文件: login.php 项目: samuell/Core
 } else {
     // See if the temporary cookie was found. If yes, then the
     // browser does support cookies. If not, then we disable
     // the use of cookies.
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['phorum_tmp_cookie'])) {
         $PHORUM['use_cookies'] = PHORUM_NO_COOKIES;
     // Check if the login credentials are right.
     $user_id = phorum_api_user_authenticate(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
     // They are. Setup the active user and start a Phorum session.
     if ($user_id) {
         // Make the authenticated user the active Phorum user
         // and start a Phorum user session. Because this is a fresh
         // login, we can enable the short term session and we request
         // refreshing of the session id(s).
         if (phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, $user_id, PHORUM_FLAG_SESSION_ST) && phorum_api_user_session_create(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, PHORUM_SESSID_RESET_LOGIN)) {
             // Destroy the temporary cookie that is used for testing
             // for cookie compatibility.
             if (isset($_COOKIE['phorum_tmp_cookie'])) {
                 setcookie('phorum_tmp_cookie', '', 0, $PHORUM['session_path'], $PHORUM['session_domain']);
             // Determine the URL to redirect the user to.
             // If redir is a number, it is a URL constant.
             $php = PHORUM_FILE_EXTENSION;
             if (is_numeric($_POST['redir'])) {
                 $redir = phorum_api_url((int) $_POST['redir']);
             } elseif (!empty($PHORUM['use_cookies']) && !strstr($_POST['redir'], "register.{$php}") && !strstr($_POST['redir'], "login.{$php}")) {
                 $redir = $_POST['redir'];
             } else {
                 $redir = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL);
文件: common.php 项目: netovs/Core
 $PHORUM["DATA"]["HTML_TITLE"] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($PHORUM["DATA"]["HTML_TITLE"]), ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
 // For non-admin users, check if the forum is set to
 // read-only or administrator-only mode.
 if (empty($PHORUM["user"]["admin"]) && isset($PHORUM['status'])) {
     if ($PHORUM["status"] == PHORUM_MASTER_STATUS_ADMIN_ONLY && phorum_page != 'css' && phorum_page != 'javascript' && phorum_page != 'login') {
         $PHORUM["DATA"]["OKMSG"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["AdminOnlyMessage"];
         phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, NULL);
          * @todo Not compatible with portable / embedded Phorum setups.
     } elseif ($PHORUM['status'] == PHORUM_MASTER_STATUS_READ_ONLY) {
         $PHORUM['DATA']['GLOBAL_ERROR'] = $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['ReadOnlyMessage'];
         phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, NULL);
 // If moderator notifications are on and the person is a mod,
 // lets find out if anything needs attention.
 $PHORUM["user"]["NOTICE"]["USERS"] = FALSE;
     // By default, only bug the user on the list, index and cc pages.
     // The template can override this behaviour by setting a comma
     // separated list of phorum_page names in a template define statement
     // like this: {DEFINE show_notify_for_pages "page 1,page 2,..,page n"}
     if (isset($PHORUM["TMP"]["show_notify_for_pages"])) {
         $show_notify_for_pages = explode(",", $PHORUM["TMP"]["show_notify_for_pages"]);
     } else {
文件: user.php 项目: mgs2/kw-forum
 * Destroy a Phorum user session.
 * This will destroy a Phorum user session and set the active
 * Phorum user to the anonymous user.
 * @param string $type
 *     The type of session to destroy. This must be one of
 *     See the documentation for {@link phorum_api_user_session_create()}
 *     for more information on Phorum user sessions.
function phorum_api_user_session_destroy($type)
     * [hook]
     *     user_session_destroy
     * [description]
     *     Allow modules to override Phorum's session destroy management or
     *     to even fully omit destroying a session (for example useful
     *     if the hook <hook>user_session_restore</hook> is used
     *     to inherit an external session from some 3rd party application).
     * [category]
     *     User authentication and session handling
     * [when]
     *     Just before Phorum runs its own session destroy code
     *     in the user API function
     *     <literal>phorum_api_user_session_destroy()</literal>.
     * [input]
     *     The session type for which a session must be destroyed.
     *     This can be either <literal>PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION</literal>
     *     or <literal>PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION</literal>.
     * [output]
     *     Same as input if Phorum has to run its standard session
     *     destroy code or NULL if that code should be fully skipped.
     * [example]
     *     See the <hook>user_session_create</hook> hook for an example
     *     of how to let Phorum setup the PHP session that is destroyed
     *     in this example hook.
     *     <hookcode>
     *     function phorum_mod_foo_user_session_destroy($type)
     *     {
     *         // Let Phorum handle destroying of admin sessions on its own.
     *         if ($type == PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION) return $type;
     *         // Override the session handling for front end forum sessions.
     *         // We could for example have stored the session in a standard
     *         // PHP session. First, we start a PHP session if that was
     *         // not done yet.
     *         if (!session_id()) session_start();
     *         // After starting the PHP session, we can clear the session
     *         // data for the Phorum user. In the user_session_create hook
     *         // example code, we stored the user_id for the active user
     *         // in the session. Here we clear that data. We could also
     *         // have destroyed the full PHP session, but in that case we
     *         // would risk destroying session data that was setup by
     *         // other PHP scripts.
     *         unset($_SESSION['phorum_user_id']);
     *         // Tell Phorum not to run its own session destroy code.
     *         return NULL;
     *     }
     *     </hookcode>
    $do_phorum_destroy_session = TRUE;
    if (isset($PHORUM['hooks']['user_session_destroy'])) {
        if (phorum_hook('user_session_destroy', $type) === NULL) {
            $do_phorum_destroy_session = FALSE;
    if ($do_phorum_destroy_session) {
        // Destroy session cookie(s). We do not care here if use_cookies is
        // enabled or not. We just want to clean out all that we have here.
        if ($type == PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION) {
            setcookie(PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM, '', time() - 86400, $PHORUM['session_path'], $PHORUM['session_domain']);
            setcookie(PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM, '', time() - 86400, $PHORUM['session_path'], $PHORUM['session_domain']);
        } elseif ($type == PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION) {
            setcookie(PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN, '', time() - 86400, $PHORUM['session_path'], $PHORUM['session_domain']);
        } else {
            trigger_error('phorum_api_user_session_destroy(): Illegal session type: ' . htmlspecialchars($type), E_USER_ERROR);
            return NULL;
        // If cookies are not in use, then the long term session is reset
        // to a new value. That way we fully invalidate URI authentication
        // data, so that old URL's won't work anymore. We can only do this
        // if we have an active Phorum user.
        if ($PHORUM['use_cookies'] == PHORUM_NO_COOKIES && $type == PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION && !empty($PHORUM['user']) && !empty($PHORUM['user']['user_id'])) {
            $user = $PHORUM['user'];
            $sessid_lt = md5($user['username'] . microtime() . $user['password']);
            phorum_api_user_save_raw(array('user_id' => $user['user_id'], 'sessid_lt' => $sessid_lt));
    // Force Phorum to see the anonymous user from here on.
    phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, NULL);
 * A common function which is used to save the userdata from the post-data.
 * @param panel - The panel for which to save data.
 * @return array - An array containing $error and $okmsg.
function phorum_controlcenter_user_save($panel)
    $error = "";
    $okmsg = "";
    // Setup the default userdata fields that can be changed
    // from the control panel interface.
    $userdata = array('signature' => NULL, 'hide_email' => NULL, 'hide_activity' => NULL, 'password' => NULL, 'password_temp' => NULL, 'tz_offset' => NULL, 'is_dst' => NULL, 'user_language' => NULL, 'threaded_list' => NULL, 'threaded_read' => NULL, 'email_notify' => NULL, 'show_signature' => NULL, 'pm_email_notify' => NULL, 'email' => NULL, 'email_temp' => NULL, 'user_template' => NULL, 'moderation_email' => NULL, 'real_name' => NULL);
    // Add custom profile fields as acceptable fields.
    foreach ($PHORUM["PROFILE_FIELDS"] as $id => $field) {
        if ($id === "num_fields" || !empty($field['deleted'])) {
        $userdata[$field["name"]] = NULL;
    // Update userdata with $_POST information.
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
        if (array_key_exists($key, $userdata)) {
            $userdata[$key] = $val;
    // Remove unused profile fields.
    foreach ($userdata as $key => $val) {
        if (is_null($val)) {
    // Set static userdata.
    $userdata["user_id"] = $PHORUM["user"]["user_id"];
     * [hook]
     *     cc_save_user
     * [description]
     *     This hook works the same way as the <hook>before_register</hook>
     *     hook, so you can also use it for changing and checking the user data
     *     that will be saved in the database. There's one difference. If you
     *     want to check a custom field, you'll also need to check the panel
     *     which you are on, because this hook is called from multiple panels.
     *     The panel that you are on will be stored in the
     *     <literal>panel</literal> field of the user data.<sbr/>
     *     <sbr/>
     *     The example hook belows demonstrates code which could be used if you
     *     have added a custom field to the template for the option
     *     <literal>Edit My Profile</literal> in the control panel.
     * [category]
     *     Control center
     * [when]
     *     In <filename>control.php</filename>, right before data for a user is
     *     saved in the control panel.
     * [input]
     *     An array containing the user data to save.
     *     <ul>
     *     <li>error:
     *         modules can fill this field with an error message to show.</li>
     *     </ul>
     * [output]
     *     The same array as the one that was used for the hook call
     *     argument, possibly with the "error" field updated in it.
     * [example]
     *     <hookcode>
     *     function phorum_mod_foo_cc_save_user ($data)
     *     {
     *         // Only check data for the panel "user".
     *         if ($data['panel'] != "user") return $data;
     *         $myfield = trim($data['your_custom_field']);
     *         if (empty($myfield)) {
     *             $data['error'] = 'You need to fill in my custom field';
     *         }
     *         return $data;
     *     }
     *     </hookcode>
    if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["cc_save_user"])) {
        $userdata = phorum_hook("cc_save_user", $userdata);
    // Set $error, in case the cc_save_user hook did set an error.
    if (isset($userdata['error'])) {
        $error = $userdata['error'];
        // Try to update the userdata in the database.
    } elseif (!phorum_api_user_save($userdata)) {
        // Updating the user failed.
        $error = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ErrUserAddUpdate"];
    } else {
        // Updating the user was successful.
        $okmsg = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ProfileUpdatedOk"];
        // Let the userdata be reloaded.
        phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, $userdata["user_id"]);
        // If a new password was set, then reset all session id(s), so
        // other computers or browser will lose any active session that
        // they are running.
        if (isset($userdata["password"]) && $userdata["password"] != '') {
            phorum_api_user_session_create(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, PHORUM_SESSID_RESET_ALL);
        // Copy data from the updated user back into the user template data.
        $formatted = phorum_api_user_format(array($GLOBALS['PHORUM']['user']));
        foreach ($formatted[0] as $key => $val) {
            $GLOBALS['PHORUM']['DATA']['USER'][$key] = $val;
        // Copy data from the updated user back into the template data.
        // Leave PANEL and forum_id alone (these are injected into the
        // userdata in the template from this script).
        foreach ($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["PROFILE"] as $key => $val) {
            if ($key == "PANEL" || $key == "forum_id") {
            if (isset($GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"][$key])) {
                $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["PROFILE"][$key] = $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"][$key];
            } else {
                $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["DATA"]["PROFILE"][$key] = "";
    return array($error, $okmsg);
 function testUserApiSetActiveUser()
     $user_id = phorum_api_user_search('username', 'testuser' . $this->sharedFixture, '=');
     $ret = phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, $user_id);
     $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Setting given user_id active again.');
     $ret = phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, array('foo' => 'bar'));
     $this->assertFalse($ret, 'set_active_user with invalid array given.');
     $ret = phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, array('foo'));
     $this->assertFalse($ret, 'set_active_user with invalid user-input.');
     // set active user
     $GLOBALS['PHORUM']['user'] = phorum_api_user_get($user_id);
     // create session
     $ret = phorum_api_user_session_create(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION);
     $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Creating user-session');
文件: login.php 项目: samuell/Core
//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of           //
//                                                                            //
//   You should have received a copy of the Phorum License                    //
//   along with this program.                                                 //
//                                                                            //
// don't allow this page to be loaded directly
if (!defined("PHORUM_ADMIN")) {
require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/user.php';
require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/sign.php';
if (isset($_POST["username"]) && isset($_POST["password"])) {
    $user_id = phorum_api_user_authenticate(PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION, trim($_POST["username"]), trim($_POST["password"]));
    if ($user_id && phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION, $user_id) && phorum_api_user_session_create(PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION)) {
        // update the token and time
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['settings_data']['admin_token_time'] = time();
        $sig_data = $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['user_id'] . time() . $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['username'];
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['settings_data']['admin_token'] = phorum_api_sign($sig_data);
        $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]['admin_token'] = $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['settings_data']['admin_token'];
        $tmp_user = array('user_id' => $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['user_id'], 'settings_data' => $GLOBALS["PHORUM"]["user"]['settings_data']);
        if (!empty($_POST["target"])) {
            $target_url = phorum_admin_build_url($_POST['target'], TRUE);
        } else {
            $redir_url = phorum_admin_build_url(NULL, TRUE);
文件: control.php 项目: samuell/Core
 * A common function which is used to save the userdata from the post-data.
 * @param panel - The panel for which to save data.
 * @return array - An array containing $error and $okmsg.
function phorum_controlcenter_user_save($panel)
    global $PHORUM;
    $error = "";
    $okmsg = "";
    // Setup the default userdata fields that can be changed
    // from the control panel interface.
    $userdata = array('signature' => NULL, 'hide_email' => NULL, 'hide_activity' => NULL, 'tz_offset' => NULL, 'is_dst' => NULL, 'user_language' => NULL, 'threaded_list' => NULL, 'threaded_read' => NULL, 'email_notify' => NULL, 'show_signature' => NULL, 'pm_email_notify' => NULL, 'user_template' => NULL, 'moderation_email' => NULL, 'real_name' => NULL);
    // Password related fields can only be updated from the password panel.
    if ($panel == 'password') {
        $userdata['password'] = NULL;
        $userdata['password_temp'] = NULL;
    // E-mail address related fields can only be updated from the email panel.
    if ($panel == 'email') {
        $userdata['email'] = NULL;
        $userdata['email_temp'] = NULL;
    // E-mail address related fields can only be updated from the email panel.
    if ($panel == 'email') {
        $userdata['email'] = NULL;
        $userdata['email_temp'] = NULL;
    // Add custom profile fields as acceptable fields.
    foreach ($PHORUM["CUSTOM_FIELDS"][PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_USER] as $id => $field) {
        if ($id === "num_fields" || !empty($field['deleted'])) {
        $userdata[$field["name"]] = NULL;
    // Update userdata with $_POST information.
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
        if (array_key_exists($key, $userdata)) {
            $userdata[$key] = $val;
    // Remove unused profile fields.
    foreach ($userdata as $key => $val) {
        if (is_null($val)) {
    // Set static userdata.
    $userdata["user_id"] = $PHORUM["user"]["user_id"];
    // Run a hook, so module writers can update and check the userdata.
    if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["cc_save_user"])) {
        $userdata = phorum_api_hook("cc_save_user", $userdata);
    // Set $error, in case the cc_save_user hook did set an error.
    if (isset($userdata['error'])) {
        $error = $userdata['error'];
        // Try to update the userdata in the database.
    } elseif (!phorum_api_user_save($userdata)) {
        // Updating the user failed.
        $error = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ErrUserAddUpdate"];
    } else {
        // Updating the user was successful.
        $okmsg = $PHORUM["DATA"]["LANG"]["ProfileUpdatedOk"];
        // Let the userdata be reloaded.
        phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, $userdata["user_id"]);
        // If a new password was set, then reset all session id(s), so
        // other computers or browser will lose any active session that
        // they are running.
        if (isset($userdata["password"]) && $userdata["password"] != '') {
            phorum_api_user_session_create(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, PHORUM_SESSID_RESET_ALL);
        // Copy data from the updated user back into the user template data.
        $formatted = phorum_api_format_users(array($PHORUM['user']));
        foreach ($formatted[0] as $key => $val) {
            $PHORUM['DATA']['USER'][$key] = $val;
        // Copy data from the updated user back into the template data.
        // Leave PANEL and forum_id alone (these are injected into the
        // userdata in the template from this script).
        foreach ($PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"] as $key => $val) {
            if ($key == "PANEL" || $key == "forum_id") {
            if (isset($PHORUM["user"][$key])) {
                if (is_array($val)) {
                    // array-data would be (most often) broken when html encoded
                    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"][$key] = $PHORUM["user"][$key];
                } elseif (substr($key, 0, 9) == 'signature') {
                    // the signature needs special care - e.g. for the formatted sig
                    // Fake a message here so we can run the sig through format_message.
                    $fake_messages = array(array("author" => "", "email" => "", "subject" => "", "body" => $PHORUM["user"]["signature"]));
                    $fake_messages = phorum_format_messages($fake_messages);
                    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"]["signature_formatted"] = $fake_messages[0]["body"];
                    // Format the user signature using standard message body formatting
                    // or  HTML escape it
                    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"]["signature"] = htmlspecialchars($PHORUM["user"]["signature"], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM["DATA"]["HCHARSET"]);
                } else {
                    // same handling as when loading the page for the first time
                    $PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"][$key] = htmlspecialchars($PHORUM["user"][$key], ENT_COMPAT, $PHORUM['DATA']['HCHARSET']);
            } else {
                $PHORUM["DATA"]["PROFILE"][$key] = "";
    return array($error, $okmsg);

# Handle a user forum login
if (!defined('PHORUM')) {
require_once "./include/api/base.php";
require_once "./include/api/user.php";
// Check the username and password.
$user_id = phorum_api_user_authenticate(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, "username", "password");
if (!$user_id) {
    die("Username or password incorrect!\n");
// Make the authenticated user the active user for Phorum. This is all
// that is needed to tell Phorum that this user is logged in.
$set_active = phorum_api_user_set_active_user(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, $user_id, PHORUM_FLAG_SESSION_ST);
if (!$set_active) {
    die("Setting user_id {$user_id} as the active user failed!\n");
// Create a session for the active user, so the user will be remembered
// on subsequent requests.
phorum_api_user_session_create(PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION, PHORUM_SESSID_RESET_LOGIN);
// appropriate at login time