public function loOpen($oid, $mode) { assert('is_int($oid)'); assert('is_string($mode)'); $loid = pg_lo_open($this->_pg, $oid, $mode); return new PostgreSQLLOB($this->_pg, $loid); }
function DB_lo_open($conn, $file, $mode) { if (strcmp(phpversion(), '4.2.0') < 0) { return pg_loopen($conn, $file, $mode); } else { return pg_lo_open($conn, $file, $mode); } }
public function getstreamblob($oid) { $this->query = pg_query($this->dbhandle, "begin"); $handle = pg_lo_open($this->dbhandle, $oid, "r"); $blob = pg_lo_read_all($handle); pg_query($this->dbhandle, "commit"); return $blob; //TODO: kontola, ali je bil query ok izveden! }
/** * Escreve objeto oid com o arquivo informado * @param integer $iOid * @param string $sCaminhoArquivo * @return boolean */ public static function escrita($sCaminhoArquivo, $iOid = null) { global $conn; if (!db_utils::inTransaction()) { throw new Exception("Sem transação Ativa."); } $rsLargeObject = pg_lo_open($conn, $iOid, "w"); $sConteudoArquivo = file_get_contents($sCaminhoArquivo); $escrita = pg_lo_write($rsLargeObject, $sConteudoArquivo); return $escrita; }
function stream_open($path, $mode) { $path = trim(parse_url($path, PHP_URL_HOST)); if ($path) { if ($this->dbh = pg_connect($path)) { if (pg_query($this->dbh, 'BEGIN')) { if (is_resource($this->loh = pg_lo_open($this->dbh, $this->lon = self::$loId, $mode))) { pg_lo_seek($this->loh, 0, PGSQL_SEEK_END); $this->size = (int) pg_lo_tell($this->loh); pg_lo_seek($this->loh, 0, PGSQL_SEEK_SET); return true; } } } } return false; }
public function getPoster($oid) { //TODO check good run $connection = $this->_em->getConnection(); $database = pg_connect("host=" . $connection->getHost() . " port=5432 dbname=" . $connection->getDatabase() . " user=postgres"); $stat = pg_connection_status($database); if ($stat !== PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) { return null; } ob_start(); pg_query($database, "begin"); $handle = pg_lo_open($database, $oid, "r"); pg_lo_read_all($handle); pg_query($database, "commit"); $imgContent = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $imgContent; }
function copy_db_image($dbconn, $row, $wfd, $header = null) { $oid = $row['image_blob']; $type = $row['image_type']; if (isset($header)) { header("Content-type: image/" . $row['image_type']); } $fd = pg_lo_open($dbconn, $oid, 'r'); if ($fd) { $str = pg_lo_read($fd, 8192); do { fwrite($wfd, $str, strlen($str)); } while ($str = pg_lo_read($fd, 8192)); pg_lo_close($fd); } else { error_log("Unable to open oid {$oid} in db: " . pg_last_error()); } }
echo "pg_lo_open() error\n"; } pg_lo_write($handle, "large object data\n"); pg_lo_close($handle); pg_exec($db, "commit"); echo "open/read/tell/seek/close LO\n"; pg_exec($db, "begin"); $handle = pg_lo_open($db, $oid, "w"); pg_lo_read($handle, 100); pg_lo_tell($handle); pg_lo_seek($handle, 2); pg_lo_close($handle); pg_exec($db, "commit"); echo "open/read_all/close LO\n"; pg_exec($db, "begin"); $handle = pg_lo_open($db, $oid, "w"); pg_lo_read_all($handle); if (pg_last_error()) { echo "pg_lo_read_all() error\n" . pg_last_error(); } pg_lo_close($handle); pg_exec($db, "commit"); echo "unlink LO\n"; pg_exec($db, "begin"); pg_lo_unlink($db, $oid) or print "pg_lo_unlink() error 1\n"; pg_exec($db, "commit"); // more pg_lo_unlink() tests echo "Test without connection\n"; pg_exec($db, "begin"); $oid = pg_lo_create($db) or print "pg_lo_create() error\n"; pg_lo_unlink($oid) or print "pg_lo_unlink() error 2\n";
function large_object_fetch($oid, $return = false) { trigger_before('large_object_fetch', $this, $this); //$result = pg_query($this->conn,"SELECT $field FROM $table WHERE $"); //if (!$result) { trigger_error("Error in select file OID", E_USER_ERROR ); } //$oid = pg_result($result,0,$fieldname); //if (!$oid) { trigger_error("Error in file OID result", E_USER_ERROR ); } $result = @pg_query($this->conn, "BEGIN"); if (!$result) { trigger_error("error starting l_o_f transaction: " . @pg_last_error($this->conn), E_USER_ERROR); } $handle = @pg_lo_open($this->conn, $oid, "r"); if (!$handle) { trigger_error("error in l_o_f/l_o_o: " . @pg_last_error($this->conn), E_USER_ERROR); } if ($return === true) { return @pg_lo_read($handle, $this->max_blob_length); } else { @pg_lo_read_all($handle); } if (!$buffer) { trigger_error("error in l_o_read_all: " . @pg_last_error($this->conn), E_USER_ERROR); } $result = @pg_lo_close($handle); if (!$result) { trigger_error("error in l_o_close: " . @pg_last_error($this->conn), E_USER_ERROR); } $result = @pg_query($this->conn, "COMMIT"); if (!$result) { trigger_error("error committing l_o_f transaction: " . @pg_last_error($this->conn), E_USER_ERROR); } return $return; }
function stream_open($path, $mode) { if (!($this->conn = HTTP_Download_PgLOB::getConnection())) { return false; } if (!preg_match('/(\\d+)/', $path, $matches)) { return false; } $this->ID = $matches[1]; if (!pg_query($this->conn, 'BEGIN')) { return false; } $this->handle = pg_lo_open($this->conn, $this->ID, $mode); if (!is_resource($this->handle)) { return false; } // fetch size of lob pg_lo_seek($this->handle, 0, PGSQL_SEEK_END); $this->size = (int) pg_lo_tell($this->handle); pg_lo_seek($this->handle, 0, PGSQL_SEEK_SET); return true; }
* detalhes. * * Voce deve ter recebido uma copia da Licenca Publica Geral GNU * junto com este programa; se nao, escreva para a Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * Copia da licenca no diretorio licenca/licenca_en.txt * licenca/licenca_pt.txt */ include "libs/db_stdlib.php"; include "libs/db_sql.php"; //############## teste #################### if (isset($oid_arq) && $oid_arq != "") { pg_query($conn, "begin"); $loid = pg_lo_open($conn, $oid_arq, "r"); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); //header('Content-Length: 32029974'); //this is the size of the zipped file header('Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100'); $sqloid = "select * from liclicitaedital where l27_arquivo = {$oid_arq}"; $resultoid = pg_query($sqloid); //$result_nomearq = $cltarefaanexos->sql_record($cltarefaanexos->sql_query_file(null,"*",null,"at25_anexo = '$oid_arq'")); db_fieldsmemory($resultoid, 0); //header('Content-type: Application/x-zip'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $l27_arqnome . '"'); pg_lo_read_all($loid); pg_lo_close($loid); pg_query($conn, "commit"); exit; } //#########################3
function BlobDecode($blob) { @pg_exec("begin"); $fd = @pg_lo_open($blob, "r"); if ($fd === false) { @pg_exec("commit"); return $blob; } $realblob = @pg_loreadall($fd); @pg_loclose($fd); @pg_exec("commit"); return $realblob; }
/** * Reads an entire large object and send it to the browser */ function readFlushLargeObject($lo_oid) { $connection = $this->connect(NULL); // Large objects calls MUST be enclosed in transaction block // remember, large objects must be obtained from within a transaction pg_query($connection, "begin"); $handle_lo = pg_lo_open($connection, $lo_oid, "r") or die("<h1>Error.. can't get handle</h1>"); pg_lo_read_all($handle_lo) or die("<h1>Error, can't read large object.</h1>"); // committing the data transaction pg_query($connection, "commit"); }
public function pgsqlLOBOpen($oid) { if (!($stream = tmpfile())) { $this->set_error(7, 'Could not create tem file', 'HY000', PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, 'pgsqlLOBOpen'); } if (!($lo_stream = pg_lo_open($this->link, $oid, 'w'))) { $this->set_error(null, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, 'pgsqlLOBOpen'); } $this->los[(int) $stream] = array($oid, $lo_stream); return $stream; }
function Open($mode = "rw") { if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.2.0", "ge") > 0) { $this->result = pg_lo_open($this->dbconnect, $this->oid, $mode); } else { $this->result = pg_loopen($this->dbconnect, $this->oid, $mode); } return $this->result; }
function download() { /* * *************************************************** */ /* TYPE SAVE */ /* * *************************************************** */ $sis_tipcarga = 1; // $pasaje_viatico = new tab_pasaje_viatico(); // // A BD if ($sis_tipcarga == 2) { $error = ""; /* if (isset ( $_COOKIE [session_name ()] )) { if (session_is_registered ( 'USU_ID' )) { */ if (isset($_POST['dov_id_open'])) { $dov_id = $_POST['dov_id_open']; } else { $dov_id = VAR3; } if ($dov_id != '') { $documento_viaje = new tab_documento_viaje(); $rowe = $documento_viaje->dbSelectBySQL("SELECT * FROM tab_documento_viaje WHERE dov_id = '" . $dov_id . "'"); if (count($rowe) == 1) { $sql = "SELECT\r\n tab_documento_viaje.dov_id,\r\n tab_documento_viaje.fil_nomoriginal,\r\n tab_documento_viaje.fil_nomcifrado,\r\n tab_documento_viaje.fil_tamano,\r\n tab_documento_viaje.fil_extension,\r\n tab_documento_viaje.fil_tipo,\r\n coalesce(tab_documento_viajebin.fil_contenido,'-1') as fil_contenido\r\n FROM\r\n tab_documento_viaje\r\n Inner Join tab_documento_viajebin ON tab_documento_viaje.dov_id = tab_documento_viajebin.dov_id WHERE tab_documento_viajebin.dov_id = '" . $dov_id . "'"; $r_files = $documento_viaje->dbSelectBySQLArchive($sql); // $link = $pasaje_viatico->connect(); $sql = "select dov_id, nombre, mime, size, coalesce(archivo_oid,'-1') as archivo_oid, coalesce(archivo_bytea,'-1') as archivo_bytea from tab_documento_viaje where dov_id={$dov_id}"; $result = pg_query($link, $sql); if (!$result || pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0); pg_free_result($result); if ($row['archivo_bytea'] == -1 && $row['archivo_oid'] == -1) { die('No existe el archivo para mostrar o bajar'); } pg_query($link, "begin"); $file = pg_lo_open($link, $row['archivo_oid'], "r"); header("Cache-control: private"); header("Content-type: {$row['mime']}"); //if($f==1) header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$row[nombre]\""); header("Content-length: {$row['size']}"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", mktime(date("H") + 2, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . " GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); pg_lo_read_all($file); pg_lo_close($file); pg_query($link, "commit"); pg_close($link); } else { $error = "No existe el archivo."; } } else { $error = 'No existe el archivo.'; } } else { // A SERVER $error = ""; if (isset($_POST['dov_id_open'])) { $dov_id = $_POST['dov_id_open']; } else { $dov_id = VAR3; } if ($dov_id != '') { // $link = $pasaje_viatico->connect(); $sql = "SELECT dov_id, \r\n pav_id, \r\n dov_nombre, \r\n dov_mime, \r\n dov_size, \r\n coalesce(dov_archivo_oid,'-1') as archivo_oid, \r\n coalesce(dov_archivo_bytea,'-1') as archivo_bytea \r\n FROM tab_documento_viaje \r\n WHERE dov_id = {$dov_id} "; $result = pg_query($link, $sql); if (!$result || pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0); // Data Parameters $nombreDirectorio = ""; $tsistema = new tab_sistema(); $sql = "SELECT *\r\n FROM tab_sistema"; $rows2 = $tsistema->dbselectBySQL($sql); if (count($rows2) >= 1) { $sis_tipcarga = $rows2[0]->sis_tipcarga; $sis_tammax = $rows2[0]->sis_tammax; $nombreDirectorio = $rows2[0]->sis_ruta; } $archivopdf = $nombreDirectorio . $row[2]; $len = filesize($archivopdf); //$archivopdf = PATH_DOMAIN ."/". $nombreDirectorio . $row[1]; //$len = filesize($archivopdf); header("Cache-control: private"); //header("Content-type: $row[mime]"); header("Content-type: {$row['3']}"); //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='".$archivopdf."'"); header("Content-length: {$len}"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", mktime(date("H") + 2, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . " GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); readfile($archivopdf); pg_free_result($result); pg_close($link); } } if ($error != '') { echo $error; } }
public function makePgLO(&$data = null) { $pg = $this->connectionFactory->get('RW'); $pgResource = $pg->resource->get(); if (!isset($data)) { $data = file_get_contents($this->makeAndFillFile()); } pg_query($pgResource, "BEGIN"); $oid = pg_lo_create($pgResource); $handle = pg_lo_open($pgResource, $oid, 'w'); pg_lo_write($handle, $data); pg_query($pgResource, "COMMIT"); return new Oid($oid, $pg); }
function mostraFoto($aluid) { $sql = "select fot_foto from alunosfotos where fot_aluid = {$aluid}"; //echo $sql; $rs = pg_exec($sql); $row = pg_fetch_row($rs, 0); pg_query("begin"); $loid = pg_lo_open($row[0], "r"); $foto = pg_lo_read_all($loid); pg_lo_close($loid); pg_query("commit"); }
/** * */ function lo_open($oid, $mode) { return pg_lo_open($this->connection, $oid, $mode); }
private function _firstUse() { if (is_resource($this->_blob)) { return true; } if ($this->_id !== null) { $this->_blob = @pg_lo_open($this->_database->link, $this->_id, 'rw'); if ($this->_blob === false) { return $this->_raiseError('open'); } } else { $this->_id = @pg_lo_create($this->_database->link); $this->_blob = @pg_lo_open($this->_database->link, $this->_id, 'w'); if ($this->_blob === false) { return $this->_raiseError('create'); } } return true; }
function download() { /* * *************************************************** */ /* TYPE SAVE */ /* * *************************************************** */ $sis_tipcarga = 1; // $archivo_digital = new tab_archivo_digital(); // // A BD if ($sis_tipcarga == 2) { $error = ""; /* if (isset ( $_COOKIE [session_name ()] )) { if (session_is_registered ( 'USU_ID' )) { */ if (isset($_POST['fil_id_open'])) { $fil_id = $_POST['fil_id_open']; } else { $fil_id = VAR3; } if ($fil_id != '') { $archivo = new tab_archivo(); $rowe = $archivo->dbSelectBySQL("SELECT * FROM tab_archivo WHERE fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"); if ($rowe[0]->fil_confidencialidad != '3') { $rowa = $archivo->dbSelectBySQL("SELECT * FROM tab_archivo WHERE fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"); $archivobin = new tab_archivobin(); $row = $archivobin->dbSelectBySQLField("SELECT fil_contenido FROM tab_archivobin WHERE fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"); if (count($row) == 1 || count($rowa) == 1) { $sql = "SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_nomoriginal,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_nomcifrado,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_tamano,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_extension,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_tipo,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcoalesce(tab_archivobin.fil_contenido,'-1') as fil_contenido\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInner Join tab_archivobin ON tab_archivo.fil_id = tab_archivobin.fil_id WHERE tab_archivobin.fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"; $r_files = $archivo->dbSelectBySQLArchive($sql); // $link = $archivo_digital->connect(); $sql = "select fil_id, nombre, mime, size, coalesce(archivo_oid,'-1') as archivo_oid, coalesce(archivo_bytea,'-1') as archivo_bytea from tab_archivo_digital where fil_id={$fil_id}"; $result = pg_query($link, $sql); if (!$result || pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0); pg_free_result($result); if ($row['archivo_bytea'] == -1 && $row['archivo_oid'] == -1) { die('No existe el archivo para mostrar o bajar'); } pg_query($link, "begin"); $file = pg_lo_open($link, $row['archivo_oid'], "r"); header("Cache-control: private"); header("Content-type: {$row['mime']}"); //if($f==1) header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$row[nombre]\""); header("Content-length: {$row['size']}"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", mktime(date("H") + 2, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . " GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); pg_lo_read_all($file); pg_lo_close($file); pg_query($link, "commit"); pg_close($link); } else { $error = "No existe el archivo."; } } else { if (isset($_POST['pass_open']) && $_POST['pass_open'] != '') { $usuario = new tab_usuario(); $row_usu = $usuario->dbselectByField("usu_id", $_SESSION['USU_ID']); $usuario = $row_usu[0]; if ($usuario->getUsu_leer_doc() == '1' && $usuario->getUsu_pass_leer() == md5($_POST['pass_open'])) { $archivo = new tab_archivo(); $rowa = $archivo->dbSelectBySQLField("SELECT * FROM tab_archivo WHERE fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"); $archivobin = new tab_archivobin(); $row = $archivobin->dbSelectBySQLField("SELECT fil_contenido FROM tab_archivobin WHERE fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"); if (count($row) == 1 || count($rowa) == 1) { $sql = "SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_nomoriginal,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_nomcifrado,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_tamano,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_extension,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo.fil_tipo,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivobin.fil_contenido\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttab_archivo\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tInner Join tab_archivobin ON tab_archivo.fil_id = tab_archivobin.fil_id WHERE tab_archivobin.fil_id = '" . $fil_id . "'"; $r_files = $archivo->dbSelectBySQLArchive($sql); header('Content-type:' . $r_files[0]->fil_tipo); echo $r_files[0]->fil_contenido; } else { $error = "No existe el archivo."; } } else { $error = 'Password incorrecto.'; } } else { $error = 'No tiene permisos para ver este archivo.'; } } } else { $error = 'No existe el archivo.'; } } else { // A SERVER $error = ""; if (isset($_POST['fil_id_open'])) { $fil_id = $_POST['fil_id_open']; } else { $fil_id = VAR3; } if ($fil_id != '') { // $link = $archivo_digital->connect(); $sql = "select fil_id, nombre, mime, size, coalesce(archivo_oid,'-1') as archivo_oid, coalesce(archivo_bytea,'-1') as archivo_bytea from tab_archivo_digital where fil_id={$fil_id}"; $result = pg_query($link, $sql); if (!$result || pg_num_rows($result) < 1) { header("Location: index.php"); exit; } $row = pg_fetch_array($result, 0); // Data Parameters $nombreDirectorio = ""; $tsistema = new tab_sistema(); $sql = "SELECT *\r\n FROM tab_sistema"; $rows2 = $tsistema->dbselectBySQL($sql); if (count($rows2) >= 1) { $sis_tipcarga = $rows2[0]->sis_tipcarga; $sis_tammax = $rows2[0]->sis_tammax; $nombreDirectorio = $rows2[0]->sis_ruta; } $archivopdf = $nombreDirectorio . $row[1]; $len = filesize($archivopdf); //$archivopdf = PATH_DOMAIN ."/". $nombreDirectorio . $row[1]; //$len = filesize($archivopdf); header("Cache-control: private"); //header("Content-type: $row[mime]"); header("Content-type: {$row['2']}"); //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='".$archivopdf."'"); header("Content-length: {$len}"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", mktime(date("H") + 2, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) . " GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); readfile($archivopdf); pg_free_result($result); pg_close($link); } } if ($error != '') { echo $error; } }
function BlobDecode($blob) { if (strlen($blob) > 24) { return $blob; } @pg_exec($this->_connectionID, "begin"); $fd = @pg_lo_open($this->_connectionID, $blob, "r"); if ($fd === false) { @pg_exec($this->_connectionID, "commit"); return $blob; } $realblob = @pg_loreadall($fd); @pg_loclose($fd); @pg_exec($this->_connectionID, "commit"); return $realblob; }
$clcertidaoweb->cernomecontr = addslashes($z01_nome); $clcertidaoweb->cerhtml = "x"; $clcertidaoweb->cerweb = 'true'; $clcertidaoweb->incluir(); $erro_msg = $clcertidaoweb->erro_msg; if ($clcertidaoweb->erro_status == 0) { $sqlerro = true; db_msgbox("Erro ao gerar certidao. ERRO: " . $erro_msg); exit; } /** * Grava arquivo da certidao também na tabela certidao */ $clcertidao->p50_arquivo = $oidgrava; $clcertidao->alterar($clcertidao->p50_sequencial); $objeto = pg_lo_open($conn, $oidgrava, "w"); if ($objeto != false) { $erro = pg_lo_write($objeto, $dados); pg_lo_close($objeto); } else { $sqlerro = true; } } db_fim_transacao($sqlerro); } if (file_exists($arqpdf)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $arqpdf); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($arqpdf)); readfile($arqpdf);
/** * Output the data stored in the large object resource to stdout. * @param void * @return void */ public function stream() { // filesystem if (isset($this->filePath)) { return readfile($this->filePath); } elseif ($this->oid) { $pg = $this->oid->pg; $pg->query(new Query('BEGIN')); $handle = pg_lo_open($pg->resource->get(), $this->oid->oid, 'r'); pg_lo_read_all($handle); pg_lo_close($handle); $pg->query(new Query('COMMIT')); return null; } throw \LogicException("Shouldn't ever get tripped"); }
function _firstUse() { // BLOB opened - do nothing. if (is_resource($this->blob)) { return true; } // Open or create blob. if ($this->id !== null) { $this->blob = @pg_lo_open($this->database->link, $this->id, 'rw'); if ($this->blob === false) { return $this->_setDbError('open'); } } else { $this->id = @pg_lo_create($this->database->link); $this->blob = @pg_lo_open($this->database->link, $this->id, 'w'); if ($this->blob === false) { return $this->_setDbError('create'); } } return true; }
?> <br><br> Vencimento: <?php echo db_formatar($cerdtvenc, 'd'); ?> </div> <?php } else { Header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 2001 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the pas header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modifie header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 header("Cache-control: private"); db_fieldsmemory($result, 0); pg_exec("begin"); $loid = pg_lo_open($cercertidao, "r"); pg_lo_read_all($loid); pg_lo_close($loid); pg_exec("commit"); //OR END } } elseif (strcmp($dtat, $dtvenc) > "0") { //passou 90 dias include "certidaovencida.php"; }
function BlobDecode($blob, $maxsize = false, $hastrans = true) { if (!$this->GuessOID($blob)) { return $blob; } if ($hastrans) { pg_query($this->_connectionID, 'begin'); } $fd = @pg_lo_open($this->_connectionID, $blob, 'r'); if ($fd === false) { if ($hastrans) { pg_query($this->_connectionID, 'commit'); } return $blob; } if (!$maxsize) { $maxsize = $this->maxblobsize; } $realblob = @pg_lo_read($fd, $maxsize); @pg_loclose($fd); if ($hastrans) { pg_query($this->_connectionID, 'commit'); } return $realblob; }
public function descargar() { ini_set("max_execution_time ", "60000"); ini_set("max_input_time ", "60000"); ini_set("memory_limit", "2000M"); /** */ $link_170_SELECT = pg_Connect("host= port=5432 dbname=TARJETA_SAMAN2 user=ingrid password='******'"); //$mar_nro_documento = $tgsIndexCedMartillo['mar_nro_documento']; 17166094 $mar_nro_documento = "11953710"; /** CEDULA DESCARGA */ $sqlDwl = "SELECT * FROM afiliado limit 1"; //$sqlDwl = "SELECT * FROM afiliado where numero_documento = '3944896'" ; /** Ejecucion Sql */ $resultDlw = pg_query($link_170_SELECT, $sqlDwl); # Recupera los atributos del archivo //$row=pg_fetch_array($resultDlw,0); //pg_free_result($resultDlw); $i = 0; while ($row = pg_fetch_array($resultDlw)) { $mar_nro_documento = $row['numero_documento']; $path = "public/doc/reembolso/w_" . $mar_nro_documento . ".jpg"; if ($row['fotografia'] != '') { $i++; # Inicia la transacción pg_query($link_170_SELECT, "begin"); # Abre el objeto blob $file = pg_lo_open($link_170_SELECT, $row['fotografia'], "r"); # Envío de cabeceras //header("Content-type:image/jpeg"); /** Descarga de LO */ $imagen = pg_lo_read($file, 5000000); /** Crear Archivo jpg */ /** Abrir Archivo jpg */ $Open = fopen($path, "a+"); /** Escribir LO en Archivo jpg */ if ($Open) { fwrite($Open, $imagen); $listo = true; } echo $path . "<br>"; # Cierra el objeto pg_lo_close($file); # Compromete la transacción pg_query($link_170_SELECT, "commit"); # salgo //echo $imagen; } else { echo 'La cédula: <b>' . $mar_nro_documento . "</b>. No posee fotografia en la BD... <br>"; } } echo "Total de Fotos Procesadas: <b>" . $i . "</b>"; pg_close($link_170_SELECT); }
function BlobDecode($blob, $maxsize = false, $hastrans = true) { if (!$this->GuessOID($blob)) { return $blob; } if ($hastrans) { @pg_exec($this->_connectionID, "begin"); } $fd = @pg_lo_open($this->_connectionID, $blob, "r"); if ($fd === false) { if ($hastrans) { @pg_exec($this->_connectionID, "commit"); } return $blob; } if (!$maxsize) { $maxsize = $this->maxblobsize; } $realblob = @pg_loread($fd, $maxsize); @pg_loclose($fd); if ($hastrans) { @pg_exec($this->_connectionID, "commit"); } return $realblob; }
pg_free_result( pg_query( 'COMMIT' ) ); pg_free_result( pg_query( 'BEGIN' ) ); dump($oid); } elseif( substr($req,0,11) == 'blob_delete' ) { list($oid) = sscanf( $req, 'blob_delete %u' ); $oid = pg_lo_unlink($oid) or pgerr('lo_unlink failed'); } elseif( substr($req,0,10) == 'blob_write' ) { list($oid) = sscanf( $req, 'blob_write %s ' ); $bin = substr($req,12+strlen($oid)); $obj = pg_lo_open($oid,'w') or pgerr( 'lo_open failed' ); $res = pg_lo_write($obj,$bin) or pgerr( 'lo_write failed' ); pg_lo_close($obj); dump($res); } elseif( substr($req,0,9) == 'blob_read' ) { list($oid) = sscanf( $req, 'blob_read %u' ); $obj = pg_lo_open($oid,'r') or pgerr( 'lo_open failed' ); pg_lo_seek($obj,0,PGSQL_SEEK_END); $len = pg_lo_tell($obj); pg_lo_seek($obj,0,PGSQL_SEEK_SET); $res = pg_lo_read($obj,$len) or pgerr( 'lo_read failed' ); pg_lo_close($obj); dump($res); } else { $result = pg_query($req) or pgerr("error at request: $req"); if( pg_result_status($result) == PGSQL_COMMAND_OK ) { dump( 0 ); dump( pg_affected_rows($result) ); dump( pg_last_oid($result) ); pg_free_result($result); } elseif( pg_result_status($result) == PGSQL_EMPTY_QUERY ) { dump( 0 );