文件: login.php 项目: samuell/Core
  *     Login/Logout
  * [when]
  *     In <filename>login.php</filename>, just before destroying the user
  *     session.
  * [input]
  *     None
  * [output]
  *     None
 if (isset($PHORUM['hooks']['before_logout'])) {
 // Determine the URL to redirect the user to. The hook "after_logout"
 // can be used by module writers to set a custom redirect URL.
 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
     $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
 } else {
     $url = phorum_api_url_no_uri_auth(PHORUM_LIST_URL);
  * [hook]
  *     after_logout
  * [description]
  *     This hook can be used for performing tasks after a successful
  *     user logout and for changing the page to which the user will be
  *     redirected (by returning a different redirection URL). The user
文件: user.php 项目: mgs2/kw-forum
 * Restore a Phorum user session.
 * This function will check for a valid user session for either the
 * forum or the admin interface (based on the $type parameter). If a valid
 * session is found, then the user session will be restored.
 * Before calling this function, the variable $PHORUM['use_cookies']
 * should be set to one of {@link PHORUM_NO_COOKIES},
 * @param string $type
 *     The type of session to check for. This must be one of
 *     See the documentation for {@link phorum_api_user_session_create()}
 *     for more information on Phorum user sessions.
 * @return boolean
 *     TRUE in case a valid session is detected, otherwise FALSE.
 *     Note that a {@link PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION} will return TRUE if
 *     a long term session is detected and that the sort term session
 *     might be missing. Code which depends on short term sessions should
 *     investigate the $PHORUM["DATA"]["FULLY_LOGGEDIN"] variable.
function phorum_api_user_session_restore($type)
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Determine which session cookie(s) to check.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // A list of session cookies to lookup.
    // The possible values for the items in this array are:
    // 0: this cookie does not have to be checked
    // 1: a check has to be done or failed for this cookie
    // 2: the check for this cookie was successful
    if ($type == PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION) {
        // Lookup the long term cookie.
        $check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM] = 1;
        // Lookup the short term cookie if tight security is enabled.
        if (!empty($PHORUM['tight_security'])) {
            $check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM] = 1;
    } elseif ($type == PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION) {
        // Lookup the admin cookie.
        $check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN] = 1;
    } else {
        trigger_error('phorum_api_user_session_restore(): Illegal session type: ' . htmlspecialchars($type), E_USER_ERROR);
        return NULL;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check the session cookie(s).
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Now we decided what session cookie(s) we want to check, we allow
    // modules to hook into the session system to do the check for us.
    // This can for example be used to let Phorum inherit an already
    // running authenticated session in some external system.
     * [hook]
     *     user_session_restore
     * [description]
     *     Allow modules to override Phorum's session restore management.
     *     This hook is the designated hook if you need to let Phorum
     *     inherit an authenticated session from some external system.<sbr/>
     *     <sbr/>
     *     The array that is passed to this hook,
     *     contains a key for each of the Phorum session types:
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM</li>
     *       <li>PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM</li>
     *       <li>PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN</li>
     *     </ul>
     *     What the module has to do, is fill the values for each of these
     *     keys with the user_id of the Phorum user for which the session that
     *     the key represents should be considered active. Other options
     *     are FALSE to indicate that no session is active and NULL to
     *     tell Phorum to handle session restore on its own.<sbr/>
     *     <sbr/>
     *     Note that the user for which a user_id is provided through this
     *     hook must exist in the Phorum system before returning from this
     *     hook. One option to take care of that constraint is letting
     *     this hook create the user on-the-fly if needed. A cleaner way
     *     would be to synchronize the user data from the main system at those
     *     times when the user data changes (create, update and delete user).
     *     Of course it is highly dependent on the other system whether
     *     you can implement that kind of Phorum user management in the main
     *     application.<sbr/>
     *     <sbr/>
     *     Hint: Creating users can be done using the
     *     <literal> phorum_api_user_save()</literal> user API function.
     * [category]
     *     User authentication and session handling
     * [when]
     *     Just before Phorum runs its own session restore code
     *     in the user API function
     *     <literal>phorum_api_user_session_restore()</literal>.
     * [input]
     *     An array containing three keys:
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM</li>
     *       <li>PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM</li>
     *       <li>PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN</li>
     *     </ul>
     *     By default, all values for these keys are NULL.
     * [output]
     *     Same as input, possibly with updated array values.
     * [example]
     *     See the <hook>user_session_create</hook> hook for an example
     *     of how to let Phorum setup the PHP session that is picked up
     *     in this example hook.
     *     <hookcode>
     *     function phorum_mod_foo_user_session_restore($sessions)
     *     {
     *         // Override the session handling for front end forum sessions.
     *         // We could for example retrieve a session from a standard PHP
     *         // session by first starting a PHP session if that was
     *         // not done yet...
     *         if (!session_id()) session_start();
     *         // ...and then retrieving the user_id of the current user
     *         // from the PHP session data. The user_id is really the
     *         // only thing that needs to be remembered for a Phorum
     *         // session, because all other data for the user is stored
     *         // in the database. If no user id was set in the session,
     *         // then use FALSE to flag this to Phorum.
     *         $phorum_user_id = empty($_SESSION['phorum_user_id'])
     *                         ? FALSE : $_SESSION['phorum_user_id'];
     *         // If we only use session inheritance for the front end
     *         // forum session (highly recommended for security), then
     *         // We keep PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN at NULL (default value).
     *         // The other two need to be updated. If the main system does
     *         // not use the concept of one long and one short term cookie
     *         // (named "tight security" by Phorum), then simply assign
     *         // the user_id to both PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM and
     *         // PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM.
     *         $sessions[PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM] = $phorum_user_id;
     *         $sessions[PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM] = $phorum_user_id;
     *         return $sessions;
     *     }
     *     </hookcode>
    if (isset($PHORUM['hooks']['user_session_restore'])) {
        $hook_sessions = phorum_hook('user_session_restore', $hook_sessions);
    $real_cookie = FALSE;
    $session_user = NULL;
    foreach ($check_session as $cookie => $do_check) {
        if (!$do_check) {
        // Check if a module did provide a user_id for the checked session.
        $user_id_from_hook_session = FALSE;
        if ($hook_sessions[$cookie] !== NULL) {
            // Continue with the next cookie, if a module specified the
            // session cookie as invalid.
            if ($hook_sessions[$cookie] === FALSE) {
            // Pass on the user_id that was set by the module.
            // We add a fake a session id to the user_id here,
            // to make the split from below work.
            $value = $hook_sessions[$cookie] . ':dummy';
            $user_id_from_hook_session = TRUE;
            // To not let Phorum fall back to URI authentication.
            $real_cookie = TRUE;
        } elseif (($cookie != PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM || isset($PHORUM['use_cookies']) && $PHORUM['use_cookies'] > PHORUM_NO_COOKIES) && isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) {
            $value = $_COOKIE[$cookie];
            $real_cookie = TRUE;
        } elseif ($PHORUM['use_cookies'] < PHORUM_REQUIRE_COOKIES && isset($PHORUM['args'][$cookie])) {
            $value = urldecode($PHORUM['args'][$cookie]);
        } elseif ($PHORUM['use_cookies'] < PHORUM_REQUIRE_COOKIES && isset($_POST[$cookie])) {
            $value = $_POST[$cookie];
        } elseif ($PHORUM['use_cookies'] < PHORUM_REQUIRE_COOKIES && isset($_GET[$cookie])) {
            $value = $_GET[$cookie];
        } else {
        // Cookie incorrectly formatted. Continue with the next one.
        if (strstr($value, ':') === FALSE) {
        // The cookie value is formatted as <user id>:<session id>.
        // Split these into separate parts.
        list($user_id, $sessid) = explode(':', $value, 2);
        // The user_id should be numerical at all times.
        if (!is_numeric($user_id)) {
        // Find the data for the session user by its user_id. If the user
        // cannot be found, then the session is destroyed and the
        // anonymous user is setup.
        if ($session_user === NULL) {
            $session_user = phorum_api_user_get($user_id, TRUE);
            if (empty($session_user) || $session_user['active'] != PHORUM_USER_ACTIVE) {
                return FALSE;
        } else {
            // The user_id should be the same for all cookies.
            // If a different user_id is found, then the cookie
            // that we're currently looking at is ignored. It could
            // be an old cookie for a different user.
            if ($session_user['user_id'] != $user_id) {
        // Check if the session id from the cookie is valid for the user.
        $valid_session = $user_id_from_hook_session || $cookie == PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM && !empty($session_user['sessid_lt']) && $session_user['sessid_lt'] == $sessid || $cookie == PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM && !empty($session_user['sessid_st']) && $session_user['sessid_st'] == $sessid || $cookie == PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN && !empty($session_user['sessid_lt']) && md5($session_user['sessid_lt'] . $PHORUM['admin_session_salt']) == $sessid;
        // Keep track of valid session cookies.
        if ($valid_session) {
            $check_session[$cookie] = 2;
    // No real cookie found for a long term session? Then we will ignore
    // short term sessions (short term sessions are not implemented for URI
    // authentication) and update the "use_cookies" setting accordingly.
    if ($check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM] == 2 && !$real_cookie) {
        $check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM] = 0;
        $GLOBALS['PHORUM']['use_cookies'] = PHORUM_NO_COOKIES;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Check if a user session needs to be restored.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    $do_restore_session = FALSE;
    $do_restore_short_term_session = FALSE;
    if ($type == PHORUM_FORUM_SESSION) {
        // Valid long term forum session found.
        if ($check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_LONG_TERM] == 2) {
            $do_restore_session = TRUE;
            if ($check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_SHORT_TERM] == 1) {
                // Checked short term session, but no valid session found.
                $do_restore_short_term_session = FALSE;
            } else {
                // Short term session not checked (0) or valid (2).
                $do_restore_short_term_session = TRUE;
    } elseif ($type == PHORUM_ADMIN_SESSION) {
        // Valid admin session found. Note that the function
        // phorum_api_user_set_active_user() might still reject the user
        // if it's not an admin user (anymore).
        if ($check_session[PHORUM_SESSION_ADMIN] == 2) {
            $do_restore_session = TRUE;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Restore the user session.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // No session to restore? Then destroy the session
    // and setup the anonymous user.
    if (!$do_restore_session) {
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        // Setup the Phorum user.
        $flags = 0;
        if ($do_restore_short_term_session) {
            $flags |= PHORUM_FLAG_SESSION_ST;
        phorum_api_user_set_active_user($type, $session_user, $flags);
        // Refresh and keep the session alive for the user.
        return TRUE;