 * Send emails to any members with a positive balance.
function command_amazon_payment_email()
    global $config_email_from;
    global $config_site_title;
    // Get balances and contacts
    $cids = payment_contact_filter(array('balance_due' => true));
    $balances = payment_accounts(array('cid' => $cids));
    $contacts = crm_get_data('contact', array('cid' => $cids));
    $cidToContact = crm_map($contacts, 'cid');
    // Email each contact with a balance
    foreach ($balances as $cid => $balance) {
        // Construct button
        $params = array('referenceId' => $cid, 'amount' => $balance['code'] . ' ' . payment_format_currency($balance, false), 'description' => 'CRM Dues Payment');
        $amount = payment_format_currency($balance);
        $button = theme('amazon_payment_button', $cid, $params);
        // Send email
        $to = $cidToContact[$cid]['email'];
        $subject = "[{$config_site_title}] Payment Due";
        $from = $config_email_from;
        $headers = "Content-type: text/html\r\nFrom: {$from}\r\n";
        $message = "<p>Hello,<br/>Your current account balance is {$amount}.  To pay this balance using Amazon Payments, please click the button below.</p>{$button}";
        $res = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    message_register('E-mails have been sent');
    variable_set('amazon_payment_last_email', date('Y-m-d'));
    return crm_url('payments', array('query' => array('tab' => 'billing')));
 * Return a table showing account balances.
 * @param $opts An associative array of options.
 * @return A table object.
function payment_accounts_table($opts)
    $export = array_key_exists('export', $opts) && $opts['export'] ? true : false;
    $cids = payment_contact_filter(array('balance_due' => true));
    $balances = payment_accounts(array('cid' => $cids));
    $table = array('columns' => array(array('title' => 'Name'), array('title' => 'Email'), array('title' => 'Balance Owed')), 'rows' => array());
    $contacts = crm_get_data('contact', array('cid' => $cids));
    $cidToContact = crm_map($contacts, 'cid');
    foreach ($balances as $cid => $balance) {
        $row = array();
        $row[] = theme('contact_name', $cid, !$export);
        $row[] = $cidToContact[$cid]['email'];
        $row[] = payment_format_currency($balance);
        $table['rows'][] = $row;
    return $table;