文件: newforum.php 项目: netovs/Core
         to the users.');
    // If we're inheriting settings from a different forum,
    // then disable the inherited fields in the input.
    $disabled_form_input = '';
    if ($inherit_id != -1) {
        $disabled_form_input = 'disabled="disabled"';
    $frm->addbreak("Inherit Forum Settings");
    // First check if the settings for this forum are inherited by one or
    // more other forums and/or folders. Inherited inheritance is not
    // allowed, so if this is the case, choosing a forum to inherit from
    // is not allowed.
    $disabled_form_input_inherit = '';
    $add_inherit_text = "";
    if ($forum_id) {
        $slaves = phorum_api_forums_by_inheritance($forum_id);
        if (!empty($slaves)) {
            $disabled_form_input_inherit = 'disabled="disabled"';
            $add_inherit_text = "<br />You cannot let this forum inherit its " . "settings from another forum, because the " . "following forums and or folders inherit from " . "the current forum already:<br /><ul>\n";
            foreach ($slaves as $id => $data) {
                $edit_url = phorum_admin_build_url(array('module=edit' . ($data['folder_flag'] ? 'folder' : 'forum'), "forum_id={$id}"));
                $add_inherit_text .= "<li><a href=\"{$edit_url}\">" . implode(" / ", $data['forum_path']) . "</li>\n";
            $add_inherit_text .= "</ul>\n";
    $inherit_id_options = phorum_api_forums_get_inherit_id_options($forum_id);
    $row = $frm->addrow("Inherit the settings below this option from", $frm->select_tag("inherit_id", $inherit_id_options, $inherit_id, $disabled_form_input_inherit) . $add_inherit_text);
$frm->addbreak("Moderation / Permissions");
文件: forums.php 项目: netovs/Core
 * This function can be used for creating and updating folders or forums and
 * for updating default forum settings.
 * Here is an example for creating a forum below the folder with forum_id 1234,
 * which inherits its settings from the default forum settings.
 * <code>
 * $newforum = array(
 *     'forum_id'    => NULL,
 *     'folder_flag' => 0,
 *     'parent_id'   => 1234,
 *     'inherit_id'  => 0,
 *     'name'        => 'Foo bar baz talk'
 * );
 * $forum = phorum_api_forums_save($newforum);
 * print "The forum_id for the new forum is " . $forum['forum_id'] . "\n";
 * </code>
 * This example will update some default forum settings. This will also
 * update the forums / folders that inherit their settings from the
 * default settings.
 * <code>
 * $newsettings = array(
 *     'display_ip_address' => 0,
 *     'count_views'        => 1,
 *     'language'           => 'foolang'
 * );
 * phorum_api_forums_save($newsettings, PHORUM_FLAG_DEFAULTS);
 * </code>
 * @param array $data
 *     An array containing folder or forum data. This array should contain at
 *     least the field "forum_id". This field can be NULL to create a new
 *     entry with an automatically assigned forum_id (in which case you will
 *     also need to provide at least the fields "folder_flag" and "name).
 *     It can also be set to a forum_id to either update an existing entry or
 *     to create a new one with the provided forum_id.
 * @param boolean $flags
 *     If the {@link PHORUM_FLAG_PREPARE} flag is set, then this function
 *     will not save the data in the database. Instead, it will only prepare
 *     the data for storage and return the prepared data.
 *     If the {@link PHORUM_FLAG_DEFAULTS} flag is set, then the data will
 *     be stored in the default forum settings.
 * @return array
 *     If the {@link PHORUM_FLAG_PREPARE} is set, this function will only
 *     prepare the data for storage and return the prepared data array.
 *     Otherwise, the stored data will be returned. The main difference is
 *     that for new forums or folders, the forum_id field will be updated
 *     to the newly assigned forum_id.
function phorum_api_forums_save($data, $flags = 0)
    global $PHORUM;
    // $data must be an array.
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): $data argument is not an array', E_USER_ERROR);
        return NULL;
    // Used for keeping track of an existing db record.
    $existing = NULL;
    // Initialize data for saving default forum settings.
    if ($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_DEFAULTS) {
        $existing = empty($PHORUM['default_forum_options']) ? NULL : $PHORUM['default_forum_options'];
        // Force a few settings to static values to have the data
        // processed correctly by the code below.
        $data['forum_id'] = NULL;
        $data['parent_id'] = 0;
        $data['inherit_id'] = NULL;
        $data['folder_flag'] = 0;
        $data['name'] = 'Default settings';
    } else {
        // We always require the forum_id field. For new forums, we want to
        // retrieve an explicit forum_id = NULL field.
        if (!array_key_exists('forum_id', $data)) {
            trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): missing field "forum_id" ' . 'in the data array', E_USER_ERROR);
            return NULL;
        if ($data['forum_id'] !== NULL && !is_numeric($data['forum_id'])) {
            trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): field "forum_id" not NULL or numerical', E_USER_ERROR);
            return NULL;
        // Check if we are handling an existing or new entry.
        $existing = NULL;
        if ($data['forum_id'] !== NULL) {
            $existing = phorum_api_forums_by_forum_id($data['forum_id'], PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
        // The forum_path is a field that is generated by the API code. So we
        // pull it from the incoming data array here.
    // Create a data array that is understood by the database layer.
    // We start out with the existing record, if we have one.
    $dbdata = $existing === NULL ? array() : $existing;
    // Merge in the fields from the $data argument.
    foreach ($data as $fld => $val) {
        $dbdata[$fld] = $val;
    // Some checks when we are not handling saving of default settings.
    if (!($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_DEFAULTS)) {
        // By now, we need the folder_flag field, so we know what kind
        // of entry we are handling.
        if (!array_key_exists('folder_flag', $dbdata)) {
            trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): missing field "folder_flag" ' . 'in the data array', E_USER_ERROR);
            return NULL;
        // The folder_flag cannot change during the lifetime of an entry.
        if ($existing) {
            $check1 = $existing['folder_flag'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
            $check2 = $dbdata['folder_flag'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
            if ($check1 != $check2) {
                trigger_error("phorum_api_forums_save(): the folder_flag cannot change", E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
    // Find the fields specification to use for this record.
    $fields = $dbdata['folder_flag'] ? $PHORUM['API']['folder_fields'] : $PHORUM['API']['forum_fields'];
    // A copy of the $fields array to keep track of missing fields.
    $missing = $fields;
    // the empty array to collect custom fields
    $custom_forum_field_data = array();
    // Check and format the provided fields.
    foreach ($dbdata as $fld => $val) {
        // Determine the field type.
        if (!array_key_exists($fld, $fields)) {
            $spec = array(FFLD_MS => 'm', FFLD_TYPE => 'custom_field');
        } else {
            $spec = explode(':', $fields[$fld]);
        $fldtype = $spec[FFLD_TYPE];
        // For tracking if all required fields are available.
        switch ($fldtype) {
            case 'int':
                $dbdata[$fld] = (int) $val;
            case 'inherit_id':
                // This is a special one. The database value is NULL or
                // a positive integer, but NULL is not an easy value to
                // use in HTML forms. Therefore, we also accept the value
                // -1 to indicate a NULL value here.
                $dbdata[$fld] = $val === NULL || $val == -1 ? NULL : (int) $val;
            case 'string':
                $dbdata[$fld] = trim($val);
            case 'bool':
                $dbdata[$fld] = $val ? 1 : 0;
            case 'array':
                $dbdata[$fld] = is_array($val) ? serialize($val) : '';
            case 'custom_field':
                $custom_forum_field_data[$fld] = $val;
                trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): Illegal field type used: ' . htmlspecialchars($spec[FFLD_TYPE]), E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
    // The forum_path is autogenerated and does not have to be provided.
    // Therefore, we take it out of the loop here.
    // Check if all required fields are available.
    if (count($missing)) {
        // Try to fill in some default values for the missing fields.
        foreach ($missing as $fld => $fldspec) {
            $spec = explode(':', $fldspec);
            if (isset($spec[FFLD_DEFAULT])) {
                $dbdata[$fld] = $spec[FFLD_DEFAULT];
    // Apply inheritance driven settings to the data if some sort of
    // inheritance is configured. Options for this field are:
    // - NULL       : no inheritance used
    // - 0          : inherit from the default forum options
    // - <forum_id> : inherit from the forum identified by this forum_id
    if ($dbdata['inherit_id'] !== NULL) {
        // Check if the settings for this forum aren't inherited by
        // a different forum already. Inherited inheritance is not allowed.
        if ($existing) {
            $childs = phorum_api_forums_by_inheritance($dbdata['forum_id']);
            if (!empty($childs)) {
                trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): forum_id ' . $dbdata['forum_id'] . ' cannot inherit data from some ' . 'other forum or default settings, because on or more ' . 'other folders and/or forums are inheriting their data ' . 'from this one already. Inherited inheritance is not ' . 'allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
        // Inherit from the default settings.
        if ($dbdata['inherit_id'] == 0) {
            $defaults = $PHORUM['default_forum_options'];
        } else {
            // Inheriting from yourself? No way.
            if ($dbdata['inherit_id'] == $dbdata['forum_id']) {
                trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): a forum or folder cannot ' . 'inherit settings from itself. Save was called for ' . 'forum_id ' . $dbdata['forum_id'] . ' with that same ' . 'forum_id set as the inherit_id.', E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
            $defaults = phorum_api_forums_by_forum_id($dbdata['inherit_id'], PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
            // Check if the inherit_id forum was found.
            if ($defaults === NULL) {
                trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): no forum found for ' . 'inherid_id ' . $dbdata['inherit_id'], E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
            // It is only allowed to inherit settings from forums.
            if (!empty($defaults['folder_flag'])) {
                trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): inherit_id ' . $dbdata['inherit_id'] . ' points to a folder instead of ' . 'a forum. You can only inherit from forums.', E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
            // Inherited inheritance is not allowed.
            if ($defaults['inherit_id'] != -1) {
                trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): inherit_id ' . $dbdata['inherit_id'] . ' points to a forum that ' . 'inherits settings itself. Inherited inheritance is ' . 'not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
                return NULL;
        // Overlay our data record with the inherited settings.
        if (is_array($defaults)) {
            foreach ($defaults as $fld => $value) {
                // We need to check if the $fld is in $fields, because we
                // could be applying forum defaults to a folder here.
                // A folder does not contain all the same fields as a forum.
                // Also check if we're handling a slave (s) field.
                if (isset($fields[$fld]) && $fields[$fld][0] == 's') {
                    $dbdata[$fld] = $value;
    // Check if there are any missing fields left.
    if (count($missing)) {
        trigger_error('phorum_api_forums_save(): Missing field(s) in the data: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($missing)), E_USER_ERROR);
        return NULL;
    // If we are storing default settings, then filter the data array to
    // only contain fields that are no master fields. We could store them
    // unfiltered in the database, but this provides cleaner data.
    if ($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_DEFAULTS) {
        $filtered = array();
        foreach ($dbdata as $fld => $value) {
            if (isset($fields[$fld]) && $fields[$fld][0] == 's') {
                $filtered[$fld] = $value;
        $dbdata = $filtered;
    // Return the prepared data if the PHORUM_FLAG_PREPARE flag was set.
    if ($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_PREPARE) {
        return $dbdata;
    // Store default settings in the database.
    if ($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_DEFAULTS) {
        // Create or update the settings record.
        $PHORUM['DB']->update_settings(array('default_forum_options' => $dbdata));
        // Update the global default forum options variable, so it
        // matches the updated settings.
        $PHORUM['default_forum_options'] = $dbdata;
        // Update all forums that inherit the default settings.
        $childs = phorum_api_forums_by_inheritance(0);
        if (!empty($childs)) {
            foreach ($childs as $child) {
                phorum_api_forums_save(array('forum_id' => $child['forum_id']));
        return $dbdata;
    // Store the forum or folder in the database.
    if ($existing) {
    } else {
        $dbdata['forum_id'] = $PHORUM['DB']->add_forum($dbdata);
    if (is_array($custom_forum_field_data) && count($custom_forum_field_data) && !empty($dbdata['forum_id'])) {
        $PHORUM['DB']->save_custom_fields($dbdata['forum_id'], PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_FORUM, $custom_forum_field_data);
    // Handle changes that influence the forum tree paths.
    // We handle the updates in a separate function, because we need
    // to be able to do recursive handling for those.
    if (!$existing || $existing['parent_id'] != $dbdata['parent_id'] || $existing['vroot'] != $dbdata['vroot'] || $existing['name'] != $dbdata['name']) {
        $recurse = $existing ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if (!phorum_api_forums_update_path($dbdata, $recurse)) {
            return NULL;
    // Handle cascading of inherited settings.
    // Inheritance is only possible from existing forums that do not inherit
    // settings themselves. So only if the currently saved entry does match
    // those criteria, we might have to cascade.
    if ($existing && $existing['folder_flag'] == 0 && $existing['inherit_id'] == -1) {
        // Find the forums and folders that inherit from this forum.
        $childs = phorum_api_forums_by_inheritance($existing['forum_id']);
        // If there are child forums, then update their inherited settings.
        if (!empty($childs)) {
            foreach ($childs as $child) {
                phorum_api_forums_save(array('forum_id' => $child['forum_id']));
    return $dbdata;