function smarty_function_object_to_js($params, &$smarty) { if (!defined("SYS_JAVASCRIPT")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/javascript.php"; } echo "var " . $params['name'] . " = new Array();\n"; if (isset($params['objects']) && count($params['objects']) > 0) { //Write Out DataClass. This is generated from the data object. echo pathos_javascript_class($params['objects'][0], "class_" . $params['name']); //This will load up the data... foreach ($params['objects'] as $object) { echo $params['name'] . ".push(" . pathos_javascript_object($object, "class_" . $params['name']) . ");\n"; //Stuff in a unique id for reference. echo $params['name'] . "[" . $params['name'] . ".length-1].__ID = " . $params['name'] . ".length-1;\n"; } } return ""; }
function controlToHTML($name) { $html = ""; if (!defined("SYS_GEO")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/geo.php"; } $countries = pathos_geo_listCountriesOnly(); $c_dd = new dropdowncontrol($this->country_default, $countries); $c_dd->jsHooks["onChange"] = "geo_rebuildRegions(this,'" . $name . "_region_id'," . ($this->allow_entire_country ? 'true' : 'false') . ");"; if (!defined("GEO_JS_INCLUDED")) { define("GEO_JS_INCLUDED", 1); $html .= "<script language='JavaScript'>function geo_rebuildRegions(c_select,r_id,allow_all) {"; $html .= "\tvar r_select = document.getElementById(r_id);"; $html .= "\twhile (r_select.childNodes.length) r_select.removeChild(r_select.firstChild);"; $html .= "\tvar country = c_select.options[c_select.selectedIndex].value;"; //alert(country); $html .= " if (allow_all) {"; $html .= "\t\tvar o = document.createElement('option');"; $html .= "\t\to.setAttribute('value',0);"; $html .= "\t\to.appendChild(document.createTextNode('[ Entire Country ]'));"; $html .= "\t\tr_select.appendChild(o);"; $html .= "\t}"; $html .= " var count = 0;"; $html .= "\tfor (i = 0; i < geo_regions.length; i++) {"; $html .= "\t\tif (geo_regions[i].var_parent_id == country) {"; $html .= "\t\t\tcount++;"; $html .= "\t\t\tvar o = document.createElement('option');"; $html .= "\t\t\to.setAttribute('value',\tgeo_regions[i].var_id);"; $html .= "\t\t\to.appendChild(document.createTextNode(geo_regions[i].var_name));"; $html .= "\t\t\tr_select.appendChild(o);"; $html .= "\t\t}"; $html .= "\t}"; $html .= "\tif (!allow_all && count == 0) {"; $html .= " \t\tvar o = document.createElement('option');"; $html .= "\t\to.setAttribute('value',0);"; $html .= "\t\to.appendChild(document.createTextNode('[ None Specified ]'));"; $html .= "\t\tr_select.appendChild(o);"; $html .= "\t}"; $html .= "}"; if (!defined("SYS_JAVACSRIPT")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/javascript.php"; } $region = null; $region->parent_id = 0; $region->id = 0; $region->name = ""; $html .= pathos_javascript_class($region, "geoRegion"); $html .= "var geo_regions = new Array();\n"; foreach ($countries as $cid => $cname) { $region = null; $region->parent_id = $cid; foreach (pathos_geo_listRegions($cid) as $rid => $rname) { $region->id = $rid; $region->name = $rname; $html .= "geo_regions.push("; $html .= pathos_javascript_object($region, "geoRegion"); $html .= ");\n"; } } $html .= "</script>\n"; } $regions = pathos_geo_listRegions($this->country_default); if ($this->allow_entire_country) { array_unshift($regions, "[ Entire Country ]"); } elseif ($regions == null) { array_unshift($regions, "[ None Specified ]"); } $r_dd = new dropdowncontrol($this->region_default, $regions); $html .= $c_dd->controlToHTML($name . "_country_id"); $html .= "<br>"; $html .= $r_dd->controlToHTML($name . "_region_id"); return $html; }
function smarty_block_paginate($params, $content, &$smarty) { if ($content) { if (!defined("SYS_JAVASCRIPT")) { require_once BASE . "subsystems/javascript.php"; } ?> <script language="JavaScript"> //Cookie Stuff function getCookieVal(offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } function getCookie(name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i,j) == arg) return getCookieVal(j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function setCookie(name, value) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value); } //End Cookie Stuff. //Class to define new filters function cFilter(name, filterFunc) { //This is the display name = name; //Call back function. Should expect a data object and return a boolean. //True = included; //False = not included this.filterFunc = filterFunc; } //Class to define columns function cColumn(headerText, attribute, overrideFunc, sortFunc, sLink) { //Column Header Text this.headerText = headerText; //Attribut of the data object to display if overrideFunc is null; this.attribute = "var_"+attribute; //Callback Function. Should expect a dataobject and return a string //This will be called for each row and the return data will be displayed. //Use this to put any special data into the the cell. //If this is defined, attribute will be ignored. this.overrideFunc = overrideFunc; this.sortFunc = sortFunc; //This will add an href with a src of link for each item in the column. //The id from the record is appended to the link. this.sLink = sLink || ""; this.ascending = 0; } //This is the main Sorting/Filtering/Paging class var paginate = new function() { this.rowsPerPage = <?php echo isset($params['rowsPerPage']) ? $params['rowsPerPage'] : 20; ?> ; this.tableName = <?php echo isset($params['tableName']) ? '"' . $params['tableName'] . '"' : '"dataTable"'; ?> ; this.currentPage = <?php echo isset($params['currentPage']) ? $params['currentPage'] : '1'; ?> ; this.filterCellName = <?php echo isset($params['filterCellName']) ? '"' . $params['filterCellName'] . '"' : '"filterCell"'; ?> ; this.searchCellName = <?php echo isset($params['searchCellName']) ? '"' . $params['searchCellName'] . '"' : '"searchCell"'; ?> ; this.modulePrefix = <?php echo isset($params['modulePrefix']) ? '"' . $params['modulePrefix'] . '"' : '"default"'; ?> ; = <?php echo "'" . $params['paginateName'] . "';\n"; ?> this.noRecords = '<?php echo isset($params['noRecordsText']) ? $params['noRecordsText'] : "No records found"; ?> '; this.noMatches = '<?php echo isset($params['noMatchesText']) ? $params['noMatchesText'] : "Nothing matched your criteria."; ?> '; this.filteredData = new Array(); this.allData = new Array(); //This will hold the location of each of the controls this.controls = new Array(); //This is an array of cColumn Objects this.columns = new Array(); //This is an array of cFilter Objects. this.filters = new Array(); this.applyFilter = function(sID) { this.filteredData = null; this.filteredData = new Array(); var bInclude = false; var bHit = false; var aFilterArray = new Array(); var any = 1; if (sID == "fromcookie") { var cookieStr = getCookie( + "_filters"); if (cookieStr != null) { any = cookieStr.substr(0,1)=="1"; aFilterArray = cookieStr.substr(2).split(":"); for (var i in aFilterArray) { aFilterArray[i] = aFilterArray[i] == "true"; } } } else { for (var filterKey in this.filters) { aFilterArray[filterKey] = document.getElementById(sID + "_filter" + filterKey).checked; } any = document.getElementById(sID + "_any").checked; } for (var dataKey in this.allData) { bInclude = false; bHaveFilter = false; bHit = true; for (var filterKey in aFilterArray) { if (aFilterArray[filterKey]) { bHaveFilter = true; bHit = this.filters[filterKey].filterFunc(this.allData[dataKey]); if (any) { if (bHit) { bInclude = true; break; } } else { //All if (!bHit) { bInclude = false; break; } else { bInclude = true; } } } } if (bInclude || !bHaveFilter) { this.filteredData.push(this.allData[dataKey]); } } var sortcolumn = getCookie( + "_sortcolumn"); var sortdirection = getCookie( + "_sortdirection"); this.defaultSort(sortcolumn,sortdirection); var sCookie = ""; if (any) { sCookie = "1"; } else { sCookie = "0"; } sCookie += ":" + aFilterArray.join(":"); setCookie( + "_filters",sCookie); this.drawTable(); } this.defaultSort = function(sortcolumn,sortdirection) { if (sortcolumn != null) { this.columns[sortcolumn].ascending = sortdirection; this.sort(sortcolumn,true); } else { for (var key in this.columns) { if (!(this.columns[key].sortFunc != null && this.columns[key].attribute != "")) { this.columns this.sort(key,true); break; } } } } this.sort = function(index,doNotDraw) { for (var data in this.columns) { if (data == index) { if (this.columns[index].ascending == 1) { this.columns[index].ascending = 0; } else { this.columns[index].ascending = 1; } } else { this.columns[data].ascending = -1; } } var asc = this.columns[index].ascending==1?-1:1; setCookie( + "_sortcolumn",index); setCookie( + "_sortdirection",asc); if (this.columns[index].sortFunc != null) { if (this.columns[index].ascending) { this.filteredData.sort(this.columns[index].sortFunc); } else { var sortFunc = this.columns[index].sortFunc; this.filteredData.sort(function(a,b) { return -1*(sortFunc(a,b)); }); } } else { var attr = this.columns[index].attribute; if (attr != "") { this.filteredData.sort(function(a,b) { return (asc)*(a[attr].toLowerCase() > b[attr].toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1); }); } } if (!doNotDraw) this.drawTable(); } this.gotoPage = function(iPage) { setCookie( + "_page",iPage); this.currentPage = parseInt(iPage); this.drawTable(); } this.selectedPage = function(select) { this.gotoPage(parseInt(select.options[select.selectedIndex].value) + 1); } this.drawTable = function() { var ptTable = document.getElementById(this.tableName); if (ptTable == null) return; while (ptTable.rows.length > 0) { ptTable.deleteRow(0); } if (this.currentPage > (Math.floor(this.filteredData.length / this.rowsPerPage) + 1)) { this.currentPage = Math.floor(this.filteredData.length / this.rowsPerPage) + 1; } var startCount = (this.currentPage - 1) * this.rowsPerPage; var endCount = startCount + this.rowsPerPage; if (endCount > this.filteredData.length) endCount = this.filteredData.length; var row = document.createElement("tr"); var cell = document.createElement("td"); var cell_content; row = document.createElement("tr"); for (var data in this.columns) { cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.setAttribute("class","header " + this.modulePrefix + "_header"); cell_content = this.columns[data].headerText; if (this.columns[data].attribute != "" || this.columns[data].sortFunc != null) { cell_content = "<a href='#' onClick='paginate.sort(\""+data+"\"); return false;'>"+this.columns[data].headerText+"</a>"; if (this.columns[data].ascending != -1) { cell_content += " <img id='sortCol_"+data+"' src='<?php echo ICON_RELATIVE; ?> sort"+(this.columns[data].ascending ? "de" : "a")+"scending.png' border='0' />"; } else { cell_content += " <img id='sortCol_"+data+"' src='<?php echo ICON_RELATIVE; ?> blank.gif' border='0' />"; } } cell.innerHTML = cell_content; row.appendChild(cell); } ptTable.appendChild(row); if (this.filteredData.length) { var rowCycle = 0; var rowCounter = 0; for (var dataObject in this.filteredData) { rowCounter++; if ((rowCounter > startCount) && (rowCounter <= (startCount + this.rowsPerPage))) { row = document.createElement("tr"); row.setAttribute("class","row " + ((rowCycle == 0)?"odd":"even") + "_row"); rowCycle = !rowCycle; for (var data in this.columns) { cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.setAttribute("valign","top"); var sText = ""; if (this.columns[data].overrideFunc == undefined) { sText = (this.filteredData[dataObject][this.columns[data].attribute] == undefined)?" ":this.filteredData[dataObject][this.columns[data].attribute]; } else { sText = this.columns[data].overrideFunc(this.filteredData[dataObject]); } if (this.columns[data].sLink != "") { cell.innerHTML = "<a href='" + this.columns[data].sLink + this.filteredData[dataObject]['id'] + "' class='mngmntlink " + this.modulePrefix + "_mngmntlink'>" + sText + "</a>"; } else { cell.innerHTML = sText; } row.appendChild(cell); } ptTable.appendChild(row); } } } else { row = document.createElement("tr"); row.setAttribute("class","row"); cell = document.createElement("td"); cell.setAttribute("style","text-align: center; font-style: italic"); cell.setAttribute("colspan",this.columns.length); if (this.allData.length) { cell.innerHTML = this.noMatches; } else { cell.innerHTML = this.noRecords; } row.appendChild(cell); ptTable.appendChild(row); } for (var key in this.controls) { if (this.filteredData.length) { switch (key.substr(0,3)) { case "pp_": //Page Picker Drop Down var select = document.createElement("select"); select.setAttribute("onChange","paginate.selectedPage(this); return false"); var opt = null; for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor(this.filteredData.length/this.rowsPerPage) + 1; i++) { opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.innerHTML = (i+1); opt.setAttribute("value",i); if (i == this.currentPage-1) opt.setAttribute("selected","true"); select.appendChild(opt); } document.getElementById(key).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(key).appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.controls[key])); document.getElementById(key).appendChild(select); break; case "tp_": //Text based page picker iPad = this.controls[key]; var totalPages = Math.floor(this.filteredData.length/this.rowsPerPage) + 1; var iLeftOverflow = iPad - (this.currentPage-1); var iLeftStart = 1; if (iLeftOverflow < 0) iLeftStart = Math.abs(iLeftOverflow) + 1; var iRightEnd = this.currentPage + iPad; var iRightOverflow = totalPages - iRightEnd; if (iRightOverflow < 0) iRightEnd = totalPages; if (iLeftOverflow > 0) iRightEnd += iLeftOverflow; if (iRightEnd > totalPages) iRightEnd = totalPages; if (iRightOverflow < 0) iLeftStart -= Math.abs(iRightOverflow); if (iLeftStart < 1) iLeftStart = 1; var sOut = ""; if (iLeftStart > 1) { sOut = "<a href='JavaScript:paginate.gotoPage(1);' class='mngmntlink " + this.modulePrefix + "_mngmntlink'><<</a> <a href='JavaScript:paginate.gotoPage(" + ((this.currentPage - (iPad * 2) < 1)?"1":(this.currentPage - (iPad * 2))) + ");' class='mngmntlink " + this.modulePrefix + "_mngmntlink'>...</a> "; } for (var x = iLeftStart; x <= iRightEnd; x++) { if (x != this.currentPage) { sOut += "<a href='JavaScript:paginate.gotoPage(" + x + ");' class='mngmntlink " + this.modulePrefix + "_mngmntlink'>" + x + "</a> "; } else { sOut += "<b>" + x + "</b> "; } } if (iRightEnd < totalPages) { sOut += "<a href='JavaScript:paginate.gotoPage(" + ((this.currentPage + (iPad * 2) > totalPages)?totalPages:(this.currentPage + (iPad * 2))) + ");' class='mngmntlink " + this.modulePrefix + "_mngmntlink'>...</a> <a href='JavaScript:paginate.gotoPage(" + totalPages + ");' class='mngmntlink " + this.modulePrefix + "_mngmntlink'>>></a>"; } document.getElementById(key).innerHTML = sOut; break; case "ps_": var sText = this.controls[key]; var regex = /%cp/ sText = sText.replace(regex,this.currentPage); regex = /%tp/ sText = sText.replace(regex,Math.floor(this.filteredData.length / this.rowsPerPage) + 1); regex = /%sr/ sText = sText.replace(regex,(startCount + 1)); regex = /%er/ sText = sText.replace(regex,endCount); regex = /%tr/ sText = sText.replace(regex,this.filteredData.length); document.getElementById(key).innerHTML = sText; break; default: break; } } } } this.drawPagePicker = function(sText) { var sID = "pp_" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); this.controls[sID] = sText; return "<span id='" + sID + "'></span>"; } this.drawPageTextPicker = function(padding) { if (padding == undefined) padding = 3; var sID = "tp_" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); this.controls[sID] = padding; return "<span id='" + sID + "'></span>"; } this.drawPageStats = function (sText) { //This will return write page location information based on sText; //Keys that will be replaces... // %cp - current page // %tp - total pages // %sr - starting record // %er - ending record // %tr - total records if (sText == "") sText = "On page %cp of %tp viewing records %sr to %er of %tr."; var sID = "ps_" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); this.controls[sID] = sText; return "<span id='" + sID + "'></span>"; } this.drawFilterForm = function() { var sID = "ff_" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); this.controls[sID] = ""; if (this.filters.length) { var aFilterArray = new Array(); var cookieStr = getCookie( + "_filters"); var any = true; if (cookieStr != null) { any = cookieStr.substr(0,1)=="1"; aFilterArray = cookieStr.substr(2).split(":"); for (var i in aFilterArray) { aFilterArray[i] = aFilterArray[i] == "true"; } } var cell = document.createElement("span"); for (key1 in this.filters) { var filter = this.filters[key1]; var cb = document.createElement("input"); cb.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); cb.setAttribute("id", sID + "_filter"+key1); if (aFilterArray[key1]) { cb.setAttribute("checked","true"); } cell.appendChild(cb); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(; cell.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } var radio_any = document.createElement("input"); radio_any.setAttribute("type","radio"); if (any) { radio_any.setAttribute("checked","true"); } radio_any.setAttribute("id",sID + "_any"); radio_any.setAttribute("name", sID + "_match"); var radio_all = document.createElement("input"); radio_all.setAttribute("type","radio"); if (!any) { radio_all.setAttribute("checked","true"); } radio_all.setAttribute("id",sID + "_all"); radio_all.setAttribute("name", sID + "_match"); cell.appendChild(radio_any); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Match Any Criteria")); cell.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); cell.appendChild(radio_all); cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Match All Criteria")); cell.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); var btn = document.createElement("input"); btn.setAttribute("type","button"); btn.setAttribute("value","Filter"); btn.setAttribute("onClick","paginate.applyFilter('" + sID + "'); return false;"); cell.appendChild(btn); return cell.innerHTML; } } this.drawSearchForm = function() { var sID = "sf_" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)); this.controls[sID] = ""; return "<span id='" + sID + "'></span>"; } this.drawForms = function() { this.drawFilterForm(); this.drawSearchForm(); } } <?php if (isset($params['objects']) && count($params['objects']) > 0) { //Write Out DataClass. This is generated from the data object. echo pathos_javascript_class($params['objects'][0], 'paginateDataClass'); ?> var tempObj = new paginateDataClass(); for (var attribute in tempObj) { paginate.columns.push(new cColumn(attribute,attribute,null)); } <?php //This will load up the data... foreach ($params['objects'] as $object) { echo "paginate.allData.push(" . pathos_javascript_object($object, 'paginateDataClass') . ");\r\n"; echo "paginate.allData[paginate.allData.length-1].__ID = paginate.allData.length-1;\r\n"; } echo "paginate.filteredData = paginate.allData;\n"; } echo $content; ?> var page = getCookie( + "_page"); if (page != null) { paginate.currentPage = parseInt(page); } var sortcolumn = getCookie( + "_sortcolumn"); var sortdirection = getCookie( + "_sortdirection"); paginate.applyFilter("fromcookie"); </script> <?php } }
function pathos_javascript_array($array) { $js = "new Array( "; foreach ($array as $val) { if (is_string($val)) { $js .= "'" . str_replace("'", "'", $val) . "',"; } else { if (is_array($val)) { $js .= pathos_javascript_array($val) . ","; } else { if (is_object($val)) { $js .= pathos_javascript_object($val, $var) . ","; } else { $js .= "{$val},"; } } } } return substr($js, 0, -1) . ")"; }
$mod->description = $module->description(); if (isset($container->view) && $container->internal->mod == $moduleclass) { $mod->defaultView = $container->view; } else { $mod->defaultView = DEFAULT_VIEW; } // Get support flags $mod->supportsSources = $module->hasSources() ? 1 : 0; $mod->supportsViews = $module->hasViews() ? 1 : 0; // Get a list of views $mod->views = pathos_template_listModuleViews($moduleclass); natsort($mod->views); if (!$haveclass) { $js_init .= pathos_javascript_class($mod, 'Module'); $js_init .= "var modules = new Array();\r\n"; $js_init .= "var modnames = new Array();\r\n\r\n"; $haveclass = true; } $js_init .= "modules.push(" . pathos_javascript_object($mod, "Module") . ");\r\n"; $js_init .= "modnames.push('" . $moduleclass . "');\r\n"; $mods[$moduleclass] = $module->name(); } $js_init .= "\r\n</script>"; $template->assign('js_init', $js_init); $template->assign('modules', $mods); $template->assign('loc', $loc); $template->assign('back', pathos_flow_get()); $template->output(); } else { echo SITE_403_HTML; }