public static function render_page_process($PATH)
        echo phoromatic_webui_header_logged_in();
        $main = null;
            if (function_exists('ssh2_connect') && isset($_POST['ip']) && isset($_POST['port']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['username'])) {
                $connection = ssh2_connect($_POST['ip'], $_POST['port']);
                if (ssh2_auth_password($connection, $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
                    $tmp_local_file = tempnam('/tmp', 'pts-ssh');
                    $tmp_remote_file = 'pts-ssh-' . rand(9999, 99999);
                    file_put_contents($tmp_local_file, '#!/bin/sh
if [ -w /var/lib/phoronix-test-suite/ ]
elif [ -w $HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/ ]

echo "' . phoromatic_web_socket_server_ip() . '" >> $PHORO_FILE_PATH/phoromatic-servers
mkdir -p $PHORO_FILE_PATH/modules-data/phoromatic
echo "' . phoromatic_web_socket_server_addr() . '" > $PHORO_FILE_PATH/modules-data/phoromatic/last-phoromatic-server
                    ssh2_scp_send($connection, $tmp_local_file, $tmp_remote_file);
                    ssh2_exec($connection, 'chmod +x ' . $tmp_remote_file);
                    ssh2_exec($connection, './' . $tmp_remote_file);
                    ssh2_exec($connection, 'rm' . $tmp_remote_file);
            if (isset($_POST['ip_claim']) && !empty($_POST['ip_claim']) && isset($_POST['ping'])) {
                $ip_ping = ip2long($_POST['ip_claim']) !== false ? $_POST['ip_claim'] : null;
                if ($ip_ping) {
                    echo '<h3>Ping Test: ' . $ip_ping . '</h3>';
                    echo '<pre>';
                    echo shell_exec('ping -c 1 ' . $ip_ping);
                    echo '</pre>';
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['ip_claim']) && !empty($_POST['ip_claim']) || isset($_POST['mac_claim']) && !empty($_POST['mac_claim'])) {
                    $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('INSERT INTO phoromatic_system_association_claims (AccountID, IPAddress, NetworkMAC, CreationTime) VALUES (:account_id, :ip_address, :mac_address, :creation_time)');
                    $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                    $stmt->bindValue(':ip_address', $_POST['ip_claim']);
                    $stmt->bindValue(':mac_address', $_POST['mac_claim']);
                    $stmt->bindValue(':creation_time', phoromatic_server::current_time());
                    $result = $stmt->execute();
            if (isset($_POST['remove_claim']) && !empty($_POST['remove_claim'])) {
                list($ipc, $macc) = explode(',', $_POST['remove_claim']);
                $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('DELETE FROM phoromatic_system_association_claims WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND NetworkMAC = :mac_address AND IPAddress = :ip_address');
                $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                $stmt->bindValue(':ip_address', $ipc);
                $stmt->bindValue(':mac_address', $macc);
                $stmt->bindValue(':creation_time', phoromatic_server::current_time());
                $result = $stmt->execute();
            $main .= '<h2>Add Phoromatic Server Info Via SSH</h2>
			<p>If your Phoromatic client systems are SSH-enabled, you can specify their SSH connection information below. In doing so, the Phoromatic Server will do a one-time connection to it immediately to pre-seed the system with the Phoromatic Server account information for this account. This should allow the client systems to then find the server automatically next time the phoronix-test-suite is run. This command assumes the Phoronix Test Suite is already pre-installed on the client system in your desired configuration.</p>';
            if (function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
                $main .= '<h3>Phoromatic Client SSH Information:</h3>';
                $main .= '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" name="ssh_connect" method="post">
				<p><strong>IP Address:</strong> <input type="text" name="ip" /></p>
				<p><strong>SSH Port:</strong> <input type="text" name="port" value="22" /></p>
				<p><strong>Username:</strong> <input type="text" name="username" /></p>
				<p><strong>Password:</strong> <input type="password" name="password" /></p>
				<p><input name="submit" value="Seed Phoromatic Server Account Information" type="submit" /></p>
            } else {
                $main .= '<h3>PHP SSH2 Must Be Installed For This Feature</h3>';
            $main .= '<hr />';
            $main .= '<h2>Add Phoromatic Server Info Via IP/MAC</h2>
			<p>If deploying a Phoromatic Server within an organization, you can attempt for automatic configuration of Phoromatic clients if you know the system\'s IP or MAC addresses. When specifying either of these fields, if a Phoromatic client attempts to connect to this Phoromatic system without being associated to an account, it will be claimed by this account as long as no other Phoromatic accounts are attempting to claim the IP/MAC. This method can be particularly useful if running the Phoromatic client as a systemd/Upstart service where it will continually poll every 90 seconds auto-detected Phoromatic Servers on the LAN via zero-conf networking. For this feature to work, the zero-conf networking (Avahi) support must be enabled and working.</p>';
            $main .= '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" name="auto_associate" method="post">
			<p><strong>IP Address Claim:</strong> <input type="text" name="ip_claim" /></p>
			<p><strong>MAC Address Claim:</strong> <input type="text" name="mac_claim" /></p>
			<p><input name="ping" value="Ping Test" type="submit" /> &nbsp; <input name="submit" value="Submit Claim" type="submit" /></p>
            $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_system_association_claims WHERE AccountID = :account_id ORDER BY IPAddress ASC');
            $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
            $result = $stmt->execute();
            $claims = array();
            $main .= '<p style="max-height: 500px; overflow-y: auto; ">';
            while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) {
                $ip = $row['IPAddress'] != null ? $row['IPAddress'] : '<em>' . pts_network::mac_to_ip($row['NetworkMAC']) . '</em>';
                $main .= $ip . ' ' . $row['NetworkMAC'] . '<br />';
                array_push($claims, $row['IPAddress'] . ',' . $row['NetworkMAC']);
            $main .= '</p>';
            if (!empty($claims)) {
                $main .= '<hr /><h2>Remove Claim</h2><p>Removing a claimed IP / MAC address.</p>';
                $main .= '<p><form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" name="remove_claim" method="post"><select name="remove_claim" id="remove_claim">';
                foreach ($claims as $claim) {
                    $main .= '<option value="' . $claim . '">' . str_replace(',', ' ', $claim) . '</option>';
                $main .= '</select> <input name="submit" value="Remove Claim" type="submit" /></form></p>';
            $main .= '<hr />';
        $right = null;
        echo phoromatic_webui_main($main, phoromatic_webui_right_panel_logged_in($right));
        echo phoromatic_webui_footer();
function phoromatic_web_socket_server_addr()
    // getenv('PTS_WEBSOCKET_PORT')
    return phoromatic_web_socket_server_ip() . '/' . $_SESSION['AccountID'];
    public static function render_page_process($PATH)
        $main = null;
        echo phoromatic_webui_header_logged_in();
        if (!empty($PATH[0]) && is_numeric($PATH[0])) {
            $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_schedules WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id');
            $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
            $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
            $result = $stmt->execute();
            $row = $result->fetchArray();
            if (empty($row)) {
                $main = '<h1>Test Schedules</h1>';
                $main .= '<h3>No Resource Found</h3>';
            } else {
                if (!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER) {
                    if (isset($_POST['add_to_schedule_select_test'])) {
                        $name = $_POST['add_to_schedule_select_test'];
                        $args = array();
                        $args_name = array();
                        foreach ($_POST as $i => $v) {
                            if (substr($i, 0, 12) == 'test_option_' && substr($i, -9) != '_selected') {
                                array_push($args, $v);
                                array_push($args_name, $_POST[$i . '_selected']);
                        $args_name = implode(' - ', $args_name);
                        $args = implode(' ', $args);
                        if (!empty($name)) {
                            $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('INSERT INTO phoromatic_schedules_tests (AccountID, ScheduleID, TestProfile, TestArguments, TestDescription) VALUES (:account_id, :schedule_id, :test_profile, :test_arguments, :test_description)');
                            $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':test_profile', $name);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':test_arguments', $args);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':test_description', $args_name);
                            $result = $stmt->execute();
                            phoromatic_add_activity_stream_event('tests_for_schedule', $PATH[0], 'added');
                    } else {
                        if (isset($PATH[1]) && $PATH[1] == 'remove' && !empty($PATH[2])) {
                            // REMOVE TEST
                            $to_remove = explode(PHP_EOL, base64_decode($PATH[2]));
                            $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('DELETE FROM phoromatic_schedules_tests WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id AND TestProfile = :test AND TestArguments = :test_args');
                            $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':test', $to_remove[0]);
                            $stmt->bindValue(':test_args', $to_remove[1]);
                            $result = $stmt->execute();
                            phoromatic_add_activity_stream_event('tests_for_schedule', $to_remove[0] . ' - ' . $to_remove[1], 'removed');
                        } else {
                            if (isset($PATH[1]) && $PATH[1] == 'delete-trigger' && !empty($PATH[2])) {
                                // REMOVE TRIGGER
                                $trigger = base64_decode($PATH[2]);
                                $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('DELETE FROM phoromatic_schedules_triggers WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND Trigger = :trigger AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id');
                                $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                                $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                                $stmt->bindValue(':trigger', $trigger);
                                $result = $stmt->execute();
                                if ($result) {
                                    $main .= '<h2 style="color: red;">Trigger Removed: ' . $trigger . '</h2>';
                            } else {
                                if (isset($PATH[1]) && in_array($PATH[1], array('activate', 'deactivate'))) {
                                    switch ($PATH[1]) {
                                        case 'deactivate':
                                            $new_state = 0;
                                        case 'activate':
                                            $new_state = 1;
                                    // REMOVE TEST
                                    $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('UPDATE phoromatic_schedules SET State = :new_state WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id');
                                    $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                                    $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                                    $stmt->bindValue(':new_state', $new_state);
                                    $result = $stmt->execute();
                                    $row['State'] = $new_state;
                                    phoromatic_add_activity_stream_event('schedule', $PATH[0], $PATH[1]);
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($_POST['do_manual_test_run'])) {
                                        $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('INSERT INTO phoromatic_schedules_triggers (AccountID, ScheduleID, Trigger, TriggeredOn) VALUES (:account_id, :schedule_id, :trigger, :triggered_on)');
                                        $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                                        $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                                        $stmt->bindValue(':trigger', $_SESSION['UserName'] . ' - Manual Test Run - ' . date('H:i j M Y'));
                                        $stmt->bindValue(':triggered_on', phoromatic_server::current_time());
                                        $main .= '<h2 style="color: red;">Manual Test Run Triggered</h2>';
                                    } else {
                                        if (isset($_POST['skip_current_ticket'])) {
                                            $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('INSERT INTO phoromatic_schedules_trigger_skips (AccountID, ScheduleID, Trigger) VALUES (:account_id, :schedule_id, :trigger)');
                                            $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                                            $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                                            $stmt->bindValue(':trigger', date('Y-m-d'));
                                            $main .= '<h2 style="color: red;">Current Trigger To Be Ignored</h2>';
                $main .= '<h1>' . $row['Title'] . '</h1>';
                $main .= '<h3>' . $row['Description'] . '</h3>';
                $main .= '<p>This schedule was last modified on <strong>' . date('j F Y \\a\\t H:i', strtotime($row['LastModifiedOn'])) . '</strong> by <strong>' . $row['LastModifiedBy'] . '</strong>.';
                if (!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER) {
                    $main .= '<p><a href="?sched/' . $PATH[0] . '">Edit Schedule</a> | ';
                    if ($row['State'] == 1) {
                        $main .= '<a href="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '/deactivate">Deactivate Schedule</a>';
                    } else {
                        $main .= '<a href="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '/activate">Activate Schedule</a>';
                    $main .= '</p>';
                $main .= '<hr />';
                $main .= '<h2>Schedule</h2>';
                if (!empty($row['ActiveOn'])) {
                    $active_days = explode(',', $row['ActiveOn']);
                    $week = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday');
                    foreach ($active_days as $i => &$day) {
                        if (!isset($week[$day])) {
                        } else {
                            $day = $week[$day];
                    switch (count($active_days)) {
                        case 2:
                            $day_show = implode(' and ', $active_days);
                            $day_show = implode(', ', $active_days);
                    $main .= '<p>This test is scheduled to run every <strong>' . $day_show . '</strong> at <strong>' . str_replace('.', ':', $row['RunAt']) . '</strong>.</p>';
                } else {
                    $main .= '<p>This test schedule is not currently set to run a pre-defined time-based schedule.</p>';
                if (!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER) {
                    $trigger_url = 'http://' . phoromatic_web_socket_server_ip() . '/event.php?type=trigger&user='******'UserName'] . '&public_key=' . $row['PublicKey'] . '&trigger=XXX';
                    $main .= '<p>This test schedule can be manually triggered to run at any time by calling <strong>' . $trigger_url . '</strong> where <em>XXX</em> is the trigger value to be used (if relevant, such as a time-stamp, Git/SVN commit number or hash, etc). There\'s also the option of sub-targeting system(s) part of this schedule. One option is appending <em>&sub_target_this_ip</em> if this URL is being called from one of the client test systems to only sub-target the triggered testing on that client, among other options.</p>';
                    $main .= '<p>If you wish to run this test schedule now, click the following button and the schedule will be run on all intended systems at their next earliest possible convenience.</p>';
                    $main .= '<p><form action="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '" name="manual_run" method="post">';
                    $main .= '<input type="hidden" name="do_manual_test_run" value="1" /><input type="submit" value="Run Test Schedule Now" onclick="return confirm(\'Run this test schedule now?\');" />';
                    $main .= '</form></p>';
                    $main .= '<p><form action="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '" name="skip_run" method="post">';
                    $main .= '<input type="hidden" name="skip_current_ticket" value="1" /><input type="submit" value="Skip Current Test Ticket" onclick="return confirm(\'Skip any currently active test ticket on all systems?\');" />';
                    $main .= '</form></p>';
                $main .= '<hr />';
                $contexts = array('SetContextPreInstall' => 'Pre-Install', 'SetContextPostInstall' => 'Post-Install', 'SetContextPreRun' => 'Pre-Test-Run', 'SetContextPostRun' => 'Post-Test-Run');
                $scripts = 0;
                foreach ($contexts as $context => $v) {
                    if (isset($row[$context]) && !empty($row[$context]) && is_file(phoromatic_server::phoromatic_account_path($_SESSION['AccountID']) . 'context_' . $row[$context])) {
                        $main .= '<h2>' . $v . ' Context Script</h2>';
                        $main .= '<blockquote>' . str_replace(PHP_EOL, '<br />', htmlentities(file_get_contents(phoromatic_server::phoromatic_account_path($_SESSION['AccountID']) . 'context_' . $row[$context]))) . '</blockquote>';
                if ($scripts > 0) {
                    $main .= '<hr />';
                $main .= '<h2>Tests To Run</h2>';
                $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_schedules_tests WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id ORDER BY TestProfile ASC');
                $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                $result = $stmt->execute();
                $test_count = 0;
                $main .= '<p>';
                while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) {
                    $main .= $row['TestProfile'] . ($row['TestDescription'] != null ? ' - <em>' . $row['TestDescription'] . '</em>' : '') . (!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER ? ' <a href="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '/remove/' . base64_encode(implode(PHP_EOL, array($row['TestProfile'], $row['TestArguments']))) . '">Remove Test</a>' : null) . '<br />';
                    if(!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER && isset($_REQUEST['make_version_lock_tests']))
                    	if(strpos($row['TestProfile'], '.') == false)
                    		$test_profile = new pts_test_profile($row['TestProfile']);
                    		$full_identifier = $test_profile->get_identifier(true);
                    		$stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('UPDATE phoromatic_schedules_tests SET TestProfile = :version_locked_tp WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id AND TestProfile = :test');
                    		$stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                    		$stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                    		$stmt->bindValue(':test', $row['TestProfile']);
                    		$stmt->bindValue(':version_locked_tp', $full_identifier);
                    		$result2 = $stmt->execute();
                $main .= '</p>';
                if ($test_count == 0) {
                    $main .= '<h3 style="text-transform: uppercase;">No tests have been added yet for this test schedule.</h3>';
                if (!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER) {
                    $main .= '<hr /><h2>Add A Test</h2>';
                    $main .= '<form action="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '" name="add_test" id="add_test" method="post">';
                    $main .= '<select name="add_to_schedule_select_test" id="add_to_schedule_select_test" onchange="phoromatic_schedule_test_details(\'\');">';
                    $dc = pts_strings::add_trailing_slash(pts_client::parse_home_directory(pts_config::read_user_config('PhoronixTestSuite/Options/Installation/CacheDirectory', PTS_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_PATH)));
                    $dc_exists = is_file($dc . 'pts-download-cache.json');
                    foreach (pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(false, true) as $test) {
                        $cache_checked = false;
                        if ($dc_exists) {
                            $cache_json = file_get_contents($dc . 'pts-download-cache.json');
                            $cache_json = json_decode($cache_json, true);
                            if ($cache_json && isset($cache_json['phoronix-test-suite']['cached-tests'])) {
                                $cache_checked = true;
                                if (!in_array($test, $cache_json['phoronix-test-suite']['cached-tests'])) {
                        if (!$cache_checked && phoromatic_server::read_setting('show_local_tests_only') && pts_test_install_request::test_files_in_cache($test, true, true) == false) {
                        $main .= '<option value="' . $test . '">' . $test . '</option>';
                    $main .= '</select>';
                    $main .= '<p><div id="test_details"></div></p>';
                    $main .= '</form>';
                $systems_in_schedule = phoromatic_server::systems_associated_with_schedule($_SESSION['AccountID'], $PATH[0]);
                if (!empty($systems_in_schedule)) {
                    $main .= '<hr /><h2>Systems In Schedule</h2>';
                    if (!PHOROMATIC_USER_IS_VIEWER) {
                        $main .= '<p>To run this schedule on more systems, <a href="?sched/' . $PATH[0] . '">edit the schedule</a>.</p>';
                    $main .= '<div class="pts_phoromatic_info_box_area" style="margin: 0 10%;"><ul><li><h1>Systems</h1></li>';
                    foreach ($systems_in_schedule as $system_id) {
                        $row = phoromatic_server::get_system_details($_SESSION['AccountID'], $system_id);
                        $main .= '<a href="?systems/' . $row['SystemID'] . '"><li>' . $row['Title'] . '<br /><table><tr><td>' . $row['LocalIP'] . '</td><td><strong>' . $row['CurrentTask'] . '</strong></td><td><strong>Last Communication:</strong> ' . date('j F Y H:i', strtotime($row['LastCommunication'])) . '</td></tr></table></li></a>';
                    $main .= '</ul></div><hr />';
                $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT Trigger, TriggeredOn FROM phoromatic_schedules_triggers WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id ORDER BY TriggeredOn DESC LIMIT 10');
                $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                $test_result_result = $stmt->execute();
                $test_result_row = $test_result_result->fetchArray();
                if ($test_result_row) {
                    $main .= '<div class="pts_phoromatic_info_box_area" style="margin: 0 10%;">';
                    $main .= '<ul><li><h1>Recent Triggers For This Schedule</h1></li>';
                    do {
                        $main .= '<a onclick=""><li>' . $test_result_row['Trigger'] . '<br /><table><tr><td>' . phoromatic_user_friendly_timedate($test_result_row['TriggeredOn']) . '</td><td><a href="?schedules/' . $PATH[0] . '/delete-trigger/' . base64_encode($test_result_row['Trigger']) . '">Remove Trigger</a></td></tr></table></li></a>';
                    } while ($test_result_row = $test_result_result->fetchArray());
                    $main .= '</ul>';
                    $main .= '</div>';
                $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT Title, SystemID, ScheduleID, PPRID, UploadTime FROM phoromatic_results WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id ORDER BY UploadTime DESC');
                $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $PATH[0]);
                $test_result_result = $stmt->execute();
                $test_result_row = $test_result_result->fetchArray();
                if ($test_result_row) {
                    $main .= '<div class="pts_phoromatic_info_box_area" style="margin: 0 10%;">';
                    $main .= '<ul><li><h1>Recent Test Results For This Schedule</h1></li>';
                    $results = 0;
                    do {
                        $oldest_upload_time = $test_result_row['UploadTime'];
                        if ($results > 100) {
                        $main .= '<a href="?result/' . $test_result_row['PPRID'] . '"><li>' . $test_result_row['Title'] . '<br /><table><tr><td>' . phoromatic_system_id_to_name($test_result_row['SystemID']) . '</td><td>' . phoromatic_user_friendly_timedate($test_result_row['UploadTime']) . '</td></tr></table></li></a>';
                    } while ($test_result_row = $test_result_result->fetchArray());
                    $main .= '</ul>';
                    $main .= '</div>';
                $num_results = phoromatic_results_for_schedule($PATH[0]);
                if ($num_results > 1) {
                    $main .= '<p>Jump to the latest results from the past: ';
                    $main .= '<select name="view_results_from_past" id="view_results_from_past" onchange="phoromatic_jump_to_results_from(\'' . $PATH[0] . '\', \'view_results_from_past\');">';
                    $oldest_upload_time = strtotime($oldest_upload_time);
                    $opts = array('Week' => 7, 'Three Weeks' => 21, 'Month' => 30, 'Quarter' => 90, 'Six Months' => 180, 'Year' => 365);
                    foreach ($opts as $str_name => $time_offset) {
                        if ($oldest_upload_time > time() - 86400 * $time_offset) {
                        $main .= '<option value="' . $time_offset . '">' . $str_name . '</option>';
                    $main .= '<option value="all">All Results</option>';
                    $main .= '</select>';
                    $main .= '</p><hr />';
                $main .= '<p><strong>' . $num_results . ' Test Results Available For This Schedule.</strong></p>';
            echo phoromatic_webui_main($main, phoromatic_webui_right_panel_logged_in());
            echo phoromatic_webui_footer();
        $main = '<h1>Test Schedules</h1>
			<p>Test schedules are used for tests that are intended to be run on a recurring basis -- either daily or other defined time period -- or whenever a trigger/event occurs, like a new Git commit to a software repository being tracked. Test schedules can be run on any given system(s)/group(s) and can be later edited.</p>';
            $main .= '
				<hr />
				<h2>Create A Schedule</h2>
				<p><a href="?sched">Create a schedule</a> followed by adding tests/suites to run for that schedule on the selected systems.</p>';
        $main .= '<hr /><h2>Current Schedules</h2>';
        $main .= '<div class="pts_phoromatic_info_box_area">
						<li><h1>Active Test Schedules</h1></li>';
        $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT Title, ScheduleID, Description, RunTargetSystems, RunTargetGroups, RunAt, ActiveOn FROM phoromatic_schedules WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND State >= 1 ORDER BY Title ASC');
        $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
        $result = $stmt->execute();
        $row = $result->fetchArray();
        if ($row == false) {
            $main .= '<li class="light" style="text-align: center;">No Schedules Found</li>';
        } else {
            do {
                $stmt_tests = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS TestCount FROM phoromatic_schedules_tests WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id ORDER BY TestProfile ASC');
                $stmt_tests->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                $stmt_tests->bindValue(':schedule_id', $row['ScheduleID']);
                $result_tests = $stmt_tests->execute();
                $row_tests = $result_tests->fetchArray();
                $test_count = !empty($row_tests) ? $row_tests['TestCount'] : 0;
                $group_count = empty($row['RunTargetGroups']) ? 0 : count(explode(',', $row['RunTargetGroups']));
                $main .= '<a href="?schedules/' . $row['ScheduleID'] . '"><li>' . $row['Title'] . '<br /><table><tr><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler(count(phoromatic_server::systems_associated_with_schedule($_SESSION['AccountID'], $row['ScheduleID'])), 'System') . '</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler($group_count, 'Group') . '</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler($test_count, 'Test') . '</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler(phoromatic_results_for_schedule($row['ScheduleID']), 'Result') . ' Total</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler(phoromatic_results_for_schedule($row['ScheduleID'], 'TODAY'), 'Result') . ' Today</td><td><strong>' . phoromatic_schedule_activeon_string($row['ActiveOn'], $row['RunAt']) . '</strong></td></tr></table></li></a>';
            } while ($row = $result->fetchArray());
        $main .= '</ul>
        $main .= '<hr /><h2>Schedule Overview</h2>';
        $week = array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday');
        foreach ($week as $i => $day) {
            $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT Title, ScheduleID, RunAt, RunTargetGroups, RunTargetSystems FROM phoromatic_schedules WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND State >= 1 AND ActiveOn LIKE :active_on ORDER BY RunAt,ActiveOn,Title ASC');
            $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
            $stmt->bindValue(':active_on', '%' . $i . '%');
            $result = $stmt->execute();
            $has_matched = false;
            while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) {
                if (!$has_matched) {
                    $main .= '<h3>' . $day . '</h3>' . PHP_EOL . '<p>';
                    $has_matched = true;
                $main .= '<em>' . $row['RunAt'] . '</em> <a href="?schedules/' . $row['ScheduleID'] . '">' . $row['Title'] . '</a>';
                //$main .= $row['RunTargetSystems'] . ' ' . $row['RunTargetGroups'];
                $main .= '<br />';
            if ($has_matched) {
                $main .= '</p>' . PHP_EOL;
        $main .= '<div class="pts_phoromatic_info_box_area">
						<li><h1>Deactivated Test Schedules</h1></li>';
        $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT Title, ScheduleID, Description, RunTargetSystems, RunTargetGroups, RunAt, ActiveOn FROM phoromatic_schedules WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND State < 1 ORDER BY Title ASC');
        $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
        $result = $stmt->execute();
        $row = $result->fetchArray();
        if ($row == false) {
            $main .= '<li class="light" style="text-align: center;">No Schedules Found</li>';
        } else {
            do {
                $stmt_tests = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS TestCount FROM phoromatic_schedules_tests WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id ORDER BY TestProfile ASC');
                $stmt_tests->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']);
                $stmt_tests->bindValue(':schedule_id', $row['ScheduleID']);
                $result_tests = $stmt_tests->execute();
                $row_tests = $result_tests->fetchArray();
                $test_count = !empty($row_tests) ? $row_tests['TestCount'] : 0;
                $group_count = empty($row['RunTargetGroups']) ? 0 : count(explode(',', $row['RunTargetGroups']));
                $main .= '<a href="?schedules/' . $row['ScheduleID'] . '"><li>' . $row['Title'] . '<br /><table><tr><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler(count(phoromatic_server::systems_associated_with_schedule($_SESSION['AccountID'], $row['ScheduleID'])), 'System') . '</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler($group_count, 'Group') . '</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler($test_count, 'Test') . '</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler(phoromatic_results_for_schedule($row['ScheduleID']), 'Result') . ' Total</td><td>' . pts_strings::plural_handler(phoromatic_results_for_schedule($row['ScheduleID'], 'TODAY'), 'Result') . ' Today</td><td><strong>' . phoromatic_schedule_activeon_string($row['ActiveOn'], $row['RunAt']) . '</strong></td></tr></table></li></a>';
            } while ($row = $result->fetchArray());
        $main .= '</ul>
        echo '<div id="pts_phoromatic_main_area">' . $main . '</div>';
        echo phoromatic_webui_footer();