private function pay_bag() { $time = time(); $uid = $this->members['uid']; $fufen = System::load_app_config("user_fufen", '', 'member'); $query_1 = $this->set_dingdan('账户', 'A'); /*会员购买过账户剩余金额*/ $Money = $this->members['money'] - $this->MoenyCount + $this->fufen_to_money; $query_fufen = true; $pay_zhifu_name = '账户'; if ($this->fufen_to_money) { $myfufen = $this->members['score'] - $this->fufen; $query_fufen = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `score`='{$myfufen}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); $pay_zhifu_name = '福分'; $this->MoenyCount = $this->fufen; } //添加用户经验 $jingyan = $this->members['jingyan'] + $fufen['z_shoppay']; $query_jingyan = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `jingyan`='{$jingyan}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); //经验值 //更新用户账户金额 $query_2 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `money`='{$Money}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); //金额 $query_3 = $info = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}') LIMIT 1"); $query_4 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_account` (`uid`, `type`, `pay`, `content`, `money`, `time`) VALUES ('{$uid}', '-1', '{$pay_zhifu_name}', '购买了商品', '{$this->MoenyCount}', '{$time}')"); $query_5 = true; $query_insert = true; $goods_count_num = 0; foreach ($this->shoplist as $shop) { if ($shop['canyurenshu'] >= $shop['zongrenshu'] && $shop['maxqishu'] >= $shop['qishu']) { $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu`=`zongrenshu`,`shenyurenshu` = '0' where `id` = '{$shop['id']}'"); } else { $sellnum = $this->db->GetOne("select sum(gonumber) as sellnum from `@#_member_go_record` where `shopid` = '{$shop['id']}'"); $sellnum = $sellnum['sellnum']; $shenyurenshu = $shop['zongrenshu'] - $sellnum; $query = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu` = '{$sellnum}',`shenyurenshu` = '{$shenyurenshu}' WHERE `id`='{$shop['id']}'"); // $shenyurenshu = $shop['zongrenshu'] - $shop['canyurenshu']; // $query = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu` = '$shop[canyurenshu]',`shenyurenshu` = '$shenyurenshu' WHERE `id`='$shop[id]'"); if (!$query) { $query_5 = false; } } $goods_count_num += $shop['goods_count_num']; } //添加福分 if (!$this->fufen_to_money) { $mygoscore = $fufen['f_shoppay'] * $goods_count_num; $mygoscore_text = "购买了{$goods_count_num}人次商品"; $myscore = $this->members['score'] + $mygoscore; $query_add_fufen_1 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `score`= '{$myscore}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); $query_add_fufen_2 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_account` (`uid`, `type`, `pay`, `content`, `money`, `time`) VALUES ('{$uid}', '1', '福分', '{$mygoscore_text}', '{$mygoscore}', '{$time}')"); $query_fufen = $query_add_fufen_1 && $query_add_fufen_2; } $dingdancode = $this->dingdancode; $query_6 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member_go_record` SET `status`='已付款,未发货,未完成' WHERE `code`='{$dingdancode}' and `uid` = '{$uid}'"); $query_7 = $this->dingdan_query; $query_8 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_caches` SET `value`=`value` + {$goods_count_num} WHERE `key`='goods_count_num'"); $this->goods_count_num = $goods_count_num; if ($query_fufen && $query_jingyan && $query_1 && $query_2 && $query_3 && $query_4 && $query_5 && $query_6 && $query_7 && $query_insert && $query_8) { if ($info['money'] == $Money) { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); foreach ($this->shoplist as $shop) { if ($shop['canyurenshu'] >= $shop['zongrenshu'] && $shop['maxqishu'] >= $shop['qishu']) { $this->db->Autocommit_start(); $query_insert = pay_insert_shop($shop, 'add'); if (!$query_insert) { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); } else { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); } $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu`=`zongrenshu`,`shenyurenshu` = '0' where `id` = '{$shop['id']}'"); } } return true; } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return false; } } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return false; } }
public function goods_one_ok() { $gid = intval($this->segment(4)); $ginfo = $this->db->GetOne("select * from `@#_shoplist` where `id` = '{$gid}' limit 1"); if (!$ginfo) { _message("没有找到这个商品"); } $jinri_time = time(); if ($ginfo['xsjx_time'] != '0') { _message("限时揭晓商品不能手动揭晓"); } if ($ginfo['shenyurenshu'] != '0') { _message("该商品还有剩余人数,不能手动揭晓!"); } if ($ginfo['shenyurenshu'] == '0' && (empty($ginfo['q_uid']) || $ginfo['q_uid'] == '')) { System::load_app_fun("pay", "pay"); $this->db->Autocommit_start(); $ok = pay_insert_shop($ginfo); if (!$ok) { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); _message("揭晓失败!"); } else { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); _message("揭晓成功!"); } } }
private function pay_bag() { $time = time(); $uid = $this->members['uid']; $query_1 = $this->set_dingdan('账户', 'A'); //夺宝币 $fufen = System::load_app_config("user_fufen", '', 'member'); if ($this->fufen) { if ($fufen['fufen_yuan']) { $fufen_dikou = intval($this->fufen / $fufen['fufen_yuan']); } else { $fufen_dikou = 0; } } else { $fufen_dikou = 0; } $Money = $this->members['money'] - $this->MoenyCount + $fufen_dikou; //还剩金额 $query_fufen = true; $pay_zhifu_name = '账户'; if ($fufen_dikou) { $myfufen = $this->members['score'] - $this->fufen; $query_fufen = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `score`='{$myfufen}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); $pay_zhifu_name = '夺宝币'; $this->MoenyCount = $this->fufen; } else { $myscore = $this->members['score'] + $fufen['f_shoppay']; $query_add_fufen_1 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `score`= '{$myscore}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); $query_add_fufen_2 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_account` (`uid`, `type`, `pay`, `content`, `money`, `time`) VALUES ('{$uid}', '1', '夺宝币', '购买了商品', '{$fufen['f_shoppay']}', '{$time}')"); $query_fufen = $query_add_fufen_1 && $query_add_fufen_2; } $jingyan = $this->members['jingyan'] + $fufen['z_shoppay']; $query_jingyan = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `jingyan`='{$jingyan}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); //经验值 $query_2 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member` SET `money`='{$Money}' WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}')"); //金额 $query_3 = $info = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM `@#_member` WHERE (`uid`='{$uid}') LIMIT 1"); $query_4 = $this->db->Query("INSERT INTO `@#_member_account` (`uid`, `type`, `pay`, `content`, `money`, `time`) VALUES ('{$uid}', '-1', '{$pay_zhifu_name}', '购买了商品', '{$this->MoenyCount}', '{$time}')"); $query_5 = true; $query_insert = true; $goods_count_num = 0; foreach ($this->shoplist as $shop) { if ($shop['canyurenshu'] >= $shop['zongrenshu'] && $shop['maxqishu'] >= $shop['qishu']) { $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu`=`zongrenshu`,`shenyurenshu` = '0' where `id` = '{$shop['id']}'"); } else { $shenyurenshu = $shop['zongrenshu'] - $shop['canyurenshu']; $query = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu` = '{$shop['canyurenshu']}',`shenyurenshu` = '{$shenyurenshu}' WHERE `id`='{$shop['id']}'"); if (!$query) { $query_5 = false; } } $goods_count_num += $shop['goods_count_num']; } $dingdancode = $this->dingdancode; $query_6 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_member_go_record` SET `status`='已付款,未发货' WHERE `code`='{$dingdancode}' and `uid` = '{$uid}'"); $query_7 = $this->dingdan_query; $query_8 = $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_caches` SET `value`=`value` + {$goods_count_num} WHERE `key`='goods_count_num'"); $this->goods_count_num = $goods_count_num; if ($query_fufen && $query_jingyan && $query_1 && $query_2 && $query_3 && $query_4 && $query_5 && $query_6 && $query_7 && $query_insert && $query_8) { if ($info['money'] == $Money) { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); foreach ($this->shoplist as $shop) { if ($shop['canyurenshu'] >= $shop['zongrenshu'] && $shop['maxqishu'] >= $shop['qishu']) { $this->db->Autocommit_start(); $query_insert = pay_insert_shop($shop, 'add'); if (!$query_insert) { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); } else { $this->db->Autocommit_commit(); } $this->db->Query("UPDATE `@#_shoplist` SET `canyurenshu`=`zongrenshu`,`shenyurenshu` = '0' where `id` = '{$shop['id']}'"); } } return true; } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return false; } } else { $this->db->Autocommit_rollback(); return false; } }