlrpcs_errorHandler'); } if (is_object($m)) { if ($sysCall) { $r = call_user_func($func, $this, $m); } else { $r = call_user_func($func, $m); } if (!is_a($r, 'xmlrpcresp')) { error_log("XML-RPC: jsonrpc_server::execute: function {$func} registered as method handler does not return an xmlrpcresp object"); if (is_a($r, 'xmlrpcval')) { $r = new jsonrpcresp($r); } else { $r = new jsonrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['server_error'], $GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['server_error'] . ": function does not return jsonrpcresp or xmlrpcresp object"); } } } else { // call a 'plain php' function if ($sysCall) { array_unshift($params, $this); $r = call_user_func_array($func, $params); } else { // 3rd API convention for method-handling functions: EPI-style if ($this->functions_parameters_type == 'epivals') { $r = call_user_func_array($func, array($methName, $params, $this->user_data)); // mimic EPI behaviour: if we get an array that looks like an error, make it // an eror response if (is_array($r) && array_key_exists('faultCode', $r) && array_key_exists('faultString', $r)) { $r =& new jsonrpcresp(0, (int) $r['faultCode'], (string) $r['faultString']); } else { // functions using EPI api should NOT return resp objects, // so make sure we encode the return type correctly $r =& new jsonrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode($r, array('extension_api'))); } } else { $r = call_user_func_array($func, $params); } } // the return type can be either an xmlrpcresp object or a plain php value... if (!is_a($r, 'xmlrpcresp')) { // what should we assume here about automatic encoding of datetimes // and php classes instances??? $r = new jsonrpcresp(php_jsonrpc_encode($r)); } } // here $r is either an xmlrpcresp or jsonrpcresp if (!is_a($r, 'jsonrpcresp')) { // dirty trick: user has given us back an xmlrpc response, // since he had an existing xmlrpc server with boatloads of code. // Be nice to him, and serialize the xmlrpc stuff into JSON. // We also override the content_type of the xmlrpc response, // but lack knoweledge of intented response charset... $r->content_type = 'text/plain'; $r->payload = serialize_jsonrpcresp($r, $msgID); } else { $r->id = $msgID; } if ($this->debug > 2) { // note: restore the error handler we found before calling the // user func, even if it has been changed inside the func itself if ($GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler']) { set_error_handler($GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_prev_ehandler']); } else { restore_error_handler(); } } return $r; }
echo '<table> <tr> <th>' . _('Part Code') . '</th> <th>' . _('Result') . '</th> <th>' . _('Comments') . '</th> </tr>'; $successes = 0; $failures = 0; while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer = fgets($fp, 4096); $FieldValues = explode(',', $buffer); if ($FieldValues[0] != '') { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($FieldValues); $i++) { $ItemDetails[$FieldNames[$i]] = $FieldValues[$i]; } $stockitem = php_xmlrpc_encode($ItemDetails); $user = new xmlrpcval($webERPUser); $password = new xmlrpcval($weberppassword); $msg = new xmlrpcmsg("weberp.xmlrpc_InsertStockItem", array($stockitem, $user, $password)); $client = new xmlrpc_client($ServerURL); $client->setDebug($DebugLevel); $response = $client->send($msg); $answer = php_xmlrpc_decode($response->value()); if ($answer[0] == 0) { echo '<tr ' . $SuccessStyle . '><td>' . $ItemDetails['stockid'] . '</td><td>' . 'Success' . '</td></tr>'; $successes++; } else { echo '<tr ' . $FailureStyle . '><td>' . $ItemDetails['stockid'] . '</td><td>' . 'Failure' . '</td><td>'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($answer); $i++) { echo 'Error no ' . $answer[$i] . ' - ' . $ErrorDescription[$answer[$i]] . '<br />'; }
public function output(&$data) { header('Content-Type: text/xml'); $this->resetGlobals(); $options = array('auto_dates', 'extension_api'); $options['base64keys'] = $this->base64Keys; $xmlrpcData = php_xmlrpc_encode($data, $options); $response = new xmlrpcresp($xmlrpcData); if (ob_get_length()) { ob_end_clean(); } echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" . $response->serialize('UTF-8'); exit; }
<?php include "lib/"; include "lib/"; $namespace = 'cache'; $method = 'purge'; $url = ''; $authString = hash('sha256', $cur . ':' . $apiKey . ':' . $method); $f = new xmlrpcmsg("{$namespace}.{$method}", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($apiUserId), php_xmlrpc_encode($authString), php_xmlrpc_encode($cur), php_xmlrpc_encode($url))); print_r(php_xmlrpc_encode($values)); $c = new xmlrpc_client("/xmlrpc/cache", "", 80, 'http11'); $r =& $c->send($f); print_r($r);
function xmlrpc_GetErrorMessages($xmlrpcmsg) { ob_start('ob_file_callback'); $rtn = new xmlrpcresp(php_xmlrpc_encode(GetAPIErrorMessages(php_xmlrpc_decode($xmlrpcmsg->getParam(0))))); ob_end_flush(); return $rtn; }