if (empty($order)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 检查订单用户跟当前用户是否一致 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $order['user_id']) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 检查订单是否未付款和未发货 以及订单金额是否为0 和支付id是否为改变*/ if ($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED || $order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED || $order['goods_amount'] <= 0 || $order['pay_id'] == $pay_id) { ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id={$order_id}\n"); exit; } $order_amount = $order['order_amount'] - $order['pay_fee']; $pay_fee = pay_fee($pay_id, $order_amount); $order_amount += $pay_fee; $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " SET pay_id='{$pay_id}', pay_name='{$payment_info['pay_name']}', pay_fee='{$pay_fee}', order_amount='{$order_amount}'" . " WHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'"; $db->query($sql); /* 跳转 */ ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id={$order_id}\n"); exit; } elseif ($action == 'save_order_address') { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_transaction.php'; $address = array('consignee' => isset($_POST['consignee']) ? trim($_POST['consignee']) : '', 'email' => isset($_POST['email']) ? trim($_POST['email']) : '', 'address' => isset($_POST['address']) ? trim($_POST['address']) : '', 'zipcode' => isset($_POST['zipcode']) ? make_semiangle(trim($_POST['zipcode'])) : '', 'tel' => isset($_POST['tel']) ? trim($_POST['tel']) : '', 'mobile' => isset($_POST['mobile']) ? trim($_POST['mobile']) : '', 'sign_building' => isset($_POST['sign_building']) ? trim($_POST['sign_building']) : '', 'best_time' => isset($_POST['best_time']) ? trim($_POST['best_time']) : '', 'order_id' => isset($_POST['order_id']) ? intval($_POST['order_id']) : 0); if (save_order_address($address, $user_id)) { ecs_header('Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $address['order_id'] . "\n"); exit; } else { $err->show($_LANG['order_list_lnk'], 'user.php?act=order_list'); }
/** * 更改支付方式的处理 */ public function edit_payment() { // 检查支付方式 $pay_id = intval($_POST['pay_id']); if ($pay_id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: " . url('index/index') . "\n"); exit; } $payment_info = model('Order')->payment_info($pay_id); if (empty($payment_info)) { ecs_header("Location: " . url('index/index') . "\n"); exit; } // 检查订单号 $order_id = intval($_POST['order_id']); if ($order_id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: " . url('index/index') . "\n"); exit; } // 取得订单 $order = model('Order')->order_info($order_id); if (empty($order)) { ecs_header("Location: " . url('index/index') . "\n"); exit; } // 检查订单用户跟当前用户是否一致 if ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $order['user_id']) { ecs_header("Location: " . url('index/index') . "\n"); exit; } // 检查订单是否未付款和未发货 以及订单金额是否为0 和支付id是否为改变 if ($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED || $order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED || $order['goods_amount'] <= 0 || $order['pay_id'] == $pay_id) { $url = url('order_detail', array('order_id' => $order_id)); ecs_header("Location: {$url}\n"); exit; } $order_amount = $order['order_amount'] - $order['pay_fee']; $pay_fee = pay_fee($pay_id, $order_amount); $order_amount += $pay_fee; $data['pay_id'] = $pay_id; $data['pay_name'] = $payment_info['pay_name']; $data['pay_fee'] = $pay_fee; $data['order_amount'] = $order_amount; $where['order_id'] = $order_id; $this->model->table('order_info')->data($data)->where($where)->update(); // 跳转 $url = url('order_detail', array('order_id' => $order_id)); ecs_header("Location: {$url}\n"); exit; }
function action_act_edit_payment() { $user = $GLOBALS['user']; $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG']; $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG']; $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty']; $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; /* 检查是否登录 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } $sql = "SELECT pay_id FROM " . $ecs->table('payment') . " WHERE pay_code = '" . $_POST['pay_code'] . "'"; $row = $db->getRow($sql); /* 检查支付方式 */ $pay_id = $row['pay_id']; if ($pay_id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php'; $payment_info = payment_info($pay_id); if (empty($payment_info)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 检查订单号 */ $order_id = intval($_POST['order_id']); if ($order_id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 取得订单 */ $order = order_info($order_id); if (empty($order)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 检查订单用户跟当前用户是否一致 */ if ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $order['user_id']) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 检查订单是否未付款和未发货 以及订单金额是否为0 和支付id是否为改变 */ if ($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED || $order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED || $order['goods_amount'] <= 0 || $order['pay_id'] == $pay_id) { ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id={$order_id}\n"); exit; } $order_amount = $order['order_amount'] - $order['pay_fee']; $pay_fee = pay_fee($pay_id, $order_amount); $order_amount += $pay_fee; if ($_POST['pay_code'] == 'alipay_bank') { $defaultbank = $_POST['www_68ecshop_com_bank']; $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " SET pay_id='{$pay_id}', pay_name='{$payment_info['pay_name']}', pay_fee='{$pay_fee}', order_amount='{$order_amount}', defaultbank='{$defaultbank}'" . " WHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " SET pay_id='{$pay_id}', pay_name='{$payment_info['pay_name']}', pay_fee='{$pay_fee}', order_amount='{$order_amount}'" . " WHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'"; } $db->query($sql); /* 跳转 */ ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id={$order_id}\n"); exit; }
/** * 获得订单中的费用信息 * * @access public * @param array $order * @param array $goods * @param array $consignee * @param bool $is_gb_deposit 是否团购保证金(如果是,应付款金额只计算商品总额和支付费用,可以获得的积分取 $gift_integral) * @return array */ function order_fee($order, $goods, $consignee) { /* 初始化订单的扩展code */ if (!isset($order['extension_code'])) { $order['extension_code'] = ''; } if ($order['extension_code'] == 'group_buy') { $group_buy = model('GroupBuyBase')->group_buy_info($order['extension_id']); } $total = array('real_goods_count' => 0, 'gift_amount' => 0, 'goods_price' => 0, 'market_price' => 0, 'discount' => 0, 'pack_fee' => 0, 'card_fee' => 0, 'shipping_fee' => 0, 'shipping_insure' => 0, 'integral_money' => 0, 'bonus' => 0, 'surplus' => 0, 'cod_fee' => 0, 'pay_fee' => 0, 'tax' => 0); $weight = 0; /* 商品总价 */ foreach ($goods as $val) { /* 统计实体商品的个数 */ if ($val['is_real']) { $total['real_goods_count']++; } $total['goods_price'] += $val['goods_price'] * $val['goods_number']; $total['market_price'] += $val['market_price'] * $val['goods_number']; } $total['saving'] = $total['market_price'] - $total['goods_price']; $total['save_rate'] = $total['market_price'] ? round($total['saving'] * 100 / $total['market_price']) . '%' : 0; $total['goods_price_formated'] = price_format($total['goods_price'], false); $total['market_price_formated'] = price_format($total['market_price'], false); $total['saving_formated'] = price_format($total['saving'], false); /* 折扣 */ if ($order['extension_code'] != 'group_buy') { $discount = model('Order')->compute_discount(); $total['discount'] = $discount['discount']; if ($total['discount'] > $total['goods_price']) { $total['discount'] = $total['goods_price']; } } $total['discount_formated'] = price_format($total['discount'], false); /* 税额 */ if (!empty($order['need_inv']) && $order['inv_type'] != '') { /* 查税率 */ $rate = 0; $invoice_type = C('invoice_type'); foreach ($invoice_type['type'] as $key => $type) { if ($type == $order['inv_type']) { $rate = floatval($invoice_type['rate'][$key]) / 100; break; } } if ($rate > 0) { $total['tax'] = $rate * $total['goods_price']; } } $total['tax_formated'] = price_format($total['tax'], false); /* 包装费用 */ if (!empty($order['pack_id'])) { $total['pack_fee'] = pack_fee($order['pack_id'], $total['goods_price']); } $total['pack_fee_formated'] = price_format($total['pack_fee'], false); /* 贺卡费用 */ if (!empty($order['card_id'])) { $total['card_fee'] = card_fee($order['card_id'], $total['goods_price']); } $total['card_fee_formated'] = price_format($total['card_fee'], false); /* 红包 */ if (!empty($order['bonus_id'])) { $bonus = model('Order')->bonus_info($order['bonus_id']); $total['bonus'] = $bonus['type_money']; } $total['bonus_formated'] = price_format($total['bonus'], false); /* 线下红包 */ if (!empty($order['bonus_kill'])) { $bonus = model('Order')->bonus_info(0, $order['bonus_kill']); $total['bonus_kill'] = $order['bonus_kill']; $total['bonus_kill_formated'] = price_format($total['bonus_kill'], false); } /* 配送费用 */ $shipping_cod_fee = NULL; if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0 && $total['real_goods_count'] > 0) { $region['country'] = $consignee['country']; $region['province'] = $consignee['province']; $region['city'] = $consignee['city']; $region['district'] = $consignee['district']; $shipping_info = model('Shipping')->shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $region); if (!empty($shipping_info)) { if ($order['extension_code'] == 'group_buy') { $weight_price = model('Order')->cart_weight_price(CART_GROUP_BUY_GOODS); } else { $weight_price = model('Order')->cart_weight_price(); } // 查看购物车中是否全为免运费商品,若是则把运费赋为零 $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as count FROM ' . $this->pre . "cart WHERE `session_id` = '" . SESS_ID . "' AND `extension_code` != 'package_buy' AND `is_shipping` = 0"; $res = $this->row($sql); $shipping_count = $res['count']; $total['shipping_fee'] = ($shipping_count == 0 and $weight_price['free_shipping'] == 1) ? 0 : shipping_fee($shipping_info['shipping_code'], $shipping_info['configure'], $weight_price['weight'], $total['goods_price'], $weight_price['number']); if (!empty($order['need_insure']) && $shipping_info['insure'] > 0) { $total['shipping_insure'] = shipping_insure_fee($shipping_info['shipping_code'], $total['goods_price'], $shipping_info['insure']); } else { $total['shipping_insure'] = 0; } if ($shipping_info['support_cod']) { $shipping_cod_fee = $shipping_info['pay_fee']; } } } $total['shipping_fee_formated'] = price_format($total['shipping_fee'], false); $total['shipping_insure_formated'] = price_format($total['shipping_insure'], false); // 购物车中的商品能享受红包支付的总额 $bonus_amount = model('Order')->compute_discount_amount(); // 红包和积分最多能支付的金额为商品总额 $max_amount = $total['goods_price'] == 0 ? $total['goods_price'] : $total['goods_price'] - $bonus_amount; /* 计算订单总额 */ if ($order['extension_code'] == 'group_buy' && $group_buy['deposit'] > 0) { $total['amount'] = $total['goods_price']; } else { $total['amount'] = $total['goods_price'] - $total['discount'] + $total['tax'] + $total['pack_fee'] + $total['card_fee'] + $total['shipping_fee'] + $total['shipping_insure'] + $total['cod_fee']; // 减去红包金额 $use_bonus = min($total['bonus'], $max_amount); // 实际减去的红包金额 if (isset($total['bonus_kill'])) { $use_bonus_kill = min($total['bonus_kill'], $max_amount); $total['amount'] -= $price = number_format($total['bonus_kill'], 2, '.', ''); // 还需要支付的订单金额 } $total['bonus'] = $use_bonus; $total['bonus_formated'] = price_format($total['bonus'], false); $total['amount'] -= $use_bonus; // 还需要支付的订单金额 $max_amount -= $use_bonus; // 积分最多还能支付的金额 } /* 余额 */ $order['surplus'] = $order['surplus'] > 0 ? $order['surplus'] : 0; if ($total['amount'] > 0) { if (isset($order['surplus']) && $order['surplus'] > $total['amount']) { $order['surplus'] = $total['amount']; $total['amount'] = 0; } else { $total['amount'] -= floatval($order['surplus']); } } else { $order['surplus'] = 0; $total['amount'] = 0; } $total['surplus'] = $order['surplus']; $total['surplus_formated'] = price_format($order['surplus'], false); /* 积分 */ $order['integral'] = $order['integral'] > 0 ? $order['integral'] : 0; if ($total['amount'] > 0 && $max_amount > 0 && $order['integral'] > 0) { $integral_money = value_of_integral($order['integral']); // 使用积分支付 $use_integral = min($total['amount'], $max_amount, $integral_money); // 实际使用积分支付的金额 $total['amount'] -= $use_integral; $total['integral_money'] = $use_integral; $order['integral'] = integral_of_value($use_integral); } else { $total['integral_money'] = 0; $order['integral'] = 0; } $total['integral'] = $order['integral']; $total['integral_formated'] = price_format($total['integral_money'], false); /* 保存订单信息 */ $_SESSION['flow_order'] = $order; $se_flow_type = isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) ? $_SESSION['flow_type'] : ''; /* 支付费用 */ if (!empty($order['pay_id']) && ($total['real_goods_count'] > 0 || $se_flow_type != CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS)) { $total['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $total['amount'], $shipping_cod_fee); } $total['pay_fee_formated'] = price_format($total['pay_fee'], false); $total['amount'] += $total['pay_fee']; // 订单总额累加上支付费用 $total['amount_formated'] = price_format($total['amount'], false); /* 取得可以得到的积分和红包 */ if ($order['extension_code'] == 'group_buy') { $total['will_get_integral'] = $group_buy['gift_integral']; } elseif ($order['extension_code'] == 'exchange_goods') { $total['will_get_integral'] = 0; } else { $total['will_get_integral'] = model('Order')->get_give_integral($goods); } $total['will_get_bonus'] = $order['extension_code'] == 'exchange_goods' ? 0 : price_format(model('Order')->get_total_bonus(), false); $total['formated_goods_price'] = price_format($total['goods_price'], false); $total['formated_market_price'] = price_format($total['market_price'], false); $total['formated_saving'] = price_format($total['saving'], false); if ($order['extension_code'] == 'exchange_goods') { $sql = 'SELECT SUM(eg.exchange_integral) ' . 'as sum FROM ' . $this->pre . 'cart AS c,' . $this->pre . 'exchange_goods AS eg ' . "WHERE c.goods_id = eg.goods_id AND c.session_id= '" . SESS_ID . "' " . " AND c.rec_type = '" . CART_EXCHANGE_GOODS . "' " . ' AND c.is_gift = 0 AND c.goods_id > 0 ' . 'GROUP BY eg.goods_id'; $res = $this->row($sql); $exchange_integral = $res['sum']; $total['exchange_integral'] = $exchange_integral; } return $total; }
/** * 合并订单 * @param string $from_order_sn 从订单号 * @param string $to_order_sn 主订单号 * @return 成功返回true,失败返回错误信息 */ function merge_order($from_order_sn, $to_order_sn) { /* 订单号不能为空 */ if (trim($from_order_sn) == '' || trim($to_order_sn) == '') { return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_sn_not_null']; } /* 订单号不能相同 */ if ($from_order_sn == $to_order_sn) { return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['two_order_sn_same']; } /* 取得订单信息 */ $from_order = order_info(0, $from_order_sn); $to_order = order_info(0, $to_order_sn); /* 检查订单是否存在 */ if (!$from_order) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_not_exist'], $from_order_sn); } elseif (!$to_order) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_not_exist'], $to_order_sn); } /* 检查合并的订单是否为普通订单,非普通订单不允许合并 */ if ($from_order['extension_code'] != '' || $to_order['extension_code'] != 0) { return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['merge_invalid_order']; } /* 检查订单状态是否是已确认或未确认、未付款、未发货 */ if ($from_order['order_status'] != OS_UNCONFIRMED && $from_order['order_status'] != OS_CONFIRMED) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['os_not_unconfirmed_or_confirmed'], $from_order_sn); } elseif ($from_order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ps_not_unpayed'], $from_order_sn); } elseif ($from_order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ss_not_unshipped'], $from_order_sn); } if ($to_order['order_status'] != OS_UNCONFIRMED && $to_order['order_status'] != OS_CONFIRMED) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['os_not_unconfirmed_or_confirmed'], $to_order_sn); } elseif ($to_order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ps_not_unpayed'], $to_order_sn); } elseif ($to_order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED) { return sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['ss_not_unshipped'], $to_order_sn); } /* 检查订单用户是否相同 */ if ($from_order['user_id'] != $to_order['user_id']) { return $GLOBALS['_LANG']['order_user_not_same']; } /* 合并订单 */ $order = $to_order; $order['order_id'] = ''; $order['add_time'] = gmtime(); // 合并商品总额 $order['goods_amount'] += $from_order['goods_amount']; // 合并折扣 $order['discount'] += $from_order['discount']; if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0) { // 重新计算配送费用 $weight_price = order_weight_price($to_order['order_id']); $from_weight_price = order_weight_price($from_order['order_id']); $weight_price['weight'] += $from_weight_price['weight']; $weight_price['amount'] += $from_weight_price['amount']; $weight_price['number'] += $from_weight_price['number']; $region_id_list = array($order['country'], $order['province'], $order['city'], $order['district']); $shipping_area = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $region_id_list); $order['shipping_fee'] = shipping_fee($shipping_area['shipping_code'], unserialize($shipping_area['configure']), $weight_price['weight'], $weight_price['amount'], $weight_price['number']); // 如果保价了,重新计算保价费 if ($order['insure_fee'] > 0) { $order['insure_fee'] = shipping_insure_fee($shipping_area['shipping_code'], $order['goods_amount'], $shipping_area['insure']); } } // 重新计算包装费、贺卡费 if ($order['pack_id'] > 0) { $pack = pack_info($order['pack_id']); $order['pack_fee'] = $pack['free_money'] > $order['goods_amount'] ? $pack['pack_fee'] : 0; } if ($order['card_id'] > 0) { $card = card_info($order['card_id']); $order['card_fee'] = $card['free_money'] > $order['goods_amount'] ? $card['card_fee'] : 0; } // 红包不变,合并积分、余额、已付款金额 $order['integral'] += $from_order['integral']; $order['integral_money'] = value_of_integral($order['integral']); $order['surplus'] += $from_order['surplus']; $order['money_paid'] += $from_order['money_paid']; // 计算应付款金额(不包括支付费用) $order['order_amount'] = $order['goods_amount'] - $order['discount'] + $order['shipping_fee'] + $order['insure_fee'] + $order['pack_fee'] + $order['card_fee'] - $order['bonus'] - $order['integral_money'] - $order['surplus'] - $order['money_paid']; // 重新计算支付费 if ($order['pay_id'] > 0) { // 货到付款手续费 $cod_fee = $shipping_area ? $shipping_area['pay_fee'] : 0; $order['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $order['order_amount'], $cod_fee); // 应付款金额加上支付费 $order['order_amount'] += $order['pay_fee']; } /* 插入订单表 */ do { $order['order_sn'] = get_order_sn(); if ($GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute($GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info'), addslashes_deep($order), 'INSERT')) { break; } else { if ($GLOBALS['db']->errno() != 1062) { die($GLOBALS['db']->errorMsg()); } } } while (true); // 防止订单号重复 /* 订单号 */ $order_id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id(); /* 更新订单商品 */ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') . " SET order_id = '{$order_id}' " . "WHERE order_id " . db_create_in(array($from_order['order_id'], $to_order['order_id'])); $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_clips.php'; /* 插入支付日志 */ insert_pay_log($order_id, $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER); /* 删除原订单 */ $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " WHERE order_id " . db_create_in(array($from_order['order_id'], $to_order['order_id'])); $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); /* 删除原订单支付日志 */ $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('pay_log') . " WHERE order_id " . db_create_in(array($from_order['order_id'], $to_order['order_id'])); $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); /* 返还 from_order 的红包,因为只使用 to_order 的红包 */ if ($from_order['bonus_id'] > 0) { unuse_bonus($from_order['bonus_id']); } /* 返回成功 */ return true; }
$db->query($sql); } // 更新会员余额数量 if ($is_paid == 1) { $change_desc = $amount > 0 ? $_LANG['surplus_type_0'] : $_LANG['surplus_type_1']; $change_type = $amount > 0 ? ACT_SAVING : ACT_DRAWING; log_account_change($user_id, $amount, 0, 0, 0, $change_desc, $change_type); } //如果是预付款并且未确认,向pay_log插入一条记录 if ($process_type == 0 && $is_paid == 0) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php'; /* 取支付方式信息 */ $payment_info = array(); $payment_info = $db->getRow('SELECT * FROM ' . $ecs->table('payment') . " WHERE pay_name = '{$payment}' AND enabled = '1'"); //计算支付手续费用 $pay_fee = pay_fee($payment_info['pay_id'], $amount, 0); $total_fee = $pay_fee + $amount; /* 插入 pay_log */ $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $ecs->table('pay_log') . " (order_id, order_amount, order_type, is_paid)" . " VALUES ('{$id}', '{$total_fee}', '" . PAY_SURPLUS . "', 0)"; $db->query($sql); } /* 记录管理员操作 */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'update') { admin_log($user_name, 'edit', 'user_surplus'); } else { admin_log($user_name, 'add', 'user_surplus'); } /* 提示信息 */ if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'insert') { $href = 'user_account.php?act=list'; } else {
/* 取得订单信息 */ $order = order_info($order_id); /* 判断订单是否有效:余额支付金额 + 已付款金额 >= 保证金 */ if ($order['surplus'] + $order['money_paid'] >= $group_buy['deposit']) { /* 有效,设为已确认,更新订单 */ // 更新商品总额 $order['goods_amount'] = $goods_amount; // 如果保价,重新计算保价费用 if ($order['insure_fee'] > 0) { $shipping = shipping_info($order['shipping_id']); $order['insure_fee'] = shipping_insure_fee($shipping['shipping_code'], $goods_amount, $shipping['insure']); } // 重算支付费用 $order['order_amount'] = $order['goods_amount'] + $order['shipping_fee'] + $order['insure_fee'] + $order['pack_fee'] + $order['card_fee'] - $order['money_paid'] - $order['surplus']; if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $order['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $order['order_amount']); } else { $order['pay_fee'] = 0; } // 计算应付款金额 $order['order_amount'] += $order['pay_fee']; // 计算付款状态 if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $order['pay_status'] = PS_UNPAYED; $order['pay_time'] = 0; } else { $order['pay_status'] = PS_PAYED; $order['pay_time'] = gmtime(); } // 如果需要退款,退到帐户余额 if ($order['order_amount'] < 0) {
/** * 更换支付方式 */ public function change_payment() { if ($_POST) { // 接收数据 $payment_id = intval($_POST['payment']); $order_sn = $_POST['order_sn']; if ($order_sn) { // 订单信息 $order_info = model('Order')->order_info(0, $order_sn); $payment_id = $payment_id ? $payment_id : $order_info['pay_id']; // 支付信息 $payment_info = model('Order')->payment_info($payment_id); // 用户不对应 if ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $order_info['user_id']) { show_message('请选择对应的订单', '订单列表', url('user/order_list')); exit; } $amount = $order_info['order_amount'] - $order_info['pay_fee']; $pay_fee = pay_fee($payment_id, $amount, 0); /* 如果全部使用余额支付,检查余额是否足够 */ if ($payment_info['pay_code'] == 'balance' && $order_info['order_amount'] > 0) { //用户信息 $user_info = model('Order')->user_info($_SESSION['user_id']); if ($order_info['order_amount'] > $user_info['user_money'] + $user_info['credit_line']) { show_message(L('balance_not_enough')); } else { $order['surplus'] = $order_info['order_amount']; $order['order_amount'] = 0; } /* 如果订单金额为0(使用余额或积分或红包支付),修改订单状态为已确认、已付款 */ if ($order['order_amount'] <= 0) { $order['order_status'] = OS_CONFIRMED; $order['confirm_time'] = gmtime(); $order['pay_status'] = PS_PAYED; $order['pay_time'] = gmtime(); $order['order_amount'] = 0; } /* 处理余额 */ if ($order_info['user_id'] > 0 && $order['surplus'] > 0) { model('ClipsBase')->log_account_change($order_info['user_id'], $order['surplus'] * -1, 0, 0, 0, sprintf(L('pay_order'), $order_info['order_sn'])); } $data['pay_id'] = $payment_info['pay_id']; $data['pay_name'] = $payment_info['pay_name']; $data['pay_fee'] = $pay_fee; $data['surplus'] = $order['surplus']; $data['order_amount'] = $order['order_amount']; $data['order_status'] = $order['order_status']; $data['confirm_time'] = $order['confirm_time']; $data['pay_status'] = $order['pay_status']; $data['pay_time'] = $order['pay_time']; $this->model->table('order_info')->data($data)->where('order_id = ' . $order_info['order_id'])->update(); $info['order_amount'] = $order['order_amount']; $this->model->table('pay_log')->data($info)->where('order_id = ' . $order_info['order_id'])->update(); $this->alert('支付成功', url('user/order_list')); } else { // 最新总额 $order_amount = $amount + $pay_fee; $data_order['pay_id'] = $payment_id; $data_order['pay_name'] = $payment_info['pay_name']; $data_order['pay_fee'] = $pay_fee; $data_order['order_amount'] = $order_amount; $this->model->table('order_info')->data($data_order)->where('order_id = ' . $order_info['order_id'])->update(); $data_pay['order_amount'] = $order_amount; $this->model->table('pay_log')->data($data_pay)->where('order_id = ' . $order_info['order_id'])->update(); /* 调用相应的支付方式文件 */ include_once ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/payment/' . $payment_info['pay_code'] . '.php'; /* 取得在线支付方式的支付链接,直接跳转 */ $pay_obj = new $payment_info['pay_code'](); $pay_code = $pay_obj->get_code($order_info, $payment_info); if (empty($pay_code)) { $this->redirect('user/order_list'); exit; } echo $pay_code; } exit; } else { show_message('请重新选择支付方式', '订单列表', url('user/order_list')); } } else { $this->redirect(url('flow/index')); } }
public function pay_recharge() { if(isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $code = isset($_POST['code']) && trim($_POST['code']) ? trim($_POST['code']) : showmessage(L('input_code'), HTTP_REFERER); if ($_SESSION['code'] != strtolower($code)) { showmessage(L('code_error'), HTTP_REFERER); } $pay_id = $_POST['pay_type']; if(!$pay_id) showmessage(L('illegal_pay_method')); $payment = $this->handle->get_payment($pay_id); $cfg = unserialize_config($payment['config']); $pay_name = ucwords($payment['pay_code']); if(!param::get_cookie('trade_sn')) {showmessage(L('illegal_creat_sn'));} $trade_sn = param::get_cookie('trade_sn'); $usernote = $_POST['info']['usernote'] ? $_POST['info']['name'].'['.$trade_sn.']'.'-'.new_html_special_chars(trim($_POST['info']['usernote'])) : $_POST['info']['name'].'['.$trade_sn.']'; $surplus = array( 'userid' => $this->_userid, 'username' => $this->_username, 'money' => trim(floatval($_POST['info']['price'])), 'quantity' => $_POST['quantity'] ? trim(intval($_POST['quantity'])) : 1, 'telephone' => trim($_POST['info']['telephone']), 'contactname' => $_POST['info']['name'] ? trim($_POST['info']['name']).L('recharge') : $this->_username.L('recharge'), 'email' => trim($_POST['info']['email']), 'addtime' => SYS_TIME, 'ip' => ip(), 'pay_type' => 'recharge', 'pay_id' => $payment['pay_id'], 'payment' => trim($payment['pay_name']), 'ispay' => '1', 'usernote' => $usernote, 'trade_sn' => $trade_sn, ); $recordid = $this->handle->set_record($surplus); $factory_info = $this->handle->get_record($recordid); if(!$factory_info) showmessage(L('order_closed_or_finish')); $pay_fee = pay_fee($factory_info['money'],$payment['pay_fee'],$payment['pay_method']); $logistics_fee = $factory_info['logistics_fee']; $discount = $factory_info['discount']; // calculate amount $factory_info['price'] = $factory_info['money'] + $pay_fee + $logistics_fee + $discount; // add order info $order_info['id'] = $factory_info['trade_sn']; $order_info['quantity'] = $factory_info['quantity']; $order_info['buyer_email'] = $factory_info['email']; $order_info['order_time'] = $factory_info['addtime']; //add product info $product_info['name'] = $factory_info['contactname']; $product_info['body'] = $factory_info['usernote']; $product_info['price'] = $factory_info['price']; //add set_customerinfo $customerinfo['telephone'] = $factory_info['telephone']; if($payment['is_online'] === '1') { pc_base::load_app_class('pay_factory','',0); $payment_handler = new pay_factory($pay_name, $cfg); $payment_handler->set_productinfo($product_info)->set_orderinfo($order_info)->set_customerinfo($customer_info); $code = $payment_handler->get_code('value="'.L('confirm_pay').'" class="button"'); } else { $this->account_db->update(array('status'=>'waitting','pay_type'=>'offline'),array('id'=>$recordid)); $code = '<div class="point">'.L('pay_tip').'</div>'; } } include template('pay', 'payment_cofirm'); }
/** * 对会员余额申请的处理 */ public function act_account() { $amount = isset($_POST['amount']) ? floatval($_POST['amount']) : 0; if ($amount <= 0) { show_message($_LANG['amount_gt_zero']); } /* 变量初始化 */ $surplus = array('user_id' => $this->user_id, 'rec_id' => !empty($_POST['rec_id']) ? intval($_POST['rec_id']) : 0, 'process_type' => isset($_POST['surplus_type']) ? intval($_POST['surplus_type']) : 0, 'payment_id' => isset($_POST['payment_id']) ? intval($_POST['payment_id']) : 0, 'user_note' => isset($_POST['user_note']) ? trim($_POST['user_note']) : '', 'amount' => $amount); /* 退款申请的处理 */ if ($surplus['process_type'] == 1) { /* 判断是否有足够的余额的进行退款的操作 */ $sur_amount = model('ClipsBase')->get_user_surplus($this->user_id); if ($amount > $sur_amount) { $content = L('surplus_amount_error'); show_message($content, L('back_page_up'), '', 'info'); } //插入会员账目明细 $amount = '-' . $amount; $surplus['payment'] = ''; $surplus['rec_id'] = model('ClipsBase')->insert_user_account($surplus, $amount); /* 如果成功提交 */ if ($surplus['rec_id'] > 0) { $content = L('surplus_appl_submit'); show_message($content, L('back_account_log'), url('sale/account_log'), 'info'); } else { $content = $L('process_false'); show_message($content, L('back_page_up'), '', 'info'); } } else { if ($surplus['payment_id'] <= 0) { show_message(L('select_payment_pls')); } //获取支付方式名称 $payment_info = array(); $payment_info = model('Order')->payment_info($surplus['payment_id']); $surplus['payment'] = $payment_info['pay_name']; if ($surplus['rec_id'] > 0) { //更新会员账目明细 $surplus['rec_id'] = model('ClipsBase')->update_user_account($surplus); } else { //插入会员账目明细 $surplus['rec_id'] = model('ClipsBase')->insert_user_account($surplus, $amount); } //取得支付信息,生成支付代码 $payment = unserialize_config($payment_info['pay_config']); //生成伪订单号, 不足的时候补0 $order = array(); $order['order_sn'] = $surplus['rec_id']; $order['user_name'] = $_SESSION['user_name']; $order['surplus_amount'] = $amount; //计算支付手续费用 $payment_info['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($surplus['payment_id'], $order['surplus_amount'], 0); //计算此次预付款需要支付的总金额 $order['order_amount'] = $amount + $payment_info['pay_fee']; //记录支付log $order['log_id'] = model('ClipsBase')->insert_pay_log($surplus['rec_id'], $order['order_amount'], $type = PAY_SURPLUS, 0); /* 调用相应的支付方式文件 */ include_once ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/payment/' . $payment_info['pay_code'] . '.php'; /* 取得在线支付方式的支付按钮 */ $pay_obj = new $payment_info['pay_code'](); $payment_info['pay_button'] = $pay_obj->get_code($order, $payment); /* 模板赋值 */ $this->assign('payment', $payment_info); $this->assign('pay_fee', price_format($payment_info['pay_fee'], false)); $this->assign('amount', price_format($amount, false)); $this->assign('order', $order); $this->display('sale_act_account.dwt'); } }
/** * 添加/编辑预售活动的提交 */ function action_insert_update() { $user = $GLOBALS['user']; $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG']; $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG']; $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty']; $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; /* 取得预售活动id */ $pre_sale_id = intval($_POST['act_id']); if (isset($_POST['finish']) || isset($_POST['succeed']) || isset($_POST['fail']) || isset($_POST['mail'])) { if ($pre_sale_id <= 0) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_pre_sale'], 1); } $pre_sale = pre_sale_info($pre_sale_id); if (empty($pre_sale)) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_pre_sale'], 1); } } if (isset($_POST['finish'])) { /* 设置活动结束 */ /* 判断活动状态 */ if ($pre_sale['status'] != PSS_UNDER_WAY) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_status'], 1); // 此处怀疑是如果活动进行中突然要结束掉,应该抛出禁止的页面,貌似去掉了,所以程序继续执行 } /* 结束预售活动,修改结束时间为当前时间 */ $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods_activity') . " SET end_time = '" . gmtime() . "' " . "WHERE act_id = '{$pre_sale_id}' LIMIT 1"; $db->query($sql); /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); /* 提示信息 */ $links = array(array('href' => 'pre_sale.php?act=list', 'text' => $_LANG['back_list'])); sys_msg($_LANG['edit_success'], 0, $links); } elseif (isset($_POST['succeed'])) { /* 设置活动成功 */ /* 判断订单状态 */ if ($pre_sale['status'] != PSS_FINISHED) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_status'], 1); } /* 如果有订单,更新订单信息 */ if ($pre_sale['total_order'] > 0) { /* 查找该预售活动的已确认或未确认订单(已取消的就不管了) */ $sql = "SELECT order_id " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE extension_code = '" . PRE_SALE_CODE . "' " . "AND extension_id = '{$pre_sale_id}' " . "AND (order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' or order_status = '" . OS_UNCONFIRMED . "')"; $order_id_list = $db->getCol($sql); /* 更新订单商品价 */ $final_price = $pre_sale['trans_price']; $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('order_goods') . " SET goods_price = '{$final_price}' " . "WHERE order_id " . db_create_in($order_id_list); $db->query($sql); /* 查询订单商品总额 */ $sql = "SELECT order_id, SUM(goods_number * goods_price) AS goods_amount " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('order_goods') . " WHERE order_id " . db_create_in($order_id_list) . " GROUP BY order_id"; $res = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) { $order_id = $row['order_id']; $goods_amount = floatval($row['goods_amount']); /* 取得订单信息 */ $order = order_info($order_id); /* 判断订单是否有效:余额支付金额 + 已付款金额 >= 保证金 */ if ($order['surplus'] + $order['money_paid'] >= $pre_sale['deposit']) { /* 有效,设为已确认,更新订单 */ // 更新商品总额 $order['goods_amount'] = $goods_amount; // 如果保价,重新计算保价费用 if ($order['insure_fee'] > 0) { $shipping = shipping_info($order['shipping_id']); $order['insure_fee'] = shipping_insure_fee($shipping['shipping_code'], $goods_amount, $shipping['insure']); } // 重算支付费用 $order['order_amount'] = $order['goods_amount'] + $order['shipping_fee'] + $order['insure_fee'] + $order['pack_fee'] + $order['card_fee'] - $order['money_paid'] - $order['surplus']; if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $order['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $order['order_amount']); } else { $order['pay_fee'] = 0; } // 计算应付款金额 $order['order_amount'] += $order['pay_fee']; // 计算付款状态 if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $order['pay_status'] = PS_UNPAYED; $order['pay_time'] = 0; } else { $order['pay_status'] = PS_PAYED; $order['pay_time'] = gmtime(); } // 如果需要退款,退到帐户余额 if ($order['order_amount'] < 0) { // todo (现在手工退款) } // 订单状态 $order['order_status'] = OS_CONFIRMED; $order['confirm_time'] = gmtime(); // 更新订单 $order = addslashes_deep($order); update_order($order_id, $order); } else { /* 无效,取消订单,退回已付款 */ // 修改订单状态为已取消,付款状态为未付款 $order['order_status'] = OS_CANCELED; $order['to_buyer'] = $_LANG['cancel_order_reason']; $order['pay_status'] = PS_UNPAYED; $order['pay_time'] = 0; /* 如果使用余额或有已付款金额,退回帐户余额 */ $money = $order['surplus'] + $order['money_paid']; if ($money > 0) { $order['surplus'] = 0; $order['money_paid'] = 0; $order['order_amount'] = $money; // 退款到帐户余额 order_refund($order, 1, $_LANG['cancel_order_reason'] . ':' . $order['order_sn']); } /* 更新订单 */ $order = addslashes_deep($order); update_order($order['order_id'], $order); } } } /* 修改预售活动状态为成功 */ $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods_activity') . " SET is_finished = '" . PSS_SUCCEED . "' " . "WHERE act_id = '{$pre_sale_id}' LIMIT 1"; $db->query($sql); /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); /* 提示信息 */ $links = array(array('href' => 'pre_sale.php?act=list', 'text' => $_LANG['back_list'])); sys_msg($_LANG['edit_success'], 0, $links); } elseif (isset($_POST['fail'])) { /* 设置活动失败 */ /* 判断订单状态 */ if ($pre_sale['status'] != PSS_FINISHED) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_status'], 1); } /* 如果有有效订单,取消订单 */ if ($pre_sale['valid_order'] > 0) { /* 查找未确认或已确认的订单 */ $sql = "SELECT * " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE extension_code = '" . PRE_SALE_CODE . "' " . "AND extension_id = '{$pre_sale_id}' " . "AND (order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' OR order_status = '" . OS_UNCONFIRMED . "') "; $res = $db->query($sql); while ($order = $db->fetchRow($res)) { // 修改订单状态为已取消,付款状态为未付款 $order['order_status'] = OS_CANCELED; $order['to_buyer'] = $_LANG['cancel_order_reason']; $order['pay_status'] = PS_UNPAYED; $order['pay_time'] = 0; /* 如果使用余额或有已付款金额,退回帐户余额 */ $money = $order['surplus'] + $order['money_paid']; if ($money > 0) { $order['surplus'] = 0; $order['money_paid'] = 0; $order['order_amount'] = $money; // 退款到帐户余额 order_refund($order, 1, $_LANG['cancel_order_reason'] . ':' . $order['order_sn'], $money); } /* 更新订单 */ $order = addslashes_deep($order); update_order($order['order_id'], $order); } } /* 修改预售活动状态为失败,记录失败原因(活动说明) */ $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods_activity') . " SET is_finished = '" . PSS_FAIL . "', " . "act_desc = '{$_POST['act_desc']}' " . "WHERE act_id = '{$pre_sale_id}' LIMIT 1"; $db->query($sql); /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); /* 提示信息 */ $links = array(array('href' => 'pre_sale.php?act=list', 'text' => $_LANG['back_list'])); sys_msg($_LANG['edit_success'], 0, $links); } elseif (isset($_POST['mail'])) { /* 发送通知邮件 */ /* 判断订单状态 */ if ($pre_sale['status'] != PSS_SUCCEED) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_status'], 1); } /* 取得邮件模板 */ $tpl = get_mail_template('pre_sale'); /* 初始化订单数和成功发送邮件数 */ $count = 0; $send_count = 0; /* 取得有效订单 */ $sql = "SELECT o.consignee, o.add_time, g.goods_number, o.order_sn, " . "o.order_amount, o.order_id, o.email " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " AS o, " . $ecs->table('order_goods') . " AS g " . "WHERE o.order_id = g.order_id " . "AND o.extension_code = '" . PRE_SALE_CODE . "' " . "AND o.extension_id = '{$pre_sale_id}' " . "AND o.order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "'"; $res = $db->query($sql); while ($order = $db->fetchRow($res)) { /* 邮件模板赋值 */ $smarty->assign('consignee', $order['consignee']); $smarty->assign('add_time', local_date($_CFG['time_format'], $order['add_time'])); $smarty->assign('goods_name', $pre_sale['goods_name']); $smarty->assign('goods_number', $order['goods_number']); $smarty->assign('order_sn', $order['order_sn']); $smarty->assign('order_amount', price_format($order['order_amount'])); $smarty->assign('shop_url', $ecs->url() . 'user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order['order_id']); $smarty->assign('shop_name', $_CFG['shop_name']); $smarty->assign('send_date', local_date($_CFG['date_format'])); /* 取得模板内容,发邮件 */ $content = $smarty->fetch('str:' . $tpl['template_content']); if (send_mail($order['consignee'], $order['email'], $tpl['template_subject'], $content, $tpl['is_html'])) { $send_count++; } $count++; } /* 提示信息 */ sys_msg(sprintf($_LANG['mail_result'], $count, $send_count)); } else { /* 保存预售信息 */ $goods_id = intval($_POST['goods_id']); if ($goods_id <= 0) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_goods_null']); } $info = goods_pre_sale($goods_id); if ($info && $info['act_id'] != $pre_sale_id) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_goods_exist']); } $goods_name = $db->getOne("SELECT goods_name FROM " . $ecs->table('goods') . " WHERE goods_id = '{$goods_id}'"); $act_name = empty($_POST['act_name']) ? $goods_name : sub_str($_POST['act_name'], 0, 255, false); // 预售价格 $sale_price = floatval($_POST['sale_price']); if ($sale_price < 0) { $sale_price = 0; } // 定金 $deposit = floatval($_POST['deposit']); if ($deposit < 0) { $deposit = 0; } // 限购数量 $restrict_amount = intval($_POST['restrict_amount']); if ($restrict_amount < 0) { $restrict_amount = 0; } // 赠送积分 $gift_integral = intval($_POST['gift_integral']); if ($gift_integral < 0) { $gift_integral = 0; } $price_ladder = array(); $count = count($_POST['ladder_amount']); for ($i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { /* 如果数量小于等于0,不要 */ $amount = intval($_POST['ladder_amount'][$i]); if ($amount <= 0) { continue; } /* 如果价格小于等于0,不要 */ $price = round(floatval($_POST['ladder_price'][$i]), 2); if ($price <= 0) { continue; } /* 加入价格阶梯 */ $price_ladder[$amount] = array('amount' => $amount, 'price' => $price); } if (count($price_ladder) < 1) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_price_ladder']); } /* 限购数量不能小于价格阶梯中的最大数量 */ $amount_list = array_keys($price_ladder); if ($restrict_amount > 0 && max($amount_list) > $restrict_amount) { sys_msg($_LANG['error_restrict_amount']); } ksort($price_ladder); $price_ladder = array_values($price_ladder); /* 检查开始时间和结束时间是否合理 */ $start_time = local_strtotime($_POST['start_time']); $end_time = local_strtotime($_POST['end_time']); if ($start_time >= $end_time) { // $_LANG['invalid_time'] sys_msg('您输入了一个无效的时间,活动结束时间不能早于活动开始时间!'); } if ($deposit > 0) { $retainage_start = local_strtotime($_POST['retainage_start']); $retainage_end = local_strtotime($_POST['retainage_end']); /* 检查活动结束时间和尾款开始支付时间是否合理 */ if ($end_time >= $retainage_start) { // $_LANG['invalid_time'] sys_msg('您输入了一个无效的时间,尾款开始支付时间不能早于活动结束时间!'); } /* 检查尾款支付开始时间和结束时间是否合理 */ if ($retainage_start >= $retainage_end) { // $_LANG['invalid_time'] sys_msg('您输入了一个无效的时间,尾款结束支付时间不能早于尾款开始支付时间!'); } } else { $retainage_start = ''; $retainage_end = ''; } // 预计发货时间描述 $deliver_goods = $_POST['deliver_goods']; $pre_sale = array('act_name' => $act_name, 'act_desc' => $_POST['act_desc'], 'act_type' => GAT_PRE_SALE, 'goods_id' => $goods_id, 'goods_name' => $goods_name, 'start_time' => $start_time, 'end_time' => $end_time, 'ext_info' => serialize(array('sale_price' => $sale_price, 'retainage_start' => $retainage_start, 'retainage_end' => $retainage_end, 'price_ladder' => $price_ladder, 'restrict_amount' => $restrict_amount, 'gift_integral' => $gift_integral, 'deposit' => $deposit, 'deliver_goods' => $deliver_goods))); // 开始发货时间描述 /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); /* 保存数据 */ if ($pre_sale_id > 0) { /* update */ $db->autoExecute($ecs->table('goods_activity'), $pre_sale, 'UPDATE', "act_id = '{$pre_sale_id}'"); /* log */ admin_log(addslashes($goods_name) . '[' . $pre_sale_id . ']', 'edit', 'pre_sale'); /* todo 更新活动表 */ /* 提示信息 */ $links = array(array('href' => 'pre_sale.php?act=list&' . list_link_postfix(), 'text' => $_LANG['back_list'])); sys_msg($_LANG['edit_success'], 0, $links); } else { /* insert */ $db->autoExecute($ecs->table('goods_activity'), $pre_sale, 'INSERT'); /* log */ admin_log(addslashes($goods_name), 'add', 'pre_sale'); /* 提示信息 */ $links = array(array('href' => 'pre_sale.php?act=add', 'text' => $_LANG['continue_add']), array('href' => 'pre_sale.php?act=list', 'text' => $_LANG['back_list'])); sys_msg($_LANG['add_success'], 0, $links); } } }
if ($surplus['rec_id'] > 0) { //更新会员账目明细 $surplus['rec_id'] = update_user_account($surplus); } else { //插入会员账目明细 $surplus['rec_id'] = insert_user_account($surplus, $amount); } //取得支付信息,生成支付代码 $payment = unserialize_config($payment_info['pay_config']); //生成伪订单号, 不足的时候补0 $order = array(); $order['order_sn'] = $surplus['rec_id']; $order['user_name'] = $_SESSION['user_name']; $order['surplus_amount'] = $amount; //计算支付手续费用 $payment_info['pay_fee'] = pay_fee($surplus['payment_id'], $order['surplus_amount'], 0); //计算此次预付款需要支付的总金额 $order['order_amount'] = $amount + $payment_info['pay_fee']; //记录支付log $order['log_id'] = insert_pay_log($surplus['rec_id'], $order['order_amount'], $type = PAY_SURPLUS, 0); /* 调用相应的支付方式文件 */ include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/modules/payment/' . $payment_info['pay_code'] . '.php'; /* 取得在线支付方式的支付按钮 */ $pay_obj = new $payment_info['pay_code'](); $payment_info['pay_button'] = $pay_obj->get_code($order, $payment, '08'); /* 模板赋值 */ $smarty->assign('payment', $payment_info); $smarty->assign('pay_fee', price_format($payment_info['pay_fee'], false)); $smarty->assign('amount', price_format($amount, false)); $smarty->assign('order', $order); $smarty->assign('act', 'act_account');
function action_act_edit_payment() { $user = $GLOBALS['user']; $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG']; $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG']; $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty']; $db = $GLOBALS['db']; $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs']; $user_id = $GLOBALS['user_id']; /* 检查是否登录 */ if($_SESSION['user_id'] <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit(); } /* 检查支付方式 */ $pay_id = intval($_POST['pay_id']); if($pay_id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit(); } include_once (ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php'); $payment_info = payment_info($pay_id); if(empty($payment_info)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit(); } /* 检查订单号 */ $order_id = intval($_POST['order_id']); if($order_id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit(); } /* 取得订单 */ $order = order_info($order_id); if(empty($order)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit(); } /* 检查订单用户跟当前用户是否一致 */ if($_SESSION['user_id'] != $order['user_id']) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit(); } /* 检查订单是否未付款和未发货 以及订单金额是否为0 和支付id是否为改变 */ if($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED || $order['shipping_status'] != SS_UNSHIPPED || $order['goods_amount'] <= 0 || $order['pay_id'] == $pay_id) { ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=$order_id\n"); exit(); } $order_amount = $order['order_amount'] - $order['pay_fee']; $pay_fee = pay_fee($pay_id, $order_amount); $order_amount += $pay_fee; $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " SET pay_id='$pay_id', pay_name='$payment_info[pay_name]', pay_fee='$pay_fee', order_amount='$order_amount'" . " WHERE order_id = '$order_id'"; $db->query($sql); /* 跳转 */ ecs_header("Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=$order_id\n"); exit(); }
} /* 修改订单,重新计算支付费用 */ $order['surplus'] += $surplus; $order['order_amount'] -= $surplus; if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $cod_fee = 0; if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0) { $regions = array($order['country'], $order['province'], $order['city'], $order['district']); $shipping = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $regions); if ($shipping['support_cod'] == '1') { $cod_fee = $shipping['pay_fee']; } } $pay_fee = 0; if ($order['pay_id'] > 0) { $pay_fee = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $order['order_amount'], $cod_fee); } $order['pay_fee'] = $pay_fee; $order['order_amount'] += $pay_fee; } /* 如果全部支付,设为已确认、已付款 */ if ($order['order_amount'] == 0) { if ($order['order_status'] == OS_UNCONFIRMED) { $order['order_status'] = OS_CONFIRMED; $order['confirm_time'] = gmtime(); } $order['pay_status'] = PS_PAYED; $order['pay_time'] = gmtime(); } $order = addslashes_deep($order); update_order($order_id, $order);